Ex-girlfriend group rebirth

Chapter 255 Human Nature

Chapter 255 Human Nature

"It's okay, I'll take care of it." Chang Xiao knew what the two were worried about, and waved them away first.

The other security guards attracted by the gunfire, Mu Nan and others, as well as some ordinary employees who watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, were rushing over one after another. Chang Xiao asked Mu Nan to arrange to drive the others back to sleep, and then called a few more A security guard carried the spider monster with only its torso back to Zhang Nuo's laboratory.

Mu Nan agreed one by one, but looked at the unicorn fairy who looked like a small three-story building, and asked worriedly: "Are you sure you don't need help from others?"

Chang Xiao waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion. Also, you will give Wang Dachui and Wang Xiaoke a bonus of 100 million each tomorrow, and then inform Qiao Shusheng, just say, I will let him show those two people their qualifications." , he will understand."

Everyone dispersed, leaving only Chang Xiao and Dujiaxian on the scene.

This unicorn fairy did not appear out of nowhere. It was also caught by Chang Xiao. Chang Xiao has trained it for a long time. The monster, defeated by Altman played by Yang Rihe.

It's just that this guy's IQ is really not enough. After training for a long time, he still doesn't know how to act. At most, he knows how to respect people and dare not bite people.

Chang Xiao walked towards the Unicorn Immortal step by step. The Unicorn Immortal's two eyeballs, which had already become the size of footballs, turned "gululu", showing anthropomorphic fear, as if she really wanted to escape, but dared not. , can only shrink back.

"Very well, your brain seems to be a little smarter, otherwise...hehe, you will not be any better than that spider." Chang Xiao laughed, touching the black shell of the unicorn fairy, his eyes were slightly bright.

The unicorn is an insect with an exoskeleton. Its defense is stronger than that of a spider. Judging from its huge size, its evolution has gone further than that of a spider. As a result, its outer shell is now ridiculously hard.

Chang Xiao felt it for a while. I am afraid that even if he keeps hitting the same point with an assault rifle, it will be difficult to penetrate the current Unicorn Immortal.

But in comparison, the defense of the unicorn fairy is not what Chang Xiao values ​​most. Chang Xiao said with great anticipation: "You dare not bite when you become stronger. I hope that your brain has also evolved. Come on, remember Let me train you, learn my movements."

After all, Chang Xiao imitated the appearance of the little monster in the TV series, raised his hands, spread his legs, and swayed awkwardly.

The ground shook slightly, and the unicorn straightened up very hard, trying to stand on its hind legs.Although it stands very hard, staggers, and seems to fall on its back at any time, at least it has improved a lot, and it looks like Chang Xiao.

"Ha, good!" Chang Xiao burst into tears like an old father who saw his child finally grow up and become sensible.


The re-evolved monsters were not the only big spiders and unicorns. Early the next morning, when I turned on the TV news channel, almost the entire screen was filled with mosaics.

Blood flowed in countless streets and houses, and corpses were strewn all over the place.The crematorium has long been overwhelmed, and many grieving relatives had to get firewood to burn the corpses on the spot.However, more people choose to dig pits and bury people. Huaxia has adhered to the cremation policy for decades, and now it has to temporarily relax and allow burial.

If there is anything called purgatory on earth, it is probably like this.

Of course, this is the case all over the world, not just China.Even, because China has a long tradition of martial arts, many masters hide among the people, relatively speaking, there are relatively few casualties.

Originally, various countries have already dispatched a large number of military police to various places to station and patrol, regularly remove monsters, maintain safety, and reduce risks.

But in the face of the sudden evolution of monsters, these people are still insufficiently prepared. Pistols have become toys, and weapons such as rifles are not effective enough. When the countries react and mobilize heavy firepower to fight back, many heroic military police have already died.

Not only that, the current upheaval of monsters has even surpassed the control capabilities of all countries, and it can no longer be suppressed.Although there are many soldiers and policemen, there are hundreds of millions of insects!
"...Remind the general public to give up their current residence immediately and evacuate to the safe zone. You can check the specific location of the safe zone..."

The governments of various countries have no choice but to move people to safe areas, and adopt a strategy of focusing on defense in the face of the raging monsters and beasts.

At the same time, gun control was relaxed again, and more powerful weapons were issued to citizens, even grenades, rocket launchers, etc., as long as they met certain conditions, they could also receive them.

"Da da da!"

There was a lot of gunfire, and Yun Xin and a dozen men in police or military uniforms were attacking with all their strength. In front of them were seven or eight locusts, each as big as a bus!
Don't look at Yun Xin's long and short guns firing non-stop, as if they were staged a large-scale gun battle. In fact, their attacks had no effect at all, at most they just made the locusts retreat a little.

This is also due to the fact that the streets are full of pitted corpses, and many locusts are busy filling their stomachs, so they don't attack them much.

But Yun Xin and the others didn't come here to kill monsters. While shooting non-stop, Yun Xin shouted loudly with a loudspeaker: "Residents of the community, we are ordered to escort Tian Liren and the residents of the community to take refuge in a safe area. Please gather behind us as soon as possible. Don’t take anything that is not necessary for survival, go lightly and run with all your strength, hurry up!”

It's a pity that even though she shouted her throat, no one in the community came out. Many people just hid in the tall buildings, opened the windows and poked their heads out, watching the battlefield below.

People are not stupid, and they didn't see that the guns equipped by Yun Xin and the dozen or so soldiers and policemen couldn't kill the locusts at all.

A man in Building No. [-] seemed to be moved. He greeted his family and said, "Honey, why don't we go down? Hiding at home is not an option after all. Those locusts may go upstairs after eating the corpses on the ground!"

His wife disagreed, and said with a sneer, "What are you afraid of? This is not the building closest to those locusts, and they wouldn't come to us if they wanted to go upstairs. Just those broken guns from the police? Forget it, I think it's more reliable for us to sneak away after the locusts go to other buildings to eat other people."

The locust swarm is currently blocking the entrance to the north gate of the community. If anyone comes down from the nearby buildings, they will be attacked. Building No. [-] is indeed relatively far away.

The closest building is No. 3, but the residents in the building don't seem to be in a hurry.

A woman who lived on the top floor had just given birth, her face was a little weak, and there was still a large mass of loose flesh tied around her stomach.

A short, fat, bald man who lived in the same room held a baby who was just a few days old in his arms, and said with a worried face: "Luo Bei, why don't we go down. The baby is too young. If you get sick, you can go down now There are only doctors in the safe zone.”

Last night Zhou Chenghu rushed back overnight to deal with Luo Bei and the child, but he did not expect the sudden evolution of a monster.

Perhaps it was misfortune in the eyes of others, but Zhou Chenghu was very fortunate, fortunately he rushed back, otherwise he would definitely be restless if he didn't hold his precious son on his body.

Regardless of being in confinement, Luo Bei smoked while basking in the sun, and leisurely exhaled a mouthful of smoke rings, saying: "What are you in a hurry for, we are on the top floor, even if locusts want to go upstairs to eat people, they will eat from the first floor .”

As soon as the words fell, a buzzing of mosquitoes fell from the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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