Dragon's Beginning kills Herzog

Chapter 315 "Alive"

Chapter 315 "Alive"

Great Britain, at night, there are very few pedestrians on the street, and there is no lively scene on the other side of the sky.

"Pike, you should really see how I stomped that kid on the ground, haha."

On the street, two passers-by reeked of alcohol, bragging to each other.

A wrinkled man with disheveled hair came across from the two, and was about to pass by.

The two people who had been drinking staggered and collided with this man.

"Boy, what's the matter with you? Do you want to taste your uncle Taylor's fist?" Taylor, who was bragging with his friends, glared unhappily at this man who looked like a homeless man.

The man bowed his head, his hair covering his eyes.

"Asshole, are you dumb? Uncle Taylor is talking to you!" Taylor grabbed the man's clothes and pushed him into the side alley.

There was no monitoring there, and Taylor and the gangsters didn't forget these details even after drinking.

A strange sound came, and Pique yawned, "Okay, Taylor, I'm almost gone, don't kill me, it's very troublesome."

No one answered, Pique impatiently walked towards the alley.


Pique sobered up, and in the alley, there was a pool of rotten meat lying there, with a good head on top of the pile of meat, it was Taylor's head!And the homeless man has long since disappeared.

In a hotel room, the homeless man is here.

The water on the sink kept flowing, and the homeless man took the water with both hands and splashed it on his face.

"Why didn't you kill me?" the tramp said to himself.

"Aren't you curious about the ending of the script of fate? And staying can also relieve my fatigue. I am always alone for a long time. Although I am used to it, it does not mean that I like it."

The homeless man raised his head, and his face was reflected in the mirror on the sink. He actually had three eyes!

A single eye is on his forehead, turning, as if it has life.

He was obviously talking to himself, but they had two different tones. If someone else saw it, they would only suspect that this person was mentally ill.

"Odin, are you a man or a dragon?" The portrait in the mirror became clear, and this person was clearly Percy who had been judged dead by the Secret Party.

The one eye on Paxi's head looked at Paxi's eyes through the mirror, "Didn't you guess it? I am a human being who has completed the road to becoming a god."

"In a long time ago, I was also a hybrid hero who protected the human race." Percy made a voice from his throat, and Odin seemed to have the ability to control this body at any time.

"To be more precise, Percy Gattuso, you are my descendants!" Odin said something that surprised Percy, his eyes widened, and he looked at the one-eyed eye on his forehead in the mirror .

"Why, do you find it incredible?" Odin laughed, "Isn't this a normal thing? Otherwise, how could I have given the information on the Road to Conferred Gods to the Gattuso family, and how could the Gattuso family even get me Where's Gungnir?"

Passy's body trembled unconsciously, and he felt deep malice. This guy, the legendary Odin, was actually the ancestor of his family.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Percy stared closely at the one-eyed one in the mirror, "Don't tell me to take care of your descendants!"

"Hehe, Passi, why are you panicking? You are just a pawn created by the Gattuso family. Now your mission is completed. In the Gattuso family, you are now a dead person. Don't forget , The Gattuso family didn't consider your life or death before detonating it."

"And, don't you know my purpose? To destroy all dragon blood!" Odin's voice was very firm, "This is my purpose, from beginning to end, it has never changed."

"It's impossible!" Percy didn't even think about it, and directly overturned Odin's purpose, "Although the number of mixed races is rare, it is far less than the number of ordinary people, but ordinary people also have dragon blood in their bodies. But tiny."

"Over the long years, the hybrids have not been completely isolated from ordinary people, let alone those creatures polluted by dragon blood. Do you want to exterminate all creatures?"

Paci denied Odin. If Odin's goal was really as he said, then this goal would be impossible to achieve, unless Odin directly destroyed the world, cleaning the surface would not work. After all, there are creatures polluted by dragon blood in the deep sea.

"I couldn't do it before, but now I have a certain degree of confidence." Odin laughed, "You know the fourth day of the solar period, right?"

Listening to Odin's words, Percy's expression changed, "What do you want to say?" Of course, Percy has heard of the fourth day of the solar era, after all, it is also part of the secret party's research on dragons.

"I've already tried it, in the Second Sun Era." Odin's regretful voice made Passy's hair stand cold, and his heart felt a chill, this lunatic!

"Wind Snake!" Paxi gritted his teeth, remembering the reason for the destruction of the second solar period recorded. The second solar period was called the Wind Snake, and that era ended with the mighty force named Wind Snake.

"Yes, Percy, that was one of my attempts, but unfortunately it failed. Since then, I have known that I cannot achieve my goal by relying solely on the authority of the King of Sky and Wind." Odin said in his voice With a hint of melancholy.

"I originally wanted to be a supreme and powerful existence like the Black King, so I should be able to succeed. But the Black King is too powerful. After the White King's Rebellion and the backstabs of the Four Monarchs, he fell into a trap. A long slumber."

There was helplessness in Odin's tone. "I'm not sure about dealing with the Black King, after all, he created the four great monarchs."

"But I found another powerful force. After a long study, I made up my mind to abandon the authority of the king of sky and wind to fuse that force."

There was joy in Odin's voice, but Percy fell into panic.

"You succeeded!" Percy couldn't believe it.

"Yes, and I also want to thank the things my descendants detonated, which brought powerful energy. Although almost all of them are fire elements, my new power does not have these elemental attributes, so it doesn't matter."

"With the help of that strong energy shock, I completed the transformation."

Odin's one eye exudes a pale golden light, which is not the golden pupil of the dragon clan, but a new kind of power.

"It broke because I touched it." Odin controlled Patsy's hand to point to the glass on the sink.

The glass shattered, and Patsy looked at the scene in front of him, feeling cold in his hands and feet, and shivering all over his body.

"Karma, this is my new power."

 Update first, update on weekends, a little busy at the end of the year.

(End of this chapter)

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