Chapter 244 A good show

Black lightning sprang from Li Tianyu's hand and jumped among the players.Now he can't see it, he can only perceive it through his mind's eye, so he doesn't know whether the chain lightning hits the enemy or the friendly army.The Sun Fist dazzled most people's eyes, and even the knowledgeable Domineering couldn't perceive the enemy's energy attack.

Therefore, after Li Tianyu's chain lightning shot out, there was a burst of mourning at the scene. Li Tianyu didn't know who he hit, so he raised his hand at the two figures in front of him, who should be Zhang Yun and Hu Jianfeng, and died in one shot. Finger hit it, and then lined up four Thunderbirds, bombarding them indiscriminately.

However, soon everyone's vision recovered a bit, so Li Tianyu opened his eyes and looked at it. At this moment, Hu Jianfeng was still using Susanoo to defend, while Zhang Yun knelt down on the ground trembling, covered with black electric snake.Li Tianyu was overjoyed, and was about to send another thunderbolt to throw Zhang Yunxian out of the battlefield, but at this moment, there was a lot of wind in his ears.

Li Tianyu turned his head to look, and a shock wave came towards him. He quickly set up the electromagnetic shield, and a powerful force was transmitted from the shield to his arm, knocking him backwards.

"Ah!" Zheng Nanxing cried out coquettishly, being bumped into by Li Tianyu.

At this time, another shock wave hit the qigong wave, pushing it away, and Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing were able to resume their actions.And Xia Ning could only help them with this qigong, and was hit by another player again. Judging from the white flames on that player's body, he should also be of Dragon Ball blood, but he hadn't turned into a super race yet.

The two entangled in the air and fought farther and farther. On the beach not far away, Ye Tiancheng was entangled with Chang Jingwen. Chang Jingwen was standing high on Vimana, and various treasures were constantly shooting out from his king's treasure house. , while Ye Tiancheng below swiftly dodged and drew his bow to fight back from time to time, the two fought back and forth.

"Brother Tianyu, be careful!" Looking back, a shuriken in the shape of orange chakra with three hooks flew towards him. Li Tianyu released Lightning Nova, but the attack power of this shuriken was stronger than he imagined. It was much higher, but he was blown away, so Li Tianyu shaves to distance himself, and because it is inconvenient to take people with him during the shaving process, Zheng Nanxing was left behind by him.

"Little girl, find a place to hide yourself!" Li Tianyu urged, Zheng Nanxing hesitated, looking around, not knowing what to do, but she also knew that the scene was too chaotic now, Li Tianyu had no time to take care of her, so She can play on her own, so after thinking about it, she landed on the beach.

At this moment, Li Tianyu can really take action.Although Zheng Nanxing's buff can turn him into a turret, but the current battle situation is too chaotic and there are too many people, it is difficult for him to protect Zheng Nanxing while attacking, only when he is alone can he take the thunder fruit The characteristics of flexibility and low consumption are brought into play.

Therefore, next week, Li Tianyu can really let go of his hands and feet, and use Lei Yi to come to the center of the battlefield. At this moment, the player with Crazy Diamond is entangled with Shi Chao. stand-in player.As for the ability of the stand-in messenger, the stand-in can also be regarded as the target of the attack, and it will be transmitted by the chain lightning.

The embarrassment of this ability is that if the substitute is attacked, the substitute messenger will also bear the corresponding attack, so if the chain lightning jumps back and forth between the substitute messenger and the substitute, the substitute messenger will always be shocked.But after the lightning jumped twice, it suddenly flew towards Shi Chao, and Shi Chao immediately raised his knife and waved it, catching the thunder and lightning.

Black lightning entwined around his knife, and then Shi Chao swung the long knife and threw the lightning towards the crazy diamond stand-in messenger player: "Lei Fan!"

The thunder and lightning hit Crazy Diamond's chest, cutting out a lot of cracks in Crazy Diamond's outer armor like a sharp blade, and suddenly a lot of wounds appeared on the body of the stand-in messenger player himself, and blood splashed from him.

"Kill the healer first when fighting in a group..." Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows and smiled, Shi Chao gave him an angry look, then suddenly raised his eyebrows and pointed behind him: "Be careful! 360 trouble wind!"

Shi Chao swung his saber twice, and shot out a whirlwind of sword energy, which flicked away the long sword in Susanoo's hand who was stabbing from behind. Li Tianyu saw this and opened the distance with a razor, secretly shouting: Hu Jianfeng's eyes It is Uchiha Itachi's eyes, so his Susano's weapon is the Ten Fist Sword. If he is stabbed by this sword with sealing ability, he will be permanently sealed.

Although he didn't know the effect in the game, Li Tianyu didn't want to risk his life.

"The next target..." Li Tianyu turned to Zhang Yun. During the melee, the healing was solved, and the second one was of course the support. However, Zhang Yun is not easy to deal with. Renzhuli's ability is too fleshy. Difficult to kill quickly.

In addition, Zhang Yun itself has the ability to run wild. Judging from the fact that Zhang Yun has no way to use chakra to form a complete Kyuubi state, he should not be a perfect Jinchuriki. At this time, he can still make Kyuubi run away. It would be very troublesome if the matter developed to that point, so Zhang Yun was not his second goal.

Li Tianyu turned his attention to Hu Jianfeng. This guy is really difficult to deal with. His kaleidoscope Sharingan ability is too much of a threat to him under the condition of infinite chakra, so he must be dealt with as soon as possible.

"Then forcibly break through Susano's defense..." Li Tianyu frowned and thought to himself, and threw Wan Lei towards Susano. Wan Lei was nailed to Susano's chest, and then Li Tianyu raised The hand released Wan Lei, and the thunder rolled in the sky, and then all the thunder and lightning struck towards Susano. The thunder flashed, and Susano's figure became more and more transparent.

At the moment when Susanoo's figure disappeared, Li Tianyu made a prediction in advance and threw the Thunder Grip at Hu Jianfeng and Zhang Yun. The lightning bolt shocked them both, and they were dragged towards the center .Immediately afterwards, Li Tianyu put his hands together and aimed at those two people. This was a rare opportunity. In case the release failed, he directly called out the skill: "Thunder of Chaos, Thunder Flash!"

Black lightning shot out from his hand and hit Zhang Yun and Hu Jianfeng.

However, these two people both use Chakra, so they will use the substitute technique. The moment they were hit by lightning, the two of them turned into a piece of wood with a "boom!".But Li Tianyu is for this moment, because it is impossible for these two people to move to the same position in such a tacit understanding when using the substitute technique, and Li Tianyu can predict their positions with Xinwang.

So, he raised his hand and threw a positive charge at the left and right sides. The effect of same-sex repulsion pushed the two people away in the opposite direction. Li Tianyu came to Hu Jianfeng twice in a row.This attack really surprised Hu Jianfeng, after all, Li Tianyu usually used long-range attacks.And the next moment Li Tianyu punched him in the chest, but it wasn't over yet.

The moment Li Tianyu's fist hit his chest, his arm suddenly turned into lightning, and then quickly punched out the second one-inch punch at lightning speed: "Thunderbolt combo!"

The second round hit Hu Jianfeng's chest, causing him to vomit blood and retreat.

Naruto World's pedigree and physique values ​​are average, plus Li Tianyu's fist is covered with armed domineering, and the power of 15 points makes this punch more powerful, which should be enough to make Hu Jianfeng lose his action.

The battle on the field is still going on at the moment, because Dong Yue can't keep up with Li Tianyu's speed, so he doesn't know who to fight with at the moment.Therefore, Li Tianyu focused on Ye Tiancheng: he was almost sure that Ye Tiancheng's mission was different from theirs, that is, players from other forces, and getting rid of him as soon as possible was the right choice.

What's more, the fact that Ye Tiancheng lied to him also made him very upset.

Indeed, he didn't think that Ye Tiancheng's character was like a person who would engage in conspiracies, but if it was a mission requirement, that's another story.People are egoistic in nature, as long as it is good for themselves, they can always find excuses to do things they don't want to do.

For example, Li Tianyu may not want to kill other players, but if the task clearly requires him to kill a certain player in order to win, then he will definitely do it without hesitation.Because he can comfort himself: This is a mission requirement, and I can't help it.As long as you can barely live with your conscience, it will be fine.

At this moment, Ye Tiancheng was concentrating on fighting Chang Jingwen. He couldn't find a chance to activate the "Infinite Sword System", because the Infinite Sword System is an inherent enchantment, and this enchantment will forcibly capture everyone on the scene. It will become the target of all other players, so theoretically speaking, this ability is more suitable for heads-up, not for chaos.

"Hmph..." Li Tianyu saw the opportunity and prepared to use the thunder gun Yin Ye Tiancheng to shoot.

However, just as he was about to throw the thunder gun, Dong Yue suddenly stood in front of him.Li Tianyu didn't care, he injected the armed domineering energy into the thunder gun, the thunder of chaos could not be reflected, so he could kill Dong Yue first.

However, the next moment, Li Tianyu suddenly noticed that Dong Yue was covered with scars, and he was shocked.

"Revenge and counterattack!" Dong Yue raised his hand and aimed at Li Tianyu, and a strong impact came oncoming.

This ability also comes from the ability of "Seven Deadly Sins" Remeliodas. Unlike the full counterattack that completely rebounds the magic attack, the revenge counterattack absorbs and accumulates all the damage suffered by the caster and releases it all at once.Judging from Dong Yue's appearance, he should have suffered a lot of attacks, and the power of this revenge counterattack must not be weak.

"Tianyu!" At this time, Shen Yan suddenly landed in front of Li Tianyu, raised the guardian silver bracelets and collided with each other, a circle of shock waves spread with her as the center, and collided with the shock of revenge and counterattack.The principle of guarding the silver bracelet is actually the same as revenge and counterattack, but it is still weaker in the end. Shen Yan was shocked and flew backwards, hitting Li Tianyu's arms.

Li Tianyu let out a muffled snort, and flew more than ten meters with Shen Yan in his arms, before sliding to a stop on the beach.

"Stinky woman, you still have the heart to protect your man during the battle! I'll hammer you two into flesh!" Yang Xing roared and rushed towards Li Tianyu. Li Tianyu put his arms around Shen Yan's shoulders, With a flash of cold light, the domineering aura spread out around him. Yang Xing's expression became dull immediately, and he slammed headfirst into the beach.

Li Tianyu turned his right leg into lightning, and swept Yang Xing's face with a hazy kick.And Liu Zihao fell from the sky at this time, the long sword protruding from the arm of the battle suit passed Yang Xing's chest, and then he raised his left arm and aimed at Yang Xing and fired a flying rope of Hailou Stone, which entangled Yang Xing's body , this guy fell heavily from mid-air on the beach, stirring up a circle of sand.

"Ahhh!" Su Wei who had disappeared to the scene with Liu Zihao before followed up again, and rushed towards Liu Zihao hysterically.With a cold snort, Shen Yan broke free from Li Tianyu's arms, then put on the diamond armor, and closed the shield in her hand to block Su Wei's fist.When the sound of the bell rang, Li Tianyu only felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered, and he became dizzy for a while.

Shen Yan fell backwards on the beach, the heavy shield in her hand was smashed to pieces.However, Su Wei also held his fists with a painful expression, and blood kept dripping from his hands.Although the ability of "removing the limiter" is invincible on the protagonist Saitama in the original work, but in this game it simply increases the character's attributes.

The specific power of the ability still depends on the level of the ability, and how to match and use it.

"Let's go!" Li Tianyu kicked Yang Xing, Yang Xing rolled and flew out, then fell into the sea with a "plop", and sank instantly.Then Li Tianyu supported Shen Yan to stand up, and a qigong wave exploded not far from them.

The strong impact caused Li Tianyu to be sent flying before he could make a defensive move. Shen Yan in her arms hugged him tightly, so the two barely stabilized their bodies and rolled and fell into the sea.

Li Tianyu felt that he had lost all his strength for a moment, but luckily Shen Yan was beside him right now, carrying his arms on his shoulders and flying out of the sea again.

He had just emerged from under the sea, and a Shuilijian shot flew towards him.

"Water escape, water surges!" At this time, Lin Muxue suddenly appeared and raised her hand to make a seal.

As a result, the current rose upwards, taking Li Tianyu and Shen Yan to fly up from the sea, avoiding the spiral pill shuriken, and falling towards the beach.But Li Tianyu hadn't recovered his strength yet, so Shen Yan hugged him and landed steadily on the beach.

"Tianyu, can you use your ability?" Shen Yan asked worriedly.

"For now...not yet, we need to wait a while." Li Tianyu shook his head feebly.

"Nan Xing, Nan Xing!" Shen Yan waved to a thin figure in front, "Come and look at you Brother Tianyu!"

Zheng Nanxing responded, and came to Li Tianyu's side to support him: "Brother Tianyu, are you alright?"

Li Tianyu shook his head. In fact, he was not seriously injured. In other words, he was shocked by the aftermath of the Qigong wave just now. It was mainly because he fell into the sea and his body was weak.The battle on the scene was still going on at this moment, and he didn't know how many players had been eliminated and how many players were still continuing to fight.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of sword energy came towards him, and Zheng Nanxing quickly raised his hand to bounce the sword energy away.

"Get the seawater off my body..." Li Tianyu said weakly.

"Oh, oh!" Zheng Nanxing responded, raised his hand to point at Li Tianyu, a hot wind swirled around him, like a hair dryer, and quickly dried the sea water on his body.And Li Tianyu immediately raised his hand after recovering his ability, and the black lightning gathered into a huge thunder ball above his head. His action also attracted the attention of all the players on the scene.

"Don't let him condense into shape!" Zhang Yun shouted immediately, and then raised his hand to form a seal, "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Zhang Yun's shadow clones rushed towards Li Tianyu, but the densely packed treasures fell from the air, smashing those shadow clones in an instant.But Chang Jingwen came to cover Li Tianyu, and Ye Tiancheng over there had a gap, he raised his hand and drew his bow towards Li Tianyu, a dazzling golden light flashed from his hand: "Must win... the golden sword, Caliburn! "

The golden sword flew out from his fingertips and quickly flew towards Li Tianyu, but now Li Tianyu has no time to control it, so he can only hand it over to his teammates.Several vibrating gold shields descended from the sky ten meters in front of him, blocking the golden sword.

However, the power of the golden sword was still too strong. There was a sound of "ping-pong", and the vibrating gold shield was scattered, and the golden sword pierced through the shield and flew in front of Li Tianyu.But then Shi Chao came to Li Tianyu in a blink of an eye, shouted angrily, and the black knife in his hand turned into a black light, sparks splashed, and the golden light was bounced away.

At this moment, Li Tianyu's Lei Ying had already formed, he gritted his teeth, and threw Lei Ying towards Zhang Yun and the others with all his strength.Seeing this, Chen Xu immediately brought Wang Yang back to them to avoid being affected by Lei Ying.

The hostile players gathered together, preparing to work together to block this thunder.

"Psychic art, triple Rashomon!" Zhang Yun pressed his seal on the ground, and three Rashomons rose from in front of him, and collided with Lei Ying. The dazzling light illuminated the audience, and the sound of thunder It rang in the ear, and the vision and hearing were blocked for a while.

A circle of shock waves spread out, shaking players on both sides to the ground, and then black lightning began to wreak havoc on the island, beating frantically.I don't know how long it took, but when everything finally calmed down, the chaos finally stopped.

This half of the entire large island is already a mess, the ground is covered with ferocious cracks, and it has already turned into scorched earth, and this thunderous welcome also temporarily brought the first round of the battle to a close.

However, the players at the scene had no intention of stopping. They just took a short break to prepare for the second round.What really brought the battle to an end was the roar of a "monster". The roar sounded from afar. Everyone couldn't help but turn their heads and look towards the sea. A huge cruise ship was on the sea in their sight, almost A lifeboat is being lowered from the cruise ship and should be here for rescue.

For a moment, every tense player seemed to be discouraged, feeling that he had no strength in his body, and just stared blankly at the approaching lifeboats.

"This... the system really put on a good show for us." Li Tianyu couldn't help but muttered to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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