Dare to cook

Chapter 147 Mrs. Song's Fish Soup

Chapter 147 Mrs. Song's Fish Soup
Tang Island Bay.

In the No. [-] competition venue in Area A, the competition is still going on.

At this time, five-sixths of the game has passed,

After the straw mushroom siomai, Yao Yu successively made three dishes: fried bergamot, steamed ribs with garlic vermicelli and red wine seafood risotto.

Those three dishes were also well received by the judges.

When the judges were performing CD-ROM action on the red wine and seafood risotto made by Yao Yu, the referee of this game also announced the last question of the competition - soup.


This is a very broad question with a lot of freedom.

Even if the contestants only have half an hour of cooking time left, they can still choose one of the dishes they are good at from hundreds of alternative dishes for the challenge.

The three players who had been tortured by Yao Yu for most of the game suddenly became energetic.

It's not as good as you for making siu mai.

Cooking bergamot dishes is not as good as you.

The prime rib dish and the main course of red wine risotto are not as fast as you.

Could it be that we will be crushed by you even for making soup?
As the saying goes, don't fight for steamed buns and fight for breath.

The three contestants were hit hard by Yao Yu. At this time, they finally got a dish with a high degree of freedom, and they all had some thoughts of counterattack.

Their mentality is like that of a fledgling apprentice who has the opportunity to compete with the chef in egg fried rice.

Of course, there is nothing to be proud of to tie with the chef in the egg fried rice competition.

But at least, it won't be too ugly to lose like a high-end dish.

As for defeating Yao Yu...

The three players no longer dare to make this delusion.

Yao Yu didn't know what the other three were thinking at the moment.

After he saw the title, the name of a dish immediately flashed in his mind - Mrs. Song's Fish Soup!
Song Sao's Fish Soup is a very famous classic dish.

In culinary competitions, there has always been an unwritten rule, that is, when the judges taste classic famous dishes, they will always give a little bit more points.

Of course, this is under the condition that the dishes are not messed up.

Actually, it's impossible to get this dish right without a cooking time of 40+ minutes.

But Yao Yu is confident that the cooking time of Mrs. Song's Fish Soup can be reduced to half an hour.

Therefore, when Yao Yu made a decision, he began to choose the ingredients for Mrs. Song's Fish Soup without hesitation.

"River fish, bamboo shoots, ham, mushrooms, eggs... Is Yao Yu planning to make Mrs. Song's fish soup?" Zhao Jingxi, who accompanied Lu Chenyu to watch the battle, asked in surprise in the auditorium.

"Would it be a little risky?" Sun Mengke who was sitting on the other side of Lu Chenyu said:
"It's not impossible to use black fish instead of sea bass, and Coprinus comatus instead of shiitake mushrooms to make Mrs. Song's Fish Soup."

"But there is only half an hour left in the game. If Yao Yu's last dish is timed out, then he will lose the advantage he has accumulated before and be eliminated."

Xu Wanrong, who ranked 16 on the Jade Food List, said:

"Since Kuangtu Yu dares to do this, he must be confident."

"Didn't you watch his finals in the Shencheng Division? With his hand speed, he can definitely compress the cooking time of Mrs. Song's Fish Soup to half an hour."

When Sun Mengke heard this, she was also taken aback.

But she was a little puzzled and said:
"I also watched Yao Yu's match in the Shencheng Division Finals. But I couldn't figure out why he didn't use the steamer at that time, but used a gas stove to steam vegetables."

"Chen Yu, you were there right then, do you know why Yao Yu did that?"

Lu Chenyu was slightly startled, nodded slightly and said:
"Yao Yu did that for another reason. As for the reason, it's not convenient for me to say, you can ask him yourself."

Sun Mengke and Xu Wanrong immediately looked at each other.

As soon as they heard this, they understood the meaning of Lu Chenyu's words.

Sun Mengke and Xu Wanrong have also been working hard in the culinary industry for six or seven years, and they have also seen examples of contestants being assassinated during competitions.

But they didn't expect that someone would dare to make small moves in the famous contest.

"Chen Yu, have you found out the cause of that incident? Just tell us directly, we promise not to spread the word randomly." Sun Mengke looked gossip.

Lu Chenyu frowned slightly.

Although Yao Yu told her the results of the Kitchen Association's investigation after returning from Daishan Island.

But all she knew was that Zhou Tai bribed the staff to tamper with the steam box provided to Yao Yu.

As for whether Zhou Tai was caused by Shen Gongpei...

Lu Chenyu never asked this question, and Yao Yu never told her about it.

At this moment, seeing Sun Mengke's expression of wanting to inquire about gossip, Lu Chenyu sighed softly, and said, "Mengmeng, don't inquire about it. I don't know the specific inside story."


on the playing field.

While Lu Chenyu and the others were chatting, Yao Yu had already processed all the ingredients with lightning speed.

Shreds that should be shredded, diced that should be diced, and things that should be descaled and boned are also properly packed.

In front of the stove, Yao Yu marinated the fish, boiled water in a pot, put some shrimp skins into the pot and stir-fried.

Shrimp skin and fish bones are good materials for hanging soup.

After frying the shrimp skin with some water, a lot of protein, iron and calcium, iron, zinc and iodine will be forced out.

At this time, shovel out the shrimp skin, put in the fish bones and fish head and simmer slowly, and a good pot of soup will be cooked in a short time.

When making the soup, put the marinated fish into the shredded green onion and ginger, put it in the steamer and steam for 5 minutes.

at the same time.

Put the shredded bamboo shoots in hot water and scald them.

In addition, you have to take the time to beat three eggs, and beat the egg liquid well for later use.

After the egg liquid is beaten, some marinade needs to be prepared.

When the marinade is ready, the fish placed in the steamer is almost done.

At this time, it is necessary to take the fish out of the steamer, remove the shredded ginger and green onion, and then pour the prepared marinade on the steamed five-mature fish.

After the marinade is poured on the fish, it is necessary to heat the oil in a pot, put the onion and ginger into the pot, and then pour the fish pieces that have been poured in the marinade.

Put the fish in the pot, put in an appropriate amount of rice wine and fry until fragrant, and then pour in the boiled fish bone soup.

Then add shredded ham, shredded bamboo shoots, and diced Coprinus comatus in turn, cover and boil over medium heat.

After the fish soup is boiled, add water starch and egg liquid to thicken it.

Finally, sprinkle some pepper, red pepper, green onion, and a small amount of balsamic vinegar, and then it can be served in a pot.

When Yao Yu was cooking Mrs. Song's fish soup, he was so busy that he never touched the ground.

However, it was precisely because his cooking efficiency was so efficient and precise that Yao Yu was able to make this fish soup well when the countdown just entered the game.

After the fish soup was ready, a strong aroma filled the entire competition venue.

In the auditorium, many people swallowed secretly.

The chefs of Yushibang who came to watch the game stretched their necks one by one, waiting for the judges to announce the final score of the competition.

When the fish soup was on the table, Li Donglai stared at the fish soup in front of him, and was stunned for a moment, falling into deep memories.

After a long time, Li Donglai sighed heavily and sighed with a complicated expression:

"Sister Song's Fish Soup, I didn't expect that Yao Yu would make this dish today."

"If my daughter knows that I tasted Yao Yu's Mrs. Song's fish soup again today, she should be very happy."

At the judges' table, the other two judges were very curious when they heard this, and asked, "President Li, did you know Crazy Yu before?"

(End of this chapter)

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