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Chapter 32 Create chances to score goals!

Chapter 32 Create chances to score goals!

Chapter 32 Create chances to score goals!

Leeds United are also very excited.They are getting closer and closer to returning to the Premier League.

Now, the third team is Felt with 35 points.In fourth and fifth place are Cologne and Friborg with 34 points.Arsenal and Hoffenheim ranked sixth and seventh with 31 points respectively, and Wayne, who ranked eighth, scored 29 points.

Now Leeds United leads No. 45 points, and the point difference is not too big, so Leeds United urgently needs to earn points and strive to get the promotion places as soon as possible, so that the pressure on them will be much less.

The next games are all key games, Bryan and Bovac both attach great importance to it, and no mistakes can be made in any game.Therefore, they will be so concerned about who starts and who comes off the bench.

The last round of the game has shown that Noguera is not good at starting, and now Lin Feng is a suitable player for starting.

Therefore, Brian is ready to start Lin Feng in the next round.

In the 21st round of the league, Leeds United will face the last-ranked Jena team at the Bruch Road Stadium. This is an excellent opportunity for Leeds United to score points.

Now the entire Leeds United team is preparing for the upcoming game.Noguera is serious and active.He hopes his name can appear in the Leeds United starting list for this game.He is ready now.He will definitely score in this game.

March 2008, 2, Leeds United, Brugge Road Stadium.

Today, Leeds United ushered in the 21st round of the league at home. The opponent is Carl Zeiss Jena from Jena, Thuringia.

They used to be a strong team in East Germany, winning 3 East German League Championships, 4 East German League Cup Championships, and 1 runner-up in the Winners Cup.

However, after the reunification of Germany and Germany in 1990, their team was placed in the First Division, and then they were constantly tossed back and forth between the lower leagues in England.It was not until last season that they finally re-entered League A with No.2 results in the Northern League.

This team has never played in the Premier League.

Therefore, this is a very poor team, and it is also a hot spot for relegation in Serie A this season.

Now, the team ranks last in the league, with three wins and five draws, 12 losses and 14 points, one point behind Paderborn, the bottom one, and five points behind Aouar and Kaiserslautern, the bottom two.

Now they are vice-presidents of the league, struggling in the relegation zone.

At this time, the head coach of their team was also fired, and the team hadn't had a head coach for a long time.Now the team is co-coached by assistant coach Marco Kempfa and head coach Uwe Stark, with Stark serving as the main coach.

This may also be one of the reasons for their club's poor performance.

Facing such a team, Leeds United, which is currently ranked first in the league, should be able to easily beat them and get three points.

And it was precisely because the opponent was Carl Zeiss Jena that Bryan let Lin Feng start.

Yep, Bryan wants to get Lin Feng started and see how it works.

Today, there are many, many media reporters at the scene, and they all came to find Lin Weiqiang.Lin Feng is very popular now, they all want to see what is different about the Chinese striker who once rejected Crystal Palace?
Of course, there were many scouts at the scene, and they sat on the stands rubbing against Lin Feng.

They also wanted to find out why the Crystal Palace team had a crush on Lin Feng, and what touched Lin Feng's Crystal Palace?

Now countless people are waiting for the start of this game.

Lin Feng is also very excited, they are also waiting for the start of this game, because he knows that he will start this game.

This is Lin Feng's first start on behalf of the Leeds United first team, and also the first start of his career.He takes this game very seriously.He is full of energy and wants to prove himself with a good performance.At the same time, he also showed Bryan that he was qualified for the starting position.

In this game, Lin Feng was full of energy.

When fans and media reporters saw Lin Feng's debut, they were both surprised and excited, allowing them to watch Lin Feng more comprehensively and see Lin Feng's performance.

Leeds United fans are full of expectations for Lin Feng, and this game will definitely win.

Countless people are watching this game.

However, Lin Feng's performance in this competition was not amazing, it can only be said to be quite normal and very flat.In this game, Lahm Lin Feng assisted the team to equalize the score.

Yes, in the end Leeds United did not beat their opponents, but drew with them.

Two to two!
Leeds United at the top of the league did not win Carl Zeiss Jena, who was at the bottom of the league, and drew with their opponents at home.

It's a moderate unease.

Of course, the focus of media reporters is not Leeds United's record, but Leeds United player Lin Feng.

To be honest, many people were very disappointed by Lin Feng's performance in this game.

Originally everyone had very, very high expectations for Lin Feng, but in the end it turned out like this.Many people think that Lin Weiqiang is exaggerating.This guy is very ordinary and cannot be favored by the Crystal Palace team.It's a scam.

Many media reporters think they can find a new star and find a big news.It now appears that this was completely wrong.Many people were disappointed and just left without paying attention to Lin Feng.

There are also some scouts who have the same idea.Such a guy simply cannot enter the sight of the Crystal Palace team.This news is fake news, made up by people.They felt that it was a waste of time, so they left and stopped paying attention to Lin Feng.

On the domestic Internet, those black people are very eager to attack and humiliate Lin Feng frantically.

Makiko Gonzalez of the DC area is considered a leader by them!

Makiko Gonzalez in the DC area has the support of many people, and countless people shout for him.It made him very excited, very comfortable, and very enjoyable.He published a long list of remarks attacking Lin Feng on the Internet, claiming that Lin Feng is rubbish, a scam, and can't even catch up with Dong Fangzhuo.

During this period of time, Lin Weiqiang received many, many questions and criticisms.Lin Feng was sent from heaven to hell in an instant.

Countless people thought Lin Feng was a clown.

Brian frowned and was very upset. He didn't expect the situation to be so serious and unbearable.Lin Feng is under too much pressure now. These slanders and doubts will definitely have a great side effect on Lin Feng's growth.

Brian regretted it a little.

Brian immediately said: "Boss, you don't have to worry, Lin Feng is much stronger than we imagined!"

Brian raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Yes, Lin Feng's spiritual attribute is very strong, so he has done it before.But seeing the current situation, he was still a little worried.

Buwaz immediately said: "Boss, it's okay. You are concerned and confused! You value Lin Feng too much and have high expectations for him!"

Brian nods slightly, yes, it's a typical concerned but confused one.

Lin Feng should be able to bear it, but at this moment he should be very restless and angry.

Yes, Lin Feng was very angry at this time.These media reporters are too miserable.It was you who took him to heaven before.Now it's you who criticize him like crazy and drive him to hell.

For these media reporters, Lin Ruilin was very distressed and looked down upon.

Now he understood why Brian had kept him from the damn media so early.These guys don't have any boundaries, and they don't have any positions.They just like to watch the fun.The more fun it is, the more they enjoy it.As for fun, no harm, no harm to society.

Media reporters are after sensationalism, that is, attracting attention.

They can have no bottom line, no position, and no moral personality.
Of course, there are also many good journalists who seek truth from facts and stick to the truth.However, these people are far away from Lin Weiqiang, and those who are close to Lin Weiqiang are all first-class reporters.

Lin Feng was very dissatisfied with these reporters.

Of course, Lin Feng was also very distressed to himself because he screwed up his first career start.He wants to celebrate himself with his outstanding performance and more goals, so that more people can see his strength and prove his strength.

Unfortunately, in this game, his performance was very unsatisfactory, and Lin Feng still blamed himself.

At this time, countless media are attacking Lin Weiqiang, claiming that everyone overestimates Lin Weiqiang.How did Lin Feng of this level enter the field of vision of the Crystal Palace team?How could he be a genius?He's even a genius.

Guys like this don't deserve attention at all, a waste of time.

There are also media reports that Lin Feng, who can't even deal with the second-to-last club's central defender combination in the A-League, can be qualified for the starting position of the A-League?Not to mention the Premier League.

According to media reports, Lin Feng is at best a rotation player for a relegation team in the A-League, and will be able to integrate into England's second and third tier leagues in the future.China football is like this, how can there be any talented players?
That's right, countless media began to mock Lin Weiqiang, belittling Lin Weiqiang as worthless.

But those sunspots in Huaxia fell to the ground, crazily belittling Lin Weiqiang, trying to settle the fact that Lin Weiqiang is a garbage player.

During this period, Lin Ruilin suffered too much criticism and great pressure.

Little William looked distressed, and immediately comforted: "Lin Feng, don't worry too much, the performance of a game can't explain anything, you are very good!"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "Of course I know I'm very good!"

Seeing Lin Feng like this, Little William was a little worried. He knew Lin Feng very well.The more Lin Feng was like this, the more he showed concern. Lin Feng really cared.

Little William sighed, patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said: "I believe in you, you are very powerful, you will definitely be amazing next time, and slap these people in the face."

Lin Feng nodded firmly and said, "You're right!"

Lin Feng made up his mind to perform well in the next game, so that he could slap these guys and slap them.


Yes, this game was worse than the last one.At least the last game had an assist.There is nothing in this game.

Media reporters seized this point and crazily satirized Lin Weiqiang.In this way, they also said that they rejected Crystal Palace.This is a big joke.They don't blush when they lie.Do you have to be shameless?

Media reporters criticized Lin Weiqiang.

Domestic internet blacks even crazily criticized and humiliated Lin Weiqiang, claiming that Lin Weiqiang was completely humiliating the Chinese people, and he was the scum of the Chinese people.Such a guy should be expelled from China and let him go.

Heizi's words were really too vicious.

However, Lin Feng's recent performance is really a bit poor!
Leeds United fans are also worried.What happened to Lin Feng?Why wasn't it amazing before?why don't you scoreIs Lin Feng only suitable for playing as a substitute?He is a super substitute, not suitable for starting?

Leeds United fans think so, and many media reporters also think so and ask this question.Do you think Brian can bring Lin Feng back to the bench?
And Noguera is very excited, he is waiting for the opportunity to come, he will fight back!
Ha ha!Lin Feng, you are committing suicide.No wonder I'm here.My chance has come.Noguera must be the starter for Leeds United, not Lin Feng!
Noguera is excited, this is the opportunity he has been waiting for!

God won't give me money! ! !

At the end of the 22nd round of the league, Leeds United, which was tied for two consecutive rounds, gave up the top position in the league and was once again occupied by the Monchengladbach team.

Now, Borussia Mönchengladbach's scoring has reached 41 points, the same as Leeds United, but their goal difference is more than Leeds United.Therefore, Gladbach Munich currently ranks first and Leeds United ranks second.

The third-ranked Felt and the fourth-ranked Hoffenheim scored the same score, both 37 points, very close to the top of the league, with only a 4-point gap.

Cologne, fifth in the league, now has 36 points, while Wayne, who is sixth, and Freiberg, who is seventh, both have 35.These teams are strong contenders for promotion.

There are 12 rounds left in the league, and no one can predict the final result.

The current Leeds United cannot claim success in the promotion, and even the top-ranked Borussia Mönchengladbach cannot say the same.

The First Division this season is really too competitive.

If Leeds Lenovo wants to upgrade successfully, it must work harder and get more points.

However, Leeds United is now encountering some problems.

More specifically, Lin Ruilin encountered some problems.

After two consecutive rounds, Lin Feng's performance was not satisfactory.Many people think that the former Lin Feng is completely hyped.This guy's strength simply cannot enter the sight of the Crystal Palace team, let alone refuse to accept the Crystal Palace team.

Now everyone knows that Lin Feng is just a parallel importer, and there are many abuses on the Internet.

When William saw that Lin Feng was in a bad mood recently, he immediately advised him: "Lin Feng, don't care what those people say. We all know what your strength is. It's normal to have a poor performance in one or two games. Even Makiko Gonzalez Bailey will have a low period, which is normal."

Lin Feng nodded slightly and said, "I know!"

Little William said: "As long as you know, don't be entangled by them, don't be influenced by them, and behave well, we believe in you!"

Lin Feng patted Little William on the shoulder and said, "Thank you, I will not let you down!"

Little William had just recovered from his injury, but he didn't comfort him.He came to comfort himself.This guy is so nice.

Lin Feng suddenly asked: "Hey, little old man, has your pretty reporter caught up?"

Little William stared closely at Lin Feng and said: "Of course not. I'm still waiting for your help, my good brother. Tell me, when can I be interviewed by media reporters? She can't wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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