Chapter 124

After checking on, Li Tianyu had a general understanding of the situation in the station.

The good news is that the high-speed train stopped at the station and did not drive away. They should be able to start the train to Busan as long as they go there. The bad news is that not only the station is full of zombies, but also the train is full of zombies.

"No, there are too many zombies..." Li Tianyu shook his head.

At this time, Liu Zihao drew a simple schematic diagram on the tablet and explained: "Jarvis showed me the design of the station, we can go in through the door, turn left immediately, and go through the staff lounge here , so as to prevent a large number of zombies from gathering, and we go out from the other side of the staff passage to the emergency passage."

As he said that, Liu Zihao pointed to the exit on the other side of the design: "In this way, most of the zombies will be blocked inside, at least for a short period of time. Then we get on the train from here, and we can just reach the third carriage. Cut off the carriages at the back and clear out the zombies in the three carriages in front, and that’s it.”

"Well, that's what it means..." Li Tianyu hesitated, "But, with so many people and such a narrow passage, it's not easy for us. Can you use a drone to clean up part of it first?"

"It's not realistic. There are too many zombies inside. I can only control a dozen or so drones with the system upgrade. Even if they are dispatched together, there are thousands of zombies in this station. I'm afraid..." Liu Zihao said with a solemn expression, while Shen Yan was very relaxed: "Then lead the NPCs to fight in together? It is impossible without casualties."

"That's the only way to go." Li Tianyu sighed, and then said: "Little girl, after you stop the rain, stay with the beautiful sister next to the NPC, and the muscular man and I will deal with the surrounding zombies .”

"Then, are you ready to go?" Liu Zihao asked tentatively. Li Tianyu took a deep breath, looked at the NPC behind him, and asked: "Are you all ready? The next section of the journey may be this mission. The most dangerous part of the road."

"I don't want to go...but we've already come here. If we don't continue, the road ahead will be in vain?" The veteran swallowed and said, "We will follow you."

"Okay, little girl, let the rain stop." Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing and nodded.

"Okay, Brother Tianyu." Zheng Nanxing said, jumped out of the car, and the others immediately went outside with her. Li Tianyu helped her hold the umbrella. It was still raining heavily at the moment.

Although Zheng Nanxing just raised his hand, Li Tianyu could feel that there seemed to be some kind of power spreading around Zheng Nanxing, and then the raindrops in the sky began to get smaller and smaller, and finally stopped completely.Li Tianyu then nodded to the people behind him: "Okay, the rain has stopped, let's go. Remember to follow the people around you closely, and the muscular man and I will lead the way."

After speaking, Li Tianyu took the lead and rushed out.He has heart net and knowledgeable domineering, will not be attacked by zombies, coupled with the fault tolerance of elementalization and Thor's armor, no one is more suitable to lead the battle than him.

"Jarvis, help us illuminate." Liu Zihao ordered, and then more than 20 drones flew out immediately. The searchlights below the drones illuminated the road for them in front, but they just missed them. .

The NPCs behind him grabbed Liu Zihao's high-tech weapons and followed. Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing were on both sides of the team, and the group kept moving forward.The mission of this bus has been completed, and the next step is the highlight of this mission.

They had just walked out of the dark alley when the zombies spotted them and rushed up immediately.

The players are actually okay. After all, they have faced zombies many times, but for NPCs, this is the first time they have faced zombies, so they panicked and raised the high-tech weapons in their hands to shoot indiscriminately.And this move not only didn't help, because no zombies were hit at all, but it attracted more zombies to notice them.

"Don't shoot casually!" Li Tianyu said angrily, "You just need to protect yourselves, and get rid of the fish that slipped through the net, and we will come to the other zombies!"

However, I have to admit that these zombies are really scary in the dark, with red eyes, bulging veins on their bodies and faces, and hideous expressions.If Li Tianyu didn't know it was a movie, he might be scared too.He equipped the Thunder God battle armor, then waved his hand and beheaded a lone zombie that rushed up first. He raised his hand and it was a [-] million volt brontosaurus.

Thunder Dragon roared and flew out, a large group of zombies fell to the ground trembling, while Liu Zihao kept firing charged shots to knock down the rushing zombies.The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and all the zombies within a radius of one kilometer rushed towards this side.

They can't get entangled here, it's impossible to kill all the zombies before going in, the zombies are rushing up much faster than they can clean them up.Besides, everyone here except him has expendable means of attack. Although Liu Zihao has many tactical weapons, they are not unlimited in use, so advancing as soon as possible is the right way.By now the rain had stopped, and neither movement nor vision was hindered.

"Follow me!" Li Tianyu waved his hand and said, taking the lead to meet the zombie tide in front, and then used the Thunder God Armor to jump high and land in the zombie group. With a lightning nova, a large number of zombies suddenly flew away.

Seeing this, Liu Zihao also fired two mini-missiles, and the two mini-missiles exploded in the wave of corpses, triggering a blue spherical energy explosion, and then the spreading energy in the circle quickly shrunk, reducing The zombies sucked in.

The scene was cleaned up all at once, Li Tianyu didn't bother with the scattered zombies, but took the lead and rushed into the station, and several drones behind him came up to repair the scattered zombies.

"Let's go!" Shen Yan from behind urged those NPCs, then looked at the tide of corpses rushing up from the side, raised her foot and kicked a car parked beside her, the car rolled and flew out, Hitting into the tide of corpses left a bloodstain, and the zombies flew away.But even so, many zombies took advantage of the loopholes and rushed up from the gap between the attacks.

"Sister Yanzi, it's hard for me to deal with them!" Zheng Nanxing complained, then waved his hand violently.

Under Zheng Nanxing's waving, the zombies that rushed forward flew backward instantly as if they were hit by an invisible force.Shen Yan couldn't help but said: "Didn't you do a good job?"

Soon, they had arrived at the main entrance of the station, and the zombies inside noticed them, while the tide of corpses outside had formed a semicircular encirclement and was approaching them.

"Little girl, buff!" Li Tianyu yelled, and Zheng Nanxing immediately aimed his little slap at Li Tianyu: "Thunder resounds!"

Then, Li Tianyu turned to the zombies outside the station, raised his hands and shouted: "Wan Lei!"

The dense thunderbolts shot down from mid-air, engulfing nearly half of the zombies, and Liu Zihao took advantage of the chaos to wipe out a shot of Wanlei's charging, and then fired two powerful charging shots at the tide of corpses on the left. He raised his hand and grabbed a heavy truck on the side of the road, and threw it towards the tide of corpses on the right.The attack of the three people immediately expanded the encirclement of the corpse tide a lot.

Everyone took this opportunity to come to the station together, closed the gate of the station, and then pulled over some vending machines and the like to block the entrance.At this time, the tide of corpses in the station was approaching.

Because the range was too small, Li Tianyu didn't dare to attack with too high a voltage here, otherwise he would accidentally injure his teammates and NPCs.

This means that NPCs also have to join the battle.Li Tianyu just raised his hand and threw a thunder gun when a scream came from behind him.He looked back, and saw that the tide of corpses had forced their way in through the ventilation window of the station, knocked down a young male NPC, and gnawed with his mouth, which made the male NPC scream. Seeing this, the NPC's wife immediately Go forward to help: "Husband! Come and help me!"

"The main event has begun..." Li Tianyu thought to himself, and then shouted loudly: "The person who was bitten has already been infected, and there is no cure. If you don't want to die, leave the injured person and rush to the staff lounge at full speed!"

(End of this chapter)

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