Chapter 82
The time of the virtual space comes to No.40 days.

Almost half of the time has passed, but the resources have almost been exhausted. Everyone is working hard to survive, the weak stick together, and the strong are cautious.

There are already five people curled up in Gongsunxiu's small room, two men and three women.This kind of density has actually reached the limit, and the resources that could have allowed him to survive the winter safely are about to be exhausted. Food and medicine are on the verge of exhaustion. Although they still search for edible things in a small area every day, the physical strength consumed is obviously already gone. Greater than the harvest obtained.

From the stability at the beginning to the anxiety now, they live like years.

But compared to the others, they are in pretty good shape, because Gongsun Xiu obviously took on the responsibilities of captain, he allocated resources fairly, and is still trying to save himself, so life is already difficult, but At least I can survive.

But the life of other people is already hopeless, and when despair reaches the abyss, human instinct and animal nature will burst out.

Gu Tao shrank the map by more than half, and now all thirty of them are concentrated in a square area of ​​30 kilometers by [-] kilometers, which makes it easier for them to encounter.But in just three days, these more than [-] people have formed several large and small groups.

"We have no food to eat, what should we do? Mengmeng."

Xu Mengmeng was leaning in a cold cave. Although the temperature here was only about zero degrees, it was better than the harsh ice and snow outside. She was also surrounded by five or six people. Because she was the most powerful in this group, she Obviously became the leader of the team.

"I do not know either."

Xu Mengmeng was originally a girl who loved beauty, but now her appearance has nothing to do with beauty at all. She is wrapped in thick animal skin. The original untanned animal skin smells bad, but it keeps warm and can effectively waterproof, so she I don't care about these things anymore.

"Well, you wait for me here, and I'll see if I can find any prey."

After Xu Mengmeng finished speaking, she walked out. She was holding a spear made of the dagger tied to the wood, and carrying a backpack made of animal skin scraps. She looked like a primitive person. She doesn't look good, but when she walks out, she looks like a leader.

After she walked out, looking at the white Lin Hai in front of her, she sighed silently.The self-confidence that was all over her body just now disappeared immediately, and her eyes were full of sadness, because she had already come out once yesterday, but she found nothing except some frozen wild fruits, the reason why she wanted to come out again The reason why she came out was actually because the current atmosphere was too scary. If she couldn't give her any more confidence, the group of people around her would collapse.

She looked up at the surrounding environment, and after silently memorizing some characteristics, she began to shuttle through the woods, from one tree to another, like a flexible gibbon, she put everything she could The food she found was stuffed into her backpack, but even so, when she came to the edge of the forest, the fruits in the backpack still only covered a shallow layer.

Mengmeng raised her head anxiously to look at the pale sun in the sky, sighed silently, now the sun is nothing but light, where is the sun that provides warmth, it is simply the lamp in the refrigerator, she is even deeply concerned now She misses the hot summer that she hates so much, the summer when she can wear a miniskirt and eat ice cream.

That's right, she suddenly felt something was wrong, why is she living in such a mess in this ghost place?
But if it’s not right, it’s not right, and we still have to live.Of course, if she was alone, it would not be difficult to survive here, but the others would definitely die, and those people were too weak to survive for a few days in such a world of ice and snow.

Or for Mengmeng, loneliness is more terrifying than cold, at least it is still like this now.

When she was searching the edge of the forest, suddenly a high-pitched animal howl came from a distance. After hearing this sound, her spirit was lifted, and she rushed over at an extremely fast speed, probably chasing One kilometer later, she saw a strange-looking thing by the frozen lake. Although it couldn't be named, they only had a unified name in Mengmeng's eyes—meat.

However, with previous experience, she knows that this thing is not easy to deal with, and it will be very, very difficult for a person, but there is nothing to do at this time, after all, there are still a few mouths in the distance waiting for her to bring food back, so it is a little more difficult Bar.

Holding a dagger and a spear, she bent her waist and began to approach the thing slowly. Along the way, she would tap on the exposed stones with her hands. Those stones were suspended like awakened elves, and as the stones around her became more and more More and more, she was less than 30 meters away from the target, and she hibernated in the grass quietly waiting for the opportunity.

"It's now."

Mengmeng muttered something, and then suddenly rushed out from the hiding place. The rocks around her hit the prey's body like bullets, making a dull sound, but obviously this kind of attack could not kill it immediately. Knocked down, so it wobbled a few times and ran away without saying a word.

Obviously she would not let this opportunity go, picked up the spear and followed closely behind, the stones kept hitting the monster's body, the target ran all the way, Mengmeng was chasing after him.

I don't know if it's because of being irritated or being chased to a corner, that thing suddenly made a textbook-like sliding step, turned around and rushed towards Mengmeng's face. After reacting, he was hit firmly in the arms.

The huge impact knocked Mengmeng into the air and landed heavily. The pain in her chest almost made Mengmeng faint, but after all, it was the daughter of Old Freak Xu. She knew that if she fainted at this time, she would definitely be trampled to death , so she gritted her teeth and held her breath, and after rolling around on the ground, she quickly put her elbows on the ground, and rolled a few times on the ground to avoid the trampling of her prey.

When the strange-looking beast turned around and charged towards Mengmeng again, her body suddenly dwarfed, and then it flew dozens of meters into the sky and used the force of the fall to hit it hard with its hard knees. On the left rib of the prey, it was splitting at the touch, and the thing hurt. After howling twice, he turned his head and stared at Mengmeng with bloodshot eyes.

Mengmeng half-kneeled on the ground, holding the spear firmly in her hand, her eyes fixed on the prey in front of her.The pain all over her body made her bite her lip, but she didn't have any intention of flinching.

"This little girl is not bad." Gu Tao enlarged Mengmeng's surveillance screen, and Mengmeng's face on it was not good-looking, but he did not give up the fight: "Satania, what are those guys in ambush beside her doing?" ?”

"Waiting for the loot."

"Yes." Gu Tao laughed: "Who will take the lead?"

"Wu Liuchun of Jinxiu Valley."

"Cross him off the list, he's out."


But now no one knows what Gu Tao decided. After Mengmeng confronted the beast for a while, she suddenly moved, and her body suddenly appeared on the left side of the target. Inserted into the heart of the prey.

In an instant, the four images stopped moving, but when Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief, the thing suddenly came back and seemed to shake his head vigorously, and hit Mengmeng's wound again. This time, Mengmeng, who was already exhausted, could not hide Hey, the power of the dying blow was even stronger than before, which caused her to be knocked out several tens of meters. After landing this time, she didn't get up quickly, but lay there breathing heavily, tearing in pain Touching every nerve in her body, she fell into a brief shock.

When she woke up from the shock coma, she found that five or six people were dismantling and carrying the prey she had killed just now, but the pain in her chest made her unable to speak, so she could only sit up from the cold ground with all her strength. Staring at the few people who were stealing things with murderous eyes.

"Ah, Miss, are you awake? Thank you." Jinxiu Valley Wu Liuchun rubbed his hands and smiled, then cut off the tail from the creature's body and threw it to Xu Mengmeng's side: "Here is a tail, you can keep it for eating." , I’m not too polite about anything else.”

Mengmeng pointed at him precariously, but found that she couldn't say a word.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Miss." Wu Liuchun chuckled, "I just want to live, sorry."

After speaking, he looked back at Mengmeng like a dead body, and then walked away, and Mengmeng could only watch helplessly as they completely emptied their prey.

Being seriously injured and in the ice and snow, in such a harsh environment, even a relatively strong person like Mengmeng could not survive for too long. After lying down for a while, she felt that her body was gradually becoming colder, and the blood in her body seemed to have been drained away. like.

"Sleep for a while." Mengmeng let out a long breath, and slowly closed her eyes.

"Hey! Can't sleep, wake up quickly."

Suddenly, she felt that someone was pushing her hard. This pushing and pushing affected her wound, causing her heart-piercing pain again, and she couldn't sleep anymore. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her, and found It was a guy dressed strangely, behind him was pulling a sledge, on which were actually loaded dozens of frozen fish and a pile of dry firewood.

Mengmeng opened her mouth at him, tilted her head and passed out.

"Take it back quickly, it will freeze to death here."

"But...Axiu, we already have enough people."

"One more is not much, help me quickly."

The two men dragged Mengmeng onto the sledge, and left quickly.

At this time, Gu Tao, who had been observing, picked up the popcorn in his hand: "Give Axiu one more point."

"Captain, you already have full marks, do you want to add more?"

"Extra points." Gu Tao touched his chin: "Customize him a set of equipment that suits his habits. I need him to be the captain of the first team."

The first team, this is the most elite team that Gu Tao intends to build. Many people think that the position of captain will definitely be the one with the highest combat effectiveness, and it will be Miss He San if he takes a step back. But no one expected to become the number one The captain of this elite team turned out to be the unremarkable Gongsun Xiu.

"By the way, Satania. Just call back those two guys with relatively high combat effectiveness. This training is not suitable for them, and they have adapted to it." Gu Tao sighed: "So you don't admit that there are people in this world? Geniuses are not enough, call these two people to me, I have a new task for them, this time they will not be so comfortable."

"Okay, Captain."

Soon, the bewildered Miss He San and Mo waited in front of Gu Tao, they didn't know what happened, they were all bewildered.

"Welcome." Gu Tao applauded them: "Congratulations to both of you for passing the assessment ahead of schedule."

"Let me go back, I haven't had enough yet." Mo Waiting pouted, "That thing is powerful, and it can fight me for more than a hundred rounds."

As he spoke, a fiery fighting light was in his eyes.Seeing this look, Gu Tao finally understood why this guy would just eat and wait to die... because the real world can't satisfy his demand for violence at all, so he can finally have a good fight here, which is really flattering.

But Ms. He San was relieved. She sat slumped by the side, grabbed a handful of Gu Tao's popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth without any image. He took a big mouthful, and then said with tears in his eyes, "I almost couldn't hold on."

"Compared to you, their nightmare has just begun." Gu Tao pointed to the real-time monitoring screen in front of him: "Now the rest of the time, you need to fight against the big devil. By the way, if the two of you don't cooperate, you will definitely fight." But."

"with him?"

"With her?"

Mo Waitang and He San pointed at each other at the same time, and spoke in unison dismissively.

"Yes, it's the two of you." Gu Tao snapped his fingers, and a booklet appeared in his hand: "There are mission requirements, maps and time limits on it, so you can start. Remember, if the mission fails, you will be in trouble." Now, I will ask Xin Chen to be your sparring partner, practice for eight hours a day, and beat you until your skin is torn apart."

(End of this chapter)

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