Chapter 23
"Is the system punishing? It is true that there are similar settings in those Dark Souls games. After the player's attributes increase, the monster's attributes will also increase accordingly, so as to prevent players from playing those difficult games as mowing games." Liu Zihao listened. After Li Tianyu's explanation, he muttered to himself, "That's right, after thinking about it, I think this setting makes sense."

"Oh, I was addicted to mowing grass for a while." Shen Yan said, covering her forehead, "Indeed, playing this kind of escape game as a mowing game will definitely not be allowed by the system..."

"Forget it, it's nothing anyway, I'm passive." Li Tianyu sighed.

Although the hit just now was indeed very dangerous, his shield value can only withstand one blow, if there happened to be a small giant next to him and grabbed him and took a bite, he would die.But after thinking about it, even in that case, he still has a stand-in jade who can protect him from death once, so he feels relieved.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but be a little curious: "Didn't you buy double jade?"

"I bought it. I have a substitute jade inlaid in my battle suit." Liu Zihao replied, "If I die before I can get out of the suit, the substitute jade will save me from dying once. In addition, there is also a sea tower in my battle suit." stone and kryptonite."

"I don't have the money to buy those things." Shen Yan sighed and said, "I don't have the passive power of ten times his GP, and the GP is used to buy armor and weapons. The lasso of mantra was the first item I bought, and this is what happened after that. Put on armor."

When she said this, Li Tianyu remembered that she really didn't use armor in the first mission, and now it seems that she has no money to buy other props.Her ability does have such a shortcoming: it costs too much money, but there are too few ways to get the money, unlike Liu Zihao who can double the GP by ten times.

Although Shen Yan's ability combination is very strong, it is difficult to form it, not only a lot of SP, but also a lot of GP.

However, the square where they fought before was the biggest obstacle they encountered so far. After crossing that obstacle, it is much easier now. There are only a few small giants blocking the way along the way.

Moreover, now there are dense buildings as pedals, allowing them to avoid the short giants, and only need to deal with a large giant once in a while, so the speed of advancement is very fast, and the Wall of Roses is close in the blink of an eye.

"Look, it's the gate of the Wall of Roses, right in front of you." Li Tianyu pointed to the front and said.

At this moment, there were not many refugees in sight at the gate, and the final evacuation preparations should have been made based on the situation.

"Speed ​​up the time. Judging from the current progress, I feel that the armored giant will appear soon." Li Tianyu replied, and then ran forward at a faster speed. Shen Yan and Liu Zihao also followed behind him, advancing at the fastest speed .

But after running for a while, Shen Yan seemed to notice something suddenly, and then suddenly picked up a steel fork for forking grass from the side, and threw it out.A scream sounded not far away, Li Tianyu followed the sound and found a chubby man lying in a pool of blood, surrounded by several people who looked like guards.

And this chubby man was pulling several carriages behind him, and the carts were loaded with goods, like a person in a caravan.

Moreover, this chubby man looked very familiar, but Li Tianyu couldn't remember who he was.

"Do you still remember that after the Wall of Roses was also broken, when the giant attacked into the wall, the gate was blocked by a caravan?" Shen Yan smiled proudly, "It's this fat man, I remember it clearly .Although it’s useless to kill him here, at least I feel much happier, don’t I?”

"Women are really scary sometimes..." Li Tianyu couldn't help thinking to himself.

But after this incident, nothing else went wrong. They finally entered the gate of the Wall of Roses. At this moment, the last refuge ship was moored by the river and was ready to go.

However, there are too many people waiting to get on the boat, and judging from their queuing, it is not easy to get on.

"Why don't you get on the boat by force." Li Tianyu suggested, "As long as you get on the boat, the mission should be considered complete. Judging from the current situation, this boat can't hold so many people. It's impossible to queue up normally for our turn. "

"No, no, let me handle it." Liu Zihao raised his hand and said, then cleared his throat, opened the mask part of the battle suit, and went to the front and whispered to the soldiers of the garrison regiment stationed there sentence.

Li Tianyu clearly saw that he stuffed a few gold coins into the hands of those soldiers, and then the soldiers waved to them, letting the three of them get on the boat first.Although this approach made Li Tianyu a little speechless, it has to be said that it works very well.

"Money can turn ghosts around." Liu Zihao raised his brows and smiled, then pulled off his mask.

It didn't take long for the three of them to set off on the boat, and shortly after their boat left the shore, there was a commotion in the city.With a roar, the armored giant smashed through the gate of the Wall of Roses, and completely announced the fall of the area from the Wall of Roses to the Wall of Maria, and opened the curtain of "Attack on Titan" .

"Damn it, it's almost..." Li Tianyu secretly heaved a sigh of relief looking at the refugees on the shore who didn't have time to board the boat.

Just as he expected, although they successfully evacuated to the side of the door, not everyone had time to board the boat.After the armored giant broke through the gate, those giants also poured into this side of the Rose Wall one after another, and the remaining refugees who did not board the ship, the ending can be imagined.If Liu Zihao hadn't stuffed some money to let them board the ship early, the evacuation mission might have failed.

And as the ship moved away, the giant gradually disappeared from their field of vision, and the pixel blocks condensed in front of him into a line of subtitles "Successfully evacuated, the mission is over, and the scoring stage is about to begin, counting down 10, 9, 8... "

"It seems to be successful. Although it took a little effort, it was safe and sound." Shen Yan said with a sigh of relief, then turned to Li Tianyu with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder, "I owe you once, tonight I invite you to dinner, see you outside."

Before Li Tianyu could answer, the countdown ended, and they returned to the dark "preparation room" to start scoring tasks.

"Congratulations on winning. The basic reward for this game is 200 GP points. The game score for this game is S for combat, SSS for the scene, and A for teamwork. The final score is SS. Extra reward for scoring: 100 GP points."

"Score SS...that's really good." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, and then smiled dryly: "What's the use of giving me so many GPs, I'm not the type to rely on props... Sigh."

After speaking, Li Tianyu began to wait for the game to end.When the surrounding scene brightened up again, they had already returned to the Eastern Zhou City where they were before.However, it was already night now.Although they only stayed in the game for about an hour, ten hours passed in reality, and the time in the two worlds was indeed different.

They entered in the morning, but came out at night after the task.

Fortunately, this was expected before, so they deliberately found a secluded alley to start the game.No one is surprised to come out of the game world suddenly at this moment.Moreover, it is already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"It's so late..." Li Tianyu frowned and said, while Shen Yan put her hands on her hips and sighed: "Yeah, it seems that's it for today. Let's go back and have a rest. We can wait until tomorrow to discuss anything else. It's too late and my roommate will get suspicious."

(End of this chapter)

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