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Chapter 94 Struggle!

Chapter 94 Struggle!
Chapter 94 Struggle!

300 million euros!
The Villarreal club made an offer to Leeds United at a price of 300 million euros, hoping to get Leeds United's talented teenager Ram Raymond.The quote quickly landed on the desks of Leeds United's chairman and sporting manager, who are awaiting their responses.

Because at this time, Brian had already left the club!

All these documents have to be handled by the club's sports manager!
Haider felt that this matter was quite serious, so he came to the club chairman's office and handed over the offer to Stratz.

Now Leeds United know that Brian is now negotiating with the Villarreal club and may even sign a professional contract soon.The purchase must have been Brian's own will, which is why they put so much emphasis on it.

Prior to this, they had already contacted Bryan, hoping to renew his contract.

But Brian categorically refuses, and his life is on the verge of death.He will soon sign with the club Villarreal.And proposed to take away a player and join the Villarreal club with him.

Leeds United really need money right now.After all, they will be playing in the Premier League next season.They have to spend a lot of money to upgrade the lineup.But where does the money come from?Naturally, only some stars are sold!
Bryan also said at the beginning: "When I take away players, I will never let Leeds United lose money. Please believe me!"

Now that the Paris Saint-Germain club's offer has come, the two of them should deal with it seriously and discuss it carefully.

300 million is not a small amount for a player in the A-League. But it is also such a young player, a young player who has only played one season.

Earlier, Paris Saint-Germain issued their club's offer to Carter for only 350 million euros.But Carter was the best central defender in the A-League last season, so now Lin Feng's 300 million euros is already very good.

However, this is definitely not Lin Raymond's highest offer.

I thought that Inter Milan offered 400 million euros, hoping to introduce Lin Feng.The Crystal Palace team also made an offer of 310 million euros.Obviously, they were also prepared.

Of course, there are some other quotes, but these are pretty much what they are meant to be.

However, one thing is very clear, that is, there are many, many teams interested in Lin Weiqiang.

If Leeds United really want to sell Lin Feng, they really don't want to sell.

However, after all their relationship with Brian is here, they still hope not to hurt their feelings with Brian.After all, Brian has spent more than 20 years of his youth at Leeds United.Sometimes people can't be too cool and too thin.

After discussions between Haider and Stratz, they agreed to sell Ram Raymond.However, the price must be 400 million euros, with additional terms.If the Paris Saint-Germain club sells Lin Feng, they will get 15% of the profit.

Leeds have responded to an offer from Paris Saint-Germain.

Subsequently, the two clubs dismissed their staff for detailed discussions.Yes, there were actual discussions on both sides.In the end, the two sides reached an agreement.Paris Saint-Germain club successfully introduced Lin Feng from Leeds United at a price of 400 million euros plus 10% of the proceeds from the second sale.

Then, Haider called Lin Feng directly and said: "Lin Feng, you can now discuss your new contract with Paris Saint-Germain Club. I wish you a bright future in Paris Saint-Germain Club!"

("For 1850 million euros, AC Milan wants to buy Ronaldinho!"——

"England Lion King Kahn officially retires and bids farewell to professional football!"——

"Van der Vaart is about to leave Hamburg, and many giants are offering him olive branches!"——

"Makico Gonzalez: Puerto Rico's Raymond is the player we need at Arsenal!" -

"Paris Saint-Germain confirm new manager Leeds United will take over." -

"Salk: Bryan will lead the rise of Paris Saint-Germain!" -

"Hleb is leaving Arsenal for Barcelona!" -

"The European Cup is just around the corner, and all the teams have arrived!"——

"Bayern, Inter Milan and Arsenal, who is Lin Feng's next home?"——

"Bryan intends to stay at Paris Saint-Germain. Will Lan Hongzhen follow the teacher?"——

"Xie Yalong: Without Raymond, our Olympic team can win medals!" -

“Dujkovic: Rahm Raymond is a strong player, I need him!” —

"Dong Fangzhuo: I don't know Lin Leimeng very well. I don't know him!"——

"Lin Feng donated another 10 euros to the disaster area, the genius boy is with the people in the disaster area!"——


At this time, various reports poured out.Of course, there is more news about Lin Raymond and the Chinese Olympic team, and more importantly, about Lin Raymond.

Because the transfer period is approaching, everyone wants to see where Lin Feng will go.

After all, at this time, there are really too many clubs having scandals with Lan Hongzhen.Everyone wants to know which big club Lin Fengfeng will go to.

Of course, more fans are still complaining about Lin Feng!
Why can't Lin Raymond make the Olympic team?Lin Feng is strong enough to enter the Olympic team and become the main player of the Olympic team.The Olympic team coach Dujkovic has made it very clear that the Olympic team needs a striker like Lin Feng so that they can achieve their goal of winning three gold medals.

Yes, the Football Association attaches great importance to this BJ Olympics.The minimum goal given to the team is a third bronze medal and they firmly believe that the team can get it done.

Xie Yalong, chairman of the Football Association, is full of confidence in this.Recently, he has frequently appeared in media reports, calling on fans to have confidence in him and play for the Football Association and the Olympic team.He won't let everyone down if he drinks the Olympic team. The Olympic team will at least get No.3.

Of course, Dujkovic quickly slapped Xie Yalong in the face.

Dujkovic said in an interview: "If I have the right to choose and employ people independently, plus Lin Feng, I have the confidence to bring the Puerto Rico Olympic team to the top three.

However, there are a lot of players I don't have a choice at the moment, and some starters I can't decide on!I admire Mr. Chairman's thank you sir, but it is almost impossible to achieve this goal! "

After the news came out, it caused an uproar!
No one thought that Dujkovic would make such a big news at this time. The head coach of the team does not even have the right to choose and use human rights, which is really worrying.

It is said that after the news came out, Xie Yalong was furious and shouted directly: "What does he want from Dujkovic?"

Obviously this exceeded his expectations!

This matter has aroused widespread discussion, and there are more and more unfavorable rumors about Xie Yalong, such as bribery and corruption.

However, the Puerto Rico Football Association immediately pressured the media to stop reporting these things.

The next day, there was almost no such news in the market.

However, fans privately discussed it very positively.Neither of them deserved to have Ramon, and Ramon should be on this Olympic team.

However, soon everyone's attention was attracted by other news.

The Paris Saint-Germain club officially announced that the former Leeds United coach Brian officially entered the Paris Saint-Germain club and became the team's new head coach.

Paris Saint-Germain club officials also organized a press conference to officially introduce their new head coach.

That night, Paris Saint-Germain club chairman Laubar, Paris Saint-Germain club club CEO Watzke and sports manager Salk accompanied the club's new head coach Bryan to attend the press conference.

The spotlights on the scene flickered into one piece, recording this moment.

Bryan came to the podium and signed their names with Paris Saint-Germain chairman Laubal on the prepared contract.From this time on, Bryan officially became the head coach of the Paris Saint-Germain club.

Brian signed a two-year contract with Paris Saint-Germain until June 2010.

The season has just come to an end and Paris Saint-Germain have had a very poor run under coach Thomas Dole.They only finished 13th in the Premier League and were almost relegated.

Therefore, just after the end of the season, the Paris Saint-Germain club announced the dismissal of Thomas Dole.Then, within a few days, the Paris Saint-Germain club announced their new coach, and it was truly magical.

But Brian is one of the most famous young people in the UK, and Brian, who is only 40 years old, is indeed very famous and has the support of many famous hotels in the UK.Paris Saint-Germain club officials also support Bryan, thinking that Bryan is the best coach of Paris Saint-Germain club.

When asked by a media reporter why he chose Bryan, Salk said: "Bryan is the guarantee for the growth of the Paris Saint-Germain club!"

Yes, Salk has great expectations for Paris Saint-Germain.

Watzke said: "Jurgen's passionate coaching is what Paris Saint-Germain club needs most. Our Paris Saint-Germain club is now in a moment of change. Jurgen is obviously the best choice. I believe that Paris Saint-Germain club will achieve good results under his leadership!"

Many people have heard the key.The Paris Saint-Germain club is now about to reform!
Brian is a key figure in Dortmund's reform, which shows that Dortmund really attaches great importance to Brian.

Reporters asked: "Mr. Bryan, why did you choose Paris Saint-Germain? Shouldn't you be at Crystal Palace?"

Yes, there were previous rumors that Bryan would move to Crystal Palace.Why did he suddenly come to Paris Saint-Germain?
Bryan immediately said: "What impresses me is the future plan of the Paris Saint-Germain club. The management of the Paris Saint-Germain club trusts me very much and gives me the autonomy of the motherland. These are the factors that impress me, so I chose Paris Saint-Germain club!"

A reporter asked Bryan why he rejected Crystal Palace.

Bryan said: "There is still a gap between me and them. The Crystal Palace team has them pursuing bigger and higher goals. I think I still have something in common with them, so I rejected Crystal Palace."

Of course, these issues are not the focus. The focus of media reporters is still on recruitment.

The Paris Saint-Germain club has a new coach, and the player lineup will definitely change a lot.Bryan also brought some confidantes to Paris Saint-Germain, so will Lin Feng, the hottest player, join Paris Saint-Germain?

Now these media reporters are asking about this amount.

Bryan immediately said: "Obviously, Paris Saint-Germain Club will find a lot of changes this season, because we have a new plan. I will inject a lot of fresh blood into Paris Saint-Germain Club, Paris Saint-Germain Club needs these things."

The reporters were very frustrated.why are you talking about him
Reporters now seem to know how many players from Leeds United will follow Brian to Paris Saint-Germain. Is Lin Feng one of them?
Brian was overwhelmed with questions from these media reporters.

Bryan said: "Of course, I will definitely bring some players to Paris Saint-Germain. Today I brought two players to Paris Saint-Germain!"

The reporters at the scene were stunned.What's up?Two players came to Paris Saint-Germain today?
Who is it?

Reporters were immediately interested, and they all wanted to know who the two men were.

They didn't get any news before.The Paris Saint-Germain club has introduced two players, both from Leeds United?This kind of secrecy is really good!

Who is it?

Everyone is guessing, and everyone thinks that one of these two people is likely to be Lin Raymond.Lin Feng is currently the hottest player in Leeds United, and Brian admires Lin Feng very much.If Brian had to bring one player to his new team, it would have to be Lynn Raymond.

Therefore, everyone believed that one of these two people was likely to be Lin Ruilin.

Of course, many people also speculate that the other of these two is Carter, the same young central defender, because this is the best central defender in League A, only these two players from Leeds United are likely to transfer to Paris Saint-Germain, and there seems to be some gap between other players and Paris Saint-Germain.

Brian seemed to have guessed it when he saw the reporter below.Therefore, he did not continue to hide, and directly announced: "Welcome two new helpers to play!". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At the scene, all the spotlights were instantly aimed at the entrance, and then two figures appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone was taken aback: "Sure enough!"

It's Carter and Lynn Raymond! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They came in together through the entrance.Both took to the podium in the yellow jerseys of Paris Saint-Germain.

Suddenly, the spotlights on the scene flickered, recording the figures of Lin Raymond and Carter.

Big news today.The league's best rookie and best central defender join Paris Saint-Germain at the same time!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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