There is a god simulator at the beginning

Chapter 51 Opinions one by one!

Chapter 51 Opinions one by one!

Chapter 51 Opinions one by one!

"Da Huang came to deliver a message just now and told me that they lost three people and they were attacked by animals."

"This damn place has been blocking us for two days."

"Go around from other places, Johns has sent people to try, but they haven't come back yet."

"The sea is too vast."

Mina was very worried.


Monkey, Johns was lying on the table looking at a hand-painted simple nautical chart.

"Damn, this sea area is too big!"

"It's close to a hundred kilometers."

Rhubarb came over. "Boss, let's discuss it with Mina. Can't we change directions?"

Another slap on Da Huang's head, Johns angrily scolded him for not being able to understand.

"It's not that I don't want to go, it's that they don't want to go."

"While there is likely to be good going on in that stormy sea, lives matter."

John rubbed his palms. "Haven't you heard? The news before the death of the five survival groups also entered the storm."

"While there are many coincidences at sea, I think we should forget about this one."

Johns scratched his head and said: "I will formally discuss this matter with Mina after Pathfinder returns."

"I always feel like they're so stubborn that they have something to hide."


"We have arrived!"

Luo Ming stood on Xiaobai's back, watching the raging waves getting closer and closer.

"Sir, take shelter in the attic. There's a big storm ahead."

Luo Ming shouted to the back.

"Nana, stop making trouble and come here."

Greeting the angry Nana, Luo Ming patted its hard shell.

"Remember where we first met?"

Nana's attention was attracted. Doudou's eyes stood up and looked straight at the sea in front of her.


Luo Ming smiled, thinking that Nana was a little starfish living in a shell.

Now it is as big as a calf.

Da da-
I remembered!

Isn't this my hometown?

Nana waved the pliers excitedly.If Luo Ming didn't pull them, she would jump into the sea.

"We haven't gone in yet. Wait a minute."

Luo Ming stood up and said, "Xiao Bai, rush in!"

Therefore, Xiaobai was very excited to revisit his old place. With a swing of his huge tail, his huge body opened the rain curtain and plunged into the stormy sea.

Luo Mingyou didn't hold up his shield, letting the rain fall on him.The wind and rain here pose no threat to him.

With a slap of the small white fin, the sea water suddenly exploded, causing a huge splash, and an animal with three heads floated up with its belly turned over.

"Huh? Three sharks?"

Luo Ming's eyes sparkled.I haven't seen this thing before.

Manipulating the fishing net, the huge bodies of three sharks were fished out, and Luo Ming put his hands on them.

【Man!You kill one of the three sharks and get 1 glory point! 】

【Man!Disassemble the three-headed shark to get crocodile skin*1!Meat*5!Shark fin*2! 】


Talking is better than nothing, Luo Ming quickly forgot about this little gain.

With Xiaobai's incomplete progress, Luo Ming also came to the sea where Nana was first discovered.

Nana kept jumping on her eight legs.When she saw Luo Ming nodding, she jumped off Xiaobai's back.

Luo Ming jumped down.

The aquarium talent and extraordinary physical fitness began, and Luo Ming was in the water as if he was on land.

Last time, I relied on Xiaobai.This time, he dived to the bottom of the sea alone.

Nana swam towards a fixed place.

Luo Ming looked up and saw that Xiaobai's huge body was like a ship floating on the sea.

When she came to the bottom of the sea, Nana waved her pincers and quickly dug up the bottom of the sea.

Pieces of gravel were piled aside, revealing a golden rock formation!
Luo Ming immediately understood Nana's intention!

Kogas cancer depends on minerals for growth.Nana's birthplace is definitely a place rich in mineral resources!

Going down, Luo Ming will put his hand on the rock.

【Man!Congratulations on finding a gold mine! 】

【Man!Congratulations on the discovery of high purity copper ore! 】

【Man!Congratulations on finding the rare mineral vein, meteorite! 】

【Man!Congratulations on finding the rare mineral vein and transformed metal! 】

With great risks, there must be treasures!
Looking at Nana, Luo Ming heaved a sigh of relief. The child has grown up and finally knows how to repay his father.

Nana happily swam around Luo Ming, picking up the sand from the bottom of the sea.

"Nana, it's time to get out of here."

Luo Ming took his hand away from the rock and walked upstream by stepping on the water.

A small stone on the bottom of the sea was picked up by Nana.

With two underwater sounds, Luo Ming quickly came to Xiaobai's back.

"Xiao Bai, stay here for a while."

Luo Ming stood on the edge of his house, opened his hands, and slapped heavily towards the sea!

A few meters of waves exploded, and a giant machine floated on the sea.

[Undersea drilling machine (rare): output 300-600 units per hour! 】

[Note: The amount of mining increases with the power of the video recorder! 】

This is something Luo Ming has never put to use since being exchanged in the mysterious shop.

The front of the drilling rig is a huge drill bit, the back is a dark blue silo, and the lower wall is a combination of crawlers and paddles, which has amphibious functions.

The seawater began to slosh, the drill bit in front of the drilling rig began to rotate, and the paddle below stirred, gradually entering working condition.

Luo Ming nodded and issued the mining order.

"Center on the seabed, radiate 5 kilometers to the surrounding area, and conduct exploratory collection!"

"Order [-]: Find out the distribution of various landmines!"

"Command [-]: Estimate mineral reserves!"

The huge machine began to tilt and slowly disappeared into the sea.

After everything was settled, Luo Ming once again stood on Xiaobai's head, "Go at full speed and break through this sea!"

In my memory, there is a windless strip directly ahead.


Nana walked back to her home in the crevice of the rock.

da da~
The little rock where I was born was placed in the deepest part of the cave next to it
Doudou stared at the little stone, and Nana showed a rare silence.

Maybe crabs have troubles too.

After staring at the small stone for a while, Nana not only found a deep red copper ore from somewhere, but also crushed it with pliers, and put it into her mouth bit by bit.

Looking at the wind and rain outside the cave, Nana's eyes became firm.

Crab's goal is the sea of ​​stars!

Although I was born under the storm, I was born above the storm.

Its small eyes turned to Luo Ming, who was standing in the distance.It would be nice if the owner could keep the wine well.

Indeed, no great ideal is perfect.


The huge white body rushed out of the rain curtain and set off huge waves on the sea!
No wind belt, come!

Right in the middle of the windless zone, a small island is clearly visible!
Windless Belt. Pharaoh
Seeing the scene here first reminded me of Luo Ming.

The king's body is 100 meters tall, his ability to withstand wind and waves, and his ability to see through people's hearts.

Like white people at that time, they were poor and helpless.
Now white, waterspout, atomic breath.
And the host, Zhou Tiantian, is the main creature of the series.

Shaking his head, Luo Ming let go of the sigh in his heart.

"Go to the island!"

Pigs, here I come!
Sign a pile of iron, here I come!


Xiaobai also let out a cheerful low cry, drained the sea water, and swam to the island.

Zhou Tiantian spreads his wings, flies in the air, and takes the lead in flying to the island!

The master comes out from the attic and looks at the new surroundings.

The storm was raging outside, but there was no wind here, which made him curious.

At this moment, Zhou Tiantian in the air suddenly changed direction!
With a warning, Li Ming and Zhou Tiantian turned into an arc and dived somewhere in the sea!


"This is the wreckage of a sea ship!"

Luo Ming was standing on the beach, next to him was Zhou Tiantian, an unknown object he had just discovered.

The wreckage of the boat is more than 3 meters long, covered with scars, and there are remnants of iron chains and so on.

Luo Ming squatted down and carefully observed the surface of the wreckage.

"It was not parasitized by barnacles, the banana water on the core surface was still there, the seawater corrosion was less than 3mm, and the stubble at the fracture was hard."

Luo Ming judged that "the damage time of this sea-going ship will not exceed 3 days!" "Zhou Tiantian!"

Luo Ming turned his head and said, "Focus on the sea area with greater wind and waves, radiate 10 kilometers around, and patrol all sea areas along the way!"

He lowered his head and rubbed the back of Luo Ming's hand, spread his wings and soared into the sky every day!
A sonic boom appeared, and Zhou Tiantian disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Luo Ming continued to rummage through the wreckage of the ship. "This is an ordinary sea ship. It can be made by consuming 50 cores, 10 steel, and 15 gems in [production]."

"Survivors who can make it grow well."

"Wait! There's a sign here!"

Luo Ming saw that on the inner wall of the wreck, a pattern of a small anchor was artificially carved.

Luo Ming thought about this design carefully.


In the senior ranking list, the Tibetan mastiff's group symbol is the outline of a giant killer whale, and the monkey's symbol is an anchor.

As the second child who followed behind him, Luo Ming had a deeper impression of monkeys.

"It's their ship!"

Luo Ming stood up, looked around, and murmured: "Did you come here unconsciously, or did you come here for adventure?"


The formation of monkeys, a line of ships on the sea, moved towards the large army together.

"Boss, the people we sent are back!"

Go down from the Big Yellow Watchtower and shout to Johns.

"One boat missing!"

"Bring someone here and ask what's going on?"

John pushed open the door and went out.He wondered what had happened to the fleet two days after the disappearance.

Five members were sent, but only four returned.

"Boss, Ah Liang was dragged into the water by an animal!"

With a sad look on his face, "An animal with two mouths attacked us from behind."

"Are you kidding me? An animal with two mouths?" John looked unconvinced.

"It's true what I said. We were scouting the outskirts when a wave swept us in."

Having said that, the man showed fear.

"The fauna, almost all the fauna are in the storm waters. As soon as we appeared, the animals came from all sides."

"After losing a sea vessel, we finally got rid of them."

"The animal didn't chase it out?"

"No!" Those people turned back with lingering fears.

"They can't seem to break through the storm."

"Boss, we drew a simple map."

The man produced a scroll with curved lines on it. "This sea area is too big. We traveled more than 50 kilometers along the periphery without exploring the edge."

John held the map and let out a breath. "It's time to talk to Mina. We can't waste it here."

"I'm going to see Mina by myself this time!"


"What? John came alone?"

Beside Mina, Mina raised her head, with surprise on her beautiful face.

"Well, if he dares to come, I dare to see him."

"Yi Yi, you stay and watch the house. I want to see him."

Facing Li Ting's worried eyes, Mina touched her head. "Don't worry, it will be fine."

At sea, two large fleets approached each other.

Each of the two sides brought more than a dozen boats, with two standing on the bow.

Seeing Mina, Johns' eyes flashed with admiration, but he suppressed it. "Let's exchange what we already know."

"Very good." Mina also beckoned, and one of her men immediately brought a box.

"My people have discovered it. The stormy sea area is larger than imagined, and it is impossible to go around it in a short time. Moreover, it is a paradise for animals."

"Because of its brutal nature, it is often mobilized in groups."

"Let me share it too." Mina opened the box and took out a piece of meat.

"Oranges, from a double-headed shark that was killed today, eating them can restore 2 glory points!"

"Four lives, one animal, not worth it."


Just as the two teams were communicating, a small black dot flew over their heads.

Zhou Zhuzhu's eyes are shrinking every day, and the angle of view is getting closer, so that he can have a panoramic view of the faces and expressions of the people below.

The wings moved, and turned back every day.

Find the target!

"I have a trick that can frighten animals."

John said in a low voice.

“With that, we can get people together and give it a try.”

As he spoke, he also waved, and one of his men lifted a box.

"We fished it out by the stormy sea, copper mine!"

An ugly stone appeared with seaweed on it.

"There are seabed mineral deposits down there!"

"Now risks and benefits coexist, Colonel Liu, I think you need to make a choice."

"Mineral deposits and animal meat that can replenish the glory value."

"In the vast sea, we only need to occupy a small part, and we can get rich returns."

Mina felt a little moved and looked at the metal box Johns was carrying.

"I need to take a look."

"of course."

John nodded and patted his chest happily as the metal box opened behind.

A gleaming sword appeared. "Turtle teeth, deep-sea cold iron, and weapons made from epic scrolls."

"I call it Cold Tooth!"

With a wave of the knife, it turned into a field of practice, and Mina clearly felt the cold light.

"Not bad." Na nodded in agreement. "In this case, I also express a little sincerity."

"We have diving chambers that allow people to go to the bottom of the sea to 60 meters to collect materials."

"You clean up the animals and I do the mining."

"Fifty-five points."

"I only want four points!" John said with a heavy voice: "That's 10% in exchange for our good friends."

"This is business. Do you want 10% love left?"

Mina rolled her eyes. "I'm telling you clearly, I'm not interested in your type."

"Is there anything else? If nothing else, we will arrange for someone to go!"

"Hey, head Liu, tell me!"

John had a thick skin, smiled at Mina, turned around and left.


"A survival group composed of a group of women and another survival group of unknown origin?"

Zhou stayed by his side every day, reporting the discovery to him.

Luo Ming sat up from the chair and moved his hands and feet.

"Sir, I have a mission for you, go to the island to catch pigs!"

"Before evening, I hope to see a good dinner."

Luo Ming smiled and whistled, "Xiaobai, stop playing and come out with me."

A hill appeared on the sea, and Xiaobai sprayed out a high jet of water.

Having not seen similar species at sea for a long time, Luo Ming decided to have a head-on contact with them.

Xiaobai carried Luo Ming on his back and gradually disappeared into the rain.


"are you ready?
"All right!"

Another two groups of people gathered at sea, but this time they brought more people.

"The power of heaven and earth is terrifying."

500 meters ahead is the stormy sea, and the noise is frightening.

"Sister, you must be safe."

Li Ting was placed on the periphery as a backup supporter.

"En." Mina waved her hand, and a metal cabin appeared, with two main arms on the outside and a propeller at the tail.

With another wave of his hand, three huge construction ships were released, with crossbows and giant arrows lined up on them.

John also sent a ship of the same size, and the weapons and equipment of both sides were comparable.

Six ships tied together, sailed through the storm to the storm.


"Two worlds inside and outside!"

In the rainstorm waters, the rain keeps falling, and there is no peace when the wind blows.

The deck was filled with water for a while, and the two arranged for their men to open the drainpipe to drain water.

"We can't explore too much in there!"


"Set up the shark blocking net!"

A series of orders were arranged, and several ships temporarily stopped at sea.

One hundred square meters of sea surface was cleared, and Mina placed the diving chamber with four people inside.

John bit his cold teeth and took charge of the guard with his subordinates.

The initial mining operation went smoothly.Mina got news from the people below and discovered a large amount of raw ore.

"In addition to copper mines, there are also iron mines down there!"

John saw Mina's convenient diving cabin and wanted to buy one too.

“I was lucky enough to have this right out of the box.”

John shouted sourly to his men.

"Have you found anything unusual?"

"No... Chief, it's raining so hard that I can't even open my eyes."

Looking at the sea, there was nothing there. After shaking hands, John always felt that something was wrong.

A few kilometers away in the sea, dozens of animals began to gather. The first animal was a five-headed giant great white shark.

The scarlet eyes glanced ahead, and cunning flashed in the eyes of the five sharks.

The fauna surrounded the five sharks and quickly dispersed.

"Boss, I think I just saw an animal's dorsal fin!"

The man shouted excitedly: "It's just over 50 meters away!"

Are you coming?

With a stabbing pain in his heart, John looked down at where his man was pointing.


"Colonel, we are under unknown attack!"

Mina received a message from the bottom of the sea.

"The attacking creature is at the back of the diving chamber, we cannot observe the form!"

"Go up as fast as you can!"

"Everyone prepare firepower and cover the diving chamber to float up!"

Mina was working overtime and looked at John.

He found himself busy there too, and people kept throwing things into the sea.

"Got it! Dorsal fin! The animal is coming!"

"Barbed wire, hurry, hurry! Sprinkle on the sea!"

Having been through so much at sea, John has a knack for dealing with animals.

Animals often jump out of the water to attack, which can be prevented by laying barbed wire on the surface of the sea.

"Don't worry, with this cold tooth, no animals dare to approach within 20 meters."

(End of this chapter)

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