Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 169 Overlord Color

Chapter 169 Overlord Color

Everyone has some relatives that they don't want to see. For Li Tianyu, it's his second uncle.

Li Tianyu's academic performance was always good when he was a child, but people will always change. In high school, his grades began to decline due to certain things.On the contrary, his cousin who has been studying very ordinary since he was a child, that is, the son of his second uncle, suddenly started to work hard in high school, and his grades caught up.

In the end, Li Tianyu was admitted to one of the three universities, but his cousin was admitted to one, and was even sent to study abroad as an exchange student of the school in his junior year.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with his cousin. His cousin is very nice, and Li Tianyu has always had a good relationship with him.

His second uncle was the culprit of all this. Since his cousin went to study abroad, whenever his second uncle appeared, he would definitely talk about his son who was studying abroad.His second uncle must pretend to be a wave of B in front of every relative to be satisfied. If there is no such opportunity, his second uncle will patiently spend half an hour laying the groundwork.

For example, during the Chinese New Year last year, when the family members were urging Li Tianyu to get married at the New Year’s dinner, his second uncle detoured for a long time, talking a lot of nonsense, saying how he likes Li Tianyu, his nephew, and so on, and finally changed the topic to the matter of marriage , saying that if his wife becomes pregnant after he gets married, he will go to the United States to find his cousin when he is about to give birth, and give birth to the child in the United States.

In this way, the child will have American citizenship as soon as he is born.Of course, Li Tianyu knew that his second uncle would not fulfill this promise. His second uncle had never been such a person who valued promises.

The purpose of saying this is just to draw the final conclusion, so that he can say loudly in front of the whole family, "Others can't do this, but I can do it because my son is studying in the United States."This is exactly the reason why Li Tianyu said that: It is not called family if you are related by blood, only those who really love you and care about your happiness are your family.

Unknowingly, Li Tianyu put himself into Zheng Nanxing's position.

"Hey, did I tell you to pay attention to your words? Damn girl..." Li Tianyu gritted his teeth and said, the girl in front of him somehow stirred up those old things in his heart, and those suppressed anger gradually rose.

While talking, Li Tianyu stretched out his hand to the girl.In fact, Li Tianyu just wanted to scare her. After all, the other party is just a child, let alone whether he has superpowers, even if he doesn't have superpowers, he can't do anything to her as an adult.He guessed that his expression must be terrible, and the girl took two steps back in fright.

But those boys were a little upset, and the tall and strong sportsman stepped forward and pushed him.

"Don't fuck with me, grown-ups are amazing..." the boy said, and slapped Li Tianyu's chest, but Li Tianyu didn't move, instead he took two steps back, which made his kneel Half a sentence was choked back in an instant, and when he said it again, he lost his momentum: "Adults are amazing? If you offend me, I will still beat you!"

"Yo? Okay, come on, try it." Li Tianyu sneered and said, "I'll let you beat me while standing."

"You think I wouldn't dare to do anything..." The brat's expression turned ferocious, and he punched Li Tianyu in the chest.

Iron block empty wood!Li Tianyu said silently in his heart, the other party punched him in the chest, the sound seemed to be a fist hitting the wall, and there was a muffled sound.The effect of Kongmu's skill is that when the enemy cannot break through his physique-corrected defense, the impact will be completely rebounded.So the kid's hand was bounced away, and he covered his hand and let out a growl.

Fortunately, this kid's own strength is too weak, so the rebounded strength is only a little bit, and it doesn't cause any substantial damage. It hurts and it's over.

"Innocent kid, enjoy your time in school, and you'll be playing hard here. You'll know in the future that no one can be cruel in front of life." Li Tianyu patted He sneered in his chest.

Seeing that he couldn't do anything, the little devil could only sneer: "What are you pretending to be? Is it an adult? Saying such a thing just proves that you are a waste. Let me tell you, even if I don't do anything, my father gave it to me." The money is enough to spend my whole life!"

"That's right." At this time, the girl behind him also smiled eccentrically, "What's so great about an adult, isn't he just a poor dog? I can't bear the torture of life, and here I pretend to be mature and say some big things, really It's disgusting. Let me tell you, your monthly income is probably not as much as my pocket money. I don't know what you are showing off here."

"Brother Tianyu..." Zheng Nanxing pulled Li Tianyu's clothes at the side. What she was worried about was that Li Tianyu lost control and used his ability to kill the gang of brats in front of him, "Forget it, they don't understand, we let's go?"

Li Tianyu was indeed a little angry and a little helpless. After all, what he said was reality, and this is how the world is.For a moment, he really hoped to use his ability and this game to change the world.But what about after the change?As long as human nature still exists, the world will become like this sooner or later, where money comes first.

He had a very strong idea in his heart, wanting to teach these brats a lesson, but he didn't know how to do it, after all he couldn't really hurt them.He obviously underestimated the children of today. Not only are they eloquent, but they are also ruthless. The most frightening thing is that they already know the superiority that money and material things can bring to them at a young age.

"That's all you can do, little vixen." At this time, the girl turned her attention to Zheng Nanxing again, "Seduce a man, at least seduce someone who is capable. Being a vixen is such a failure, why are you still alive? ? If I were you, I would just find a place where no one is around and die by myself. Hee hee."

The girl said such harsh words, but the girl smiled very sweetly, forming a stark contrast. She poured the milk tea on Zheng Nanxing's head, while the two boys stepped forward to block it. Li Tianyu didn't let him obstruct him.In fact, they couldn't stop Li Tianyu at all. At that moment, Li Tianyu had only one thought: Don't get too carried away, brat!
At that moment, there seemed to be an invisible shock wave spreading out, as if time froze in an instant.

In the next second, the brats in front of him rolled their eyes and fell backwards.And it's not just them, everyone within a radius of [-] meters with Li Tianyu as the center is affected. The children playing ball on the playground, the students taking their lunch break in the classroom, and the teachers chatting in the office all fell into a coma, and the school fell into a coma. There was a dead silence.

"This is..." Li Tianyu froze on the spot, until Zheng Nanxing behind him pulled him, Li Tianyu turned his head to look, Zheng Nanxing was trembling, with a frightened expression on his face: "Heaven, Brother Tianyu, what are you... Domineering, domineering..."

"Domineering and domineering!" Li Tianyu murmured to himself in surprise, "But, how could it be? I didn't learn..."

However, after thinking about it, Li Tianyu could understand a little bit.Overlord-like arrogance is set in the original work as "it cannot be obtained through cultivation, it is an innate trait". People with overlord-like arrogance are born with it, and it only takes one opportunity to stimulate it. And those who don’t have it no matter how much they practice.

Li Tianyu speculates that in this game, the domineering domineering may have a similar mechanism, requiring players to choose "domineering" as the pre-mana value to activate. As for the activation conditions, it should be similar to the original game.

To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than to arouse the user's "I am the only one in heaven and earth" state of mind, and the specifics are different according to each person's difference.Of course, Li Tianyu didn't really feel that he was the only one in heaven and earth.The conditions for him to inspire domineering arrogance are somewhat similar to the situation of the protagonist Lu Fei, because at that time his strongest emotion was actually generated when the girl was about to pour milk tea on Zheng Nanxing's head, "That's mine, don't Move her!" The thought.

The first time Luffy aroused his domineering arrogance was when he was in the arena of the Amazon Lily Kingdom, in order to protect the two Amazon female warriors who sheltered him, which is somewhat similar to Li Tianyu's current situation.

"A person like me actually has the qualities of a king? Tsk, this game is really crazy..." Li Tianyu thought to himself with some self-deprecation, how could a person who had no confidence in himself since childhood have the "overlord look" Potential people?He guessed that there must be something wrong, or that this is just a game mechanism, which has nothing to do with potential, and only needs an "opportunity".

Thinking about it this way, it's actually very reasonable. After all, they joined the game halfway and acquired abilities, so there is no concept of "born with domineering look and arrogance".There should be two conditions for triggering domineering domineering, one is that "domineering" must be the prerequisite, and the other is that there must be a similar opportunity to activate this ability.

However, now that he has caused such a big disturbance here, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

"Little girl, retreat first!" Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing and said, Zheng Nanxing nodded, and the two left the scene, then Li Tianyu began to find someone to help him deal with the aftermath, and he contacted Xu Ying: "Hello? Sorry , I accidentally caused some trouble just now and I need you to help me clean up the aftermath. The location is at the High School Affiliated to Xitai City... I accidentally scared some teachers and students into unconsciousness."

"What does it mean to faint?" Xu Ying frowned and asked, Li Tianyu thought for a while, and replied directly: "Overlord look domineering!"

"Overlord look? You mean that..." Xu Ying hesitated before she understood, "I see, I'll send someone there right away. You leave the scene first, and then contact me later."

After finishing speaking, Xu Ying hung up the phone, while Li Tianyu looked at Zheng Nanxing and sighed: "It seems that something has happened."

"I'm sorry..." Zheng Nanxing muttered softly, "I shouldn't have agreed..."

"Forget it, I proposed it. What's more, isn't there an unexpected harvest?" Li Tianyu patted her little head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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