Dare to cook

Chapter 277 7 Up and 8 Down Yao Manzi

Chapter 277

While Bi Qingshan was joking, he brought a group of people into the room.

The rooms for Yao Yu and his group are all on the second floor, with a good view.

From the inside, you can see the scenery in several courtyards of Bi's family, and when you open the window to the outside, you can see the small river in front of the Bi's mansion and Mount Jiuhua on the other side of the river.

Chen Dongxue's room was arranged next to Yao Yu's by coincidence.

Qin Ming and Xu Yunle shared a room, and they were on the other side of Yao Yu's room.

When putting the luggage, Xu Yunle winked and smirked at Yao Yu with a mean expression.

When Yao Yu saw his expression, he didn't know what the dirty thoughts were in his grandson's mind.

If he wasn't in Bi's house and was rude, Yao Yu would have to deal with him so that he could understand what it means to be a master of heaven and earth.

Not long after Yao Yu settled down, Yuan Dewei knocked on the door and told him to go downstairs for dinner.

Bi Zetao's birthday is the day after tomorrow, and the old man's birthday is tomorrow.

So not many guests came to Bi's house today.

But even so, by the time it was time to eat, there were two full tables.

Although Yao Yu and Chen Dongxue were juniors, they were invited to dine at the main table.

After lunch, Bi Zetao went back to his room for a lunch break.Bi Qingshan invited everyone to visit Mount Jiuhua.

Bijia is located at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain. It is naturally much more convenient to go up the mountain than those tourists from far away who queue up to buy tickets.

Jiuhua Mountain was also called Lingyang Mountain and Jiuzishan Mountain in ancient times. It is known as the "No. [-] Mountain in Southeast".

Of course, this sentence is obviously exaggerated.

Not to mention the distance, if we just say that there is Huangshan Mountain next door to Chizhou, the title of the first mountain in the southeast does not fall on the top of Jiuhua Mountain.

However, the cultural landscape and Buddhist cultural heritage on Mount Jiuhua are indeed profound.

Between these mountains, at least 100 Buddhist temples have been built here since ancient times.Even today, there are still more than a dozen temples on Jiuhua Mountain that are full of incense.

Those temples, as well as most of the scenic spots on Jiuhua Mountain, are mainly located in the northeast and central part of Jiuhua Mountain.

The location of the Bi family is at the southwest corner of Mount Jiuhua.

This part of Jiuhua Mountain is actually called Lingyang Mountain.

Compared with the popular scenic spots with great popularity and many tourists, there are not many scenic spots in Lingyang Mountain and there are also very few tourists.

There is a lot less commercial atmosphere, but a lot more serene and natural wildness.

Jiuhua Mountain has a huge area and many peaks and ridges.

If you want to visit all the attractions, it is impossible without three or four days.

However, Yao Yu and his party did not plan to visit Jiuhua Mountain.

Under the leadership of Bi Qingshan, a group of people first went to Yinxin Temple and Wulonggang.

Then I visited the Shenlong Valley Scenic Area and ate some expensive afternoon tea except for the good tea.

After a tour like this, the group of people drifted out of the mountain around four o'clock in the afternoon.

During the whole tour, apart from chatting with Bi Qingshan and Yuan Dewei, Yao Yu took some pictures of the scenery with good angles and sent them to Lu Chenyu who was far away in Shencheng.

Back at Bi's house, Yao Yu visited the Bi's kitchen curiously, and incidentally used the skill [Drilling like a Candle] to steal a few recipes of Anhui cuisine from Cheng Tang.

Cheng Tang is Bi Zetao's most proud disciple, and now there are more than 50 students.

His ranking in the Kirin list is not high, but the strength of Anhui cuisine is outstanding.With the help of the system, Yao Yu observed the whole process of Cheng Tang's dinner preparation, and felt that he benefited a lot.

Cheng Tang is not only the chef of today's dinner, but also the chef in charge of cooking the birthday banquet for Bi Zetao in the next two days.

When all the guests arrive tomorrow and the birthday banquet begins, Cheng Tang will definitely make more difficult Anhui dishes.

"It's a pity that I won't be able to enter the back kitchen tomorrow, otherwise I will definitely learn more Anhui cuisine from Cheng Tang." Yao Yu thought with a little regret as he watched Cheng Tang prepare dinner.

However, when this idea came up, Yao Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, thinking that there were still ten [Food Traceability Cards] stored in the system panel, and his mood brightened instantly again.

The food traceability card is the reward Yao Yu received when he completed the mission [West is for China] on Qindao.

Later, when he completed "The Return of a Famous Chef", he got five more of these cards.

The function of this skill card is very direct and crude.

As long as you use the skill card and taste any three dishes within half an hour, you can instantly learn the specific methods of those three dishes.

After Yao Yu got the [Food Traceability Card], he never found a suitable opportunity to use it.

For one thing, under the premise of not being able to confirm the strength of the chef, it is easy to suffer a disadvantage if you rashly use this kind of card.

Secondly, the dishes that Yao Yu ate during this period are basically what he knows how to cook, and there is no need to waste skill cards.

But this time the situation is different.

Yao Yu has already experienced Cheng Tang's strength in Anhui cuisine, and he also knows that he will be in charge of the birthday banquet tomorrow.So until tomorrow, Yao Yu can use the [Gourmet Traceability Card] with confidence.

After dinner, Yao Yu exchanged cooking experience with Bi Zetao for a while, declined Bi Qingshan's invitation to play mahjong together, and returned to the room alone.


At the foot of Jiuhua Mountain at eight or nine o'clock at night.

The starry sky is bright and peaceful.

After Yao Yu went back to his room and took a shower, he opened the window and talked on the phone with Lu Chenyu while looking at the stars.

Since the relationship between the two was confirmed, Yao Yu and her would chat for about an hour.

Sometimes the environment permits, even direct video.

The two also chatted for a long time tonight.

It seems that couples who have just begun to fall in love are in this state, and their whole bodies will uncontrollably exude a strong sour smell.

After endless chatter, Lu Chenyu saw that the battery of the phone was almost dead, so he stopped talking:

"It's getting late. Don't stay up late. Don't be disrespectful when visiting the Bi family. By the way, my dad asked me to tell you to come to my house when you return to Shanghai."


Yao Yu was taken aback for a moment, then a little startled, and asked nervously, "What? Chen Yu, did Uncle Lu ask me to go to your house?"

"What? Don't you want to? Let it be if you don't want to!" Lu Chenyu's tone became visibly cold.

"Willing, willing, wishing for it!" Yao Manzi hurriedly coaxed:

"It's just, what was Uncle Lu's expression when he said this? Xiao Yuyu, you have to tell me the truth, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be chopped into a crabmeat lion's head by the old man as soon as I come to the door!"

Lu Chenyu chuckled and said in an eccentric way:

"Well, anyway, if you run fast, even if my dad is really angry, he may not be able to kill you."

"I'm going to put on a facial mask. You can feel it slowly."

After speaking, Lu Chenyu smiled and hung up the voice.

After Yao Yu heard this, his face suddenly became frowning.

Think about it in another way, if someone abducts the cabbage that he has taken care of for more than 20 years...

What would his reaction be?
Probably...should...maybe...must also want to kill someone!
Yao Yu thought with a solemn expression, and then shuddered instantly.

He hurriedly sent a few more messages to Lu Chenyu, wanting to find out the enemy's situation.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chenyu seemed determined to play tricks on Yao Yu, but did not reply.

Yao Manzi, who was in a panic, didn't know what to do for a while, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, so he had no choice but to open Mu Shaoran's WeChat: "Brother Shaoran, long time no see..."

(End of this chapter)

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