Chapter 287 Prey
Although the development of this mission scene so far should be ups and downs for those humans on the street, but for these players, it is just a prelude, and the real highlight will start next.But for now, only human players have joined the battlefield, and the Predator forces still haven't joined.

"Don't you take this opportunity to eliminate the human players?" Xia Ning asked tentatively, "Now that the Predator has not joined, now is the best chance to deal with them."

Li Tianyu just shook his head: "It doesn't make sense. They can be reborn by consuming ten humans after they die. The number of humans we consume is to expand the number of aliens, not to kill players. Contacting them is meaningless."

"It also makes sense." Shi Chao thought for a while and replied, Li Tianyu continued to explain: "We just need to observe their battles through the bee drone and find out their information. Killing them is just a waste of energy."

Therefore, everyone can start to prepare for action. Li Tianyu's advantage is that even in this stalactite cave, he can perceive everyone's movement even if he opens the heart network.

Although the hostile player already knows that there is a certain blind spot in his heart network and will consciously avoid it, but to come here to start a search and rescue mission, he must move, so Li Tianyu must be able to find them.

And now, a convoy is approaching the forest.There are six cars in total, with sixteen people on board. I don't know their identities, but it is certain that not all the players from the human side came, because there are eight players, and it is impossible for the search and rescue team to have only eight.After all, six young people are missing, their parents must be very worried, and some parents will follow.

Therefore, Li Tianyu deduced that there should only be one or two players from the human forces, and the rest should be waiting for the aliens to appear in the small town.That being the case, Li Tianyu decided to add another layer of suspicion.

He used the alien raid to cover up their purpose of transferring the queen, and hid the queen somewhere in the town without the human forces being aware of it, produced alien eggs, and then asked the alien guards to dig them out for "breeding" "Go to the ground" to make the human forces mistakenly think that the queen is somewhere underground, so that his plan will be successful.

As the so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, as long as they don't know that the alien queen is hiding somewhere in the town, they can increase the number of aliens without limit.And even if they lose a large number of aliens in a conflict, as long as the Queen is still there, they have a chance to make a comeback.

"Okay, let's act according to the plan." Li Tianyu said, and took the lead to rush forward.

They arranged three aliens to face the search and rescue team, and then placed a bee drone next to the three aliens to observe the situation, and they themselves brought twelve aliens to the town to capture humans and go back Parasitic also attracts the attention of these human players, and then all the remaining aliens are responsible for taking the queen to transfer.

The hiding place they found for the Queen is located under an abandoned warehouse. There are many cargo boxes piled up on the warehouse, and the warehouse below is actually a missile base. It should have been used to store these missiles during the war in the past, and it is now abandoned. The way back to the top of the factory was also blocked.There's a lot of space, perfect for hiding the Alien Queen there.

After starting to act, Li Tianyu, Shen Yan and the others split up. Eight people were divided into four teams, and each team rushed to the small town with three aliens.The distribution of the teams is slightly different from last time. This time Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing are on the first team, Shen Yan and Chang Jingwen are on the first team, Liu Zihao and Lin Muxue are on the first team, and Xia Ning and Shi Chao are on the first team.

"Brother Tianyu, you don't need to change your battle clothes anymore, I'll take you flying." Zheng Nanxing replied, raising his hand to point at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu only felt that his feet were light, and his whole body floated into the air, and then followed Zheng Nanxing, but he couldn't control himself, so Zheng Nanxing could only take him away.

But this is also good, when Zheng Nanxing is flying with him, he can open his heart network from time to time to pay attention to whether there are enemies around.This is a small town, and there are not many people coming and going. After advancing for about 5 minutes, Li Tianyu sensed that the convoy was approaching.So he quickly ordered to Zheng Nanxing: "Be careful, the convoy is approaching, let's land first."

Therefore, they landed on the ground and kept still, and kept away from the road. No matter how many hostile players came over, they had to follow the rescue team, so Li Tianyu only needed to avoid the road for a certain distance.

Now the full-level knowledge-colored domineering is within a range of 100 meters. As long as they avoid this distance, no enemy will be able to find them.So they landed in the wasteland beside the road and waited for the convoy to pass.

"Brother Tianyu, can you see them clearly?" Zheng Nanxing whispered beside him.

"Hush..." Li Tianyu signaled her to whisper, then put on the Thor armor, and sent the bee drone to the side of the road to wait for the convoy to approach, so as to check who the human players were coming over.

A few headlights approached from the end of the road, so Li Tianyu switched the mask's field of view to the bee drone to check.And the moment the convoy flashed past the bee drone, Li Tianyu saw two familiar people.

Ye Tiancheng and Zhang Yun... Li Tianyu was secretly upset when he saw these two people.He also knew the purpose of these two people's choice of human forces: the ability of rebirth matched their abilities very well.

Ye Tiancheng has the pedigree of Hawkeye and can project a bunch of treasures. Although he is very fragile, he is very difficult to kill. He only has a chance to kill him if he makes a mistake once.Although the damage of human blood is increased by 100%, Ye Tiancheng is difficult to be hit, so this disadvantage does not matter at all, and even if he makes a mistake, he can be reborn by consuming ten humans, and the fault tolerance is terribly high.

The same is true for Zhang Yun, he has the ability to run away, and now he has the ability to regenerate, so he can forcefully kill all players by relying on infinite rebirth and running away.Just thinking about this pairing gives me a headache.

However, they also have their advantages. In the case of receiving a 100% damage bonus, even if Zhang Yun goes berserk and enters the Nine-Tails state, they can quickly kill his transformed Nine-Tails.After all, the player's ability is almost at full level. In theory, they already have the strength close to that of Nine Tails, so it is not difficult to kill a Nine Tails.

Judging from these two people, their team should be Zhang Yun and Guang Deyuan, and if Ye Tiancheng is there, Dong Yue, Li Bowen, and the guy named Zhao Feng with the Platinum Star must also be there.As for Zhang Yun's other two teammates, I am not sure.

And now Li Tianyu knows the names and the players who are sure to survive are Ivan, Hu Jianfeng, Wang Yi, and Yang Xing. These four are old opponents, and Chen Xu and Wang Yang, who use the ability of the Flash, are in the same bond. six people.

The life and death of other players like Liu Junkai is unknown, and it should be revealed in the next battle.After Li Tianyu waited for the convoy to go far away, he and Zheng Nanxing continued to move forward.

When they came to the town, they hid behind the building and moved carefully.

Because in the eyes of humans, they are in a state of abnormal shape, so they must be careful to hide their body shape.

"This small town is so beautiful." Zheng Nanxing couldn't help sighing, "I will come to such a small town to live my life when I get old."

"The little girl who hasn't arrived yet has started fantasizing about taking care of her life, wake up, there are still many things that will torture you in your life." Li Tianyu poked Zheng Nanxing's forehead angrily and reprimanded, But he can understand Zheng Nanxing's meaning. Although the town is not very big, the environment is quite good, and the buildings exude an atmosphere of the 70s.

This is probably the so-called slow-paced residence. Living here should be quite comfortable, but this comfort will be completely destroyed by the coming attacks of aliens and predators.

It's already dark now, and there aren't too many people strolling outside in the small town. The biggest advantage of this kind of small town in foreign countries is that the population density is small, and there are only about [-] people living in such a large piece of land.

With such a sparse population density, they can move without being detected.When they came to the area they were in charge of, the alien had already climbed up from the underground tunnel dug in advance, and joined them on the ground.In the area they were in charge of, the entrance and exit of the alien was the drain of a canning factory.

"Let's act, don't be discovered by humans, and try to pick those who are alone." Li Tianyu told the three aliens, "It doesn't matter if you can't catch people, you must not leave witnesses alive, understand?"

The alien grinned and nodded, then crawled on the ground like a dog, and disappeared into the darkness in the blink of an eye.The noiselessness with which the creatures moved was terrifying.But the Alien and the others launched their actions, so Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing naturally couldn't be idle, and planned to arrest a few people and go back to breed the Alien.

Li Tianyu opened his heart net, then pointed to the right side, and told Zheng Nanxing, "Come here."

After walking for a while, they saw a street gangster and a young girl at the entrance of the alley in front of them. It seemed that they were trading some kind of illegal drugs. Passed a pack of medicine I don't know what it was.Li Tianyu nodded to Zheng Nanxing: "Let's do it..."

As he spoke, Li Tianyu pointed his index finger at the two men and threw a small electric shock.

But when he raised his index finger, those two people were still standing there, but it seemed that at the next moment, those two people suddenly disappeared.Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses the next moment, secretly screaming: No, it's the ability of Platinum Star!
Zheng Nanxing immediately grabbed Li Tianyu's arm, and in the next moment, a figure was shaken and retreated, and that figure dissipated immediately, revealing Zhao Feng behind him with a face of unwillingness.

"That's right... shield." Li Tianyu suddenly realized that it was Zheng Nanxing's automatic shield that saved them.

The shield is the nemesis of the time performance ability of the Platinum Star, because as long as there is a shield, even if time stops, the Platinum Star cannot attack him.It is precisely because time is still that the shield becomes indestructible.

Even if the shield is really broken, it will not shatter because of the static time, and it will not shatter until the static time is lifted.So if you encounter a Platinum Star player, you only need to wrap yourself with shield-like skills to avoid being restrained by the Platinum Star's time stop ability.This also taught Li Tianyu a lesson.

However, facing Zhao Feng in front of him, Li Tianyu was not very surprised. Originally, their purpose was to create an illusion so that the players of human forces would not find out their purpose of transferring the queen.

The two players followed the rescue team to the forest, and there should be six players left in the city.

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhao Feng, and found that his fist was full of blood, which should have been shaken out when Platinum Star attacked Zheng Nanxing's shield just now.It stands to reason that Platinum Star should not be so vulnerable when he reaches the full level. This should be because he has a passive that increases damage by 100%.

Thinking about it this way, joining humans is really irrational for players like Li Bowen and Zhao Feng who use stand-ins.

The disadvantage of the stand-in messenger itself is that both the stand-in and the stand-in messenger are very fragile. It is hard to make the stand-in more resistant to beating after the ability is fully charged, and now it has become the previous fragile state because of the 100% vulnerability debuff.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu sneered, and without a word, he threw a thunder gun over.The shadow of Platinum Star appeared again in front of Zhao Feng, waved away the lightning gun, but the lightning still hurt his body.

"Oh!" Zhao Feng's expression was extremely painful, and he knelt down on the ground clutching his hands.

"Tsk, you dare to come alone with 100% Vulnerability debuff, how courageous you are." Li Tianyu looked at Zhao Feng in front of him and sneered, Zhao Feng covered his hands and said angrily, "Are I afraid of you? If you have the ability, arrest me nest!"

"..." Li Tianyu was silent for a while: This aggressive method is too obvious.

It is obvious that the human player can consume the head to regenerate, let Li Tianyu take him to the breeding ground, and then tell his companions the location of the alien queen when he is reborn.

And Li Tianyu would not give him such an opportunity, before the other party could say a second sentence, he threw the Thunder Dragon of Chaos into Zhao Feng's face.Zhao Feng's charred body fell to the ground, slowly turning into ashes.

With this 100% vulnerable debuff, these human players are completely vulnerable to Li Tianyu's real damage.The shortcoming of Li Tianyu's ability is that the attack power is too low, and this passivity of human beings just makes up for his ability.

From this point of view, the human forces do not pose a threat at all in a single situation. Even if they are resurrected, it is free to confront players with alien forces.To put it bluntly, human forces are pure "bait" in this game.

(End of this chapter)

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