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Chapter 67 What to eat!

Chapter 67 What to eat!

Chapter 67 What to eat!

Yes, the big man is the young centre-back Sanheim of Paris Saint-Germain.

Sure enough, the guy was arrogant.

Before the game started, this guy dared to run directly to Lin Feng and shout.He is really young!
Lin Feng stared at Shan Haimu and said coldly: "The loser's name will never appear in my mind. You don't have to be so careful. Because your name will never appear in my mind, passer-by!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Feng turned around deftly, leaving her proud back to Schellenheim.

Looking at Lin Feng's back, Shan Haimu's face was as gloomy as water.He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said, "Son, I'm going to make you pay a price, a terrible price!"


Shanheim hummed coldly and turned directly to his team.

At this point, the warm-up before the end of the game.Players on both sides must return to the locker room to listen to the head coach's tactical arrangements in this game.

When Lin Feng came to the player channel, William immediately followed him and said, "What is that boy looking for? Is this a mockery before the game?"

Lin Feng said coldly: "Hmph! Fool, leave him alone!"

Hearing Lin Feng's tone, Little William knew that Shanheim must have said something disgusting.Lin Feng is a little angry now.There is a problem with this.

William immediately said: "This bloody piece of rubbish is so arrogant. This is Leeds United territory. What does he want?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "What else can you do? Of course you are dead!"


Little William couldn't help it.He really didn't expect Lin Feng to be in such a good mood at this time.It seems that he misunderstood Lin Feng.Lin Feng was not angry at all. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Little William smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to be so good?"

Lin Feng said: "Why do I have a bad attitude? For a nobody? Forget it, you think highly of him!"

Little William grinned and nodded slightly, as if he understood.

Leeds United players are swarming the dressing room, where Bryan has been waiting, lines drawn on the tactical board.Apparently, Mr. Bryan had done almost all of his homework before the game.

Seeing the team members coming in, he immediately waved to them, asking them to do their job quickly.

Lin Feng and Little William naturally didn't dare to neglect and sat down directly.

Bryan began: "This game is very important to us, and every other game is very important to us. At this critical moment, I hope you can always ensure your state and don't make mistakes!"

The Leeds United players nodded in understanding.

Bryan continued: "Paris Saint-Germain are now fourth from bottom in the first division, but they are still very strong. I hope you don't underestimate your opponents and take them seriously. Okay?"

Lin Feng and the Leeds United players shouted: "I see, boss!"

Brian is comfortable with everyone's mental state, so he doesn't stress that too much.

Brian pointed to the tactical board and said, "Our tactics today are not much different from usual. The only difference is the line I drew on it. You should remember..."

Bryan told the Leeds United players about his meticulous preparation before the game.

Lin Feng kept nodding his head.He listened carefully to the coach's tactical arrangements.For a while, he fully understood Bryan's tactical arrangements.

Some other players are bowing their heads, digesting Bryan's tactical layout.

Brian suddenly came to Lin Feng and asked, "How is it? How do you feel now?"

Lin Feng said: "Boss, I feel good. I will score in this game. I have a hunch!"

Bryan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Your current role is not only scoring goals, but also many other tactical roles. Even if you don't score goals, you are the hero of Leeds United!"

Brian didn't want Lin Feng to bear such a lot of pressure.Best to pack light.

Lin Feng understood Brian and was very grateful.Immediately he said, "I see, boss!"

Bryan nodded, then seemed to think about something, and immediately said: "This game will definitely continue the previous defense of other teams. You need to be notified and not get injured, you know?"

Lin Feng said: "Don't worry, I will protect myself!"

Brian was very satisfied and continued: "Well done, I'm optimistic about you!"

This trust is heavy.Lin Feng vowed never to let Brian down.In this game, he has to pay back Bryan with an amazing performance.He wants to lead the team to win this game.

After explaining to Lin Feng, Brian immediately applauded, attracted the attention of the team members, and said, "Time is running out. Let's go when you are ready!"

The Leeds United players nodded and began to check their equipment, then walked out of the dressing room in twos and threes, entered the player channel, and prepared to start the game.

Lin Feng walked into the player channel.He is the starter of the game.

When he came to the player channel, Lin Feng came to his team and waited for him to play.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a pair of eyes staring at him.He immediately looked sideways, only to look into Shanheim's war-colored eyes.

Unexpectedly, Makiko Gonzalez was on his side.Interesting!

Of course, the photographers at the scene also saw this scene.Immediately, he zoomed the camera in for a close-up of Lin Feng and Shan Haim.

This drawing is so much fun!

Before the match, the two yelled in the air and got into a fight.There was a strong smell of gunpowder between them.I didn't expect them to collide at this time.It's like hitting the earth!
The photographer looks forward to some coverage.

But Lin Feng didn't have a bird, Shan Haim, to treat him directly as air.

This made Shanhaim very angry, and stared at Lin Feng fiercely.He wants to eat Lin Feng's flesh and drink Lin Feng's blood!

Rubbish Lin Feng, wait for me.You are dead!
Machico Gonzalez clenches his fists, fingernails digging into his palms without realizing it.

The photographer at the scene saw Shanheim's hatred and anger, and immediately took a close-up shot of Shanheim.Shanheim's expression immediately appeared on the TV, and fans on the TV and the scene watched.

In an instant, everyone was looking forward to more from this game.Who is the better of these two talents?

At this time, the referee signaled the players on both sides to follow his footsteps, and the game was about to start.

Lin Feng immediately followed his teammates and walked into the stadium with his head held high.

As soon as the players from both sides stepped into the stadium, they immediately attracted warm cheers from the fans of both sides.Fans from both sides were welcoming and cheering for their own team's players.

"Okay, players from both sides have come out, and the game is about to start!" Roy, a commentator on British TV 2, said directly.

Visiting team: Paris Saint-Germain, head coach: Lakhdar, formation: 4-4-2
Goalkeeper: Tobias Siepper

Four defenders: Alexandre Buguera, Sanheim, Moussa Braema Ouattara and Matthew Muller
Four midfielders: Axel Bellinghausen, Sven Müller, Stefan Boll and Patrice Bernier
Two Forwards: Emeka Opala and Eric Jandrisek
Home Team: Leeds United, Manager: Brian, Formation: 4-4-2
Goalkeeper: Wicklow

Four guards: Rose, Nowitzki, Carter and Hoagland

Four middle areas: Gunker, Callaghan, Pekovic and Petain
Double forwards: Lin Feng and Alexey

This is the starting list of the two teams today.Paris Saint-Germain's starting line-up is very different from everyone's expectations.Initially, everyone thought they would play a 532-[-]-[-] formation.After all, Leeds United's offensive strength is very strong.The Paris Saint-Germain club's defense is a major factor in his desire to score to avoid relegation.

I didn't expect Raikner to be like this today.He directly chose the formation of 4-4-2 offensive and defensive balance.It can be seen that Raikkner has some ideas for this game.When facing media reporters before the game, he did not throw smoke bombs.He really wants to beat Leeds United.

Leeds United's squad was no surprise, as expected.


Suddenly there was a whistle, and the referee blew it at the start of the game.

Lin Feng in the middle circle passed the ball to midfielder Pekovic.

"Okay, the game started. Leeds United kicked off first. They attacked from the right to the left of the screen. The Paris Saint-Germain club team attacked from the left to the right of the screen. They were wearing black robes!" Roy immediately introduced.

Fans from both sides shouted excitedly before the game really started.

When the game started, the atmosphere was very enthusiastic.The fans of Leeds United enthusiastically shouted: "Leeds United will win, we will return to the Premier League! And Paris Saint-Germain Club, you'd better go to Dirk to control the situation. It's more suitable for you!"

The fans of the Paris Saint-Germain club team were also passionate, and their voices were very loud: "Go to hell with Leeds United, we will win this game!"

With a loud noise, Lin Feng suddenly tilted the ball and directly stuffed the football into the opening of Kaiserslautern's defense.Alexis rushed forward, legs flailing, furious.

"Dangerous!" exclaimed the Paris Saint-Germain club commentator.

The football roared out of the bottom line from the edge of the post on the right side of the goal!

Leeds United did not have a dream start!
Lin Feng was sad and shook his head.It was a good chance but it didn't turn into a goal in the end.

Lin Feng immediately looked back at Shanhaim.The contempt in his eyes was self-evident.

Schellenheim's face turned red, and he glared at Lin Feng angrily.If his eyes were a murder knife, Lin Feng would have been torn to pieces by now.

"Don't be arrogant. Wait for me. The game has just begun!" Machico Gonzalez said as he gritted his teeth.

"We can see that although the game has just started, Shanheim's defense has problems, which gave Lin Feng time to pass the ball calmly, leading to this dangerous situation. Shanheim must enter the game as soon as possible, otherwise, today may be his nightmare!" Roy said immediately.

When the media reporters in the stands heard this, they nodded in agreement.

Shanheim's acting is really not that good.Do you dare to yell at Lin Feng like this?Some people are too arrogant and look down on Lin Feng.

If Shanheim really only has such strength, then his rhetoric before the game is the funniest joke of the century.

The fans of Leeds United seized this opportunity and frantically reprimanded Shanheim: "Shanheim, you rubbish, dare to be arrogant at this level. You just want to be famous and go crazy, rubbish!"

"Makiko Gonzalez rubbish, what skills do you have besides saying hello? Are you ashamed?"

"The most shameless trash of this century is born. Shanheim, you win!"

"If there is the most shameless game, Makico Gonzalez is a worthy champion!"

"Shanheim, you finally let me understand what shamelessness is! You are amazing!"

Hearing these words, Shanheim's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped.His small eyes became red.This is the rhythm of change!
"Damn Lin Feng! Damn Liz! You wait for me, I want you to die!" Shan Haim thought painfully.

Then he rushed towards Lin Feng like a vicious dog.

He stuck to Lin Feng like brown sugar and couldn't get rid of it.At the same time, from time to time, he used its powerful body to beat Lin Feng hard.He also has a lot of little moves.He pinches, pulls, hammers, pulls in various ways.

Lin Feng frowned, trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

Shan Haimu insisted on Lin Feng, while provoking Lin Feng with vicious words: "Trash Lin Feng, are you just doing this? Are you a woman who doesn't eat? I don't think you should be here. The women's football field is more suitable for you!"

"Trash Lin Feng ate my young master's elbow. How does it feel?"

"Look, you are like a dead dog raised by our young master. You can't do anything except wagging your tail and begging for mercy!"

"Trash Lin Feng, are you desperate?"

Buzz, buzz!
Lin Feng felt that there was a group of annoying flies chirping in his ears, which made him very bored.He wanted to kill all these flies and send them to the Tathagata Buddha in the West.

Lin Feng turned his head and stared at Shanhaim.He snorted coldly, turned around and rushed to the back in a hurry.The latter point is not Schoenheim's defense, but another central defender Ouattara's defense.

But Shenheim didn't care.He rushed to the defense area of ​​Forest Peak and Ouattara.

Suddenly, a huge gap appeared behind him.

The winger's Betten immediately started to pass the ball and played it directly into Shanheim's defensive area.

At this time, it is too late for Ouattara to change his position, and it is too late for the defender to retract, which is very dangerous!

"Danger!" Today, the commentator of the Paris Saint-Germain club can only say three words.

Leeds United striker Alexis saw Lin Feng suddenly start rushing towards the back line, he saw the opportunity, ran out an arc, circled from the back line to the front line, and quickly rushed into Shanheim's defensive area.

Facing the ball, Alexey didn't need to take off at all, and directly smashed towards the flying football.

"Header!" Roy roared excitedly.

At the scene, Leeds United fans screamed with excitement and raised their hands in cheers.

Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper Sipper slapped the ball in front of the goal, reacted in time, stood up like a goshawk, and kicked the football over the baseline with one arm.

(End of this chapter)

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