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Chapter 24

Chapter 24
Chapter 24

Look, how many goals has Leeds United's top scorer Alexis scored?

That's only twelve goals!

Also, you have to know how many games Alexis has scored so many goals.And how long did Lin Feng score these 7 goals?
Lin Feng is already Leeds United's second striker!

Amazing.It's really amazing.

At this time, the fans in front of the TV were thinking about what Roy said before, that is, "Should Brian give Lin Feng more playing time?"

Looking at Lin Feng's performance, he deserves more playing time.

In such a short period of time, he can score so many goals, so Lin Feng should be able to enter the starting lineup.

"Lin Feng is really amazing. You have to think about it. He is only 17 years old now, and he was only 18 in more than two months. At that time, he was able to sign a professional contract with the club." Roy said.

Many fans gasped when they heard this, and felt very nervous.

What if some big clubs want to sign Lin Feng at this time?

Leeds United fans are really afraid that other teams will sign Lin Feng.Young is just a player for Leeds United.He's a genius at Leeds United.

What these Leeds United fans didn't expect was that their Premier League team Bamba Crystal Palace had already shot Lin Feng, but unfortunately it failed.

Even so, however, Brian was a little concerned.

Lin Feng may be able to reject Crystal Palace once, but can he reject Crystal Palace twice, three times or even more?

Someone once said that loyalty is because the price of betrayal is not high enough.

What if Crystal Palace or some foreign club offered Young an offer he couldn't refuse?Will Lin Feng stay at Leeds United?

Brian himself has no confidence.

After all, people go to high places!
This is a very serious problem.It seems that after the game, I should have a good talk with Lin Feng's father, Luo Qiang.I hope Lin Feng will not leave Leeds United so early.

Yes, in Bryan's view, Lin Feng will leave Leeds United one day, just like him.

Even a Leeds United veteran who has played for Leeds United for more than 20 years has the heart to leave, not because of infidelity.But Leeds United's stage is too small for real dragons like him and Lin Feng, they need a bigger stage.

Lin Feng will leave sooner or later, but Brian thinks it is best for Lin Feng not to leave now.

Because Leeds United will give Lin Feng such an opportunity to play after he recovers. If Lin Feng chooses to go to a big club now, there are only two results waiting for him. One is to dawdle in the youth team, and the other is to loan to other small teams.

Instead of renting out to other small teams, it is better to stay in Leeds United for training.

After practicing for two or three years, Lin Feng chose to join a big club when he grew up. This is the most correct way.

Brian appreciates and values ​​Lin Feng very much.He hopes to see Lin Feng getting better and better, and grow into a world-class star in the future.

Brian stared at Lin Feng intently and applauded, Lin Feng did a good job today.

It also seemed to take some of the frustration out of Alexis' injury.

Yes, Brian is still accepting the fact that the team's first striker, Comrade Alexis, was injured again.And this time the injury looked pretty serious.Dr. Garak has made a preliminary diagnosis.This time Alexis will be out of action for at least a month.

And this is not the final diagnosis, they have to go to the hospital for diagnosis.

The end result is never better than the initial diagnosis, only worse.So while it looked like Leeds had pulled off a very exciting comeback in this game, they paid a very high price.

In this game, Leeds United injured three generals, namely Gunkel, William and Alexis. They are all the main players of Leeds United, especially Gunkel and Alexis, but they are all Leeds United's absolute main players.

If William's injury has little impact on Leeds United, then the injuries of Gunkel and Alexis have a great impact on the team.

Bryan is worried about Leeds United's next game.Getting those three points is really hot.

On the court, Felt's players were very excited.They surrounded the referee of the match and demanded a statement from the referee.

They thought Lin Feng's follow-up shot was illegal!

Before Leeds United player Ferner took the penalty kick, Lin Feng had already run into the penalty area, so he could run into the penalty area so quickly to complete the supplementary shot.

Can't count the balls.This is against the law.

Felt's players are really excited because they're running out of time.If they can't fight, they will be completely screwed in this game.

Off the court, Felt's coach also protested.

The ball was violated by Lin Feng.The ball doesn't count.

Leeds United fans stared at these Felt players, very frustrated.They immediately booed the Felt players to express their displeasure.At the same time, they also put pressure on the referee of this game, and they are also afraid that the referee will change the judgment.

Almost everyone's eyes were on the referee to see how he handled it.

But Lin Feng did not step forward to interfere with the referee.He stood aside, watching quietly.

He was so confident with the ball that he had absolutely no violations.He didn't start running until he watched Fern shoot the football.No violation at all.

Lin Feng still believed in the judgment of the referee.

However, that wasn't the case for the rest of the Leeds United players, with some experienced players already surrounding them.Team captain Dirk Nowitzki came to the referee to express his views.

In fact, from the point of view of the referee, the ball was not controversial.

He could see clearly that Lin Feng did not violate the rules.

Therefore, the referee has been quietly watching the performance of the Felt players, and then turned his head to signal the Leeds United players to be quiet.He has made a decision in his heart.

Players from both teams were watching the referee closely.

The referee blows his whistle and points steadily towards the center circle, the goal is valid.

In this era without video playback technology, referees are very firm in their judgments without any hesitation, and their image as referees cannot be questioned.

Felt's players and fans were very much in disbelief that there was something wrong with the ball.

The Leeds United players relaxed and ran to celebrate.

At the scene, Leeds United fans also gave thunderous applause to the referee, and the penalty was good.

"It was finally confirmed that the goal was valid, and Leeds United led Felt 4-3. The Felt team just wasted so much time, and now it is basically certain that Leeds United won!" Roy said.

Yes, there is less than 1 minute left in the game.

Now, no one can believe that Felt can still score and tie the game.

After being reminded by the referee, the players from both sides returned to the court and the game resumed.

Felt frantically kicked the football into Leeds United's penalty area, but the effect was very unsatisfactory and did not pose any threat to Leeds United at all.

At this time, the game time is up, and Leeds United fans are expecting the referee to blow the whistle after the game.However, the referee gave Felt some time at his discretion.

The game lasted for nearly 2 minutes, and the Leeds United fans were impatient, and the referee finally blew the whistle for the end of the game.

The game is finally over!
Leeds United turned the tide by killing Felt at home.

Lin Feng became the biggest contributor to Leeds United's victory and once again staged a miraculous performance.

After the game, Lin Feng immediately turned around and rushed out of the field, gave Leeds United coach Brian a big hug, and thanked Brian for giving him the opportunity.

Bryan also congratulated Lin Feng and hoped that Lin Feng would perform better and better in the next games.

Because, in the next games, Leeds United will have to rely more on Lin Feng.

After the game, all the media reporters flocked to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was the best player on the field today.

Leeds United turned the situation around because of him!
All the reporters wanted to interview Lin Feng to see how Lin Feng was feeling at this moment.How does it feel?
Milan and Su Ming were very excited.

Seeing a Chinese player perform so well in the First Division is like a dream, and they are very excited.What's more, there were only two Chinese journalists on the sidelines, and this was almost their exclusive report.

Recently, Chinese journalists left Leeds United for Wiesbaden.

That's right, after the lifting of the ban and returning to Class A, more and more Chinese journalists began to pay attention to the lifting of the ban.They all went to follow up the interviews and reports, released taboos, and thus gave up Lin Feng.

Now, Lin Feng's performance shows that following Lin Feng is the right choice.

No wonder Milan and Su Ming are very excited.

It's a pity that they didn't get interviews from Lin Feng, not even the British journalists.

Lin Feng left without accepting any interviews.

The media reporters were naturally frustrated, but they were all waiting for the post-match press conference, so Lin Feng should be there.

In the end, however, everyone was disappointed.

Lin Feng did not attend the post-match press conference.According to Bryan, after the game, Lin Feng went to the hospital to visit his teammates.

Leeds United paid too much for this game.

Three very important players were injured, especially Alexis, the team's top scorer.The injury is serious and it will take at least a month to heal.It was a whole lot of disaster.

The media reporters naturally did not believe it.This excuse is really too perfunctory.

But it is true that Lin Feng went to the hospital to visit his best friend, Little William.

Lin Feng had foreseen William's injury a long time ago and reminded William, but this guy didn't pay attention.It's really easy to get injured on the court in such a cold day.

Little William should have a good memory this time.

At the press conference after the game, Bryan said in the face of questions: "Lin Feng is really doing well, he is very strong. We will really give him more playing time in the future, and I believe he will get better and better!"

Milan and others are very excited.Bryan said that Lin Feng will have more playing time in the future.

Now, the first striker in Leeds United has been seriously injured, so as the second striker in the team, Lin Feng is likely to appear in the starting list.

Lin Feng is about to become a regular.

Not only do they think so, but even British journalists think so.

It seems that Lin Feng is really going to be on the starting list of Leeds United.

When asked about this matter, Bryan said: "As for whether Lin Feng will appear in the starting list, it depends on the specific situation. Now he is still young, he does not need to take on such a big responsibility so soon, and his physical condition is not enough to play the whole game. Now he is still very, very young, and the starting thing has to be considered!"

Milan and Su Ming were very uncomfortable hearing this.How could they not let Lin Feng start?

The British reporter also had some doubts about Bryan's words.Could this be some falsehood?Why didn't it start with his strength and level?
Even the opposite head coach Felt said: "China's Gu is a very good young player. He is no worse than those excellent young players in Crystal Palace. He is very strong. I think he already has all the qualities of a starting player. If he comes to our felt team, he will definitely be the main player, and he is also my No.1 starting choice!"

The Felt team has started poaching people head-on!

However, all reporters agreed that it was impossible for Felt to poach someone.

Lin Feng's talent cannot be poached by the England team.Lin Feng definitely belongs to the Premier League, only the Premier League team can poach Lin Feng.

Brian didn't take Boss Phil's words seriously either.

Although Brian is worried that Lin Feng will be poached by other teams now, these teams are definitely not in the first league.

Young can reject Crystal Palace, how can he join your England team?
After the post-match press conference, Bryan also set off for the hospital.

Bryan is also very concerned about his players, especially Alexis' injuries.Because Dr. Gallaker did not give a definite diagnosis, he even claimed that the result would be more serious, which worried him very much.

Alexis is so important and indispensable to Leeds United.

Brian arrived at the hospital soon, just in time to see Lin Feng who was about to leave.

Brian asked: "Lin Feng, how is the situation?"

Lin Feng immediately said: "Not optimistic! Felix's injury has been basically confirmed. It is said that he will rest for at least one and a half months and he will recover within two months."

Brian's brows frowned together!
two months?
It's really too long.In two months, it will be April, and the league will come to an end.This will have a very, very big impact on Leeds United, and his mood is not good in an instant.

Lin Feng continued: "Daniel's condition is slightly better, but he still needs to rest for two to three weeks."

Brian's eyebrows tightened.What is better?Need to rest for nearly a month, the injury is quite serious.

Leeds United is really in crisis right now.

Brian asked, "Where's William? How's his injury?"

Lin Feng immediately said: "He's in good condition. It's almost enough to rest for a week, and he can recover from his injury in two weeks at most!"

Yes, Lin Feng just came to visit Little William.

Lin Feng saw the doctor, and the doctor told Lin Feng the situation.Knowing that William was not seriously injured, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.This guy is lucky.

Yes, compared to Gunkel and Alexis, Serena really got lucky.

Bryan knew about these players, but he planned to see them anyway and said, "Well, you should go back and rest tomorrow, the team will have a holiday.".I'm going to see them! "

Lin Feng nodded slightly, bid farewell to Brian, and drove away directly.

Back home, Lin Feng saw Milan and Su Ming waiting at his door.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, what's going on?
Do these two know where he lives now?

As soon as these two people saw Lin Feng coming back, they rushed up and asked Lin Feng to be interviewed.

Lin Feng was attracted by the massive gazes of these two people.

Both of them are very formally dressed today, and both of them are very well dressed.

Especially Milan, a light and mature woman, wearing a black tight suit, white shirt, black tight hip skirt, paired with striped black stockings and high heels, is as attractive as ripe red cherries.

Especially for the hot-blooded young Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng still controlled himself very well.

Lin Feng waved his hand directly and said: "You don't need to waste time. I don't accept any media interviews now. Our club has a ban. So I suggest you go back, or go to the interview to solve it. There should be a lot of news from him!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng directly closed the door.

It was not the first time Lin Feng met these two people.They really hold on.To be honest, Lin Feng was moved by their persistence, but he couldn't help it.

Lin Feng is very concerned about his future, and he doesn't want these things to affect his relationship with Mr. Brian.Brian thinks highly of him and has high expectations for him.He didn't want to disappoint Brian.

Therefore, many reporters at home and abroad want to interview Lin Feng, but Lin Feng refuses.

Moreover, Lin Feng also feels that he is not facing these times now, so he should play well, learn more, and improve himself.

Yes, now Lin Feng really feels that he is really far away from it.

Although he scored two goals in this game, it also exposed many of his problems.In particular, Mr. Bryan suggested to him that he made a quick and accurate shot for the first time recently.

(End of this chapter)

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