Chapter 76 Fatty Xia!
Chapter 76 Fatty Xia!

Luo Ming held a knife and faced an ice cube twice his height.

In this translucent ice crystal, a vague shadow remains inside.

There are animals in it, no doubt about it.

I can vaguely see it has a long tail, but I can't really see its head.

call out!
The sound of the blade cutting through the air was heard, and the ice fell in front of me!
Luo Ming held his nose and looked at the frozen animal cut in half by himself.

There is no need for animals that are too weak to stay.

【Man!Congratulations on killing the Class-D animal Snaketail Lizard! 】

[Snake-tailed lizard: a flexible body with poisonous barbs on its tail.The venom extracted from it can be processed and used as a freshener. 】

This time, Luo Ming could carefully observe the corpse in front of him.

Putting on goggles and a pair of waterproof gloves, Luo Ming rolled over on the ground with the blade to check the situation.

The blood is warm.
The muscles are full of elasticity, without long-term dormancy and atrophy, and the skin is also rich in moisture.All life, physiology, and activities before death are good.

Open the stomach sac of the snake-tailed lizard, and there are food residues inside.Luo Ming pushed the food scraps aside and observed carefully.

"Undigested fish bones, fish scales, fish roots..."

Luo Ming held his breath and separated the small rhizome.

Look carefully, disappointment, just an ordinary root.

But the problem also arises, in this vast world of ice and snow, where can we find the roots of plants?
Keep an eye out, Luo Ming will take root in the base camp.

Moving on to the dissection, we must complete the analysis before freezing the body.

After being frozen for so long, what is the secret of their vitality, and how do they keep their physiological functions from degrading?

What's more, how they are sealed in ice!

Finding that the blood was not corrosive, Luo Ming simply took off his gloves and cut open the corpse with a knife in his hand.

Luo Ming stared at his head inch by inch.


The sound of numbness in the scalp was heard, and Luo Ming broke the head of the snake-tailed lizard.

After examining it for a while, he frowned.Except for a piece of tofu, there is no valuable information.

With his head still on the side, a reminder came from Luo Ming's ear!
【Man!Congratulations on finding the spore ice flower (1/10!)!]

I found a spore ice flower? ? ?

Luo Ming looked down quickly, and it turned out that his fingers had been inserted into his brain.

Luo Ming raised his head again, looking at the place he touched.

There, a thin white line clings to the tofu ditch.

Luo Ming took a closer look and took a deep breath!

The entire surface of the snake-tailed lizard's brain is actually surrounded by this thin thread! !
I don't know myself well enough.If it weren't for the reminder, as a flesh and blood organization, I'm afraid I would have missed it long ago! 0 2
Luo Ming took out a pair of metal tweezers and slowly stretched out a strand of white silk thread

Firmly clamping Luo Ming's wrist, gradually, the silk thread was slowly pulled out.

The moment the thread left the brain, it suddenly twitched violently, and the white thread in the brain boiled up, and it was awakened to life!

A silk thread twists, shrinks, squeezes, screams!

Luo Ming only felt a force fighting against him, and he didn't want to leave the cerebral cortex.

Life? ? ?

Is this spore ice flower a plant or an animal? ?

Luo Ming held his breath, his wrists were loose and tight, like an experienced fisherman, slowly wearing down the physical strength of his prey.

Mask the perception of the ears and ignore the hiss.

Under Luo Ming's insistence, the white silk thread finally appeared faintly!
go out!

The white silk thread left the gully of the brain, leaving deep bloodstains.Luo Ming turned his wrist and rolled the silk thread onto the tweezers.

One, twenty laps!

The white silk thread on the brain has been pulled away!

In the end, something the size of a grain of rice got involved in the flesh and blood tissue.

Taking his hand away, Luo Ming looked at the silk thread still tangled in the air, and frowned.

Without the brain, the vitality of the spore ice flower still exists.

don't want!Its vitality is weakening!

Ten seconds later, the corpses on the ground had completely turned into ice, and the activity of the spore ice flower also weakened.

parasitic!Without a host, we cannot draw energy.

Luo Ming came to the first conclusion.

Taking out a sawdust bottle, Luo Ming stuffed it in, and took out a piece of orange and put it in.The spore ice flower looked like a bloody animal, and immediately stretched out its tentacles and pounced on the orange!

Into orange, the spore ice flower quickly quieted down.

Fasten Romin's cork, turn it over, and place it in [Base Camp].

He didn't want to put this strange thing in directly.

Strangely, the moment Luo Ming took the spore ice flower into the [Base Camp], the hundreds of square meters of white plants around the ice surface instantly withered, and the bare snow reappeared.

Once the ontology is found, these derivatives disappear.

Luo Ming straightened his clothes, and Lei Li's sword appeared again.

Take your steps and walk to the next piece of ice.

On this ice field, there are dozens of pieces of ice!

With a flash of the knife, the animals inside died before they woke up.

【Man!You killed a C-level animal, and you are afraid of wolves even if you have armor! 】

Next, Luo Ming, who was familiar with the environment, chopped off the animal's head with a knife.

The head in front of him was about the size of a grinding disc. Luo Ming cut it open, and his pupils shrank severely.

The parasitic situation of the spore ice flower in this place is even more terrifying!
It has formed a dense net, and the countless tentacles at the end of the net go deep into the brain.

Move them, Romin, or even fight back!


Without changing his expression, Luo Ming calmly collected the ball of silk thread into a wood chip bottle.

Buttoning the cork, Luo Ming moved the knife to the next place.

The spore ice flower collection progress is 2/10!


Two hours later!
A piece of ice cracked and an animal fell to the ground.

Luo Ming did the same thing, collecting spores and ice flowers.

"It's already the ninth, but it's still the last."

Open Luo Ming's [Base Camp], and see 9 bottles neatly placed inside.

"Just like ice in the sea, it's a matter of chance that animals are in it."

"Except for spore ice flowers, there is no other biological activity in the whole of Iceland for the time being."

Currently, Luo Ming defines the spore ice flower as a special parasite.

"Judging from the levels of the animals that were killed, the higher the animal level, the stronger the vitality of the intracranial spore ice flower."

"So is their relationship symbiotic or monoparasitic?"

Luo Ming turned into an afterimage and galloped across the snow.Hundreds of meters in front of him, there is a tall cliff of ice crystals.

"Is the strength of the animal positively or negatively correlated with the strength of the spore ice flower?"

He kept guessing in his mind, and he even thought of a terrifying speculation!

Survivors will also be parasitized!
The heavy snow all over the sky is the hiding place of the spore ice flower.

No one can guarantee what channel they will enter the body through.

(End of this chapter)

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