Chapter 76 Mutated Vine
There are some cobwebs hanging on the glass windows of the room, it seems that the owner has been away for a long time.

The table was covered with fine ash.The only strange thing is that, except for some mottled streaks on the fine gray, like some long bugs have crawled through,
Meow, the owner of this house has been away for so long, how could there be live poultry, I must have missed the taste of chicken soup so much, so I had hallucinations.

Xie Yannan began to practice self-hypnosis, and kept exploring to go deeper into the room.

This farmhouse is a set of three, three bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and the kitchen is built outside the balcony. As for where the toilet is, Xie Yannan couldn't find it.In this wilderness, any place can become a place of reincarnation, and there is no need for such a civilized thing as a toilet.

Xie Yannan paused, as if everything in the room had been looted by others, except for some large furniture, such as beds, cabinets, etc., it seemed that there was nothing he could take away.

goo goo~
There were several more rooster crows in a row, Xie Yannan heard it really clearly this time, it was the rooster crow coming from the basement.

His eyes widened and he almost held his breath completely. Could there be someone living in the basement?Raised chickens, ducks and geese?
Xie Yannan couldn't help swallowing, and groped for the entrance to the basement in the room.Except for the door and windows, the entire room is tightly closed, and it seems that they are all solid, and there is no entrance at all.

Xie Yannan picked up a wooden stick at random, looked here and there, but didn't seem to find any clues.

If there is no entrance, how can the air in the basement be managed, and the sound doesn't sound like it's coming from across the room, it seems like there's a channel directly from the rooster's crowing.

While thinking, he walked to the kitchen on the balcony.

goo goo~
As the voice got closer, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Xie Yannan's mouth.


These people are not stupid, and they have learned a lot from watching TV. It seems that the entrance is under the stove.

Xie Yannan removed the cauldron on the stove, there were a lot of firewood underneath, but the whole stove looked very new, there was no trace of burning, even the firewood was neatly placed inside.

It's just a decoration.Xie Yannan quickly pulled out all the firewood inside, and there was a pot lid at the bottom. When the pot lid was removed, a passage appeared in front of him for a long time.

However, Xie Yannan was a tall boy, and the passage was extremely narrow. He had to curl his arms tightly together to barely fit his body in.

"Cuckoo." Xie Yannan imitated the sound of a chicken, trying to give himself some courage. The basement was too dark and he couldn't see anything clearly, which made him a little guilty.

After all, I just came out of the room and saw those vertical stripes crawling across the tabletop. Could they be snakes?
Tigers and lions were acceptable to him, but he was born with an indescribable fear of snakes. He clenched the stick and ax in his hand and jumped down.

This is solid land, but because there was no light at all, Xie Yannan didn't dare to take a step forward, so he had to call out the flashlight in the system and shoot it slightly at the ground, which made him shiver in fright.

What the hell are the dense vines on the ground?

Xie Yannan pointed a flashlight at it, and these vines were as thick as ropes, and looked alive, but there was no leaf on them.

It's just that it's all static, Xie Yannan didn't think much about it, it's just wild vines.

He stood on tiptoe, shone the flashlight on the ground, and continued to walk forward cautiously. He didn't want to step on these vines, because the patterns on the vines looked too snake-like, and he always felt a little bit in his heart. I can't pass my own test.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except that the chicken crowing was not heard.

This underground space is so big, Xie Yannan couldn't help sighing, there seemed to be a fence in front of him, he couldn't help speeding up his pace, the chicken crowing might be coming from inside.

He kept walking forward avoiding the vines, and every time he took a step, he felt a hissing sound behind him, and turned his head again, as if everything was normal.

The roar sounded like that of the zombie that had just been terminated, and he pointed the flashlight at the vines that he walked by again.

Fuck!The vines have all disappeared, what's wrong with this.

Xie Yannan had no time to react. He only felt that something was tightly wrapped around his legs.

Unlike the way the piranha wraps around, the piranha wraps around the ankle directly.And the vines wrapped around Xie Yannan's thighs directly from the ankles, completely preventing him from using any energy.

He quickly raised the ax and chopped towards the vines at his feet, only to find that these vines were extremely resilient, and the ax had no damage at all.

【Shopping store】

[Gasoline 50l: 300 points]

【Whether to buy】


【System points have been updated, now 18447 points】

Xie Yannan quickly activated the system's lighter, then sprayed gasoline on the wooden stick, and lit the wooden stick.

The vine seemed to smell the burning smoke, and retracted a little, not entwining Xie Yannan's body upwards.

Xie Yannan immediately understood that these vines were either afraid of open flames or the smell of smoke.But he doesn't intend to burn them right now, after all, he hasn't been to the fence, and if there are some poultry, he can go back and beat the teeth.

He continued to hunched down, and the vine seemed to recede a little more.Xie Yannan folded the wooden stick in half, holding one in each of his left and right hands, and then intentionally brought the torch close to the vine, which kept retracting.

So simple?Heh, Xie Yannan smiled, this is completely harmless.

Xie Yannan bent down and moved forward slowly.Although the ground was full of vines, they didn't dare to wrap around Xie Yannan's body anymore, but made a way out, and all the vines followed behind Xie Yannan.

So, the roar of the zombies just before they were killed was to summon these vines?
And these vines were originally wrapped around the table in the room, but they retracted and hid themselves, waiting for themselves, the prey, to come to their door?
After such an analysis, Xie Yannan knew that these vines were mutant vines, and it was incredible that they could still obey the summons of zombies.

He sighed and continued to walk forward cautiously.Looking up from the corner of his head, he realized that not only the ground, but the entire basement was covered with such vines.

The vines on the head were already ready to move, as if they wanted to directly attack Xie Yannan's head.

(End of this chapter)

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