Chapter 31 Together!
Chapter 31 Together!
The crystal containing a large amount of seawater was sucked into Xiaobai's stomach.

"Xiaobai, what has changed?"

Luo Ming asked expectantly.

After a while, Xiaobai's thoughts appeared in his mind in a muffled voice.

"Master, I seem to have accidentally swallowed a lot of boards just now."

"Isn't that the material you need, why don't you wait for me to pull it out?"

Luo Ming had black hair, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

I get it, crystallization works.
Da da da-
On the other hand, Nana clamped Luo Ming's eyelids with pliers.

Then pick up a small stone and make an eating motion.

Yes, intelligence also increased.

I know how to describe the shape of food.

Luo Yi waved his hand, and various ores appeared on the ground.

Nana picked out the sulfur ore and copper ore inside and pushed the rest back.

Afterwards, I waved my pliers at Romin to thank him.

Holding the selected ore in her arms, Nana walked sideways back to her nest.

This is not a dog, but a cat?
Seeing Nana's hallucinations in Luo Ming.

Next thing, turtle skin.

This is a gray, tough, neatly lined fish skin.

The total development area is 2 square meters.

Luo tried his best to pull, but found that he couldn't pull at all.

too difficult.

He took out a knife and cut and scratched, but still did not leave any marks.

Even if it is not made into clothes, it is still a body armor tied with nylon knots.

Luo Ming opened the "Production" column and searched for the production method.

[Turtle Skin Suit Summer (Rare): Wearing it can keep your body surface temperature constant at 26 degrees, and it has excellent hydrophobicity and breathability. 】

[Note: Special effect 1 can increase your swimming speed by 20%. 】

[Note] Special effect 2 can resist the attack of ordinary melee weapons, and 3 can resist the attack of advanced long-range weapons. 】


【Note: In such a hot summer, don’t you want one?Oh sorry, I forgot this material was taken from a turtle.You may never understand. 】

Luo Ming looked at the complaints in the system and ignored them.

His eyes were drawn to another scroll.

[John's cold-proof suit (rare): The suit of the diamond hunter John, which can withstand the severe cold of minus 80 degrees. 】


[Note] In the ice and snow area, even if you are close to the fire, you can't survive three nights.It is very important to have a reliable dress! 】

【Note】Special effect: anti-flame attack, completely waterproof. 】

【Note 2】Special effects: It can resist the attacks of ordinary melee weapons and 5 attacks of advanced long-range weapons. 】

John: It's so hot I want to take off my clothes and go dance.]
You can make fish bone glue yourself.

Pay more attention to auction house news.

The last item, turtle blood essence!

A red berry-shaped thing, Luo Ming felt very hot in his hand.

You won't burn your throat.

After hesitating for a moment, Luo Ming opened his mouth and swallowed.

There is no fishy smell, and the liquid is warm after breaking.

Luo Ming felt a warm current rise in his stomach, along the blood vessels to reach the limbs.

The muscles in the spine are beating and power is spreading.


The hunger in his stomach eroded Luo Ming's brain like a tide.

【Man!Add 15 points of glory! 】

This was the first hint Luo Ming heard.

At this time, Luo Ming frantically took out food, instant noodles, prickly pears, cakes, anything that could be eaten immediately, and stuffed them all into his mouth.

【Man!Your fitness has doubled! 】

【Man!Please replenish food and energy immediately.You are in a state of extreme weakness! 】


Venus shot out in front of Luo Ming's eyes, and the stimulation from his stomach and brain made him almost unable to control himself.

I want to eat the yellow mud in front of me.

After all, it's too much like a hot dog.

"No, I can't eat it."

Luo Ming muttered, abruptly dismissing the idea.

Within 15 minutes, he ate all the cakes and instant noodles, but his hunger was not halved.

"Is there anything else to eat..."

Take out the unprocessed oranges, animal meat, and pineapples from Luo Ming's [Base Camp] one by one.

At the next bite, the strong smell of blood almost made him gag.

"Damn, it's too sloppy."

Luo Ming secretly complained that he should take the turtle blood essence without any preparation.

Fortunately, the food in front of him brought him back some sanity.

Fire, water, fodder, meat!

A hodgepodge was thus born.

Just as Luo Ming continued to check the list of cars shipped from [Base Camp], he accidentally found a red object in the corner.

Brain. Brain flower?

Strong spiritual power, Luo Ming confirmed.

Put it under your nose and smell it.No smell of blood was detected.

Eat it!

Luo Ming forgot everything and swallowed the thing in his hand in one gulp.

The moment the red object was swallowed, Luo Ming immediately rushed towards a cool breath spreading from his stomach.

【Man!I’ve eaten the meat crown of an eagle’s head! 】

【Man!The effect of the meat crown is effective, and the spiritual value is improved! 】

Hearing this prompt, Luo Ming felt suddenly!
go to hell!
The subsequent reaction brought about by the physical improvement almost hollowed out my body.

This will lift your spirits again.

From mouth to mouth, Luo Ming's heart became even more sour.

This is the first person to be killed by the treasure.

【Man!The spirit is rising! 】

【Man!Physical strength is improving! 】

【Man!The host has a serious crisis!Insufficient energy consumption in the body!Brain overuse! 】

What was more serious was dizziness. Luo Ming's vision went dark and he could hardly see the scene in front of him clearly.

Weakness, often after overexertion.
In confusion, Luo Ming heard Xiaobai's deep voice below him.

In consciousness, Xiaobai's concern for himself was transmitted to his mind.

Luo Ming's rare unhealthy state made him a little worried after improving his intelligence.

【Man!Xiaobai detected it! 】

[Xiaobai: Advanced intelligent creatures, the first stage of the moving castle (2/5)! 】

【Man!The hidden mechanism is triggered! 】

【Man!The establishment of interoperability of advantages! 】

【Man!Start communicating! 】

Luo Ming listened to the notification from the system in a daze, and subconsciously chose "Yes".

The system appears to be performing complex calculations for the past 3 seconds.

【Man!The advantage exchange is successful! 】

【Your energy consumption has been passed on to Xiaobai!The consumption of brain function is passed on to Xiaobai! 】

Luo Ming felt like a thirsty traveler who fell into a lake.

A steady stream of vitality is introduced into your body from the outside world.

The hunger in the stomach disappeared instantly!
The dizzy brain gradually wakes up.

On Xiaobai's back, Luo Ming lay motionless.

It wasn't exhaustion, but an unprecedented sense of transparency that made him feel relaxed.

"The stars in the sky are really bright."

"I can't find the Big Dipper..."

Luo Ming looked up at the endless night sky, muttering to himself, the brilliant light scattered on his body, and there was silence.

Now my body is filled with infinite power, and my brain thinks faster than before.

"Kaka Kaka—"

In the distance, there was the sound of Nana eating ore.

This time, Xiaobai saved himself.

Patting the dirt on his body, a gentle smile appeared on the corner of Luo Ming's mouth.

"Xiaobai, thanks to you."

Xiaobai was in a good mood, and a terrifying splash flew under his body.

"Xiaobai, how is your condition?"

Xiaobai means everything is business as usual.

Luo Ming directly opened the crystal panel to check his data.

Luo Ming: Male.

Glory value: 85/85 (75+10) The first prize of advanced ranking in the survival group takes effect!

[Ability: Aquatic talent. 】

Pet: Xiaobai, the first stage of Advanced Moving Castle (2/5)
Current advancement point: 208/500! 】

【Man!Xiaobai has completed the second stage of the advanced moving castle! 】

[Ability: armored skin, master of the sea clan! 】

On the last line, a new tab will appear.

[Advantage exchange: You can share Xiaobai's physical strength.Similarly, your intelligence improvement will also bring a certain improvement to Xiaobai! 】

This. Luo Ming looked at this line of words and was a little lost.

Is it equivalent to getting a power bank?

Or the one with unlimited power.

Can share Xiaobai's physical strength, what a concept! !

The giant beast with a body length of more than 200 meters shares its physical strength with itself!
It's like owning a nuclear power plant for ordinary household electricity.

I can improve my physical strength at once, and the energy consumed can't even keep up with Xiaobai wagging his tail once.

Make a fist and feel the full strength of your arm.

In other words, if you dig by yourself, you won't be tired if you dig for 10 days and 10 nights at a time!
As for his intellectual growth in Xiaobai, Luo Ming hopes to get more.

After another dangerous night, Luo Ming did some calculations in his mind, and Xiaobai scored a full 75 advanced points!
Now, the body length is close to 300 meters.

Luo Ming closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and a carp stood up.

Move your hands and feet to adapt to your improved body.

Look at the effect after taking the meat crown of the eagle head.

I happened to find the column of "Aquarium Master", and Luo Ming pointed out the details.

[Aquarium talent: In the dark seabed, you can see objects 80 meters ahead!

You can spend two hours under the sea!
Your body can withstand water pressure at a depth of 100 meters!
You have super fast swimming speed!

Your fighting power will be the same as on land! 】

very good!Every item has been greatly improved.

The item of combat power balance has also been added.

Luo Ming lazily thought, if I had Xiaobai, I wouldn't bother to fight.

My favorite life is farming, fishing and building a house on a little white back.

Oh. Build a home.
Luo Ming grinned at the dirt under his feet, and then remained silent.

A bit of a waste.

This is high grade soil.

The result is that there are not many shadows of plants on it.

I have a limited collection of plants on the volcanic island, just enough to grow around the attic.

Maybe some flowers in high grade soil would be nice too.

At least the flowering period must be longer than those planted in ordinary soil.

Thinking about his own construction, Luo Ming packed the materials he just took out.

The ground was messy, and various materials were scattered all over the place.

After sorting everything, Luo Ming found a green package appeared on a square in the base camp.

[Monster Hunter Achievement Blind Box]!
Speaking of this, Luo Ming suddenly remembered that not long ago, when he just unlocked the Monster Hunter achievement, he ignored the blind box distributed by the system.

There is only one blind box, Luo Mingqi pouted.

I got 5 achievements by killing the turtle myself, but only gave one blind box.

Search and search system.

His mouth was disgusted, but his body was very honest. Luo Ming took the blind box into his hand in the next second.

Placing it in the open space, Luo Ming confirmed that it was open.

A dazzling light appeared, illuminating a corner of the night.


The blind box cracked open, and two small balls of light floated out of it.

Hey!Composite blind box.

Luo Ming rubbed his hands inadvertently.

Starting with the first light group, prompts pop up immediately.

【Man!Congratulations on winning the Plant Seed Combo Blind Box. 】

Sleepy, come to the pillow!

Luo Ming couldn't wait to open the blind box.

At the same time, Luo Ming secretly speculated that according to the frequency of blind box rewards, the rewards given by the Monster Hunter series achievements should be the materials of livestock populations and plant types.

These are all necessary conditions for the prosperity and development of the island.

【Man!You get 15000 Grass and Flower Seeds. 】

【Note 1】Ordinary soil is required for planting, and the growth period is three days. 】

[Note 2: If you are allergic to pollen, it is best not to grow it. 】

[Note 3] Although the flowers and plants are good, be careful to breed mosquitoes. 】

This is an island.Where do mosquitoes come from?
Luo Ming thought for a while, and then took out all the seeds.

15000 seeds sounds like a lot, but it's just a small bag in your hand.

Put away the bag, and touch the second light group.

【Man!Congratulations on getting a sip from the spring. 】

[Note: The water flows down, it is best to place it at a high point. 】

[Note 2: It produces drinking water for drinking every day. 】

This is a good thing, Luo Ming turned his head and looked at the black hole on the icon.

After looking at it for a week, Luo Ming climbed up the hill formed by Xiaobai's one-horned head, and put the spring water here.

The unremarkable pattern was pasted on the rock, and a clear spring was formed immediately.

A trickle flowed from it.

It's amazing to say that there is no water supply and the spring water is still dripping.

Luo Ming was amazed.

"Xiaobai, manipulate the terrain on your back to form a ditch." Luo Ming ordered.

After some design, the spring water finally converges in the small pond.At the other end of the small pond, a narrow ditch leads to the sea.

He doesn't have to rely on a water filter for his daily water needs.

The water problem has been completely solved.

Luo Ming was in a good mood, and walked around the remaining space on Xiaobai's back, spreading all the seeds evenly on it.

Returning to the original position, the pot of stew on the side has been cooked, and it is steaming outside, and the aroma is tangy.

After experiencing the excitement of the night, Luo Ming saw that the index finger of the food moved more vigorously, so he sat directly beside the pot and began to chew.

The night of crisis was finally passed without any danger.


The moonlight sprinkled on the sea, a piece of tranquility.

Xiaobai walked slowly.

In the attic bedroom, Luo Ming lay on a 4-meter wide bed, sleeping soundly.

Other seas, wind and lightning, animals and death still rage.

What. What time is it?
The small fan beside the bed was blowing, Luo Ming rubbed his eyes and sat up.

Looking at the familiar interior layout, Luo Ming almost thought that he had never been to this world.

Outside the window is a clean and tidy blue sky with a little cloud.

Call up-
Luo Ming sat up from the bed with a force, and Luo Ming almost fell to the ground.

The strength strengthened yesterday has not yet adapted.

Pushing open the window, Luo Ming squinted his eyes to observe the position of the sun.

It seems seven or eight o'clock?

It's time to work.

I rinsed my mouth with drinking water and washed my face indiscriminately.Luo Ming casually picked up a large vest and put it on for him.

I'm kind of thinking about switching out the bar soap I haven't had in the shower for a month.

Luo Ming yawned and pushed open the attic door.


Luo Ming saw Nana's red figure circling the mountain on Xiaobai's back at a glance.

Since the white prostitute used minerals as food in Luo Ming, Nana has changed from a lonely otaku to a spiritual boy.

Runs around with a red shell every day and often doesn't live in the shell.

"what are you doing?"

Luo Ming walked over, and Nana waved the pliers, which was a response to Luo Ming.

Xiaobai's happy thoughts came from his mind.

"You mean Nana is thanking you?"

". Still recognize you as the boss?"

There was a look of dumbfounding on Luo Ming's face, watching the cheerful Nana running around the mountain.

"It takes this mountain as your body."

The mountain peak is the highest point of the island formed by the unicorn Xiaobai.

Sure enough, Nana's intelligence has increased, but it is still a bit worrying.

"Nana, under your feet is Xiaobai's body."

Luo Ming frowned, struggling with Nana's cognition.

Nana Dudu raised her eyes and moved between Luo Ming and the mountain in doubt.

Look at the ground, then look at the mountains.

Kaka, Kaka-
Waving the pincers happily, Nana continued to circle the mountain peak.

walk my own path.

The veins on Luo Ming's forehead swelled.

The child is too young to be angry with starfish in the morning.

Xiaobai was very happy.He doesn't mind this.Anyway, he has a brother.

"Xiaobai, what's changed in the second stage of advancing to the moving castle?"

On the night of crisis last night, Xiaobai's advanced point successfully reached the 200 mark!

"Master, I don't understand the introduction..." Xiaobai's idea came to him.

Well, I'll see for myself.

Luo Ming shook his head and turned to the small white information panel.

Pet: Xiaobai, the first stage of Advanced Moving Castle (2/5)
Current advancement point: 208/500! 】

【Man!Xiaobai has completed the second stage of the advanced moving castle! 】

[Abilities: Armored Skin (Upgrade), Sea Clan Domination (Upgrade)! 】

[Acquire new ability: waterspout! 】

All skills have been upgraded and a new ability has been added!

Luo Ming held back his joy and clicked on Xiaobai's detailed skill introduction.

[Genuine leather—steel leather. 】

[Note: Xiaobai's defense is stronger! 】

[Sea Clan Rule (Elementary)-Sea Clan Rule (Advanced)! 】

[Note: Xiaobai can control fish in a farther range! 】

For Luo Ming, the most important thing is Xiaobai's new ability.

[Waterspout: Xiaobai can create a huge vortex with a diameter of 500 meters after a short period of energy storage! 】

Just finished?

Luo Ming read the introduction and was a little confused.

"Xiaobai, try your new ability."

Try it.

The information from Xiaobai shows that Luo Ming must stand firm.

you guy
Before Luo Ming finished speaking, he felt a strong vibration under his feet.

The pebbles on the ground rattled, the water in the small pond rippled, and the fish in it panicked.

Xiaobai's big mouth opened, and a small piece of seawater sank in front of him.

There was a thunderous sound in his throat, and the sea water in front of Xiaobai moved.

It took less than 3 seconds from fast boot to fast boot.

Chi Chi!

The water spins rapidly, turning the soft water into sharp blender blades.

In the sea water, bright blood flowers bloom one after another, that is the affected fish.

Standing at the highest point on Xiaobai's back, Luo Ming clearly saw a big fish with a body length of more than 10 meters running away in panic.

But still did not escape the vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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