Chapter 26
When they came to the familiar preparation room, the task requirements also appeared in front of them: support until the end of the polar night, and save as many survivors as possible.The game is about to start, 10, 9, 8...

After a while, the game officially started, and the scene also came to the movie scene of Eye Thirty.At that time, Li Tianyu felt a chill.

Thirty Nights tells a story that happened in a small town in Alaska.

This small town is located on the edge of Alaska. Because it is close to the pole, there will be 30 days without daylight every year, which is a night that lasts for 30 days.And it was during such a 30-day night that a group of ancient vampires attacked the town.

During the time when the vampires ravaged the town, the hero and heroine desperately tried to survive, and the vampires wanted to slaughter the entire town before the end of the 30-day night.

Li Tianyu checked his condition. He was still wearing the clothes he wore in the outside world. In such a polar environment, he probably would have been frozen to death with this kind of clothing, but in fact he didn't feel very cold.

This should also be the role of the game, the current state of the player can adapt to any task scenario.Now, though, he's in a dark hut, and he's alone in the whole house.Li Tianyu prepared to figure out the situation outside as usual, so he quietly came to the window and looked at the situation outside.

Now the town is still very calm, it seems that it has not been attacked by vampires yet.

"Anyway, let's meet Shen Yan first. It would be better if we could find another player." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, and then took out his mobile phone. However, there were only three players participating in the game this time, which was actually a bit unfavorable.

In a scene like this, the task is inherently difficult, and players need to cooperate to win, but only three players have joined.You must know that there are only four people in total, one less for four players and one less for sixteen players, the difference is obvious.Before the vampires came to attack, they had to prepare in advance.

"I'm outside, come out and find me." At this moment, Shen Yan sent him a message.

Li Tianyu replied, and then walked downstairs from the cabin where he was.He is currently located in the attic of this log cabin, and when he came downstairs, he discovered that the log cabin he was in was a hunting supplies store.

"Huh?" Li Tianyu looked at the hunting supplies curiously and suddenly began to ponder.There is no one else in this store. Judging from the situation where he was born, this store should belong to him.The store sells a variety of hunting supplies, including shotguns, bullets and traps, but the quantity is not large. After all, this is just a small town, with only a hundred people in the whole town.

Li Tianyu roughly counted, there were about seven or eight rifles and a dozen or so pistols, as well as some hunting knives and traps. Recalling the purpose of this mission, he seemed to have thought of something.

Then he went outside to meet Shen Yan, but when he passed by, another girl was already there.

Judging from the cool summer dress she was wearing, it was obvious that she was also a player.This girl is thin and small, about 1.5 meters three-five-four, but because of her very slender figure, she looks tall despite being short.Judging from his figure, he looks like a junior high school student, but judging from his appearance, he should be an adult, maybe a college student.

This girl is not only petite, but also very delicate in appearance. She has a bob hair, a small nose and mouth, but only big eyes. She is the type of little bird that easily arouses people's desire to protect her, and her expression is very innocent. brilliant.It's a pity that Li Tianyu has never liked this type of girl, because it feels fake, and the cuteness and sweetness are all pretended.

"Who is this?" Li Tianyu frowned and asked, the girl smiled and stretched out her hand to him and said, "Hi, my name is Zheng Nanxing, and I am also a horror movie and game lover. I really wanted to participate last time." ,but……"

Li Tianyu didn't give her a chance to continue, turned to Shen Yan and asked, "What is your birth point?"

"It's a small supermarket over there." Shen Yan pointed behind her and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"What about you?" Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing again, and Zheng Nanxing replied, "I'm in a small bar over there. By the way, you haven't told me your name yet."

"Sure enough." Li Tianyu murmured, "The birth point of each of us is useful. My birth point is a hunting supplies store, and there are some weapons in it. I think these should be for us to distribute For the survivors."

"How?" Shen Yan asked, and Li Tianyu explained: "Do you still remember the mission requirements? The mission requirement is to save as many survivors as possible, which means that the reward of this mission may be related to the number of survivors. If we do nothing, the mission will fail when all survivors die."

"Oh, I understand." Zheng Nanxing nodded suddenly, "Does this mission allow us to gather the supplies in our store, and then help the citizens here avoid those vampires and survive?"

"That's right, I think there is another player, and his birth point should be very important, let's look for it." Li Tianyu said, speeding up to the town, there are still many people in the town Yes, so Li Tianyu suddenly grabbed the shoulder of a passing buddy, and said with a look of horror: "Vampires are coming to attack us, this town is going to end!"

The foreign buddy just gave Li Tianyu a distasteful look, then left after saying "freak".

"Sure enough, it's impossible to warn these people of the vampire's arrival in advance." Li Tianyu muttered to himself.

"Little brother, you are amazing, your thinking is so clear!" Zheng Nanxing sighed with admiration.

"Pull it down, don't think that if you are cute, I will let you hide behind and do nothing, work for me." Li Tianyu said angrily, and then noticed a beautiful three-story western-style building in front of him.The reason why I noticed this building was firstly because it was the most luxurious building in the town, and secondly because it was also pitch black.

Judging from his birth point, only the building where the player was born is dark, while other buildings in the town are lit.So he thought about it, and soon he had a general idea of ​​the game in his mind.

"Let's go, let's go to that luxury villa. I bet there must be an underground air-raid shelter or a basement or something." Li Tianyu pointed to the villa and said.

(End of this chapter)

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