Chapter 49 Betrayal!

Chapter 49 Betrayal!
"Yes, I lost five survival teams. Now No.2 is still a monkey, and No.1 is a Tibetan mastiff."

"The rankings have changed since they started."

"The fastest rising is a survival group named Mina, from 30 to 7 all at once."

"There's also one named Drago, who jumped from 50 to 20."

At this time, someone sent a message, "Actually, the ranking of other survival groups is not important. I don't care at all."

"Important things come first! Tibetan Mastiff!"

"I'm starting to suspect that Luo Ming is the head of the Tibetan mastiff!"

"Hey, brother, don't talk nonsense, you didn't give anything..."

A man is not kind, and deliberately sings a different tune, asking that man to show evidence.

"Ro Ming won 1v5!"

"The latest comprehensive strength of the Tibetan Mastiff is worth [-]! The head is also called Luo Ming!"

"Comprehensive strength value of 25000 is more than the second to No.7 on the list!"

"Is that not enough?"

Everyone shut up and think about the rationality of this guess.

"But in the notification of the system, why is it not the victory of the Tibetan mastiff, but the name of Luo Ming alone?"

"Ah, this..." The man was stopped.

The system doesn't lie.

"So, I think Tibetan Mastiff and Luo Ming are two people, Tibetan Mastiff is a group of people, and Luo Ming is one person."

"Then who is better?" The ultimate question was raised.

"I don't know. Maybe just let them fight..."

"Very good, the craftsmanship is not behind."

Luo Ming wiped the grease from his mouth, crushed the beer can in his hand, and threw it away.


Under the dim light, only a small splash of water flashed across the water.

The fire was still going strong, and the dinner party was over.

Nana has turned into a drunken crab, none of the eight legs listen to her, each has its own ideas.

"Sir, drag Nana back to her den."

Luo Ming rubbed his eyebrows, and looked at the four empty wine jars beside Nana.

This is not a cause for concern.

The master's reaction to this matter was particularly enthusiastic, and he immediately put down his hands and went to work.

A deep mark was plowed on the ground, and Nana was dragged away by one leg by her master.

Carter watched his master's movements and dragged involuntarily.He couldn't figure out why Nana was so big, but his master loved the job.

"Leave them alone."

Luo Ming smiled and put his hands on the ground.

"Carter, have a good rest tonight."

Luo Ming stood up, patted the dirt behind his butt, and turned to look at the outline of the moon in the sky.

"good night!"


The little chameleon was gone too, and in the evening it was his turn to work.

Carter stared at Luo Ming's back, and the camera moved.

As the track turned, Carter came to Romin and picked up a can that Romin had emptied.

There is a small lattice on the chest, and the jar is solemnly placed in it.

When Grid came back, Carter came to the high ground of his house alone. His little head was lifted up, imitating the action of Luo Ming just looking up at the moon, and remained motionless.

time passes.
A main arm lands on Carter's head and the Master is back.

Carter responded.

The master shook his head, then nodded, stretched out a main arm, pointed to the vast sea, then pointed to Luo Ming's attic, and exchanged something with Carter.

Carter responded, and continued to look at the moon.

The master left silently.


In the attic, in the study.

Luo Ming sat on a chair with a few things in front of him.

A white prickly pear, two stone walls, a broken statue and kindling.

"It's all weird things from the survival team."

In deep thought, Luo Ming put his hand on the prickly pear.

【Man!You get a Biosensor (Strange Stuff): Function One: Can detect life energy fluctuations of nearby sea creatures. 】

[Function [-]: Extract the energy of biological flesh and blood, greatly improving the body's physical fitness! 】

[Side effect [-]: Only focus on individual strengthening, if it leads to psychological imbalance, you will lose yourself. 】

[Side effect [-]: If you devour the same kind, you will become a monster. 】

At this time, the cactus is shining like a light bulb.

Luo Ming's hand felt a little hot.

Because it is in Xiaobai. Luo Ming speculates through function 1.

Side Effects. Romin's pupils shrink.

Shortcuts are undoubtedly a huge temptation in this sea world.

It can be used, but in moderation.

I'm strong enough now, I don't need to replenish my strength with Xiaobai to share my strengths. .

For the rest of the time, try to extract the energy of biological flesh and blood. The biological energy that ordinary marine organisms can use is too little, so you need to find a larger one.

Luo Ming felt a strong arm, and turned his hand to put away the prickly pear.

second section!
[Sacrifice (monster) in the Undersea Temple: Give your team the ability to "diving" and become an undersea ghost. 】

[Note: 5 glory points per minute!Insufficient glory value, consuming 200 units of any material per minute. 】

Playing with the rock wall with two hands, Luo Ming didn't notice anything unusual.

But as long as they are within 10 cm, there will be suction between them.

At the same time, Luo Ming's ear hinted.

【Man!Dive mode is about to start.Please choose to consume glory points or consume materials? 】

"Don't choose either."

Luo Ming took the two stone walls further away.

I have my own Xiaobai, so naturally this strange thing can't be used.

Go to my [Base Camp] to eat ashes.

The third item, broken idols.

[Shell Totem (strange thing) (damaged state): Pay your glory value and pray to it for your wishes. 】

[Wish 2: Rush, consume 150 glory points per minute, which means your speed will increase by [-]%! 】

[Wish [-]: Neurotoxin, sacrifice materials, get shell poison.A small amount of toxin can stimulate the body's functions, and your physical strength, reaction, and perception will be greatly improved, but a large dose will cause death. 】

[Note: Once taken, it will form a strong dependence! 】

[Wish [-]: Sacrifice yourself, sacrifice everything you have to the totem, including your own life, and summon the shells! 】

[During a battle not long ago, it was damaged with a harpoon by a legendary can't be repaired anymore! 】

Man, it's a black hole.

Once you touch it, you can't stop.

Luo Ming smashed it, smashed it, and turned the totem upside down.On its base, there are three bright holes, which are left by fishermen at the Sanchakou.

Specially called the fisherman, lest someone in the fog useless third wish.

It's worthless.After playing for a while, Luo Ming threw it aside.

The fourth item, kindling.

In what has been modified by the master, a small flame keeps beating.

Like candlelight.
Luo Ming stared at this thing, which may be the biggest gain in this incident.

Tomorrow will get the main workshop inspection.Luo Ming was eager to know its other uses.

Warming your hands all the time is no good.

After reading everything, Luo Ming straightened up, moved his body, and sat back down.

With a shake of the palm, a thick notebook appeared.

"After-the-fact summary of Romin's defense of the enemy during the first island invasion."

Several large characters appeared.

Scratching his head, Luo Ming recalled his strategic little dick.

"Considering the enemy's dispersion and flexibility, there is no ability to use Xiaobai directly."

"We should adopt the tactics of covering a wide range of firepower and use the weather controller to create fog. Xiaobai is responsible for inviting you into the urn and destroying the enemy's remaining troops."

"There were no major mistakes in the designation and execution of tactics, but they also underestimated the enemy's means."

"The function of the strange thing is so strange that it almost overturned, so some cards cannot be used."

"War, in addition to frontal combat, is also logistical warfare and information warfare."

"Although this war has not reached the level of material reserves, the advantages of information warfare have been reflected."

"The phonograph in the sleeper helped me a lot. Everyone's news was blocked, so I couldn't tell the outside world what was inside."

"So now the outside world's perception of me should be limited to my name."

"The enemy didn't fully understand me, they were purely attracted by the land."

"I can't hide the news of their disappearance. The relationship between the Tibetan Mastiff and me should be guessed soon."

"I just want to live."

Luo Ming turned the pen in his hand and recorded his thoughts.

"This battle is so-so." Luo Ming drew a full stop at the end of this page.

Turning to the second page of the manuscript book, Luo Ming continued to write.

"I'm amazed by the change in Volcano, but Carter will be away for a while as well."

"It's lonely without a companion on the road. I promise it will pick it up."

Luo Ming looked out the window and saw Carter looking at the moon.

"Hope Carter isn't alone."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I plan to go to the first place to collect the above materials. It's time for the little pig to harvest."

In this study, Luo Ming wrote briefly that the moon in the sky is gradually moving.

Outside the window, Carter turned his head and followed the path of the moon.

Master silently cleaned up the mess left by the barbecue.

The little chameleon crawled quickly in the grass, chasing mosquitoes.

Nana was sleeping soundly in the cave, with bubbles coming out of her mouth, and being pinched by pliers from time to time.

The next day, Luo Ming was woken up by the alarm bell.

After turning off the alarm clock, a figure slid off the bed.

"So sleepy..." He yawned, his nerves were tense all day yesterday, and he fell into a deep sleep at night.

After a brief wash, Luo Ming pushed open the door of the attic.

"Good morning, my lord~"

"Good morning, Nana~"

When Luo Ming saw two young men galloping towards him, he greeted him warmly.

The master held a kettle in his hand and let go of her, and she ran like crazy, before she could look at Luo Ming.

Nana chased after her master angrily.There was a noticeable wet mark on her head.The pliers kept ringing, and she had no time to look at Luo Ming.

dong dong——
The dense footsteps gradually faded away.

Yesterday they were sitting and drinking together, but today they turned against each other.

Luo Ming wiped his face to refresh himself.


Luo Ming saw Carter among the flowers, looking at the flowers inside, curious.

The tall flowers almost buried most of Carter's body.


"Carter made flowers..."

An irregular wreath with a bird's nest appeared in Carter's hand.

"Give it to the master."

Luo Ming took it with a smile and put it on his head.

"Let's go and take you to that island."

Luo Ming wore a garland, recruited Zhou Tiantian, and brought Carter back to the island.

After a night of air-drying on the new land, the water stains have disappeared, and dead fish can be seen everywhere.

The smell of the sea is stronger than yesterday.

In the distance, the biological environment converter is still working, and a thick green light is injected into the ground.

"Before that, there is one more thing."

Luo Ming opened his arms and waved towards the open space, and two huge boxes appeared.

[Crop Seed Blind Box! 】

[Blind box herd! 】

"A total of 4 glory points are required to open it!"

Luo Ming nodded, the glory points were consumed, and the shell disappeared, revealing the contents inside.

【Man!Congratulations for getting Wheat Seeds*1000, Rice Seeds*1000, Corn Seeds*1000, and Sweet Potato Seeds*1000! 】

【Man!Congratulations, you won the cow*20, sheep*20, chicken*20, donkey*20! 】

Four seeds appeared on the ground, while animals on the other side smelled it and wanted to eat it.

"Go, go!"

Luo Ming ran fast and drove the livestock aside.

"Lead your own people and find a place to be your territory."

Luo Ming issued an order.

Then he said to Carter, "I'll take some seeds and I'll give you the rest. You can sow freely on the island."

The island's high-quality soil should be put to good use.

After that, Luo Ming turned to say goodbye to Carter.

"I will return!"

"Goodbye, master!"


Sitting on Zhou Tiantian's back, with the air whistling through his ears, Luo Ming suppressed his emotions.

Looking at the white color that was getting closer, Luo Ming said.

"Check in!"

【Man!Check in successfully every day! 】

[Rewards are being distributed! 】

After a while, the prompt came again.

【Man!Congratulations on winning Death Gatling! 】

Ho!Big killer!
Luo Ming grinned directly.With this thing, the Eagles sweep all their "da da da".

Looking at the small icon in [Base Camp], Luo Ming planned to vent his anger on Xiaobai's back.

At this time, Luo Ming heard the system prompt.

【Man!When you punch in the air for the first time, you get a special reward! 】

【Man!You get a special vehicle, a set of high-altitude hot air balloons! 】

[Base Camp] There is also a small grid.

That's what I love about this system.I always like surprises.

Knock on the door.

When Zhou Tiantian was 5 meters away from the ground, Luo Ming jumped off his back.

The strengthening of the physique means that there is no problem at all.

Can't wait to open the [Base Camp] and take out two things inside.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The Dark Steel Killer was carried by Luo Ming in one hand, and he shot towards the sea frantically.

A faint red light appeared on the muzzle of the gun, and thousands of bullets were swept away.

Luo Ming spewed white smoke from the muzzle, and couldn't help but think of his master's appearance after transformation.

If it is paired with Gatling, the combat power is absolutely overwhelming.

At this time, the master came from behind and looked curiously at the things Luo Ming was holding in his hand.

The master's metal body has a few white marks, it seems that Nana has succeeded.

"Want it? Here it is!"

Master took it, and the one-eyed laser gun above his head scanned the gun.Mechanically, analyze the structure inside.

A few seconds later, my master gave Luo Ming a surprise.

"What? Can be copied!!??"

"Master, I have finished analyzing its main structure. It is composed of a pure body. It is not difficult to copy."

The master continued, with strong confidence: "According to statistical calculations, the power of the pure subject can hardly harm advanced creatures."

"I can make it stronger."

"it is good!"

Luo Ming nodded, the master is normal at this time.

"Look at the second reward."

Luo Ming took a step back with his master and waved his hands!
There was a loud noise, and a hot air balloon appeared in the clearing.

[High-altitude hot air balloon (rare): 1 ton load, slow flight speed, maximum flight altitude 5000 meters.It needs power stones as fuel. 】

Hot air balloons are painted with blue and white paint.

【Man!Please name! 】

Standing in front of the huge hot air balloon, Luo Ming had an idea.

"Karl! Call me Karl!"

When Luo Ming thought of the movie he had seen that old Karl missed his wife, his heart couldn't help being touched.

The three large characters of "Carl" slowly emerged on the surface of the balloon.

"If only the colors could turn into rainbows." Luo Ming thought to himself.

As soon as the idea came up, he noticed that the blue and white paint on the balloon had changed, and the rainbow colors really appeared!

"Go to the sky and see if you have time!"

Looking up at the sky, Luo Ming always had a question.

What is the sky like in this world?
With a hot air balloon, you may have the opportunity to see the world.


In front of the workshop, Luo Ming stood side by side with his master.

Iron, copper and steel piled on the ground.

Master stretched out the data cable, and a drawing of Gatling appeared on the big screen in front of him.

A lot of minor changes have appeared above.

"Master, I need an energy source."

"There are now radioactive stones, pyrolusite, and tinder as energy options."

Luo Ming moved his hands, and three kinds of energy burst out.

"The grade of pyrite is relatively low, and radioactive source stone and fire are high-grade energy sources."

Thinking of last night's idea, Luo Ming chose kindling.

"Try this. My gut tells me there's something unexplored about it."

Master, take it, and input the mathematical model of tinder into the main workshop.

[Simulation test compatibility! 】

[Adjust the output power! 】

【Man!Simulation results are complete! 】

A dense data table appears.

[Using fire as energy, Gatling can gain super aggressiveness, and the lethality against advanced creatures can reach 100%! 】

The screen flashed, and a weapon rendering appeared.

A string of red patterns appeared on the pitch-black body of the gun, the position of the cartridge became a firelighter, and a circle of special-shaped rings replaced the barrel.

[Vulcan Gatling (strange thing): Endowed with brand-new changes by the fire, it has extremely strong destructive power, extremely long range, and extremely small recoil.At the same time, it carries the "burning" effect, causing double damage to marine life! 】

As soon as the photo came out, Luo Ming immediately fell in love with this look.

I am domineering and flamboyant, telling my opponents directly that I am not someone to be trifled with.

"Master, start making!"

Luo Ming asked: "Do you need any other materials?"


The master replied: "The real core of a weapon is the kindling, and the other main structures are just the carrier."

"As long as the energy in the tinder is not depleted, the weapon will continue to function."

Luo Ming nodded thoughtfully.

According to his master's words, he thought of a possibility.

Tinder can be used as an energy source, so Radiation Stone is also an energy source.
Now I own a radioactive stone mine.

"Sir, can the weapon system at home be modularized?"

Following Luo Ming's gaze, the master saw the cannon on Xiaobai's back.

The internal program ran for a while, and the expert replied.

"After data analysis, the probability of successful transformation is 98%."

98%... 100% if rounded up.

"Yes, it takes 2 days to reach the first land. You can study it slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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