Beastmaster of the film and television world

Chapter 221 Entering the Underground

Chapter 221 Entering the Underground
Now that Xiaobai didn't feel any danger at such a close distance, it meant that the black-faced gnats below were no threat to him.

While Wu Xie was thinking about this, Wu Xie next to him probably got his assurance, so he took a few steps forward.

And with just these few steps, Wu Xie was lucky enough to meet the hanging hole in Wang Kaixuan's mouth.


With Wu Xie's exclamation, a cave that could accommodate one person appeared under his feet, and the soft soil beside him sank into the ground in the blink of an eye, along with Wu Xie's two calves.

Fortunately, Wang Kaixuan has the experience of coming here, and has been secretly vigilant about the surrounding situation. As soon as Wu Xie's voice sounded, he grabbed Wu Xie's sinking body, and stopped him abruptly with his arms Downward trend.

Of course, this is also because the bottom is completely hollow, not like quicksand, so the bottom suction is not very strong.

Wu Ze also took a step forward at this time, grabbed Wu Xie's other arm, and together with Wang Kaixuan forcefully pulled Wu Xie out of the hanging hole.

In fact, it didn't take much effort for Wu Ze to pull Wu Xie out by himself, but since Wang Kaixuan pulled the other side, he didn't say much, just helped to pull Wu Xie up.

"It's okay, naive." Wang Kaixuan pulled Wu Xie out a long way in one breath, and didn't stop until he was completely away from the area just now.

"It's okay." Wu Xie took a sharp breath, and then waved his hand.

He didn't suffer any injuries just now, but he was a little frightened by the sudden incident.

Wu Ze has not moved in place, and is looking into the hanging hole at this time, but there is nothing in the hole.

Wang Kaixuan noticed Wu Ze's movements and asked, "Wu Ze, is there anything inside?"

He thought there was a face inside, that's why Wu Ze was looking there.

"No!" Wu Ze responded, he was just thinking about whether to go down here.

After all, the purpose of their coming down this time is not the tomb under the Fishbone Temple, but the tomb-keeper beast that has already spread its branches and leaves--the black gnat with a human face!

So going down from this hanging hole now, it is very likely that you will directly find the location of the lair of the black gnat with a human face.

Thinking this way, Wu Ze told Wang Kaixuan and Wu Xie what he thought.

The two thought about it after listening to it, and Wang Kaixuan took the lead and said: "That's okay, but the underground passages are intricate, and there must be a way to find their lair, otherwise we will be finished if we get lost inside."

Wu Xie also nodded: "Yes, although we brought a lot of food and water, if we can't get out inside, no matter how much supplies we have, we will have to eat them one day."

"This is a problem that cannot be ignored." Wu Ze nodded thoughtfully. His Xiaobai can predict danger in advance, but it cannot be used to guide the way.

Especially now that there is no danger for me below, it is impossible to use the sense of threat to lead the way.

"Actually..." At this moment, Wang Kaixuan touched his chin and said, "It's not impossible."

"What can you do?" Wu Xie asked puzzled.

"For this matter, I prepared a secret weapon in advance." After speaking, Wang Kaixuan picked up his backpack and grabbed a fat rabbit from it.

"Is this your secret weapon?" Wu Xie looked at the rabbit and asked.

He knew that when Wang Kaixuan and the others went in last time, they encountered the ghost grave and escaped by slaughtering a goose they carried with them. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they see this rabbit.

But what Wu Ze wondered was, can this rabbit work?

Wang Kaixuan seemed to have seen Wu Ze's thoughts, and explained: "This is not a sacrifice, but the bait I plan to use to catch spiders."

After finishing speaking, Wang Kaixuan brought the rabbit in front of Wu Ze and motioned him to look inside the rabbit's ears.

Wu Ze looked over and saw that there was something the size of a button on the inside of the rabbit's ear, which was shining brightly.


Wu Xie recognized this thing and also understood Wang Kaixuan's plan.

"Fatty, do you want to use this thing to determine the location of the clam's nest?"

"Yes, otherwise even if we enter from the Fish Bone Temple, we may not be able to find the nest of these spiders."

He couldn't remember how to go underground. Back then they were running around, so he thought of this way before.

"Then let's go down from here, there is no need to go to the Fishbone Temple."

Now that Wang Kaixuan is ready, Wu Zedang even decides to go underground through the entrance Wu Xie guessed.

Regarding Wu Ze's suggestion, do Wang Kaixuan and Wu Xie have any objections, or after getting along for a while, they have gradually become accustomed to letting Wu Ze make decisions.

Because they didn't know how deep the hanging hole was, the three of them didn't jump down directly, but chose one of them to go to explore the way first with a climbing rope, and the other two waited for the signal from the person who explored the way. go down.

"Fatty Master, go down and find the way for you!"

After making a decision, Wang Kaixuan immediately picked up the climbing rope and tied it around his waist.

But before his hands touched his waist, Wu Ze had already taken the climbing rope. Wu Ze wrapped the rope around his waist and said, "I'll do it this time. Look at your body, it takes a lot of effort to turn around. I'd better go down."

Wang Kaixuan knew that Wu Ze was more capable of self-protection than himself, so he didn't argue, and the fact of his size was also true.

Wu Ze and Wu Xie still felt that the hole was spacious, but it seemed a little narrow when he went down. This is an irrefutable fact.

As for the third person present, the two of them didn't even think about it.

To say who among the three has the weakest ability to respond to sudden crises, Wu Xie is definitely the most well-deserved number one.

It's not so much the weakest, it's better to say that Wu Xie has the ability to protect himself.

Wu Xie himself knew this very well, so he was very self-aware and didn't get involved in this topic.

Following the climbing rope, Wu Ze slowly descended the hanging hole stepped on by Wu Xie, but the hole was much shallower than they imagined, and within a few minutes Wu Ze had reached the bottom of the cave.

He turned on the flashlight and looked around. What appeared in front of Wu Ze was a small space of about two square meters. There were corridors in each of the three directions of the small space that were the same size as the hanging hole when he came down.

After looking at the three corridors with the help of the light of the flashlight, Wu Ze did not continue to act, and began to send a safety signal to the above as previously agreed.

Soon, Wang Kaixuan and Wu Xie also descended from above to the bottom of the cave.

"Be good!" Wang Kaixuan saw the three roads in front of him as soon as he came up, and said with gritted teeth, "How should I go now?"

They had expected such a situation, but they did not expect to encounter it from the beginning.

"Where do we go next?" Wang Kaixuan gave Wu Ze the right to choose after looking at each of them one by one.

"Wu Xie, what do you think?" Wu Ze didn't make a decision hastily, but looked at Wu Xie who silently observed after he got down and didn't make a sound.

Wu Xie heard Wu Ze ask himself, stood up from one of the cave entrances, and shook his head at him: "These three corridors all have traces of dragging, so there is no way to analyze anything from this aspect."

"Then let's choose one at random. Anyway, we can't see anything now. Why don't we talk about it after we go in."

Wu Ze thought for a while and made this decision. No matter what, they wanted to go in. Now that they were looking outside for the clues they wanted, they had no choice but to go inside.

"Then this one, the Fishbone Temple is just in this direction." Wang Kaixuan identified the location, pointed to one of the caves and said.

Wu Ze nodded: "That's it. I'm in the front, Wu Xie is in the middle, and fat man is in the back."

Wu Ze also felt that those human-faced gnats would not deliberately go around digging, and more often they would dig in a straight line, so since this corridor leads to the direction of the Fishbone Temple, it is very likely that it will lead to the bottom of the Fishbone Temple.

"Wait a minute, I'll get the guy out first!"

Just when Wu Ze was about to go in, Wang Kaixuan suddenly stopped him, then took out three submachine guns and several magazines from his backpack, and handed them to Wu Ze and Wu Xie respectively.

Wu Xie looked at the submachine gun in his hand, and asked him in surprise, "Where did you get such a thing?"

This is not a pistol in Qinling. If someone with connections can get a pistol in the mainland, this submachine gun is not a matter of ability.

"Hey, Fat Lord has also laid down a lot of tombs over the years, so it's not normal to have a little stock."

"I said."

Hearing what he said, Wu Xie took a closer look at the gun in his hand before suddenly realizing it.

Although the gun looked new, it was because it was well preserved. In fact, it was a style many years ago. If he didn't expect it, it should have been made by the fat man in an abandoned military base.

Wu Ze, on the other hand, looked at the gun thoughtfully: "Chicago typewriter?"

He didn't know guns, and he was able to recognize them because he had memories of the gun in his mind. If he didn't guess wrong, the gun was found in Yunnan, and it was some years ago.

Hearing what Wu Ze said, Wang Kaixuan laughed immediately: "Hey, I knew you could recognize them. This is the group from the insect valley. I brought out a few of them when I left. This is the fat man who suppressed you." Good stuff at the bottom of the box.”

Well, the fat man who is not slippery.

This answer is very fat.

If Wang Kaixuan said that he ran back to get it afterwards, then Wu Ze would never believe it. Even though the tomb of King Xian on the other side of the insect valley has been destroyed, Wu Ze never planned to go there. The danger is not at 01:30, and the poisonous miasma happens to be his weakness.

"Then you put Dong XZ in Gulan County?" Wu Xie came over curiously and asked.

Although Wu Ze and Wang Kaixuan's conversation, he only listened to a half-knowledge, but this did not prevent him from hearing that these things were obtained by the fat man many years ago.

And thinking that they had been together all the way from Qinling Mountains, Wang Kaixuan only acted alone after arriving in Gulan County, so it was natural to think that he had left Dong XZ in Gulan County.

After all, this place is remote enough. If it is really buried somewhere, it will be really difficult for people to find it.

"What are you thinking!" But as soon as he said that, he was refuted by Wang Kaixuan: "If it weren't for knowing Wu Ze, the fat man would never plan to come to this shitty place again in his life."

This was what he was thinking. After he retired from his two companions, he rarely visited the places he had visited before.

"You said you were the third master of the Wu family. Now who doesn't know that this kind of thing has to be stored in the eleven warehouse, and there is no safer place than that." After finishing speaking, he explained: "The fat man went out that day, just to go Take the courier from Eleven Warehouse."

"Eleven Warehouse? Can you still store this kind of thing?" Wu Xie opened his mouth wide. He knew the existence of Eleven Warehouse. After all, it was an organization under the jurisdiction of his second uncle, but he didn't know that Eleven Warehouse also accepted this plant something.

This is not an antique or something!
"Don't you think those things in the eleven warehouse are not dangerous?" Wang Kaixuan asked Wu Xie like this, so he didn't know what he was thinking, so he immediately asked.

"This..." Wu Xie was at a loss for words.

Indeed, although there are many things that do not violate the regulations in the eleventh warehouse, there are more goods that cannot be seen.

"Little naive, your Wu family is not as simple as you think."

Wang Kaixuan patted Wu Xie on the shoulder, and said earnestly.

Although he hasn't had much contact with Eleven Warehouse, he has also heard of the most famous sly goods in Eleven Warehouse. He might have thought it was some kind of strange thing before, but now that he has realized another world, Wang Kaixuan feels that Those tricks may not be exaggerating.

"Okay, let's go. You two will have time to talk about those things when you go back."

Wu Ze stopped the topic aloud, it is too early for Wu Xie to contact Eleven Warehouse.

Of course, he was afraid that the fat man Wang Kaixuan would be dealt with by Wu Erbai.

Wang Kaixuan spread his hands helplessly at Wu Xie, and pushed Wu Xie, who still wanted to say something, into the corridor.

The three of them entered the corridor one after another according to their assigned positions, and began to slowly move towards the depths.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the three of them encountered a fork in the road again, but this time there were only two choices, and it seemed that the deviation was not too far.

Wu Ze glanced at the two new corridors in front of him, turned his head and whispered to Wu Xie, "Let Fatty give me two rabbits."

Wu Xie understood what Wu Ze wanted to do, and quickly handed him the two struggling rabbits.

Wu Ze took the rabbit handed over by Wu Xie, and threw it into the two corridors in front of him with his ears in his hands, and then blocked the entrance of these two corridors, so as to prevent the rabbit from being confused after landing, and walked along the path again. Run back the same way.

After waiting patiently for a few minutes and seeing no two rabbits coming out, Wu Ze said to Wang Kaixuan, "Fatty, it's up to you next."

"Got it!"

Wang Kaixuan responded, holding the signal receiver that he had already taken out in his hand, and began to look carefully at the light spots representing the two rabbits on it.

Wu Ze and Wu Xie sat down with their backs against the corridor wall, waiting for Wang Kaixuan's feedback, so that they could decide which direction to go next.

"Wu Ze, why didn't you choose to let the rabbit explore the way just now?" Wu Xie asked curiously after taking a sip of water.

"It's useless, it's still far away, and the rabbit may have gone somewhere." After speaking, draw two dots on the ground, and then click in the middle: "Now we are very close to the Fishbone Temple. Rabbits don’t count as useless work.”

(End of this chapter)

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