Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 685 The Confusion Rewards

Chapter 685 The Confusion Rewards
At first, Gu Tao thought that the message left by his future brother would be just one sentence or something, but he didn't expect him to spit out 12 words.It includes the action plan, purpose and detailed plan.

But these things are irrelevant at all. When Gu Tao tried to read it for the first time, he didn’t find anything extraordinary. It was just a set of very simple action plans, and even many things completely deviated from logic It can be said to be a meaningless plan.

But Gu Tao believes that with his younger brother's ability after more than 20 years, he will surpass him intellectually, there is no doubt about this.So what's the point of a guy like that coming up with something so conflicted?What kind of message is he going to convey?This question is worth discussing.

But now that his younger brother has been born, he obviously doesn't know what he will do in the future.So what is the significance of this plan that seems to have no major flaws but is full of mistakes.

Gu Tao decided to take this copy away and go back to find a way to decipher it.

Probably this is the self-confidence of the blood. If the same thing happened to his sister, Gu Tao would not bother to bother, because this thing belongs to the normal range in terms of his sister's intelligence, but his brother is different. Let him go now. It is probably better to get this than the thing in hand, so there must be a way.

"Before I come back, if you take any action." Gu Tao pointed at Kumbu: "I don't care if you are fanatics or whether you are for human beings. Do you understand what I mean? This is not a warning, it is an order. "

"We only listen to one..."

Before Kunbu finished speaking, a powerful ionization grid suddenly appeared on the periphery of the ship and trapped them all in the middle. Gu Tao easily penetrated the ionosphere, stood outside and looked at them and said: "I said, I will I'm not discussing with you."

The ionization grid is an absolute defense, both internally and externally. For a few days, this place is an absolute barrier. Unless there are people of Xin Chen's level, no one can penetrate it, no matter whether they have a holy weapon or not. The result is the same. After all, Gu Tao has arranged forty floors in advance just in case, to see how long they will break through.

Gu Tao turned to leave, and Kumbu also wanted to leave immediately, but he bumped into the ionization net abruptly, and then they gradually discovered that all communication on this ship was unavailable, and even spiritual power could not be transmitted.

"Boss, what should we do?"

"What can we do?" Kunbu frowned: "He is the commander's father and a world-class hero. What do you think we can do?"

"Wait, the commander told us not to be impulsive, so we just wait, the commander also said." Kumbu touched the ionization grid with his hand: "No power can last forever."

And Gu Tao quickly returned to the Centaur, and then disassembled all the 12-word things, and began to look for the possibility of decoding, but deciphering codes is not something that can be solved with strong processing power, and often what is needed is a brainstorm A move and a consistent understanding of the other person.

For example, the combination of a string of numbers in the most basic codebook may be the page number and line number of a certain book. Then the total number of books on the earth alone has exceeded 5000 million, roughly estimated at 500 million.Many local books have not yet been included, such as BR county annals, family annals, and similar books from other countries.Then there are about [-] million books in circulation now, nine figures.In addition to some lost orphans and ancient books, etc., at least another [-] million copies should be added.

Who can decipher this thing?Aren't they all stolen by spies?Moreover, my younger brother is also the controller of the Centaur database. The total number of Centaur books is probably in the tens to eleven digits.Wow...that's a lot of calculations.

And even if a comprehensive comparison is made, as long as there is a slight change in it, all the matches will be completely invalid. It is conceivable that if this is really a code book, it is absolutely impossible to force it.

So after half an hour, Gu Tao simply gave up. He touched his chin and said to himself: "My brother should know the difficulty of deciphering the code, so the information he gave me must be within my ability." .”

"Why do you think there must be a signal left?"

Gu Tao felt a little embarrassed by Satania's question, he tilted his head and said, "Your brother's level is at that level, do you think he will write so many meaningless things, and so many logically conflicting things? Conflict of logic..."

Gu Tao suddenly slapped his forehead: "Satania, extract all content with logical conflicts, typos and missing words separately, and then stitch them together."

Logical calculation is what Satania is best at. It took almost a few seconds to get all the content that Gu Tao needed, and then the part of the original 12 words became about 9 words, and the rest The more than 3 words of the report form a report, but it is still incomprehensible.Gu Tao didn't care, and continued to separate the two things again. After going back and forth several times, the content of more than [-] words became a letter with less than [-] words.

The content of the letter is well-organized and logical, and the whole train of thought has turned in a circle.

However, after Gu Tao read the letter, his hands and feet were really cold. There is a small detail in it that proves that this is indeed his brother's handwritten letter, that is, a digital code appears in the clipped content. This code is the manual of the Centaur. Light up the password, only three people know this password, father, Gu Tao and younger brother, even Tifa has no authority.

The meaning of this code is that when all the built-in systems fail, you can still use the Centaur to perform the final escape. It is a life-saving skill, because manual operation is sometimes more reliable than automatic operation.

Of course, it was not the string of codes that made Gu Tao's hands and feet cold, but the content of the letter.The younger brother listed a large list in the letter, and then briefly talked about the future. Just as Gu Tao expected, the younger brother knew that this behavior would lead to changes in the future, so he didn't need to It's too clear, but the list is very, very interesting. About [-] people are involved in it, some of them are people who haven't appeared yet, and some of them are people who have already appeared.

Some of these people were heroes who persisted until the end, and some were traitors who turned their backs. One of the names made Gu Tao's breathing rhythm chaotic, and that was Xin Chen's appearance on the list of traitors.

The younger brother said that Xin Chen had become a demon after going crazy, lost his mind and was controlled by Di Jun, and he wiped out the entire Dongtianmen by himself during the third impact of the demon world and fought against Ake during the fourth impact At that time, they were seriously injured, but Di Jun used the holy weapon in his hand to kill them both indiscriminately. So far, the last line of defense for human beings has become the elder sister.

And the younger brother also explained the whereabouts of the centaur force, the father was killed in battle, Chalix was killed in battle, Tifa took Gu Tao's body, Lao Fa and Gu Tao's third son left the earth's space to go deeper into the universe to seek The continuation of the fire.

The younger brother and older sister have become the last point of defense for human beings on the earth in order to defend their homeland, but in fact he knows that all resistance is futile and time is running out.So they launched a very large-scale suicide attack, captured Dijun's magic weapon, that is, the treasure that can travel through time, and sent a group of people over, hoping to make Gu Tao understand the severity of the future.

Seeing this, Gu Tao already knew that they had failed completely, because the new Red Devil had also come, and his arrival represented that Di Jun's power had also entered this time, which meant that the treasure had returned to the original owner's hands.

He sat in the chair and remained silent for a long time, because after 27 years, the last civilization of mankind was wiped out by war.Just like the universe created human beings in the first place, it destroyed this race again.

What he feared most had finally happened.

"Satania, call all centaurs, including Arko!"

Ake is currently acting as the bodyguard of the group of mischievous girlfriends, but after hearing Gu Tao's call, he immediately chose to return to the Centaur, and other people came one after another. Gu Tao sent the deciphered content to hands of all of them.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

After reading the letter, Tifa raised her head: "Who was your youngest son born to?"

"I don't know..." Gu Tao said dumbfoundedly: "Don't worry about this, now we know the future, what do you guys think?"

"Just announce it." Chalix leaned on the chair: "I don't want to die."

"The problem now is how to directly announce that they are in the subspace. And judging from the description, Di Jun is not alone, there are many other forces involved."

This question is very serious. What caused such a large-scale war?Gu Tao is very anxious now. He actually somewhat feels that this matter has something to do with Cthulhu No. [-], but... Cthulhu No. [-] is missing.

"My brother's letter has already said everything that should be said, but he knows that there may be changes in the future, so many node events can no longer be referenced." Tifa raised his head: "We need to change our thinking."

"How to change?"

"To prevent the error correction ability of time, we need to cut off all connections with that line from the root and change this into a completely independent timeline instead of a branch timeline. After all, space wandering is really meaningless. It’s so bleak.”

Old Fa shrugged: "I didn't expect that I would still be the last one alive."

At this moment, Ake raised his hand cautiously: "Let me ask... can I just go and kill that person?"

"What do you think? They have researched the ultimate field of esoteric law. What if you fail?"

"Then die..." Ake shrank his neck: "But I have to do something... You are all so smart."

Gu Tao looked at this guy, annoyed and funny: "You are our highest combat power here now, what do you think you can do? Anyway, our first element now is to prevent Xin Chen from going crazy. I will tell him... a It’s really okay to kill Taiyi.”

(End of this chapter)

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