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Chapter 146 What's wrong!

Chapter 146 What's wrong!
Chapter 146 What's wrong!
On the sidelines, Ferdinand snorted contemptuously: "Go to hell! Do you still want to score with a header? Dreaming!"

Do you think that if you accidentally scored a header before, that header wouldn't be your fault?Dream it!you are lying!
Give me a good lesson on this rubbish Puerto Rican!
Rio Ferdinand issues death orders to Villarreal players.

Yang Ming turned his head to look at Huddlestone behind him, smiled coldly, then turned around and walked back quickly.

Helstone immediately turned around and quickly followed.

At this moment, Brash Zhikovski from the wing suddenly kicked the ball away with a curve ball, and the football was thrown out.The football spun rapidly and flew into the penalty area of ​​the Villarreal club.

Yang Ming, who wanted to retreat, suddenly turned around and rushed to the middle.Huddlestone was taken aback, he immediately stopped turning around, and followed Yang Ming's footsteps to the middle.

I knew that Yang Ming, who had just run away, suddenly came to an emergency stop, and retreated slowly, to the back point.

"Damn it!" Helstone's eyes were black, and he couldn't speak.Yang Ming is really a cunning guy.

Helstone could no longer keep up with Yang Ming.The football has flown over his head.

Yang Ming's body instantly soared into the air and flew out.When he saw the ball coming, he had to head it in.

"Yang Ming, header!" Li Qiang shouted the header, and the fans in front of the TV were startled by the sound.

With a bang, the football was pushed out of the penalty area by Villarreal club defender Woodgate.

"Clear! Woodgate is really experienced. He headed the ball and cleared the gap first. It seems that it is really difficult for Yang Ming to score with a header. Villarreal's ability to defend against high-altitude balls is quite good!" Li Qiang said immediately.

And the fans in front of the TV are sighing!

What a great opportunity!Young scored again, hitting Ferdinand in the face.

Unfortunately, Yang Ming missed an excellent opportunity.Brash Chkovsky passed the ball very well.As long as Yang Ming reaches the football, the ball will definitely be scored.

The fans at the scene sighed helplessly, and missed a good opportunity!

When the football flew outside the penalty area, Kyle rushed up with a heavy cannon, and then the ball missed the goal and flew out of the baseline.

Paris Saint-Germain failed and Villarreal attacked.

Pavlyuchenko received a pass in the penalty area and shot the ball directly.The football flew into Weidenfeller's arms!
The ball was passed quickly, but the angle was too straight, and it went straight into Weidenfell's arms!
"Compared with Yang Ming, Pavlyuchenko is really almost conscious now. He also got a few good chances, but he didn't have the chance to really threaten Paris Saint-Germain's goal!" Li Qiang said immediately.

Yes, don't watch Villarreal and Paris Saint-Germain on the pitch.In fact, they really don't have a good chance.The game is completely controlled by the Paris Saint-Germain club.

Obviously, Ferdinand's control over the team was very poor.

Moreover, the minds of the Villarreal club players are all wandering, and some people are not even thinking about the game. They have long lost confidence in Ferdinand.Anyway, who dare not play?So why take it seriously?
Yes, that's what a lot of Villarreal people think.

Therefore, this game was evenly matched at the beginning, but the Paris Saint-Germain club team is actually occupying the obvious peak.

The only thing Villarreal can do well here is to mark Yang Ming.Yang Ming had relatively few chances in this game.Moreover, after being cut off from the ground passing line, Yang Ming's threat was also reduced to a minimum!
The defense of the Villarreal club is still successful.

But defense doesn't win games.Club Villarreal now needs three points to win!
Fabian Ferdinand was livid.I don't know if he is angry with Yang Ming, or with these disobedient Villarreal club players?
Attack again, Villarreal club.

Robbie Keane receives a long pass from the back.He rushed out with the ball.I don't know, suddenly a person came out from the slope, and a sliding shovel shoveled the football to the foot, and the football shattered!
"Counterattack! Paris Saint-Germain's counterattack is coming, come on!" Li Qiang immediately roared excitedly.

All the Paris Saint-Germain fans roared excitedly, their voices loud.They kept their eyes on the pitch with bright eyes, watching Paris Saint-Germain launch a quick counterattack.

Here, Kyle received the ball from Schmal's tackle, then he turned immediately, and then passed the ball directly to Hajnal's feet in the frontcourt.

Hajnal is a transfer station for the Paris Saint-Germain club to counterattack, and all attacks come from him.

He didn't delay.He sent the football out immediately.The football quickly rolled towards Shevchenko, who quickly turned and pushed forward.

Shevchenko's reaction was really fast, very fast.

But it scared the defenders of the Villarreal club, it was really too bad!How can they send straight balls so easily?This is really too dangerous!

In fact, this is mainly because the Paris Saint-Germain club's speed from stealing the ball to counterattacking is too fast.

The defensive players of the Villarreal club are a bit overwhelmed!

This is the core of Bryan's tactics.

It is to launch a quick counterattack after the ball is broken, and send the football to the most dangerous position in front of the opponent's goal.

Now the Paris Saint-Germain club has achieved this, and the Paris Saint-Germain club fans were very excited at the scene, staring closely at Shevchenko on the court.

"The opportunity is here! This is an excellent opportunity! Shevchenko!" Li Qiang also roared excitedly.This is an absolutely great opportunity.Goals are easy.

At this time, Villarreal's defensive players rushed from several different lines of defense to Shevchenko who was about to hold the ball, as if all the defensive players were rushing towards Shevchenko.

Because this guy Shevchenko has gone it alone!

Although Shevchenko's position is slightly off the center, he can still shoot directly, which is also threatening, because Bielsa can only seal the near post, and the far post is exposed!

A bell from the club Villarreal rushed to the far corner in front of the goal and blocked the far corner.

Seeing that all the defensive players were rushing towards him, Shevchenko didn't feel panicked.After catching up with the football, he immediately swung his legs and knocked the football horizontally with ease!

Yes, Shevchenko didn't shoot himself, but just passed the football!
All the Villarreal fans screaming in horror - it's over!

Almost all defensive players focus on Shevchenko.Here, no one noticed Yang Ming at all.At this time, Yang Ming had already inserted in from the back of the middle lane, and no one was defending him!

All Villarreal club people closed their eyes in despair.

There is no suspense for this ball, but there is a big empty goal in front of Yang Ming!

This is a quick counterattack after stealing the ball.The two guys following Yang Ming had already left.It is impossible to get it back now.They have to watch Yang Ming make waves!

The Paris Saint-Germain club fans were so excited that they shouted excitedly: "Yang Ming, shoot!"

(Yang Ming stared at the rapidly rolling football and snorted coldly!
Do you really think you can stare at me and cut me off the ground with my teammates?

You are so naive!

In this running block, I, Yang Ming, have never been afraid of anyone.Who can catch up with me, keep up with my pace?
Ferdinand, you underestimate me!

Yang Ming thought proudly.

Ferdinand, I'm sorry, I'm going to stab you in the chest again!
puff puff.

The football was easily pushed into the big empty net by Yang Ming!

"Two to zero! Paris Saint-Germain expanded the score before the end of the first half, and now they lead by two goals!" Li Qiang was very excited.

Ferdinand was humiliated in this game!

Of course, Ferdinand is likely to lose face from now on!

Yang Ming really humiliated Ferdinand in this game.Ferdinand's face was swollen, and no one could recognize who he was!
Before the game, Ferdinand said that Yang Ming was going to die, so he scored one in this game!
Before the game, Ferdinand said that as long as the ground connection between Yang Ming and his teammates was cut off, Yang Ming would be a scumbag. Now someone else scored another goal!
It seems that this guy Ferdinand said something, and Yang Ming was there to give him a fatal blow.

poor guy!

Ferdinand, poor fellow!
Many Paris Saint-Germain fans at the scene felt unbearable!
Poor Ferdinand!
On the sidelines, Ferdinand felt sick after swallowing feces, his face was distorted and his body trembled as if he was about to fall.

Ah, what a pity!
Fucking Puerto Ricans, wait for me, you're fucked, you're dead!

Ferdinand was very angry, but also very unconvinced!
How could this damn Yang Ming do this?This guy must be on drugs, absolutely!

Ferdinand stared at Yang Ming with dead fish eyes for a long time.

It seems that Yang Ming's face must be kept firmly in his heart!
Soon, the referee blew his whistle at the end of the first half.Paris Saint-Germain leads Villarreal 2-0 at home, and all goals are scored by Yang Ming!

This player was belittled in vain by Ferdinand before the game!

It really is naked face!
When the half-time whistle sounded, Ferdinand slipped into the locker room in desperation, really feeling ashamed!

All Paris Saint-Germain fans shouted Yang Ming's name neatly.Yang Ming really performed well in this game, and he is the hero of the Paris Saint-Germain club.

To be honest, Paris Saint-Germain fans were very worried about Yang Ming before the game.They were really afraid that Ferdinand's strategy was working.But now it seems that they are really paranoid, and Yang Ming is stronger than they imagined.

Paris Saint-Germain fans are really excited!
Paris Saint-Germain fans are full of confidence in this game, and they firmly believe that they will win this game.

Yang Ming will definitely become famous again after this game.

During the intermission, everyone was talking about Yang Ming, and everyone was talking about Yang Ming.They thought they had really underestimated Yang Ming before, and Yang Ming's future would definitely be brighter.

The media reporters at the scene also had a lively discussion, and Yang Ming really became popular again.

Soon the second half of the match between the two sides officially began, and Yang Ming still appeared in the Paris Saint-Germain club's lineup.It can be seen that Ferdinand did not replace Yang Ming!

After all, there is still the second half of the game left, and the Paris Saint-Germain club cannot say that they have won 100%.Perhaps the second half of the game is really full of variables.

Shortly after the start of the second half, neither side made substitutions.

I don't know if Ferdinand has already started to break the jar?Is there no need to change people in this situation?

Boom, Pavlyuchenko made a fierce long shot!

It was a shock and the football was right over the bar.It seems that the Villarreal club's offense in the second half will be very intense, let's wait and see.

Indeed, in the second half of the game, the players of the Villarreal club really went all out and attacked crazily.Moreover, the action in the game is very large, some guys seem to have lost their minds in the game and beat people exclusively!

The defensive moves of the Villarreal club are too large, and the Paris Saint-Germain club team is very distressed.

Brian was very upset.He roared wildly from the sidelines and got a yellow card, which left Bryan speechless.

With a bang, Hajnal dribbled the ball and was directly tackled to the ground by Huddlestone.

Krizman was in so much pain that he rolled on the ground!

Yang Ming was very angry, so he rushed forward and yelled at Huddlestone who just got up: "What are you doing? Can you play football? Rubbish?"

Hestone suddenly became angry, rushed forward, grabbed Yang Ming's neck with one hand, and shouted loudly: "Damn Puerto Rican, what are you doing farting?"

This angered the players of the Paris Saint-Germain club.The players of the Paris Saint-Germain club immediately rushed up to Huddlestone, one by one as if they had eaten explosives.

Helstone and the Villarreal players were shocked.

The Villarreal club players immediately rushed up to cover Huddlestone behind them, and they frantically fought with the Paris Saint-Germain club players!

When the referee's whistle sounded, he rushed over quickly, separated the players from both sides, and signaled them to return to their respective positions, otherwise he would make a big move.

Players from both sides slowly move away to make room.

The referee immediately called Yang Ming and Huddlestone aside, and said to them: "Calm down, both of you, don't pick things up, or I will be rude to you!"

Yang Ming immediately said: "I didn't pick the fight, this guy picked it. First he retaliated by shoveling our players, and then he strangled my neck. At first glance, he just wanted to murder me! What did I do?"

The referee's eyes widened and he felt a toothache!

Yang Ming's imagination is too rich.Could it all have something to do with murder?
The referee really doesn't know how to evaluate Yang Ming, okay?

At this point, Huddlestone slandered Yang Ming severely, and immediately said: "This guy is not clean, you should give him a red card!"

Then the referee immediately said: "I should have given a red card!"

Afterwards, the referee showed Huddlestone a red card and directly sent Huddlestone off.

Heston was so silly at the time!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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