Dare to cook

Chapter 318 Capri Island 1 Day Tour

Chapter 318 A Day Trip to Capri Island
After sailing on the sea for about an hour, the yacht arrived at Yao Yu's destination - Capri Island.

Capri is a jewel off the coast of Amalfi.

Although the island has an area of ​​only 21 square kilometers, it is a very famous tourist destination.

Around 400 AD, which was also the period when ancient Rome split into the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, Capri Island belonged to the personal property of the Roman Emperor.

It is said that the emperor of the Roman Empire at that time would come here for vacation every year.

Later, Western Rome was annexed by barbarian invasions in the [-]th century, and this small island once became unowned.

In the long course of history, the Papal States, dozens of Italian city-states, and Saracen pirates have all become the owners of this small island.

Around the eighteenth century, Capri was brought under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Naples.

At that time, Italy had not yet formed a unity.

Later, in the nineteenth century, Capri became truly famous and became a must-stop for every romantic aristocrat when traveling around Europe.

Today, Capri has become a famous tourist island in Europe.

There are countless people who come here for vacation every year.

The ecological environment and water quality near Capri Island are very good.

Here, you can do almost any recreational project suitable for playing in the sea.

Ballard told Yao Yu and the others that this small island has a scenic spot known as one of the Seven Wonders of the World—the Blue Hole of Capri Island.

The so-called blue hole is a sea erosion cave formed by seawater erosion all year round.

The environment inside the sea cave is similar to many water-rich caves.

A group of people in the program group heard that there were island caves here, and they all clamored to go and see what happened.

Byrard directly asked people to drive the yacht to the vicinity of the Blue Hole.

Whenever the weather is fine, there will be many boats waiting here to provide services for tourists who want to enter the blue cave.

At that time, it was a paid service.

The entrance to the Blue Hole in Capri is so small that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dog hole.

Ordinary boats and boats can't get in at all.

Only those with the smallest size can only enter by paddling boats with two or three people.

Moreover, when entering the cave, the people on the boat must lower their bodies and cannot sit upright, otherwise they will be in danger of hitting their heads.

After Bailard led everyone to the entrance of the cave, he said to Yao Yu:
"Look, that's the entrance to the Blue Hole. There's enough space inside to fit a cathedral. But when the tide is high, the Blue Hole will be completely submerged."

"We're lucky today, the water level is lower now and we can enter by boat."

"Is there only one entrance to this cave?" Yao Yu asked looking at the black hole in front of him.

Bailard said:

"Actually, there are three. But this is the only entrance that can be entered by boat."

"The other two entrances are in the sea at a depth of 50 meters. The entrances are tortuous. Only good divers can dive from there."

Hearing this, Yao Yu gave an oh, expressing his understanding.

The program team quickly negotiated a group purchase price with the boatmen.

Then, Yao Yu and others got into a small boat in groups of two and entered the blue cave.

At this time, Yao Yu definitely wanted to be with his girlfriend.Otherwise he is worried.

The boat is really small, and the inside of the blue hole is really blue.

There was no light in the cave.

It is only because the sunlight reflects from the limestone layer on the seabed that the entire blue hole is rendered into a dreamlike blue light.

There is not much space in the blue cave. Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu entered by boat, took a few photos and short videos and came out.

The whole process took less than 8 minutes.

The reputation of the Blue Hole in Capri Island has been greatly blown, but in fact, after seeing it, there are not many surprises.

In the coastal areas of southern Europe, there are actually many island caves like the Blue Hole of Capri.

Moreover, in the Middle Ages, many large island caves once became supply bases and safe havens for pirates.

After visiting the blue hole, a group of people from the program group set foot on the island.

The reason why this small island is famous is because there are too many picturesque scenery on the island.

The blue cave that Yao Yu and the others visited just now is just one of them.

There are two small towns on Capri Island, one on the south and the east of the island.

In addition to the small towns where local residents live, there are also many holiday villas and manors dotted among the gentle slopes of the mountains and forests.

Yao Yu and the others landed on the south side of the island.

A group of people first visited a manor planted with a lot of lavender, and then climbed to the highest point of the island to visit a small castle left over from the Middle Ages.

When they came out of the castle, everyone had a seafood feast in the town.

During the lunch break, Ballard took them to a harbor suitable for swimming.

Here, everyone can lie on the deck to rest, or jump into the water to play in the water, or ride a motorboat and go for a ride in a farther place.

Lu Chenyu, Jiang Yuqi, and Wu Shu didn't bring suitable swimsuits.

Even if they bring them, they will not play and swim under the camera of the program group.

Yao Yu, Li Xungui, and Feng Ziyi also had no plans to go into the water.

A group of people took turns to play around on the motorboat, and when they were tired from playing, they went back to the yacht to rest.

Today is Wu Shu's last day in the program group.

At nine o'clock in the evening, she will fly back to the country.

Since Wu Shu had to catch a plane, it was not too late for everyone to play.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, the program group returned to Amalfi.

Parting is always tinged with sadness.

Even if they weren't actually sad, Yao Yu and the others had to show some reluctance in front of the camera.

The flying guest Wu Shu was sent away, and the next day, Yao Yu and others fell into the busy restaurant work again.

The guests on this day are a bit special. All the chefs who come to the restaurant to eat are the restaurant chefs in the small town of Amalfi.

Because of Yao Yu's defeat of Bruno before, the chefs in the town headed by Bailard had long said that they would organize a group to come to the Chinese restaurant for dinner.

So Yao Yu discussed with them and set the time for everyone to eat together at four or five o'clock today.

That’s the afternoon tea time for Italians.

That way, those chefs can avoid meal rushes.

After eating at the Chinese restaurant, they can return to their respective restaurants to work without affecting their own business.

In order to entertain dozens of chefs including Bailard.

Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu got up in the morning and went to San Lazaro to sell a lot of high-end ingredients.

Then, using those ingredients, I made more than a dozen classic dishes that can represent the taste of China.For example: Poached Chicken, Crystal Shrimp, Barbecued Pork in Honey Sauce, Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce, Southern Fried Meatballs, Fish Head with Chopped Pepper, etc.

When the various high-end dishes were put on the table, the eyes of the chefs in Amalfi all looked straight.

Among them, some may have eaten Chinese food, but absolutely no one has eaten such authentic and diverse Chinese food.

Especially, when these dishes were still made by famous chefs in China, the taste contained in the dishes was far beyond their imagination.

The chefs in Amalfi were completely impressed by the cooking skills of Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu.

Everyone was full of praise, and many people expressed that they wanted to learn Chinese food from Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu.

Of course, just listen to the words of admiration from these chefs.

It is also impossible for Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu to accept a group of foreign students in Amalfi.


Thank you book friend Light Yu Yu for the reward, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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