Ex-girlfriend group rebirth

Chapter 276 Jumping the beam clown

Chapter 276 Jumping the beam clown
Fei Nansheng came to Mu Nan's single-family luxury villa for the third time. Unlike the previous two times, he did not dress up carefully this time, nor did he hold roses in his mouth, and his face was even a little reserved.

Mu Nan grinned and sat on the sofa, crossed her slender legs, looked at Fei Nansheng's expression, and said with a sneer, "What? This time, don't say how much you love me, and don't say bad things about laughing?"

Fei Nansheng's face was ugly: "I didn't know he was the boss before, so don't tell him."

Before, he used coercion to get Mu Nan to open a back door for him to enter Penguin Company, and his position was quite high. Not only did he get rid of debt collection, but he actually lived a pretty happy life.

But he looks ugly, but he thinks beautiful.Still not satisfied, she kept pestering Mu Nan, trying to become the owner of Penguin Company.

Because seeing that Mu Nan and Chang Xiao are in frequent contact, they seized every opportunity and kept saying bad things about Chang Xiao in front of Mu Nan.It's nothing more than the embarrassing things about Chang Xiao's failure when he was in college, and how he went to the black market to sell blood and semen.

It wasn't until the New Year's Eve dinner last night that Fei Nansheng realized that he was like a clown in front of Mu Nan. After performing for so many days, his face became hot.

There is also fear, you know, if he keeps saying bad things about his boss, in the past, at most he would be fired, but in today's world, if he is fired and kicked out of Penguin Company, it is almost equivalent to a death sentence.

Mu Nan didn't take Fei Nansheng seriously at all, and said with a sneer: "I used to have some scruples. After all, if you don't tell me, I can't kill you. So I have endured a lot, and I can even give you a good job There is still a lot of money, I just hope you will tell me what you know. But my patience is limited, and it seems that I don't need to worry so much anymore."

Having said that, Mu Nan clapped his hands, and Wang Dahammer, who was dressed in martial arts attire, opened the door and walked in, nodding and saluting: "Mr. Mu."

Mu Nan nodded slightly at Wang Dahammer, then stared at Fei Nansheng coldly: "Today, I want you to tell me everything. Otherwise, you should understand that killing someone now is nothing at all."

His body suddenly turned cold, and Fei Nansheng couldn't help shivering. Looking back, Wang Dachui's cold gaze stayed on his neck.

lv13. Wang Dachui, who has not practiced martial arts for a long time, his level is not too high, but it is more than enough for Fei Nansheng.

Speaking of this, Fei Nansheng knew that it was a dream come true for him to get Mu Nan, so he said in a cold sweat, "Okay, I'll say, but..."

After a long time, Wang Dachui dragged Fei Nansheng away like a dead dog.Mu Nan, on the other hand, had an ugly face, and took a long time to go out, heading straight to Chang Xiao's residence.

Chang Xiao, the boss, is often unreliable, but when he encounters big troubles, he can always solve them more reliably.Mu Nan wanted to handle her personal affairs by herself, but if what Fei Nansheng said was true, she could only turn to Chang Xiao for help.

Mu Nan believed that Chang Xiao would not let her down.Recently, Chang Xiao has become a lot more reliable, helping to deal with a lot of troublesome things in the company, for example, hunting monsters to solve food problems, and for example, creating Duansheli, providing a guard team for Penguin company's production and sales activities, and for example ...

The last one doesn't count!
Mu Nan who broke into Chang Xiao's room fell into complete sluggishness.

Why Leng Yuying...

Mu Nan, who has been staring at Chang Xiao, is very aware of the situation between Chang Xiao and Leng Yuying. She knows that Leng Yuying has a secret promise to Chang Xiaofang, but Chang Xiao has never made a move, and she has never felt that Chang Xiao has made a move. plan.

So the two of them have secretly developed to this level?When did it happen, why didn't she find out at all?
Mu Nan's sudden intrusion finally woke up the two who were in a state of forgetfulness.

Leng Yuying was okay, her clothes were neat, she stood up, as if nothing happened.

It's miserable to often laugh, and my mind is still blank, I don't know what happened.

As for Leng Yuying... I can't remember it at all.

My mind was muddled, and my body was in a hurry.

"Come on, why are you panicking." Mu Nan rolled his eyes at him: "That thing of yours is not..., why are you pretending to be innocent?"

That's right, Chang Xiao suddenly calmed down, Mu Nan hadn't known him for a long time, and looking at Leng Yuying, she didn't seem to be angry.

Leng Yuying was indeed not angry. After thinking for a short period of time, she also understood that Chang Xiao didn't do it on purpose, but that there was something wrong with the song.

What's more, she doesn't mind making Chang laugh in a daze...

She could see that Mu Nan had something important to discuss with Chang Xiao, so she turned around and left.

Leng Yuying behaved generously, so Chang Xiao didn't hold back anymore, and said domineeringly to Mu Nan: "You are not allowed to ask anything, and I can't answer it, so just tell me, what can you do with me?"

"Of order, boss." Mu Nan was very "reasonable", rolled his eyes and smiled and said, "I want to ask you to do me a personal favor."

"Personal favor?" Chang Xiao seemed to recall something: "Could it be that one of your elders passed away again and let me pretend to be a boyfriend?"

Mu Nan was too lazy to talk to Chang Xiao, and began to explain: "Didn't you ask me before, why did you treat Fei Nansheng so well? Of course, I didn't do it out of affection, but because he brought me a piece of news."

"I have a brother who was abducted by human traffickers when he was very young. My mother died early, partly because of missing him too much. Before she died, she asked me to promise that I would find my brother no matter what in this life. "

"I promised to be Fei Nansheng's girlfriend at the beginning, but the condition was that he must help me find my brother, otherwise I wouldn't let him touch him. I didn't expect him to find him for sure, but after all, he is a rich man, so he is better than me. There is a way."

"Later when Fei Nansheng got married, I could only rely on myself. Fortunately, I met you later, and I can be considered a rich man. Most of the money you gave me was used to hire private detectives to help me investigate."

"But who would have thought that a monster suddenly appeared, and those private detectives were okay with digging up gossip, but how dare they run errands for me in the face of a monster. Just when I was at a loss, unexpectedly, Fei Nansheng found He told me that he had actually found out some clues about my brother when we were dating."

"He said it very well. He said that in order to help me find my younger brother, he must first control the financial power of the family. In order to control the power, he must agree to the marriage arranged for him by the family. Everything he did was for me... Only an idiot would believe such nonsense. He obviously didn't dare or have the ability to continue after he found out that a force was involved. Or, at that time, I was not worth his money strength."

"After he found me, he gave me a photo. The person on it did look like my father and was printed out of a mold. He said that he risked his life and lost his fortune to take it secretly, trying to Moved me, got back together with me. The stories are full of lies, but the photos are real."

"You will know what happened next. Fei Nansheng is not stupid. He will not let go of rabbits until he sees them. He will never say a word except for photos. In desperation, I can only meet some of his demands, hoping to slowly get rid of them. Providing information. But now the world has changed, and I feel there is no need to be polite to him anymore. Just now..."

Hearing this, Chang Xiao interjected: "You wouldn't torture him, would you?"

"Hmph, as for his soft bones, where torture is needed, he can say anything if he is frightened." Mu Nan sneered, and then said: "I originally thought that I would deal with it myself after getting accurate information about my brother. But according to Feinan Sheng said, my younger brother is involved in a faction..."

(End of this chapter)

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