Chapter 145 Break Time
After upgrading his bloodline to LV3, Li Tianyu's character attributes increased to 12/12/12/6, which is still not very high, but combined with the attribute correction provided by the armed color domineering, it is more impressive.Coupled with the awakening of his Sixth Form and Thunder Fruit, he is now fully capable of fighting in close combat, after all, he is fast.

The "awakening" of the thunder fruit allows him to take the initiative to elementalize his body and give his body the characteristics of lightning, such as punching and kicking at lightning speed, and speed is power. At this speed, his attack can He displayed a power higher than his actual 12 points of strength, so now he even has the confidence to fight Xia Ning for a few rounds of close combat.

Considering this, Li Tianyu thought that maybe he should keep a few melee skills.

After the bloodline is upgraded to LV3, in addition to the attribute improvement, the Sixth Style also unlocks several new skills: Iron Block Empty Wood, Lanjiao Bailei, Lanjiao Longduan, Pointing Gun Flying Pull, Pointing Gun Huanglian.

By now, Shao, Yuebu and Zhihua have been almost upgraded, and the next ones are attack skills.

And these skills actually make Li Tianyu very satisfied, because he can delete some skills that he doesn't need and design them into skills he likes.

However, now is not the time to think about these things. Besides him, other people are also distributing rewards for their upgrade abilities. He wants to see their upgrades.

"I gained 900 GP for this mission. I will keep [-] points to buy consumables. I'll leave the rest to you." Li Tianyu looked at his phone and asked Shen Yan beside him.Shen Yan absentmindedly ate the roasted leeks and muttered: "No more... just keep it for yourself. It's of no use to me anyway..."

Li Tianyu frowned, and looked at her in confusion: "Why? Don't you still have a lot of armor to buy?"

"So what if I bought it, it doesn't help..." Shen Yan muttered unhappily, "I still didn't have any effect in the whole game this time...Maybe what Xia Ning said is right , I'm just a drag."

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then remained silent for a while, and then he didn't know why, he reached out and poked Shen Yan's face.Shen Yan turned her head and stared at him angrily, while Li Tianyu sighed: "Idiot... Your ability combination is like this. It hasn't reached the time for it to show its ability, but it doesn't mean your ability is useless."

"Do you really think so, or are you just trying to comfort me?" Shen Yan squinted at him and asked doubtfully.

"Really, your ability is more inclined to one-on-one. Do you remember that there is a ring mode?" Li Tianyu asked back, "I'm sure you can kill all sides in that mode."

Shen Yan looked at him, pondered for a while, then lowered her head and continued to eat without saying anything.

Everyone has added their own abilities, and the SP points are still useful to everyone, so there is no need to distribute them.Li Tianyu gave Shen Yan 800 GP points, while Zheng Nanxing gave Liu Zihao his 800 GP points.But the most wonderful thing about the main mission is that the GP obtained by Xia Ning and his team can also be assigned.

Because they are also members of the same bond and participated in the same task.The usual quests limit the participation of a maximum of four people in the same bond, but the main quest is different. The main quest will force all players to participate, so the rewards for the eight of them are now shared.

"Let's give Liu Zihao our GP as well. His passive ability can gain ten times the GP, which can maximize the benefits." Xia Ning flipped through his phone and said solemnly, but the corners of his mouth were drooling in disappointment.Lin Muxue squinted at him from the sidelines and said angrily, "You just fell in love with the luxurious dishes bought by others, right? Your saliva is still there."

"Giving him the GP will allow him to buy more consumables. Isn't that reasonable?" Xia Ning wiped his saliva and said.

"Tsk, I was against other people's joining at the beginning, but now I take the initiative to send GP to my door..." Li Tianyu secretly complained, grabbed his phone and looked at other people's ability points, basically the same as before.

Xia Ning's bloodline has been fully upgraded, so he upgraded "Qi" next.

In fact, here, Li Tianyu discovered a small detail, that is, when the level of the Saiyan is LV5, it is only displayed as LV5, but there is a "MAX" prompt after his Thunder Fruit LV5, which shows that the Saiyan can still Up to a higher level, but his thunder fruit can only be upgraded to LV5, which just proves that the "Second Weekly Eye" does exist.

After raising the Qi to LV3, Xia Ning's perception range has been improved again, and the consumption of Kamehae Qigong has also been reduced.

Shi Chao is the rain and dew uniform upgrade method. He used to be bloodline LV3, Haki and Zanpakuto LV2 each, and now he has upgraded Haki and Zanpakuto to LV3.The power of Zanpakuto in the initial solution state has been improved.

Shi Chao’s Zanpakuto is self-defined. He has set his own sword to “increase character attributes after the initial solution”, which will not increase spiritual pressure or consume spiritual pressure skills, thus avoiding his own magic. It is worth the waste caused by not choosing Reiatsu.

In fact, Ichito's Zanpakuto "Zangetsu" in the original Bleach also transfers the Zanpakutō's spiritual pressure to the user in the swastika state, so after Ichito's swastika state, the blade becomes smaller, and Ichito However, Hu's own spiritual pressure and attributes have increased significantly.Shi Chao's Zanpakuto also has a similar effect. After being released, it will only provide Shi Chao with higher attribute bonuses and attack corrections.

Chang Jingwen's ability is mainly based on the king's treasure house and magic value, and the bloodline is not too important and can be upgraded at the end.

His King's Treasure has been upgraded to full level LV5 (MAX), and now his King's Treasure can summon the Deviation Sword EA.The full name of this weapon is "Heaven and Earth Departure from Pi Zhi Xing". It is a sword that can cut through the world, and it is the most powerful treasure among the King's Treasures.

After adding up Liu Zihao's SP, he is now at bloodline LV2, Nianqi LV3, and operation Nianqi LV4. Shen Yan first raised her Wonder Woman's bloodline to full, and then upgraded her special ability by changing clothes. She is now at bloodline LV5 and magic power LV2. , changed to LV3; Zheng Nanxing added vector control and calculation power, now bloodline LV2, calculation power LV3, vector control LV5.

Lin Duixue was previously Mew's sixth person "LV4", Chakra "LV2", and Mystique "LV1". Now she has upgraded Mew's sixth person to "LV5", and then upgraded Mystique to "LV2" .

"What's the use of upgrading Mystique's abilities?" Li Tianyu asked curiously.

"The number of people that can be saved is larger, and the deformation speed is faster." Lin Muxue said with a smile, and then handed Li Tianyu a roasted oyster, "Now I can only save the faces of twenty people, and I need to save new ones." You need to delete the previous ones. After upgrading, you can save ten more. You also know that there are only so many players in total, so it is always good to save more."

"That's true." Li Tianyu echoed while eating oysters, because the players are fixed, they will only decrease and not increase, so as long as Lin Muxue saves enough players, even at the beginning, she can become familiar to other players look.

"It's really thanks to you this time. If it weren't for your outstanding performance, we definitely wouldn't have won so easily." Li Tianyu shrugged and said, Lin Muxue lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly, "Then you come all the way to save us." I, I have to show a little value. How about it, why don't you come and save me for nothing?"

Li Tianyu couldn't help laughing, then nodded: "It's not in vain."

Lin Muxue let out a chuckle like a silver bell, and then asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow? Are you going out on a date?"

"I..." Li Tianyu was about to speak when Liu Zihao replied first: "Of course! Brother Tianyu promised me that he will go on a blind date with me tomorrow, right?"

As he spoke, Liu Zihao kept blinking at Li Tianyu.Li Tianyu looked at him with a blank expression on his face. After a while, he said flatly: "No, I didn't promise you at all. In other words, I don't know about it at all."

"Just... come here to help me! My family insisted on arranging a blind date for me, and they wanted to bring her best friend with me! Aren't you single too? Her best friend is very beautiful, and I just introduced it to you!" Liu Zihao rushed to him. He raised his eyebrows.

"Even so, I still have to refuse." Li Tianyu took a sip of beer, "I hate blind dates."

"Please, come with me, I don't want to go alone..." Liu Zihao cried while holding his hand.

"It's so obvious..." Li Tianyu glanced at him in disgust and said, then impatiently withdrew his hand, "Ouch! Got it, let me go! I'll just go with you! The drool is dripping on my hands !"

"As expected of my good brother!" Liu Zihao patted him on the shoulder with an expression as if he was going to die heroically together, so Li Tianyu couldn't help but stay away from him with some resistance.

"At this time, there is still time to go on a blind date..." Xia Ning snorted coldly, and threw another wooden skewer of mutton skewers aside, "You haven't forgotten the upcoming 'mysterious mode', have you?"

Xia Ning's words made Li Tianyu vigilant again. Indeed, the "mystery mode" will start in three days. This is actually a very weird place, because after they complete the main task, the system still reminds them that the next week is maintenance And the update time... The system is under maintenance, so how will this mysterious mode unfold?

"In short, everyone, take care of things in these two days, familiarize yourself with your new skills, and then get ready." Li Tianyu's expression became serious, "We still don't know what this mysterious mode means, so it's better to be careful .”

Liu Zihao whispered a reminder from the side: "Also remember to get ready for tomorrow's blind date..."

"Get ready for a fart, it's not my blind date!" Li Tianyu said angrily, "That's it for today! Boss, pay the bill."

(End of this chapter)

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