Chapter 182
Although sometimes Li Tianyu hopes that the villain can win once in a while, that doesn't mean he doesn't like superheroes, but from a movie point of view, he hopes to see a slightly surprising and innovative ending.However, actually standing next to these superheroes is very inspiring.

However, Li Tianyu feels that he is the strongest player on the field right now.

"Lei Ying..." Li Tianyu raised his hand, and thunder and lightning began to condense above his head.Then Li Tianyu used the Armed Color Haki to strengthen Lei Ying. The dark blue lightning was quickly dyed black, and half of Li Tianyu's Armed Color Haki was instantly taken away!
This consumption made him secretly a little surprised. You must know that his arrogance has reached the upper limit of LV3 and has been improved. If this is the arrogance of LV2 before, wouldn't it be...

The appearance of Lei Ying attracted the attention of all the beast soldiers around. They all turned their heads to stare at Li Tianyu, and then rushed forward with a roar.Although Li Tianyu is accumulating energy, he can still use other skills.Therefore, he shot out a lightning nova, knocking all the beast soldiers flying.

At this time, Lei Ying had also completed charging.There was a heavy feeling in his hand, as if the lightning was a big iron ball suspended in his hand.Li Tianyu threw Lei Ying out with all his strength, and the black electric ball fell into the crowd of beast soldiers outside, and began to expand rapidly, engulfing all the beast soldiers around, and the black electric snakes scattered like blunt knives. swept by.

For a moment, as if an atomic bomb had exploded, a circle of electric arc spread quickly, knocking everyone on the scene, whether enemy or friendly, to the ground.When the catastrophic explosion finally dissipated, a huge hole with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared on the ground ahead, as well as scorched corpses all over the ground, and black electric snakes were still beating from time to time.

Although it was only one blow, Li Tianyu was a little out of breath, this was the first time he felt this way.He guessed that it was because Lei Ying was too heavy, so it took a lot of energy to throw it out.

The superheroes at the scene stood behind Li Tianyu, stunned on the spot.

"You should invite him to join the Avengers." The Winter Soldier muttered to Captain America, who was in a daze next to him. Captain America raised his eyebrows and said seriously: "Yes, after this battle is over, I will Go ask the kid."

But even though Li Tianyu wiped out a large area of ​​the beast soldiers at once, they still rushed forward without fear.

Li Tianyu raised his hand and threw a thunder dragon. This time his silent spell was successful. The thunder dragon rushed straight towards the beast soldiers in front of him, roaring and leaving a blank path on the battlefield.But there were too many beast soldiers, and they still rushed in front of Li Tianyu.Li Tianyu sneered in his heart: Do you think I am weak in close combat?

"Careful, kid! Stay back, you need to stay away from the front lines of the battlefield!" Captain America exclaimed, then turned to the controlled war machine and shouted: "Rhodes, can you back up?!"

"Roger that, Captain!" Rhodes responded in mid-air and turned to the beast soldiers on the ground who were rushing towards Li Tianyu.

But Li Tianyu raised his hand at this time, and a magnetic shield condensed in front of him.Those beast soldiers were shocked to retreat as if they had hit an invisible wall, and Li Tianyu put his hands together and shouted: "Thunder flash!"

A thick thunderbolt shot out from his hand, Li Tianyu swept the thunderbolt like a whip, knocking away the beast soldiers in front of him one after another.At this time, several beast soldiers rushed up from his side again. Li Tianyu predicted their movements with his knowledge and arrogance, and then stopped Lei Shan in advance, took a step back to avoid their attacks, and his right leg turned into lightning. , a Lan foot swept out.

These beast soldiers were kicked by him and flew away in mid-air. Li Tianyu raised his hand to catch the claws of another beast soldier. His right hand turned into lightning and stabbed the beast soldier's chest more than 20 times with his finger gun in an instant. He lowered his head to avoid another beast soldier's waving claw, and punched out with a thunderbolt fist with his left hand, which sent the beast soldier flying, hitting the beast soldiers behind and making a mess.

The whole process was done in one go, the movements were extremely smooth, and finally he had a bit of "master demeanor", unlike when he first joined the game as an amateur.

"Sorry, captain, who did you say you wanted to support?" Rhodes asked speechlessly at this time, and transferred his weapons to other targets, "I don't see anyone who needs support."

"Nothing." Captain America replied, and then whispered to himself: "I will invite this kid to join the Avengers after this battle is over..." After that, he also threw himself into the battle with the beast soldiers.

But Li Tianyu is still fighting. His ability is actually very suitable for this kind of battlefield with a large number of low-level miscellaneous soldiers, because the thunder fruit is almost no consumption, and the enemies on the scene have no magic attacks that can threaten him. It is said that this battlefield is tailor-made for him, he can even wipe out all the beast soldiers alone!

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu was full of fighting spirit. When his heart was surging, he shouted angrily, and his domineering aura spread.

With him as the center of the circle, the surrounding Wakandan soldiers and beast soldiers stood stunned at the scene. The next moment, they fainted and fell to the ground one after another.Li Tianyu gritted his teeth and smiled, his body turned into thunder and rushed to another battlefield.

"Chain lightning!" Li Tianyu waved his hand and threw a thunderbolt, then aimed his hands at both sides and threw a thunder dragon. The next moment, several beast soldiers rushed towards him from mid-air with their teeth and claws.

Li Tianyu stomped his foot, and a circle of lightning nova spread out, then raised his hands and shouted: "Wan Lei!"

There was loud thunder in the sky, and after a short period of accumulation, the thunder and lightning began to strike crazily from the sky towards the battlefield.

Li Tianyu is simply outstanding on the battlefield right now. With his current ability, no one on the battlefield is his opponent.Of course, after Thanos arrives, the situation will be difficult to say.

But Wan Lei's target was random, and Li Tianyu was still surrounded by beast soldiers.But he didn't panic at all. After all, even if the attacks of these beast soldiers hit him, he could avoid them by using elements.

"Finger, pull out." Li Tianyu said in a low voice, raised his right hand and flicked his thumb, and then bounced quickly, and the thunderbolts flew in all directions, forcing the approaching beast soldiers back temporarily, but The power is really not strong.

"This skill is so useless...Go back and delete this skill." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself, "Sure enough, the skill still needs to be practiced to know whether it is useful or not."

Originally, Li Tianyu expected that this skill would be more powerful, at least capable of causing physical penetrating damage similar to the Finger of Death, but now it seems that it can only cause burning-level electric shock damage, which is really useless.

But it's not surprising when you think about it. After all, the ability of the thunder fruit is currently exerted by accumulating power, and Feiba's ability is not supported by accumulating power, and its power is unavoidable. It's better to delete it and design it as another skill when you go back.

"A finger of death!" Li Tianyu raised his index finger and shouted at a large group of beast soldiers in front of him. Red lightning struck out, and a large group of beast soldiers fell down immediately. However, Li Tianyu noticed that the number of beast soldiers on the scene not only did not decrease, but increased too much.

At this point, Li Tianyu's fighting spirit finally calmed down a bit, and he began to think about the situation of this mission.

Although the first task is to ask him to help defend against the attack of the Thanos army, the attack can be divided into several stages.Now Thanos' army will continue to increase its attack until it tricks the Scarlet Witch out of Wakanda's base, and then General Deathblade in Black Day Five will take the opportunity to sneak attack on Vision.

Li Tianyu guessed that the task now was to keep fighting until the Scarlet Witch came down to support.Theoretically speaking, Li Tianyu should release the water now to make the battle more difficult, and then let the Scarlet Witch come down to support as soon as possible.

However, the mission requirement is one aspect. The purpose of Li Tianyu's participation in the mission is to practice his skill proficiency and practice silent spellcasting, so it doesn't make any sense to end the mission as soon as possible. It would be better to fight for a while longer.

"Although, I think I can keep fighting here..." Li Tianyu snickered to himself, then raised his hand, and a thunder light jumped from his hand, "In short, hurry up and practice your skills!"

His plan was to use most of his low-level abilities to silently cast spells in this mission, at least to achieve a high success rate.And the most important thing is that he needs to be able to develop a "premonition", that is, whether the silent spellcasting in the current state can succeed or fail.It doesn't have to be [-]% successful, but it must be [-]% premonition.

To put it bluntly, silent casting still depends on mental state and attention. If the scene in your mind is very clear at that time, it will probably succeed. Most likely will fail.Li Tianyu just wanted to figure out this "boundary", to what extent the spellcasting would fail when his attention was distracted.

After all, the situation in battle is very complicated. You don't just have to face one enemy. It is also common to be distracted by other people's attacks when casting spells. If silent casting fails, it is very likely that the enemy will bite you. But it cannot be denied that silent casting has an absolute advantage. The enemy does not know what skills he is going to use next.

This risk is worth taking, so Li Tianyu must at least know under what circumstances the spellcasting will fail.

At this moment, the battle has started in the entire kingdom of Wakanda, and Banner passed by him in the anti-Hulk armor: "Hey! Kid, don't be dazed, we need your combat power!"

"That's right..." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, then raised his hand: "Lei Ying!"

Thunder and lightning quickly gathered above his head, but this behavior immediately attracted the attention of all the surrounding beast soldiers.Moreover, at this time, Li Tianyu noticed that elite monsters appeared on the field, that is, those armored soldiers who were obviously more than twice as tall as ordinary beast soldiers. Some were similar to the black dwarfs in the five generals of Obsidian, but their bodies were completely covered by the dealer. up.

"The battle has advanced to a stage..." Li Tianyu thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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