Chapter 29 Arrest!

Chapter 29 Arrest!
The cue rang through everyone's head.

Luo Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he looked around vigilantly.

The atmosphere is starting to be a little different.

The mist in the air condenses into pea-sized raindrops.

The falling speed of the raindrops became extremely fierce under the blessing of the strong wind.

Da da da-
It leaves marks the size of pigeon eggs on rocks and on house facades.

At this moment, Luo Ming felt something strange coming from the "base camp".

When I opened it, it was a blue shell.

[Siren's scroll Lilia (a strange thing): Lilia is the darling of the sea.If you get her scroll, you can come and go freely in the storm. 】

[Note 1: Lilia has disappeared for hundreds of years, no one knows if she is still alive. 】

[Note 2] The scroll is the scales on her body, which have unexpected effects on special sea creatures. 】

Luo Ming's heart moved, and he immediately walked out of the "base camp" with the scroll.

The moment I took it out, the halo on the casing flashed!
The rain curtain all over the sky was parted by an invisible force, floating 3 meters away from everything.

I almost forgot.

Luo Ming held such an ugly shell in his hand, his joy flashed across.

With no rain curtain blocking his view, Luo Ming walked to the edge of Xiaobai's back and poked his head out to look at the sea.

The waves on the sea are huge, colliding with each other and shouting.

Luo Ming estimated the height of the waves. "Ordinary canoes can't survive in it."

In the surf, there is a dizzying abundance of fish.

A lot of messy materials also tumbled with the sea water.

If ordinary people want to hook up supplies under such circumstances, it is tantamount to courting death.

Suddenly, Luo Ming's eyes froze, staring at a certain place in the sea.

Then, his hand went off.

A small flashlight and a telescope appeared.

Lights appeared, shining on the sea a little farther away.

"Is it. A sea beast?"

Luo Ming said uncertainly.Through the binoculars he saw five or six huge fish hiding in the surf.

Their movements are uniform and in the same direction, and the goal is their own position.

This is extremely inconsistent with the habits of marine animals.

Not to mention their ability to maintain balance in such violent waves, it is only said that they have the discipline to come together, which is not found in ordinary marine life.

"No attack..."

Luo Ming muttered, remembering someone else's description in the "chat" channel.

Are you waiting for the countdown?

The flashlight shone into the deeper water, but nothing could be seen except the huge waves.

Luo Ming took back the flashlight, found a stone of suitable size on Xiaobai's back and sat down.

Close your eyes and feel the weapons you place ready.

Luo Ming felt relieved and took out a prickly pear from [Base Camp].

With a flash of the knife, Luo Ming cut the prickly pears into small pieces and put them on the plate, while unscrewing a bottle of Coke with the other hand.

"I'm running out of Coke."

"I hope there are more blind boxes."

Luo Ming thought with anticipation, and swallowed a piece of fruit in one gulp.

On the sea, Xiaobai's huge body smashed the huge waves in front of him and moved forward steadily on the sea.


"Damn it, the weather is killing me!"

"On a crisis night, the nest is tender!"

On another unknown sea, a fairly large formation of canoes is struggling to move forward.

On every canoe, there are figures busy laying down their lives, fixing supplies, and manipulating the sails.

In the largest canoe in the middle, a strong man stood on a high wooden platform and cursed.

The rain poured down from the sky, and there was no view 20 meters ahead.

Johannes wiped the water from his face and called to the bottom of the tower.

"Dahuang, what are the losses of our survival team?"

"Boss, we lost five canoes in the outlying area!"

In another canoe, Rhubarb clung to the mast tightly.

"Five ships!!"

A trace of regret flashed in Johannes' eyes, and he opened the map on his wrist to look at it.

"Tell brothers, this is 15 kilometers away from our land!"

"And, if necessary, be prepared to ditch your canoe!"

When Da Huang heard this, he covered his mouth with his hands.

"Boss, someone is unwilling!"

"They're worried about losing their canoes and we're going to abandon them!"

"Oh shit!"

Johns flew into a rage.

"I'm saving them!"

"We need people now, not canoes!"

"Where there is life, there is hope!"

"I'm fucking in front. How can there be such a shit?"

"If you don't want to feed the sea animals behind you, they will!"

"The weapon is here."

Johannes waved his hand and threw an arrow at Rhubarb.

"Call the other three team leaders and let's do it together!"

"Destroy the heavily damaged canoe on site and collect materials."

"We don't want disobedient people!"

With murderous intent flashing in his eyes, John didn't look back.

hurry up.

The wind and rain ahead, there is no light, let alone the shadow of the land.
"Boss, yes!"

Da Huang weighed the crossbow in his hand and agreed.

Rhubarb looked ahead anxiously, jumped into the canoe and disappeared.


"I can't escape..."

A frail man collapsed on a canoe, staring straight at the boundless sea.

Great panic surrounded him.

I'm a loner with no one to help me.

His canoe seemed to have doubled in size, with a simple triangular tent erected on it.

It was pouring rain, and a broken mast lay beside him.

The mast is broken!

"It took 1.5 hours to make the mast. By then, the night of crisis had already begun."

The man was talking to himself.

"There is no hope."

He turned stiffly to look at the sea animal following him.

Two 3-meter-long sea beasts!

A huge wave came and broke a corner of his canoe.

"this is nothing……"

The man closed his eyes in pain, held a dagger in his hand, and pressed it silently to his chest.

[Attention everyone!Attention everyone! 】

【Man! Countdown to Crisis Night in 5 minutes! 】

At this moment, there was a sudden silence between heaven and earth, as if the rain had stopped.

Everyone breathes at the same time.


Luo Ming ate the last bite of the prickly pear and drank the last drop of Coke.

Luo Ming clapped his hands and stood up from the stone.

"It's raining more and more."

Looking up at the sky, the rain has formed an airtight water curtain on the isolation cover.

"Nana, did such a thing happen before we appeared?"

Luo Ming asked the "little" starfish softly.

Nana's Doudou looked at the rain above her head and was very curious.

How did the sea water get on his head?
The pliers opened and closed twice, Nana Doudou looked confused.

"Yeah, how do you know?"

Luo Xiaoming smiled and touched Nana's shell.

Cold, its shell already has a metallic texture.

"Stay there, I may not be able to take care of you for a while."

Luo Ming pointed to the steel base camp. "There are minerals you like to eat."

【Man!The countdown is over! 】

This voice pulled Luo Ming back.

[Everyone, the night of crisis has begun! 】

[Please try your best to survive! 】


A gap opened in the sky, and countless bolts of lightning poured down.

A wave of indiscriminate attacks!

The waves exploded and dead fish floated everywhere.

Some lightning fell on Xiaobai's back, but Luo Ming was startled.

"Xiao Bai, are you alright?"

Luo Ming saw the lightning sink into Xiaobai's body with his own eyes.

Xiaobai responded that he didn't feel anything.

【Man!The moving land mechanism triggers! 】

[Xiaobai is extremely resistant to fire and lightning damage! 】

Luo Ming felt relieved and watched the lightning strike Xiaobai's back.

Just take care of your own safety, Xiaobai can't resist, but you can't carry it by yourself.

He glanced at the steel base camp in the distance.

That thing is pure steel.
Hope the crab is ok.

Luo Ming spoke his mind.

Five minutes after the lightning, the rain in the sky was slightly light, and the vision was temporarily transparent.

Luo Ming looked at the previous position of the sea beasts and found that they were not injured by lightning.

At this time, many sea animals began to commotion.

The sea beast's swimming speed suddenly increased, and the original distance was reduced to 5 meters!
Coming closer, a huge mouth gaped open, revealing jagged teeth.

As they got closer, Luo Ming could notice their eyes.

Red, full of tyranny, for no reason.

Judging by their aura, they looked more like death squads.

Because at this time, Xiaobai's side fins with bony spurs had already lifted up, pressing down towards the sea beast!

Xiaobai had already found them, but Luo Ming didn't order to deal with them.

Now the sea beast has broken through its defensive restricted area.

Except for things related to Luo Ming, Xiaobai doesn't want any creature to approach him.

Call up-
Facing the roaring side fins, marine animals show no fear.

still open your mouth and bite
Pudge -
With Xiaobai's move, Mount Tai was overwhelmed, and 1v6 was completely crushed.

The blood-stained flowers rose on the surface of the sea, and the sea animals never came up again.

【Man!Xiaobai killed a special creature, Raging Man-Eating Shark*6, and got 12 advanced points! 】

"here you go."

Luo Ming was not surprised by the result, and patted Xiaobai on the head to express his encouragement.

At the same time, confusion flashed in Luo Ming's eyes.

He has been observing the movements of the animals on Xiaobai's back.

Luo Ming clearly saw that when the small white side fins were covered, the redness in the animal's eyes faded!

It's as if they're under control.

With a thought in his mind, Luo Ming thought of another ability of Xiaobai.

[Sea Clan Rule! 】

As a powerful creature of the sea, Xiaobai has the ability to drive lower creatures to their advantage. 】

"Little Bai, try to control the animals over there!"

Luo Ming raised his hand and quickly issued an order.

On Xiaobai's other side, tall animal fins appeared on the surface of the sea.

Almost at the same time, Xiaobai sent a feedback.

Out of control!
For Xiaobai, this means that the animal is like a rock, unable to communicate at all!


Luo Ming thought of the animal he saw for the first time, the animal tried to trick itself into the water, which was obviously clever.

"Xiaobai, don't take the initiative to attack this time."

After thinking about it, Luo Ming added, "Open the leather!"

An extra layer of insurance!
For my side, the safety factor must be at least 98%!

As soon as the words fell, Xiaobai's skin began to change color, and the color as black as steel gradually changed to the whole body.

[Beginning with real skin, Xiaobai's body resistance increased by 3 times! 】

"See if they bite."

Luo Ming stood on the high back and looked at the animals less than 5 meters away from Xiaobai's body.

Eyes are still red.

and many more!

The redness in my eyes has faded!

Luo Ming discovered another change.

The fauna visibly panicked as the redness faded.

How can you chew this "island" in front of you?
It smells of steel and is extremely depressing.

How can you attack this creature?

Luo Ming started to run away after seeing the animals condescending in panic, but after swimming a few meters, his eyes immediately turned red and he attacked again!




After repeating this several times, Luo Ming discovered this pattern.

This group of animals will regain their sanity within 3 meters of Xiaobai!

Go out of this absolute distance and immediately go crazy again!

What is causing this?
The safety distance of 3 meters is the isolation distance of 3 meters from the rain curtain.

Luo Ming lowered his head and reached into his pocket to get the shell.

The shells glowed green, flickering like breathing lamps.

is it?

The second note of the Elizabeth scroll, Luo Ming didn't realize it before.

[The scroll is the scales on her body, which have unexpected effects on special sea creatures. 】

The animals of Crisis Night belong to certain creatures.

check it out.

Luo Ming's wrist trembled, and the shell was received by him [Base Camp].

It was pouring rain.

An animal hit Xiaobai in the stomach.

It was about to bite off a small piece of white meat, but it knocked itself unconscious.

Another animal bites and is easily blocked.

Just laugh, don't bite through Xiaobai's defense.

"Little Bai, clean them up."

Luo Ming said categorically, and he took out the shell again.

Elizabeth's scroll worked.

Within 3 meters, the shell eliminated the negative impact on the animal.

Shells are purifiers.

After figuring out the principle, Luo Ming did not intend to let these animals go.

That's a lot of experience baby!
Each specialized animal can provide 2 advanced points.

This wave of animal attacks on the night of crisis is to feed yourself.

God made me eat hard.

【Man!Xiaobai killed a special creature, Raging Man-Eating Shark*4, and got 8 advanced points! 】

In addition to animals, Luo Ming also found wild shells on the seabed.

Each shell is more than 8 meters long, and the buckets can be thick or thin.

They swam up from the bottom of the sea and tried to climb up Xiaobai's body.

But when Xiaobai's huge body swayed, the huge water flow around him was like a meat grinder.

The shells broke into pieces and fell back into the sea.

【Man!Xiaobai kills specific creatures, violent and poisonous shells*10, and gets 20 advanced points! 】

"Unfortunately, we were unable to collect material from them."

Luo Ming regretfully smashed it and smashed its mouth.

After several waves of attacks, Luo Ming found that the attacks against him had weakened.

Is it a big move?
Looking at the stormy sea, Luo Ming wanted to know.

【Man!Five hours until sunrise! 】

When the reminder sounded, Luo Ming was shocked.

An hour has passed since the crisis night!

I got 40 premium points!
(End of this chapter)

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