Dare to cook

Chapter 323

Chapter 323

in the afternoon.

Shencheng University City.

In the Zheer Time Cafe, Yao Yu and Bai Peiru were smiling and chatting, looking harmonious.

Yao Yu didn't expect that Bai Shuyun would introduce her niece as her personal finance.

Yao Manzi always felt that there was something weird about it.

But he didn't intend to change immediately because of this.

After chatting for a while, Yao Yu discovered that Bai Peiru was actually a person with very clear thinking and concise speech.

It is slightly different from her soft, cute and innocent appearance.

Yao Yu is happy to deal with this kind of people.

Easy, quick and efficient.

And Bai Peiru also showed his professionalism very well during the conversation.

She put forward some constructive suggestions for Yao Yu's current financial situation.

After hearing this, Yao Yu also felt that it made sense. As an entrepreneur who decided to build his own food chain brand in the future, Yao Yu wanted to improve not only his cooking skills.

There are also business insights, personnel management, investment vision, and financial review...

Yao Yu had to learn to understand and master these things more or less.

Because only with the most basic knowledge and mastery, Yao Yu will be able to discover the talents he needs in all aspects in the future.

um, yes.

Since returning from Italy, Yao Yu's plans for his future have become more clear.

Although he is now the best young chef in China.

The wealth that Yao Yu possesses now is something that many people may not be able to work hard for in their entire lives.

But Yao Yu is not satisfied with this

He has his own ambitions and ambitions.

In terms of culinary skills, Yao Yu will strive to become the world's number one chef as soon as possible.

In terms of business, he actually wants to try to see if he can create a food brand that can become famous all over the country and reach the world.

The communication with Bai Peiru was very pleasant.

Yao Yu decided to hire Bai Peiru to do his own personal finance first.

If this girl's ability is really strong.

Then maybe, after he opens his own restaurant in the future, he will directly recruit her to be the financial director.

Worried that Bai Peiru would refuse?

That's not something Yao Yu needs to think about now.

It was only the first contact between him and Bai Peiru today, so there is no need to think too early about what will happen in the future.

After finishing the conversation with Bai Peiru, Yao Yu made an agreement with her that tomorrow he would hand over the accounts that he had to hand over to the private financial management to her for sorting out.

When he was about to check out and leave, Yao Yu suddenly discovered that there were a few photos hanging on the right wall of Zhe Er Shi Shi.

The person in the photo looks vaguely familiar.

When Yao Yu looked closely again, he realized that Zou Yu and Gu Qingzhou were grouped together in those photos.

It's just that they are in the group photo when they were young.

He looked quite handsome.

Zou Yu?
Senior King Zhou?

Why are there pictures of them here?

Yao Yu was stunned.

On the side, Bai Peiru, who was about to leave with Yao Yu, saw him staring at the photo on the wall, and said with a smile, "Are you also a fan of 'Yu Gongzi'?"

When Zou Yu first debuted 20 years ago, he played many handsome and elegant roles.

Therefore, it is affectionately called "Yu Gongzi" by fans.

Time flies, years shuttle.

Today, Zou Yu is already one of the most famous Chinese actor in the world, with more than a dozen brilliant titles on his head.

However, the veteran fans who like him the most are more used to calling him "Mr. Yue".

Yao Yu is also a fan of Zou Yu.

But King Yuyan couldn't call out such a sissy nickname for an idol.

He smiled and said, "I also really like Zou Yu. His plays are all good-looking, and he himself is even more interesting..."

"I? Have you seen Zou Yu in person?" Bai Peiru's eyes widened for a moment.

Yao Yu shook his head with a smile and didn't say much.

Before the seventh season of Hua Restaurant aired, he wouldn't tell the world that he and Zou Yu had recorded a show together.

Yao Yu asked curiously:
"Why does this coffee shop have a photo of Zou Yu? And it's still the same as when he was young."

"What do you call his youth? Zou Yu isn't old at all right now. He is a well-known male god with a cold face in the entertainment industry. He hasn't changed much in the past 20 years." Bai Peiru rolled his eyes.

It seems that between the handsome pot in front of her and her idol, she is still more willing to support the latter.

"Okay, count me as a slip of the tongue." Yao Yu pouted secretly, wisely not arguing with Bai Peiru on this issue.

Bai Peiru said:

"You may not know. This folding time coffee house is actually very famous."

"It was first opened by a classmate of Zou Yu. Zou Yu's classmate also graduated from Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Later, he stayed at the school as a teaching assistant and opened this cat house cafe."

"When Zou Yu was engaged in music creation, he often came here."

"After he became famous, fans would often come here for gatherings. I heard that Zou Yu and his lover also met here."

Yao Yu was surprised when he heard these words:
"Wow, you really are Zou Yu's die-hard fan. You know what happened more than 20 years ago so clearly."

"Of course, I was the head of the 'Superfan Support Group'." Bai Peiru smiled arrogantly, and then sighed again:
"It's just a pity that there was a fire more than ten years ago in Zheer Time. Many photos hanging here were burned."

"Before the fire broke out, the coffee shop was covered with pictures of Zou Yu."

"Since the fire, not many people have linked Zou Yu with Zou Yu any more."

Seeing Bai Peiru's regretful expression, Yao Yu comforted him:

"Maybe some things are destined to only belong to a certain period."

"Think on the bright side. This coffee shop is still there, and Zou Yu is still active in everyone's field of vision. That's great."

"That's right." Bai Peiru smiled, "Unexpectedly, you are quite good at comforting people."


After leaving the coffee shop where Zou Yu had stayed, Yao Yu returned to the Renhe Pavilion.

In the next half month.

Yao Yu stayed at Renhe Pavilion almost every day, teaching cooking skills to the kitchen staff.

Sometimes I also practice some new dishes according to the recipes given by the system.

Time flies by.

In the past half a month, something happened that made netizens excited about eating melons.

With more and more episodes broadcast in the sixth season of Hua Restaurant, the ratings and ratings of the whole season did not meet the expected ideal.

Especially near the end, because one of the main guests of the previous season broke the news of drinking and beating someone, and the other broke the scandal of cheating in marriage and coming out of the closet, the show itself suffered a huge impact .

It can be said that the sixth season of Hua Restaurant was completely screwed up.

The sponsors of the sixth season also had some troubles with the program group because of this.

In order to settle this matter and restore the reputation of the program group as soon as possible, Zheng Hailan, the planner of the program group, had to spend a lot of money to hire Shuijun to control the review.

Then, pretending to be leaked by company personnel, some content tidbits of the seventh season were released on the Internet.

When netizens learned that Zou Yu had participated in the recording of the seventh season of Chinese Restaurant, it immediately triggered a new wave of discussion.

Subsequently, the main guests of the seventh season, who were completely different from the guest lineup of the sixth season, were also exposed bit by bit in the "leaks" of the program group.

And Yao Yu, Lu Chenyu, and Li Xungui were also popular in the entertainment industry because of the crisis public relations of the Hua Restaurant program group.

(End of this chapter)

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