Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 104 Giantization

Chapter 104 Giantization

The day's class is over, and today's biggest gain is the laughing Yan Luo Wu Liuchun wearing Winnie the Pooh's ** photo album, which will be used to stop children from crying at night in the future. It spread out, and even the entire group except Axiu changed their avatars in the group to this one.Although Wu Liuchun still said stubbornly in the group, "I am ashamed of someone Wu today", but many people saw him sitting alone in the grove after dinner, secretly wiping tears.

And after Gu Tao went home and ate the meal made by Weiwei, and then delivered the meal to Liuliu who was in confinement, he came to the bottom floor of the base alone, which is the floor that was regarded as the research and development base. This place has basically been remodeled. Complete, the whole style is completely different from other bases, and this place is also the core of the entire base, the elevator can only reach the upper floor, if anyone other than Gu Tao wants to forcefully enter here, they will face the arsenal ship Level saturation attack.

After the automatic door opened, Gu Tao put on a fully sealed chemical protective suit at the door. Even the air he breathed was filtered through twelve filters.After all preparations were completed, he came to a sealed room that was completely separated from the outside. In the middle of the sealed room was a glass container filled with liquid, with a person soaking in the container.

This person is the super power user whose limbs were broken by Mengmengxu before. His limbs are completely useless and have been amputated after treatment. Now he is just a human stick soaked in a glass container. Difficult to survive in a solution of oxygen and nutrients.

His body was full of tubes, and he looked very painful, and when he saw Gu Tao coming in, he struggled hard, staring at Gu Tao as if he was about to spew fire, but obviously it was useless, he Trapped in this place, unable to activate his abilities, the only thing he can do is to pray for death day and night, but he can't die at all. Everyday life and pain will torture him like a nightmare. His anger, Hatred and resentment are like substance, but in the end they are just like, so even though he is full of resentment, Gu Tao still has no intention of releasing him.

"Analyze the results."

Gu Tao opened the data analyzer and looked carefully.

"The analysis of the body structure has been completed. There are twelve more gene chains than normal Earth people. The strength should be the result of three to four gene lock unlocks. Earth civilization has also begun to derive natural unlockers."

After getting this result, Gu Tao fell into deep thought: "Is there any way to reverse it?"

"sorry, we do not have that."

There is no way to reverse, that is to say, there is no way to deal with it perfectly. If you encounter similar enemies again, you can’t pass the level directly. You can only kill them or find a way to lock them up. The mother planet is the same as before, after these superpowers slowly appear, the superpowers will start to get out of control, not only the contradictions between them and ordinary people, but also the contradictions between them, lawful and subversive will make them There was war after war.

As for why... In fact, there are only 20.00% of people in the world who can control themselves, but the gene lock will not be selectively unlocked because of a person's character, so that means that super-evolved people who cannot control themselves must account for 80.00% .

Suppose, one day, a 30-year-old social animal who works from nine to one in the morning suddenly gets the ability that others dream of, will he choose to protect his homeland, or will he choose to use these abilities to obtain what he only imagined but never got? thing?
This is probably a torture of desire, but in fact, how many people can resist the torture of desire without special training?But the fact is that once his own desire expands to a certain extent, his request will definitely become a seizure, and once it becomes a seizure, it is destined to become a factor of instability, which is why the home planet has always been restrained. And the way of guiding to limit the reasons for the birth of super-evolved people.

Never have too high expectations of others or yourself. No matter what era, as long as the core is still human, then this situation will not disappear.

"Satania, extract his chromosomal information and transform it into information coding and inject it into the mice."

"Captain, this is a violation of Article 20, No. [-] and Column [-] of the Galaxy Penal Code, and a serious violation of the Treaty on the Code of Conduct for Explorers. Man-made super-evolved people will be sentenced to death."

Gu Tao frowned: "Do it."


Soon, the information of the human super-evolved person was injected into the body of a small white mouse for experimentation. This is not a simulated white mouse, but a genuine white mouse obtained from a medical school.After the new DNA was injected, Gu Tao watched it the whole time.Soon, the mouse began to change in appearance, its skin began to bleed, and then all the white hair fell off, and it also became manic and restless. Trembling, the skin on his body has begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye after the initial bleeding, and then new hairs grow out, but it is no longer white, but a color similar to the blue sky, when the new hairs are completely covered After that, the mouse's vitality gradually recovered, and its body began to swell crazily. After about 15 minutes, the mouse, which was originally only as long as the index finger, had grown to the size of Gu Tao's arm.

This huge mouse began to show a strong aggressiveness. It crazily hit the inner wall of the cage with its body and made a dull sound. However, Gu Tao did not stop the experiment, but began to directly project the internal circulatory system of the white mouse on the screen in front of him. , carefully observe the degree of its blood heartbeat.

"Sure enough." Gu Tao shook his head: "Humans are still needed."

Just after he finished speaking, the spine of that huge raging mouse suddenly burst out of the body, and then other bones also protruded out of the body, because the skin was broken, the white rat's internal organs spilled a little, and then it shook a few times and completely dead.

"It's useless, it's useless." Gu Tao frowned, "Satania, I have an idea."

"Forbidden." Satania sternly refused: "I will not inject you with genetic pheromones."

"It's not giving me an injection, it's giving my injection to that guy." Gu Tao pointed at the guy soaked in the nutrient solution: "I'm also a super evolutionary, right?"

"But the ability evolved in this way is uncontrollable, I hope you still don't take risks."

"What can happen here, let's start. You have my genetic information, right? You don't need to extract it on site, right?"

Satania didn't answer directly, but silently showed sister Tifa's face on the screen, and shook his head vigorously towards Gu Tao.

"Just do it! I'm just looking for the truth!"

"I'm worried...if something unexpected happens, it will be very dangerous."

Gu Tao rubbed his chin and thought for a while: "Then, let's leave a virus backdoor in his gene, and activate the virus once it gets out of control."

"Can be executed."

No matter how perverted a person is, once the DNA information is mastered, this person will basically be unable to make any waves. Unless there is a gene that can fully adapt to the surrounding environment, it is impossible to withstand the erosion of the gene virus. Ability, even if the hand-tore Gundam has evolved more than a dozen times, it has become space junk like a genetic virus, and it should have been blown out of the solar system by the cosmic wind...

After everything was ready, Gu Tao began to strengthen the connection energy, and then Satania began to inject Gu Tao's super-evolutionary genes into the person in the jar. About 30 seconds after the injection into his body, extreme pain appeared on his face Then his limbs began to heal themselves, the amputated bones began to grow back, and then began to cover blood vessels and nerves, and began to build muscles and ligaments around the bones, and soon complete limbs appeared in his body body.

But this was not the end. When the man's limbs reappeared, his facial features also began to change. His face began to twist irregularly, and his bones and muscles began to expand rapidly. After a while, the solution tank was filled. Gotta be full.

Gu Tao took a step back, frowning and looking at the giant thing: "Satania, give him enough energy."

A huge amount of energy was transmitted, the fusion monster swelled up again, cracks began to appear on the glass cover, Gu Tao pressed the virtual controller on his watch a few times, the room suddenly fell rapidly, and Gu Tao A protective force field also appeared where Thao was standing.

"Satania, record his physical changes throughout the process."


Gu Tao’s eyepiece shows the giant’s value, which has skyrocketed from the initial 17 to 19, and continues to flip upwards crazily. Finally, when the value stabilizes at [-], no more energy will be injected. .

At this time, the glass finally couldn't bear the pressure of the huge thing, and burst open dully, the liquid inside collapsed, but Gu Tao stood there without evading, recording the changes throughout the process, and the liquid didn't touch him The drainage system in the secret room also quickly drained the liquid, but when it became clear again, a five-meter-tall guy with muscles like a microwave oven stood in front of Gu Tao, panting. With a heavy breath, he watched Gu Tao let out an angry and manic roar, and kept shouting "Kill you, kill you, kill you" in an indistinct voice.

Gu Tao looked up at him without moving.

"Prepare to measure destructive capabilities."

After he finished speaking, the huge monster began to hit head-on with his fist that was bigger than Gu Tao himself, but the punch only made a circle of ripples on the force field in front of Gu Tao.

"The instant explosive power reaches 22 dogs." Satania's voice appeared in Gu Tao's ears: "The peak ability is about 25 dogs."

"Record the changes in his body values."


(End of this chapter)

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