Chapter 233 Intrigue
Li Tianyu didn't intend to show his face in this place, but prepared to act secretly.He can still do this by making good use of his knowledge and domineering, because the island is very large and the trees are very dense. With the high technology of Thor's armor, it is enough for him to hide himself and do some damage on the island.

People who have no worries about food and clothing will never understand the hard work of those who struggle to survive, so Li Tianyu wants to destroy their food and water sources, making their life on the island not so easy, and aggravating their internal conflicts .

"Friday, activate the tactical stealth module." Li Tianyu ordered.

As a result, the shell of Thor's battle armor gradually merged with the surrounding colors and became transparent.

This tactical module comes from the Predator's external armor, which Liu Zihao also bought from the store.But it is said to be invisible. If you look carefully, you can still see the general outline, and it will still be discovered by the enemy's Qi and the Haki of the Knowledge and Knowledge. It is useless in actual combat, but it can be used with Li Tianyu's Haki of the Knowledge and Knowledge to avoid the enemy. The effect of sneaking in.

After Li Tianyu became transparent, he began to land towards the periphery of the island, but he was not in a hurry to go to the island.

His purpose is to destroy the island's food sources, starting with those that are easiest to obtain.

So he came to the side of the cliff, where there are a lot of seabirds. Bird eggs and birds are very good food sources, but Li Tianyu has a way to make these birds live in another place.Therefore, he directly activated the domineering look, because the birds were not fainted by the fright because they were far away, and all of a sudden the birds scattered and evacuated from the cliff.

But the nests of these seabirds are still here, and I believe they will come back after a while.

"Friday, do you have a way to prevent these birds from coming back here?" Li Tianyu asked curiously.

"Yes, BOSS, I can simulate a special magnetic field to confuse the birds' sense of direction and make them nest in another place." Friday replied, and then Li Tianyu's arm suit opened, and a small bird appeared inside. A small USB stick.

Li Tianyu has indeed heard that birds rely on the magnetic field in their bodies and the magnetic field of the earth to determine their direction.

"Please put this magnetic field generator elsewhere, these birds will be attracted to it." Friday continued.

"Oh! It's easy to handle!" Li Tianyu raised his brows and smiled happily, "Isn't it possible to get these birds to our island? Then we can get meat and eggs." But then he He denied this, "No, this is too obvious, there should be a better way."

Before Li Tianyu was moving, he saw a relatively wide reef, and it was a good choice for these seabirds to settle on that reef.The reef was right in the middle of their medium and small islands, and could feed both of them without being on either of them.

And because they are not on their island, players on large islands will naturally not suspect them, and players on these large islands lack seabirds as a source of food, so they can only rely on fishing and wild fruits at sea .Fish is a food source, and players with Neptune may not be able to isolate it. After all, Neptune can control all marine life.

However, if they only eat fish, these pampered guys may not be able to support it.In addition, because the island is divided into two factions, players who follow Aquaman have fish to eat, and the other faction naturally has no fish to eat.Then, in the absence of food, the other faction of players will either compromise with the Neptune faction, or cooperate with players from other islands.

Li Tianyu thought about it carefully, and then came to the conclusion that Zhang Yun and Neptune's players are definitely not the same faction.

Because from the previous actions, the purpose of Zhang Yun and the Neptune player was to destroy the freshwater resources on their island. The two were not so much cooperating, but more like grabbing credit from each other.

However, Zhang Yun failed to grab the credit, and the Neptune player succeeded in the mission. Presumably, the prestige of the Neptune player on the island is obviously higher now.In addition, this scene is really like a fish in water for Neptune players. Surrounded by the sea, he can greatly increase his strength. He can also target Devil Fruit players and control fish to provide food. Who wouldn’t want to follow such a leader?

Therefore, if Li Tianyu cuts off food other than fish on the island, it will definitely increase the pressure on Zhang Yun's faction. At that time, with Zhang Yun's character, he will definitely not sit idly by and let his power transfer to the Neptune player's side .This guy will definitely play tricks secretly, and in that situation Lin Muxue will be able to exert its effect.

Although they already know that there is such a person as Lin Muxue, only Zhang Yun's dark fruit can undo Lin Muxue's transformation, so Lin Muxue can make trouble for the faction of Neptune players, intensifying the conflict between the two factions and triggering their conflicts. internal war.

"Perfect..." Li Tianyu nodded in satisfaction, and then flew towards the island.

He has about 10 minutes, and after 10 minutes, his knowledge and arrogance will be exhausted.But as far as he is concerned, he is still safe, because it is still raining, and the players of the two factions stay near the camp and do not want to move around, and the heavy rain can also wash away his footprints.

Destroying other food sources on the island is actually very simple. Now that there are no birds to provide meat and eggs, there are only two kinds of wild fruits and fish left, and the role of wild fruits is very limited.For example, wild bananas, wild bananas are different from artificially propagated bananas. There are some black seeds inside, which are the seeds of wild bananas, and there is not much pulp to eat.

The same goes for fruits like wild strawberries, whose pulp is too small and unpalatable to be a serious food source.Li Tianyu kept his mind open and patrolled the island.

The ones to look out for are a few mango trees and fig trees, which provide fruit that is higher in nutrients and sugar.Of course, the regeneration speed of these fruits is very slow, even if they are left alone, they will be exhausted sooner or later.

What Li Tianyu had to do was to speed up the process.So he picked mangoes and figs from several trees, and sprinkled a few ripe ones on his way to his camp on the eastern beach.

After creating the illusion that the players on the east beach picked the fruits, Li Tianyu planned to bring these fruits back to his camp, which could be regarded as enriching their food sources.

Li Tianyu will not destroy the fresh water on their island, because it will only trigger battles between the islands, and now he just wants to trigger internal conflicts between the two factions of players on this large island, so destroying food is enough.

After the wild fruit was almost picked, Li Tianyu turned his attention to the last food on the island.

Unlike the other two islands, there are some animals on this island.

There are currently three sheep on the island, one or two may have been eaten, and some small rodents, but they are mostly rats and not a permanent food source.Li Tianyu intends to keep these sheep for the players on this island. When the two factions quarrel, these sheep will become the targets of the competition. A sheep may become a trigger.

"Maybe I'm quite good at intrigue..." Li Tianyu thought to himself with some self-mockery.

Then, he took these fruits and flew away from this large island. His knowledge and arrogance were almost exhausted. If he stayed any longer, there might be accidents, and if he stayed too long, he might leave more traces.

So Li Tianyu returned to his camp with the fruit, and then placed the magnetic field generator on Friday on the reef between the medium-sized island and the small island, and his work was successfully completed, and the next step is to wait for the event fermentation.

After he returned to his island, he briefly introduced the current situation to everyone.

"Brother Tianyu is good or bad." Zheng Nanxing looked at Li Tianyu in disbelief and said, and then took a bite of the fig.

"Then you don't want to eat it." Li Tianyu poked her forehead angrily.

"They definitely won't starve to death." Lin Muxue said disapprovingly, "Aren't there Neptune players here? Control those sea creatures, it's like a buffet, you can order whatever you want, whether it's lobster or king crab..."

"Then will they come over and snatch the fish and shrimp from our waters?" Dong Yue asked worriedly.

"If he dares to come over, I'll kill him!" Xia Ning clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"Look at this child, take care of the food..." Liu Zihao smiled wryly beside him.

Li Tianyu shook his head: "The distance is too far, he shouldn't be able to affect it, every ability has its own range."

"But we still have to distribute our resources to those people on small islands. I always feel a little unhappy." Shen Yan pouted and muttered while peeling the skin of a mango.

"It doesn't matter, it's only the weight of three people. We collect a lot of fish every day." Ye Tiancheng disemboweled a fish and threw the viscera into the bucket, intending to use it as bait to attract those big fish.

"It won't take too long." Li Tianyu comforted, "Now the conflict between the two factions on their large island will intensify soon, we just need to last until then. Don't forget, soon the seabirds will be in Build a nest on that reef..."

"Delicious roast chicken, and scrambled eggs..." Xia Ning said with a serious expression on his chin, and Chang Jingwen pondered: "Well, in this way, it is very easy for us to continue. The problem is, how Let the players on the large islands fight among themselves. I think your actions today may actually lead to the unification of the people on their islands."

"If you think so, it only shows that you still don't know Zhang Yun too well." Li Tianyu said with a smile, "He will not hand over the power to others. After discovering the problem in the past two days, he will start to make some small moves gone."

With that said, Li Tianyu turned to Lin Muxue: "When the time comes, it's time for the two of us to act."

"Leave it to me, Brother Tianyu." Lin Muxue smiled proudly, "This is what I am best at."

(End of this chapter)

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