Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 273 Trigger the plot

Chapter 273 Trigger the plot
After deciding on the details, tonight is the last cleaning operation.There are still two red areas waiting for them to deal with. After these two red areas are cleared, they can launch a general attack on Baine.Li Tianyu decided to split up tonight, he and Zheng Nanxing were in charge, while Liu Zihao and Shen Yan were in charge.

"Let's go, let's go." Li Tianyu pressed Zheng Nanxing's head and said.

"Oh!" Zheng Nanxing responded, and then floated into the air to catch up with Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu opened his heart network and sensed that the number of thugs in the city has been greatly reduced, which is reflected in various details when they act.

In addition to Gotham City itself becoming more lively, there are some other details.For example, when they were cleaning up before, not only the thugs from the entire block would come to support them, but Bain would also send people. Back then, Killer Crocodile came along with Bain's patrol team.But now, there will be no more bosses appearing.

In addition to Bain's patrol team, the number of thugs in the red area has also decreased a lot, but they are no longer scattered as before, but gathered together in large groups, as if they were wary of Li Tianyu's arrival .

It's no wonder, after all, Li Tianyu and the others come out to fight criminals every night, so it's normal to be wary.

Li Tianyu landed on the roof of a building, opened his heart net to scan, and immediately knew the distribution of the enemies below, and Zheng Nanxing also landed beside him.Li Tianyu asked: "Who do you think will be the current boss?"

"Hey? Brother Tianyu, did you ask me?" Zheng Nanxing asked in surprise, "You never ask me these things?"

"Killer Crocodile, Poison Ivy, Shark King... What are the remaining villains of Batman?" Li Tianyu rested his chin in thought.

"What, I was talking to myself..." Zheng Nanxing puffed up his cheeks and complained.

Boss bosses are still quite tricky. For example, Poison Ivy's ability can restrain Li Tianyu very much. Even if Li Tianyu can't be charmed, Poison Ivy's poison is still very deadly.However, he didn't know much about the villains in the DC world, so he asked Zheng Nanxing for advice.But instead of guessing, it is more straightforward to look directly.

Li Tianyu made sure that the heart network was turned on, and then turned to Zheng Nanxing and said: "Don't give me buffs, just boost my lightning. You should be able to boost manually, right?"

Zheng Nanxing nodded, and then Li Tianyu raised his right hand to the sky, and released a divine punishment.

On the other hand, Zheng Nanxing pointed his palm at the dark clouds in the sky, and there was a roar of thunder and lightning in the air, and then a black lightning fell to the place where the crowd was densest below, and there was a scream, and he fell down immediately. Blockbuster enemies.The Thunder of Chaos and Zheng Nanxing's increase greatly increased the power of thunder and lightning, which was no longer what Li Tianyu did when he was fighting alone.

"This power..." Li Tianyu couldn't help laughing secretly, "Go on, little girl!"

"Well, let's go, Brother Tianyu!" Zheng Nanxing nodded, and raised his hands in a stance.

Li Tianyu originally just wanted to attack this group of thugs, and then wait for the leader of the villain to appear to see who the other party is before considering the next plan, but to his surprise, no new leader appeared.

Until they cleaned up the block, there were no boss-level enemies to support them.This situation made Li Tianyu feel a little puzzled. The only explanation was that the rout of the thugs had a negative impact on the entire villain force.

And when Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing rushed to support Liu Zihao and Shen Yan, the situation was the same on their side. There were only some miscellaneous soldiers left, without any bosses, and the number and quality of the enemies were not particularly high, so it was easy to win .

After the battle, the four of Li Tianyu returned to the Batcave together, preparing to rest for the night.

"It seems that the villain has been defeated." Li Tianyu paced back and forth in the room and said, "They are severely understaffed, and they no longer have a strong leader. I think this is a sign that it is time for us to take action .”

"Indeed." Liu Zihao said lazily, leaning on his arm: "With the current strength of these villains, I am afraid that the police in Gotham City can defeat them...if you give them some more weapons."

"In short, let's have a good night's rest tonight. Tomorrow is the decisive battle. Act according to the plan." Li Tianyu said and pointed to Shen Yan, "Go to the bridge with Catwoman and John, there may be enemies or even bosses over there Fighting, the next plot will be triggered after you clean it up. Liu Zihao, you too, follow Director Gordon. Little girl, you follow me, lead the police to fight Bain's men at the beginning, and then I will fight with Bain One-on-one, you and the police deal with Bane's men."

"Received!" "Understood." "Okay, Brother Tianyu!" The three of them responded, and Li Tianyu nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, let's go to bed early after dinner. What's delicious today? Really? Let’s raid Batman’s personal collection and have a most extravagant late-night snack, treat it like the last supper.”

"Bah, bah, bah." Shen Yan said unhappily, "Don't say it's unlucky, this is called a celebration banquet."

Saying that, Shen Yan stood up and hopped towards the wine cellar: "I saw a bottle of bourbon yesterday, since it's in Batman's wine cellar, it must be unusual, I'll open it and try it taste."

"Help me see if there is Coca-Cola, the best-selling drink in the world." Li Tianyu raised his hand to remind, while Liu Zihao got up and went to the refrigerator to find something to eat: "I'll go and see if there is any wagyu beef, try something else tonight Law."

Their last supper was a sub burger made of prime venison, each quartered.

"I wish tomorrow's operation a success." Shen Yan raised the wine glass and said, then clinked glasses with Li Tianyu, took a sip of the amber liquid in the glass, and sighed: "Mmmm! It smells so good! It must be a high-end product! It's a pity that I can't clean up Batman's collection before going out..."

"Should we delay the task a little bit so that you can enjoy it for a few more days?" Li Tianyu asked angrily, Shen Yan squinted at him, sipped his wine and said, "I just said that, why did I say that?" It seems that people are very materialistic."

Li Tianyu didn't continue talking, after all, it's normal to yearn for the life of the rich, and now his focus is still on the task.Although the difficulty of the current mission has temporarily dropped, the final battle with Baine is still unknown.

Last time he was completely crushed by Bain's tactics, and it is uncertain whether he can win this time.

But think about it carefully, the last time Bain fought him, even though it was a one-on-one fight, but Bain used his men as human shields to consume his Chaos Thunder. Help him delay Bane's subordinates, in a completely fair 1v1 situation, he should not be afraid of Bane, Bane doesn't have self-healing ability like Shark King...

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu also fell asleep in peace, but this sleep did not make him sleep so peacefully.

Feeling like he hadn't slept for a while, his phone vibrated, waking him up.

"Who!? Calling so late, crazy!" Li Tianyu said angrily.

He was a little sleepy at the moment, but then he recalled that he was in the mission scene, and it was impossible for outsiders to call him. Except for other players, the only ones who could call him were those in the mission scene The NPC who knows his number, that is to say, the person calling this number is...

"Director Gordon has been arrested! You must hurry to rescue him!" John said anxiously on the other end of the phone, "He was taken to the court to accept the trial of those lunatics. We all know that there is only a dead end to go to that place! "

Hearing this, Li Tianyu calmed down instead, and he responded lightly: "I see, I'll go right away."

With that said, Li Tianyu hung up the phone, and now Shen Yan sat up from the bed and looked at him.

"The mission has begun." Li Tianyu nodded to Shen Yan, "I'm afraid that the main plot is automatically triggered because the danger level has been reduced to a certain level. We just need to follow the plot, and if it goes well, we will be able to complete the mission."

The current plot is exactly the plot before Batman came back in the original work. At that time, the hiding place of Director Gordon and other policemen was discovered by Bane's men, so Bane came to the door in person, killed a group of rebels, and then sent Commissioner Gordon and some remnants of the police brought him back to court, tried him, and sent him into exile.

It is said to be exile, but in fact, those tortured are forced to walk on the frozen lake. After walking a few steps, they will fall into the water and be frozen to death. Therefore, it is the same as the death penalty. This is also the scarecrow's favorite trick.After Director Gordon was sentenced to exile, Batman officially launched the operation, and they just had to follow Batman's procedures.

Of course, these processes are not mandatory. Of course, players should also be able to act according to their own wishes, and may also trigger some hidden achievements.But rather than taking risks to discover those uncertain hidden achievements, he would rather pursue safety, first ensure the success of the task, and then pursue the evaluation of "perfect interpretation" on the premise of success.

Having done a few perfect performances, now Li Tianyu has a certain understanding of this evaluation. He basically follows the plot of the original work and reproduces the original work perfectly, so that he can get the perfect performance score.

"Let's go, let's get ready first." Li Tianyu replied, "Bring gasoline and go to the Gotham Bridge."

The execution place is under the bridge in Gotham, and those thugs will force them to walk on the ice, but because there is still a trial process, when Li Tianyu and the others arrive, the bridge is now empty.

"Brother Tianyu..." Zheng Nanxing pulled Li Tianyu's hand, then pointed to the lake.

Li Tianyu looked along her pointing, and could vaguely see some pale floating corpses on the ice, which should be people who were exiled here in the past and then fell under the ice.

"It's just an NPC, children don't look at these." Li Tianyu covered Zheng Nanxing's eyes and said.

"Well! Brother Tianyu protects me!" Zheng Nanxing seemed to like the feeling of being treated like a child by him, and said cheerfully hugging his waist.And Li Tianyu pointed to Liu Zihao and said, "Pour gasoline on the ice and draw a bat pattern on the bridge, just like in the movie. Do you remember what it was like?"

"Oh, don't worry! I'll let Jarvis do the painting!" Liu Zihao said impatiently, "What do you mean by hugging a girl and pointing fingers at me?! You should hug me if you want to hug her... "

After they finished their preparations, Li Tianyu ordered them to take their positions, and then he stayed here alone.

After a while, seven or eight thugs brought Director Gordon and a group of policemen with their guns to our side, and then pushed them with their guns, signaling them to move forward on the ice. Li Tianyu knew that his opportunity to act had come. .

"I'm a little excited..." Li Tianyu took a deep breath, his heart agitated by the feeling of being a hero.

After Director Gordon took a few steps, he saw the signal light left by Li Tianyu on the ground.

"It's time for me to appear on stage." Li Tianyu reminded Zheng Nanxing who was beside him.

Zheng Nanxing nodded, and gave Li Tianyu the boost of thunder and echo, and then Li Tianyu clenched his fists at the gangsters with guns and released the grip of thunder, and the gangsters were immediately pulled together by his thunder and lightning. , a black thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting the red heart.After knocking down these thugs, Li Tianyu fell behind Chief Gordon.

"Light it up." Li Tianyu said the Batman lines as calmly as possible.

Director Gordon picked up the signal light from the ground and turned it on, then tremblingly ignited the traces of gasoline on the ground, so the flames spread across the ice and spread all the way to the pillars of the Gotham Bridge, reflecting bats Traces of the hero.

"He's back..." Commissioner Gordon muttered to himself looking at the mark of Batman.

At this moment, the entire Gotham City noticed the burning bat, and so did Bane.The righteous are inspired by it, and the wicked tremble inwardly. This is the hero.Batman is not just a character, but a symbol.

"No." Li Tianyu replied lightly, "He never left."

Director Gordon looked back at him, the astonishment on his face hadn't dissipated: "What do you need me to do?"

"Here you are." Li Tianyu took out the signal blocker that Lucius Fox made for him from his arms, and handed it to Director Gordon, "This thing can block the detonation signal, but the effective range is only twenty yards. You need to take someone to find the truck that delivered the nuclear bomb, and then stop it from detonating. In the meantime, I will find Bane and defeat him."

Director Gordon's expression became firm, and he reached out to take the blocker: "Leave it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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