Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 698 Life Is Actually the Pursuit of Beauty

Chapter 698 Life Is Actually the Pursuit of Beauty
"According to my research on history, when did China actually start to go downhill? In fact, it started from the end of the Song Dynasty. Then came the great cultural decline in the Yuan Dynasty, and then to the Ming Dynasty, which focused on agriculture, business and industry. And the most important thing, I personally think, is actually the great suppression of women at the end of the Song Dynasty, which caused a series of chain reactions later.”

Standing in the art gallery, Gu Tao whispered to Xiu Ling in front of a copy of Tang Bohu's painting. What he said was very serious, and his views made Xiu Ling disdain.

"I can understand when you say that agriculture is more important than business, but what does the weakening of culture have to do with women? Don't tell me that you are also like that group of people who put men's failures on women's heads?"

"Hey, you're wrong." Gu Tao walked forward slowly and said in a low voice, "On the contrary, it's because women are suppressed that men can't do it. It's interesting, isn't it?"

"You are filling me with private goods, which is different from the history I know."

"When did Europe start to rise? Judging from the time point, it was the middle and late period of the Renaissance, and the national power of Europe began to advance by leaps and bounds. In the 15th and 16th centuries, this was the intersection point of the development curves of the East and the West. Eastern civilization began to decline and Western civilization began. It has risen significantly, and when we look at its works of art, you can see that there are a large number of works of art with women as the main body in Europe. The smile of Mona Lisa is the most famous among them. Then in China and even in the whole of Asia at the same time, His style is actually based on flowers, birds, fish and insects, and indulgent landscapes, while the beauty of women is suppressed. In the entire process of human civilization, if you study carefully, you will find that art brings people pleasure and enjoyment. The environment can greatly cultivate people's imagination and creativity."

"Well, you continue." Xiu Ling folded his arms, his expression still disdainful.

"If men bring creativity, productivity and imagination, then what women bring is inspiration, and inspiration is the soil of science. When women are suppressed, the family environment and atmosphere must be extremely bad. Do you remember Live, the mother is irreplaceable when the child grows up. If the status and emotions of women in a family are suppressed, then the child will definitely be affected by this atmosphere. Go to the history books, but if there are some capable parents in the family Those who have a good relationship or simply lost their father, the probability of a child from this family being recorded in the book is much higher, and if the mother lost his mother since childhood, if there is no good replacement, then this person will basically be useless. Why? This world is very strange. Strength is defined by men, and beauty is defined by women. This definition has been handed down to this day. You can see that even in the centaur civilization, in terms of using artificial intelligence, it must be women. The proportion is greater than that of men, why? Have you considered it? Why is Guanyin in Buddhism genderless, but everyone defaults to setting her as a woman? Why is a goddess used to describe the most beautiful thing? It is because women are used to define goodness and beauty .”

Gu Tao walked up to a painting by Qi Baishi, stopped for a while, then suddenly turned his head and said with a smile: "So, when the environment for children to discover beauty is lost, then this civilization is doomed to decline, you know Why would I let you teach my sister?"

Xiu Ling blinked: "I don't know."

"Because you are beautiful." Gu Tao suddenly pinched Xiu Ling's nose: "Not only is your body beautiful, but your behavior and your daily life all explain what beauty is. Right, Kunlun Nuannuan. You She has an aesthetic ability that is stronger than that of everyone around me. This ability is incredible. If a person wants to live a happy life, it is not that she must be strong, but that she can constantly discover the beauty in life."

At this time, an old man next to him who seemed to be looking at the painting, but secretly listening to Gu Tao, let out a laugh, and gave Gu Tao an approving look: "Amazing, young man."

Gu Tao turned his head: "That goes without saying."

Xiu Ling also came to his senses and snorted twice: "Do you want to praise me for going so far?"

In fact, Gu Tao didn't praise spiritual cultivation on purpose, but just happened to see the Eastern and Western Art Exhibition here, so he praised spiritual cultivation.But this is not flattery, the spiritual cultivation ability is very average, and the appearance is actually not as good as the six sons, but in terms of artistic accomplishment, this guy is definitely above anyone Gu Tao knows, not to mention proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, There is also a unique sensitivity to beauty. The peach blossoms on Kunlun Mountain are extremely beautiful, and peach blossom wine for spiritual cultivation is hard to find.

Is this what an air sect sword fairy should do?Of course not, but Xiu Ling likes this. Since she was a child, she hated fighting and killing. Now that she is given enough free time, won't she become the fashion vane of the whole Kunlun?Also, whose family takes apprentices and spends four or five months a year outside in the name of seclusion, but in fact it is tourism?Which person would wander around Paris, Switzerland, Yili, and Lijiang all day long when he has nothing to do?Who else but this guy?

Also, how many people invite their little brother out to play and go straight to the art museum?
This man is a born artist.But it happens that such a person can subdue the rebellious sister and the swearing little black dragon, is it really useful to rely on the whip?It's useless, my sister is no longer afraid of beatings, and in two years' time the magic whip will not be able to do anything to her.But following spiritual practice is interesting, very interesting, and the more little bastards are exposed to beautiful things in daily life, the chances of them walking on the right track will be much higher.

Although it is said that it is good for everyone to be themselves, and there is no need to make arrangements deliberately, but no matter what, even a fat house sitting at home is better than a serial killer.

"For the sake of your rainbow fart just now, I will treat you to dinner at noon."

"Okay, what to eat?"

Ever since Gu Tao got to know this guy, she has been picking expensive and good bourgeoisie to eat, such as the coffee shop in Linjiang, the most famous cake shop in Paris, anyway, this guy is different from everyone else, she will never Go eat food stalls.

"A new Japanese restaurant has opened, and it has better snowflake beef."

"Speaking of snowflake beef, I'm going to tell you something. In fact, the so-called snowflake beef is just the fat ratio. In fact, if you want to talk about the taste, you can eat it with the freshest beef in the vegetable market. This kind of feeling, there is really no need to intentionally..."

"Let's go!"

Xiu Ling didn't give Gu Tao a chance to finish his sentence, took his arm and dragged him out of the art gallery.

The old man who had spoken to them before looked at the backs of the two of them and sighed: "It's great to be young..."

In fact, to put it bluntly, Gu Tao is actually not used to raw food, he is used to cooked food, and the steak has to be well done.So when he watched Xiu Ling eating those raw fish and shrimps, he kept popularizing knowledge about parasites.

"May I get you some fried rice?"


"Stop you." Xiu Ling rolled his eyes: "Aren't you annoying, I'm eating."

After pouring himself a glass of sake, Gu Tao took a sip and leaned back on the chair: "Tell me, why did you suddenly come here today?"

"Buy new year's goods."

"to be frank."

Xiu Ling slightly raised his head and glanced at Gu Tao: "Are you annoying me?"

"Of course not. I'm just curious. The timing of your appearance and your attire are unreasonable."

"Don't think everything is reasonable." Xiu Ling smiled: "I'd better order you a bowl of fried rice."

In the morning, the two people who were still dressed as social elites changed into strange clothes to suit the atmosphere not long after lunch. The cotton-padded jacket went to catch a temple fair.

Shadow puppet shows, meat buns, candied haws and various New Year products are the main themes here. Although some are mixed from the north to the south, who still has a lot of things from the Japanese temple fair brought over, including a lot of octopus balls and the like. But no one cares anymore. For Chinese New Year, what we want is a lively and festive time. Who the hell cares about tradition or not.

"If an acquaintance sees it, we will be cold."

"Actually, it's already cold."

Xiu Ling looked at the well-dressed girls around him, and then at his calico padded jacket: "How long has it been since you attended the temple fair?"

"I'm such an alien, what kind of temple fair am I attending?"

Forget it, it doesn't matter, clothes are always ugly and whoever is embarrassed, fortunately Gu Tao and Xiu Ling are not ugly, especially Xiu Ling, even a small cotton padded jacket with floral patterns is the most handsome in all directions The style of the little sister-in-law.

Today, Xiu Ling didn't talk to Gu Tao about anything about work, and even forced him to turn off his mobile phone and communicator. All the means of contacting the outside world have been cut off, and he has to play for a day no matter whether it is embarrassing or not.

Sitting on the artificially restored old city wall, the two of them ate ice cream side by side, looking at the endless stream of people below, and just wanted to express their feelings when they were kicked out by the administrator.

Then the two of them sneaked around and planned to steal other people's pumpkins, and Gu Tao took advantage of the time when Xiu Ling went to the bathroom to give the money to the people who grew the pumpkins. The grower also asked him if he wanted to give the whole car...

Of course they don’t need the car, and they can steal as much as they can. Finally, when they come back from cultivating spirits, they pretend to go to other people’s fields to search for a long time, grab the biggest pumpkin and carry it away. The grower was squatting at the door with a bowl in his hand, eating the fermented rice he had made, while watching them laugh like a fool.

Xiu Ling doesn't know, she really thought the pumpkin was stolen, holding a pumpkin weighing more than 30 kilograms is like running away, Gu Tao's physical fitness is no better than hers, and after running behind for a while, he couldn't do it anymore, he wheezed He shouted breathlessly: "Don't run away, wait for me!"

"No, it's over if someone finds out." Xiu Ling held the pumpkin with one hand in front of him: "Quick, go quickly."

Gu Tao felt that he was really a mermaid, and he didn't bother at all when he was in the sea, but he was a piece of trash on the shore.

Later, perhaps seeing that Gu Tao really couldn’t run anymore, Xiu Ling proposed to carry him. Gu Tao refused to agree to be dragged away, but as he ran, he changed from being dragged to being dragged. In the end, it became the shape of hanging the prisoner behind the horse and dragging it in ancient times.

When Xiu Ling felt safe, it was already five kilometers away. Gu Tao sat on the pumpkin panting heavily, but Xiu Ling dangled back and forth in front of Gu Tao with his hands in his hands without blushing or panting.

"What are you wobbling about?"

"Stealing things is really exciting..." Xiu Ling raised his head anxiously: "But if someone finds out, I will have my hands chopped off..."

"Cut it, I'll press a bionic prosthesis for you."

"You said so." Xiu Ling pointed to the pumpkin under Gu Tao's buttocks: "Get up, don't let me sit on my pumpkin and break it."
There are some things tonight, look at the time when you come back, if there is another update earlier, if it is late, move it to tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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