Dragon's Beginning kills Herzog

Chapter 266 "No matter how disabled you are, you will still be the Dragon King"

Chapter 266 "No matter how disabled you are, you will still be the Dragon King"

"Everyone, replace the Frigga bullets!" With the help of the wind, Caesar's voice resounded in the ears of these mixed races, making them recover from the roar of the flames.

Although these mixed races didn't understand why, they still chose to carry out Caesar's order under such circumstances. After all, they were recognized by the Dragon Slaying Armed Forces.

Just when these hybrids changed the bullets, they knew the reason.

The wave of metal bullets fired before, except for a small part that was destroyed by Chu Zihang and the other party's flame impact, the rest were actually reflected back in mid-air.

"The pupil of the wind king!" Caesar manipulated the wind element, forming a gust of wind on the way the bullets returned. These bullets were engulfed by the wind element and shot into the soil.

"Ah!" When Lu Mingfei saw the impact of bullets and flames coming, he subconsciously activated the armor on his body and crossed his hands in front of him.

The blue light lit up, the impact of the flames and high temperature were isolated, the kinetic energy of the bullet was also reduced, and it fell to the ground.

"Is this the divine costume?" Lu Mingfei looked at himself in surprise.

"Lu Mingfei, do it!"

The flames gradually subsided, but Chu Zihang, who was wearing the fire armor Zhu Rong, did not feel relieved, but felt a stronger sense of threat.

The surrounding flame elements showed unprecedented docileness, which was different from the burst when Chu Zihang used it himself.

"You thieves! You are all going to die!" The flame disappeared, and through the gradually disappearing flame, a human figure loomed in front of everyone.

Listening to the voice on the other side, Lu Mingfei always felt a familiar feeling.

"Isn't it the Dragon King? Why is it a human?" Lu Mingfei was surprised to see the appearance of a figure that was no different from ordinary humans. In Lu Mingfei's eyes, the Dragon King should not be the evil dragon of the West or the divine dragon of flower growers. shape?

Could it be that the Dragon King can be transformed into a human form?Lu Mingfei thought of those myths and legends, probably the Dragon King also has such abilities, maybe the previous myths and legends were passed down based on the deeds of the Dragon King.

Hearing Lu Mingfei's voice, the middle-aged man who came out of the flames glanced at Lu Mingfei. He recognized Lu Mingfei's voice and knew that it was the netizen in the human world before he recovered his memory.

But at this time, Old Tang was already Norton, and the short decades of human memory were not worth mentioning in Norton's epoch-long memory.

"Norton, the King of Bronze and Fire." Chu Zihang stared at Norton cautiously. As the owner of Norton's line of words, Chu Zihang now personally experienced the horror of the Dragon King.

Although Norton's seemingly unleashed strength could not take much advantage of the next-generation dragon-slaying armed owners, but Norton's exquisite control over the elements opened Chu Zihang's eyes.

"It seems that the school will probably be overhauled after today, at least the library will definitely be rebuilt." Caesar was floating in the air, and the wind elements around him had begun to gather.

"It's actually Norton! The legendary King of Bronze and Fire!" Behind them, the hybrids were all shocked. They thought it was at most a powerful hybrid, but they turned out to be the Dragon King!

Dragon King, these students, most of them have never even seen a dragon, and it turned out that the first time they met was the Dragon King.

"You despicable thieves, have your alchemy skills reached this level?" Norton saw the dragon-slaying weapons on the three of Caesar, and the strong elemental aura gave him some clues.

"Using elements to nourish one's own blood, and using mixed blood of different speech spirits to affect a series of speech spirits, hum! It's a fantastic idea, but that's all there is to it."

Norton didn't see the real mystery of these dragon-slaying weapons. After all, he didn't use them. He just saw that these dragon-slaying weapons can greatly strengthen the user's blood, body and speech.

But it has only reached the level of the next generation, not to mention that in the battle between the dragon kings, the role of the word spirit has been greatly reduced.

I can't stay here any longer, Ned Hogg is planning something, I want to go back and give birth to the dragon body again!Norton thought in his heart, his eyes became fierce.

"It's a magnificent sight, Angers, I didn't expect you to be so bold, aren't you afraid of accidents to your students?" In the attic, Ju Yiguang's figure appeared.

"Professor Orange, the young eagle always leaves the warm nest." Angers was not surprised by Ju Yiguang's arrival, after all, Angers had already been told by Ju Yiguang when the dragon egg appeared.

But even though he knew that there was a dragon king inside the egg, Angers took the egg back to Kassel without hesitation.

It is to hone the hybrids in the academy, or in other words, hone the owners of the four dragon-slaying arms.

"Don't underestimate Norton. Even without the dragon body, the ability to control elements has dropped a lot, but Norton is not a dragon king famous for his strength. Remember your guess about the dragon throne?"

Ju Yiguang smiled, looking at the scene projected by Norma.

"Twins?" Angers said.

"That's right, twins. They control power and power separately. To put it in a more popular way, one does coolies and the other uses brainpower. One does physical work, and the other does technical work."

"Although people who do physical work look tall and powerful, sometimes they are more threatening with skills. Because they can accurately control every bit of their strength and their minds are more flexible."

Ju Yiguang looked at Norton who was stopped by Caesar and Chu Zihang, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Perhaps, Norton in this state is the weakest dragon king in history, but he is weaker, and now he is stronger than the next generation."

The gap between the first-generation species and the second-generation species is huge, even if Norton has just woken up and does not have a dragon body.

Even Yemengade, the shame of the first generation, fought against Chu Zihang in the original book, and Chu Zihang used his violent blood to the limit, and only then did he narrowly win.

And in that victory, Ye Mengjiad didn't know how much water was released!After all, Ye Mengjiad was useless even at that time.

Ju Yiguang didn't believe it. It was impossible for Chu Zihang at that time to force Yemengjia to be speechless. After all, for the first generation species, they were born masters of elements. Words can be released at will.

Now Chu Zihang and Caesar have reached a bottleneck. Their strength has reached a stage where there is no room for improvement. They are at the top of the next generation, and techniques such as violent blood have completely failed them.

In addition to being inferior to the next-generation species in terms of physical fitness, it has surpassed the next-generation species in the dragon race in other aspects.

But even so, facing Norton whose level is higher than theirs, it is bound to be impossible to win easily.

(End of this chapter)

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