Dare to cook

Chapter 337 The First Battle

Chapter 337 The First Battle


In the Orpheon competition venue, the group stage is in full swing.

Wu Zhongliu’s professional level is very high.

Although in China, he is always overwhelmed by the sad Lu Chenyu and Yao Yu, but no one can deny that this person is extremely talented in cooking.

Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang.

If Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu are compared to Wolong Xiansen who can always beat Wu Zhongliu, then Wu Zhongliu is the magnanimous and magnificent commander-in-chief who leads the Jiangdong water army.

Even if the Governor is no match for Zhuge Villager, who has a full intelligence attribute, it is not a problem for him to sweep through other soldiers and generals.

As soon as the competition started, Wu Zhongliu quickly selected the ingredients he needed.And at a speed as fast as lightning, he began to wash and cut vegetables.

Chicken Kiev rolls are not difficult to make.

First, remove the bones from the chicken breast, then cut the chicken breast into two equal-sized slices, and pat them flat with the back of a knife to make them soft.

Sprinkle some garlic and seasonings to marinate.

Next, the boneless chicken legs are minced into mince.

Then spread the minced chicken thighs evenly over the flattened chicken breasts.

Sprinkle some sauce on it as well.

Then, spread an even, thick layer of butter on the chicken thighs.

Then pick up the chicken breast and roll the chicken thigh and butter tightly into it.

Wrap the rolled chicken in plastic wrap and freeze in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

During the refreezing process, cut some large potatoes, dip them in flour and fry them into potato strips.

After freezing ok, take out the frozen chicken into a ball, tear off the plastic wrap, dip it in flour, egg liquid, and bread crumbs, and then put it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.

After refreezing, the chicken rolls can be removed and fried in a pan.

Remove the fried chicken rolls from the oil, and quickly blanch some cauliflower and carrots.

Finally, cut the chicken rolls and serve them on a plate with ketchup, potato sticks, carrots, cauliflower and other side dishes.

There are two key points in the recipe of this dish. The chicken rolls should be marinated layer by layer, then frozen for a long time, and fried thoroughly.

In addition, the biggest difficulty in making this dish during the competition is running out of time.

In one hour, it is not easy to make this dish to the extreme.

Whichever player can efficiently use every minute and every second, then he has the hope of getting the highest score in this stage.

In a blink of an eye, the first stage of the game came to an end.

The dishes prepared by the six contestants were served on the judging table one after another.

After tasting, the four judges began to score.

Subsequently, Wu Zhongliu scored 3.45 points.The ratings of the other five teams ranged from 3.22 to 3.30.

Seeing the score announcement, head coach Shu Wangjing frowned imperceptibly.

In culinary competitions in Europe and the United States, it has long been common for judges to secretly lower scores.

These white skins will not only target China, but also secretly trip up other countries in Asia and Africa.

The reason why they do this is rooted in two points.

First, some jury committees habitually discriminate against teams from countries other than Europe and the United States.

Second, it is also because they are afraid of Huaxia and jealous of Huaxia.

I don't want the Huaxia team to shine in international competitions every time.

So as long as there is a chance, some white judges will drag the Huaxia team back within the rules.

Not long ago, the Qingchu team was defeated in Hannover, and these factors were among them.

"Old Wu played really well. How did he get so many points?" Yu Mengdong wondered.

Although the Huaxia team had already scored the highest score in the first stage, Yao Yu and the others did not show much joy on their faces.

With such a weak opponent, it is right to lead the way.

However, the scores given by the judges could not satisfy the Huaxia team and the knowledgeable Huaxia audience.

Yao Yu said calmly:
"Don't care about the judges' attitude. They only dare to make small moves in the group stage."

"Ling Zhaochi, it's your turn to play. After getting the right to choose the competition topic, choose what you are good at."

On the field, as the judges announced the scores.

Wu Zhongliu and several other players came back one after another.

Ling Zhaochi was slightly taken aback, and said, "Don't you need to trick the other teams?"

Yao Yu shook his head and said:

"No need. These teams are weak teams, and we have never had any grudges against us in the past. Under the premise of winning, there is no need to make innocent enemies."

Ling Zhaochi nodded to express his understanding when he heard the words.

Getting along day and night during the three-month training period not only greatly improved the cooking skills of everyone in the Huaxia team.

It also made Ling Zhaochi completely convinced of Yao Yu after being ravaged.

Although the current Ling Zhaochi is not as close to Yao Yu as Shen Qiuming is, but he will not be as tense as before.

After Ling Zhaochi played, the game continued.

The six competition questions given by the organizer this time are:

Tuna Sandwich, Korean Tuna Fried Rice, Tuna Potato Salad, Tuna Sushi, Creamy Mushroom Tuna Pizza, and Sicilian Tuna Risotto.

All tuna dishes.

Among these six dishes, the closest to Huaxia cuisine is undoubtedly tuna fried rice.

Although even if he tried the other five dishes, Ling Zhaochi was confident of winning.

But he is no longer the spirited guy who likes to hate the world before the training camp.

The three-month training camp has made Ling Zhaochi mature a lot, and he has a sense of collective honor.

more importantly...

He didn't dare to make his own opinion and change Yao Yu's game policy.

Otherwise, regardless of winning or losing, such players who do not obey orders will be kicked to the bench every minute.

And it's the kind that just sits and sits until there is no chance to play in the future.

One hour later, Ling Zhaochi, who chose Korean tuna fried rice, also won the victory, scoring 33.33 points.

Then, Qin Ming came on stage.

After Qin Ming came on stage, the host gave three Greek dishes, one German dish and two Italian dishes.The main ingredient of the dish is chicken.

Qin Ming chose a Bologna butter chicken as the competition topic.

Creamy Chicken Bologna is a very quintessential Italian dish.

Qin Ming lived and studied in northern Italy for four or five years before returning to China, so making butter chicken is no problem.

So, another hour later, Qin Ming scored a high score of 38.88 by relying on this butter chicken, directly confirming the Huaxia team's victory in advance.

The full score that the four judges can give is only 40 points.

As the third pick, Qin Ming's strength is not as good as the first two.

The reason why Qin Ming was able to score such a high score in the third stage was not because Qin Ming was better than Wu Zhongliu and Ling Zhaochi, but because he understood the tastes of Westerners, and the flavors of the dishes he made were highly suitable for the preferences of those white judges.

That's why we can get such a high score.

Qin Ming's victory established the victory.

The Columbia team, currently ranked second in points, is also 6 points behind the Huaxia team in terms of total points!
With such a huge point difference, as long as Lin Jingxue, who played last, doesn't get confused, it is impossible for the Huaxia team to lose in the group stage.

At twelve o'clock at noon, Lin Jingxue, who was the last to appear, stepped onto the field.

This time, the Huaxia team still didn't get the traditional advantage.

However, Lin Jingxue also performed very well. Finally, she scored 33.24 points with an apple pudding and won No.1 in the fourth stage.

In this way, the Huaxia team won the promotion qualification without any suspense.

And this was even when vice-captain Lu Chenyu didn’t even play.

The stunning performances of Wu Zhongliu, Ling Zhaochi, Qin Ming and others also made other opponents feel great pressure.

In the eyes of others, the three of them would have the strength to be captains of the national team if they were placed in previous years.

But in this session, they can only become ordinary players of the Huaxia team.

Then, how strong would the deputy team Lu Chenyu who didn't make a move be?
Also, Yao Yu is obviously no longer able to compete, why do the Chinese people still want him to be the captain?

How strong is that Yao Yu who led Huaxia to win the Alpheon four years ago?

These questions, like a heavy lead cloud, suddenly weighed on the minds of coaches and leaders of other teams.

Dominique, the leader of the French team, suddenly said quietly: "I hope that in next year's World Youth Championship, we will not encounter the Huaxia team with a full lineup..."

(End of this chapter)

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