Chapter 278
Chang Xiao opened the door, and said to Mu Nan beside him: "No, Mu Nan, I thought about it for a while, and it will take a day or two to save your brother. This time I'm going to Liu's Group, so I might as well do something by the way. Didn’t I negotiate with them last time to supply them with new types of steel? Tell me to let someone load the car, and let me know when it’s finished, and I’ll escort them along the way.”

It wasn't long before he flew out on Xiao Bi'er, when he suddenly remembered the deal he had negotiated with Liu Jianhan last time, so he went back and asked Mu Nan to come over to discuss.

This is a good thing. Naturally, Mu Nan will not have any objections, and she is very happy: "Well, it's rare that you are finally willing to plan for the company this time. You look like a boss, so I will do it right away. Not just 'Loving Laughing Steel' , Zhonghua Shenyou and Hailan Yunxia also loaded a few cars, they must also need it."

"Wait!" Chang Xiao heard a strange word: "Laughing Steel?"

Mu Nan smiled so hard that his eyes rolled up, with a proud look on his face: "Yes, your cousin just officially named the new type of steel. He said that the two people he is most grateful for in his life are his fiancée Niu Aihua, and you, who always laughs. Just take one word from each of your names and combine them to name his research results."

"Don't read jokes! You know that Lulu and I used to..." Chang Xiao glared at each other and complained, "Even if my cousin doesn't know about this past, the name 'Love Laughing Steel' doesn't have any additional meaning. , is always inappropriate. Now that you are the final decision on everything in the company, you won't let him change his name?"

After a pause, he asked with a guilty conscience: "By the way, does Lulu know that her fiancé is my cousin now?"

"She should know. I thought 'Loving Laughing Steel' was inappropriate at first, as if it meant that Lulu loves you. However, Li Tiezhu insisted on calling it like that. He also said that this name was actually proposed by Lulu It's..." Mu Nan looked at Chang Xiao meaningfully, and finally said: "Someone is still silently loving you, a big carrot."

After saying that, Mu Nan left, leaving Chang Xiao to sit and smoke silently.


It always takes some time for Mu Nan to prepare those things and dispatch manpower.Therefore, after Chang Xiao pushed the fifth cigarette butt into Baoya Beiluo's mouth, he was not in a hurry to leave, and even wanted to take a hot bath.

Undressed, Chang Xiao walked slowly to the bathroom, but suddenly sniffled: "What smells so good?"

Turning around a few times, Chang Xiao walked into Xiao Zi's incubation room, found the source of the fragrance, picked up a large teapot on the table, sniffed it close to his nose, nodded and said, "Well, this is it, it smells like tea Fragrant, but I have never had such a fragrant tea, who put it here?"

He was just talking to himself casually, but he didn't know that a woman's heart was raised in her throat because of this.

Sha Qing curled up and hid in the dark wardrobe, not daring to breathe.

It turned out that Chang Xiao suddenly left and returned, killing her by surprise.There was no time to escape, and in a panic, she could only hide in a large closet nearby.I also forgot to collect the large pot of Ni Mengpo soup I prepared earlier, and put it on the table.

If there is no teapot, she can escape calmly as long as she hides until Chang Xiao goes out again.But now that Chang Xiao sees the teapot, he knows that someone has invaded the house, and he must search it carefully. What should we do?
Once found out, Sha Qing doesn't think that, as a legal counsel, Chang Xiao won't do anything to her.

The world has changed, and if she can't come up with a reasonable explanation by then, Chang Xiao will definitely have to torture her, and she will no longer be able to continue lurking in Penguin Company.

Sha Qing was sweating in a hurry, only to hear Chang Xiao's voice coming from outside again: "It must be my mother messing around again. She wants to make fried eggs for me now, and now she wants to cook tea eggs!"

In this villa, apart from himself, his parents and Zhao Xuexue, who is in charge of security, have entered fingerprints on the door fingerprint lock. In addition, Xu Baiyu had a previous record of knocking eggs, so Chang Xiao didn't think too much about it. Wai.

Sha Qing in the closet suddenly emptied of pressure, and collapsed as if his whole body had collapsed.But then, a heart hung up again.

Chang Xiao's voice came again: "This tea smells so good, where did mom get it? Hehe, let me try it."

don't want!Sha Qing yelled frantically in his heart, but he still didn't dare to rush out to stop it.

Chang Xiao didn't know that there was a woman hiding in the closet not far behind him. He picked up the teapot and said "ton, ton, ton", and drank the rest of the Ni Mengpo soup in one gulp. Finally, he praised "delicious", then turned around into the bathroom.

Sha Qing didn't dare to run away immediately. Although she didn't practice martial arts, she was a human being in two lifetimes. She knew that people who practiced martial arts like Chang Xiao's five senses were far more sensitive than ordinary people, and even the slightest movement would be detected.So she planned to wait for Chang Xiao to wash up a little and enter the comfortable stage of taking a bath before leaving.

Anyway, she couldn't do much during this period, so she simply took out her phone and sent it to the Wechat group of the Rebirth Vengeance Sisters on silent mode: "@Everyone's Big Things Are Bad, Chang Xiao drank Ni Meng Po Soup! In this life, at least He hasn't done anything too outrageous yet, but if he thinks about his past life..."

Then Sha Qing quickly explained the situation to the ex-girlfriends. Unexpectedly, the painting style in the group seemed to be crooked.

Chang'e: "So, @九天玄女, you are hiding in Chang Xiao's closet, while he is taking a shower? Why do you feel like the old Wang next door is stuck in front of you?"

Meng Po: "Thinking about it is exciting, and I want to try it too."

Nuwa: "It's a pity that Chang'e is not there, otherwise breaking in at this time, it would be really a rape, absolutely exciting."

Nine Heavens Profound Girl: "You guys!"

Nu Wa: "Okay, I'm just joking with you, mainly because we don't think you need to worry too much."

Meng Po: "That's right, Ann, my Ni Meng Po Soup probably won't work. Otherwise, my sister has already drank it, so why don't you go all out with me? If you think the taste is not bad, I will make more for you in the future Mail it over, and drink it as big bone soup. Especially you Nuwa, Xiao Changxiao is growing up, give him more to drink."

Nuwa: "I told you, his name is Han Li!"

Chang'e: "Damn it, what's going on with your sister @孟PO, do you dare to tell me?"

Although the back seemed to be crooked again, Sha Qing was relieved a lot after seeing the comfort of the sisters, but he was a little entangled.If the Ni Mengpo Soup is useful, Chang Xiao might not want to blacken it on the spot, but if it doesn't work, their plan to awaken the memory of the demon king's previous life will inevitably fail.She doesn't know now whether she should hope to be useful or useless.

While thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of "squeaking" water outside. It seemed that Chang Xiao had started to rinse, and he would not come again when the time was right. Sha Qing immediately pushed open the cabinet door, intending to escape while covered by the sound of water.

Tiptoeing, Sha Qing's strategy seemed to be a complete success, because Chang Xiao not only failed to notice her, but also seemed to start whistling to entertain herself.

Sha Qing was determined, and while walking out carefully, he paid attention to the sounds in the bathroom, lest Chang Xiao would find out.

Originally, there was nothing wrong with doing this, but how could Sha Qing have imagined that the whistle that Chang Xiao blew was "Acacia" played with internal force!
hot, so hot...

(End of this chapter)

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