Chapter 205 Worship
Although the speed of Lei Shen's movement is relatively fast, the Thor armor can guide him to the exact coordinate point, and there are civilians in that place, so it is necessary to use the Thor armor to cover the appearance.The flying speed of the Thunder God Battle Armor is also very fast, the distance is only a dozen kilometers, and it can be reached in a few minutes.

On the road, Li Tianyu could already see the traces left by those guys along the way, the streets were dilapidated, some vehicles were tilted on the side of the road, gunpowder smoke spread forward along this road, and the places they passed were in chaos.

It looked like the pirates were looting the shops along the way, taking what they thought was valuable: gold, jewelry, and some food.In addition, there are many injured people scattered on the street, and medical staff are helping the police to carry the injured into the car.

Just a group of pirates threw the city into chaos.Li Tianyu couldn't help but secretly think that the real world was still too fragile in the face of the power of Two-dimensional, and he must stop these pirates as soon as possible.

"Boss, I sensed a large amount of positional energy in front, which should be from two-dimensional invasion creatures." Friday reminded, Li Tianyu responded, and then saw soldiers fighting pirates on the street ahead.

The situation was similar to that on the beach before, almost one-sided. Although the soldiers had modern weapons, the physique of the pirates could not be dealt with by these weapons, not to mention that they also had abilities such as domineering and devil fruit that ordinary people could not understand.

Behind these special forces is a department store in this city, which was used as a temporary refuge, and the civilians were transferred there for centralized refuge. Unexpectedly, these pirates still looted all the way.

At this moment, there are still a group of special forces guarding the door, and there are police inside the department store to maintain order, but they can't stop the pirates from approaching.After witnessing this brutal battle, the civilians inside were no longer as curious as before, but with fear shining in their eyes.But even so, some people are still grabbing their mobile phones to take pictures.

So, Li Tianyu accelerated and flew forward, and then landed on the street in a "hero debut" posture, blocking between the pirates and the special forces.At this moment, a pirate was grabbing a special soldier by the leg and lifting him up into the air like a chicken. When he saw Li Tianyu, he threw the special soldier over.

Li Tianyu raised his hand and threw a positive charge on the special soldier, and then attached the negative charge to the awning of a store behind him, so the special soldier turned in mid-air and fell on the awning, safe and sound. nothing.

But turning his head, the pirate had come to Li Tianyu and punched him in the face.

With a crisp sound of "铛!", Li Tianyu took a step back a little later to stabilize his figure, raised his index finger to lightly press against his chest, and then blasted out with a death finger.The red lightning penetrated the pirate's body, he staggered back two steps, his body fell to the ground with green smoke, rolled his eyes, and then slowly disappeared.

The rest of the pirates also turned their attention to Li Tianyu at this moment, put down the looted property, and surrounded him.Li Tianyu took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and spread the domineering aura.

The strong impact spread around him, not only the pirates, but also many soldiers and policemen behind them were frightened and fell to the ground, and many civilians in the department store even fell into a coma.

However, the domineering fainting of Overlord Color will not cause harm, and those civilians will wake up after a while.Li Tianyu deliberately chose to use the domineering look, so that on the one hand, he can quickly reduce the number of enemies, and on the other hand, he can also reduce the number of witnesses, so that these people will not cause any trouble by random associations.

Because his iron suit is similar to the real Iron Man except for the color and details. Most people may think that Iron Man has traveled to the real world when they see it.

Although he felt that the two-dimensional invasion had reached this stage, the government could no longer cover it up...

After the domineering impact of the domineering color passed, there were only four or five pirates left on the scene, and they were quickly dealt with by Li Tianyu.He turned back, and many soldiers were still sitting on the ground at this moment, their legs were so frightened that their legs went weak.

According to this situation, Li Tianyu infers that the factors that may affect the domineering effect of the domineering look are one is identity and the other is character.The player's resistance will be stronger than that of ordinary people. The evidence is that many soldiers at the scene actually have much richer experience than Shen Yan and the others, but they are still severely affected; the second is character, and those with a strong personality are less affected.

"Are you all right?" Li Tianyu stretched out his hand to a soldier and said, "I'm from your side."

The soldier grabbed his hand and stood up, trying to stabilize his mind and replied: "Look, I can tell... So, you are the 'player' those guys from the Special Response Department said? God, I thought that Those lunatics invented it to take the blame."

"In short, the situation in this city has stabilized now." Li Tianyu said calmly. If it was before, he would not have imagined that he would have a conversation with a group of special forces in front of them with ordinary expressions, but now he is really there. In fact, the feeling is just like that, the heart is very peaceful, and the other party is just an ordinary person, but he is not.

"Continue to fulfill your responsibilities, and be optimistic about these citizens." Li Tianyu looked at those people in the supermarket and said, there are still some civilians who have not been shocked by the domineering look, so they are still pointing at Li Tianyu and whispering curiously, it should be They were discussing who he was, and whether his battle suit was a new weapon developed by the country.

"Yes." The special soldier responded, straightened the gun in his hand, then turned to Li Tianyu and asked tentatively: "Then, do you really have those special abilities? The abilities of the heroes in those movies? This suit, Is it Iron Man's suit? Are the strange humans who attacked us from another world? Or..."

"I'm not sure if I should tell you the answers to these questions." Li Tianyu said hesitantly, interrupted him, and then glanced at the soldiers behind him.Most of the people at the scene had the same expression, full of anticipation, and a trace of...worship that was hard to hide.After all, they are all soldiers. Who hasn't fantasized about becoming a hero who can save the world?
Li Tianyu is a little unaccustomed to the fiery gaze of these people. He is different from superheroes like Spiderman. Basic morality, but he can't sacrifice himself for some strangers like those heroes.

Therefore, although these admiring sights satisfy Li Tianyu's vanity in a certain way, they also make him feel a little bit ashamed.After dealing with the soldiers for a while, he flew into the air, left the soldiers behind, and rushed towards the direction where Zheng Nanxing was before. While contacting her, he contacted her to inquire about her status: "Hey, little girl, are you okay over there? ?"

(End of this chapter)

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