Chapter 289 Sweep
According to the plan, Li Tianyu sent three aliens to the small town to attract the attention of the Predator, and then took a comfortable bath in the small mansion transformed into a universal capsule, while having dinner with Shen Yan and the others, while preparing Watch the Predators fight.Relax and enjoy as much as possible before the fierce battle ahead.

The supplies are still distributed directly to them by the system, four coconut bento seeds.

"Tianyu, serve me some fried rice with eggs." Shen Yan said as she handed her bowl to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu served her some fried rice, and then continued to look at the screen sent by the bee drone.

"Where do you think the birth point of the Predator will be?" Liu Zihao asked, sucking on his noodles.

"There is no fixed point?" Li Tianyu sucked the sauce on his finger and said, "Predators are usually born on spaceships, and their spaceships can be invisible, so the birth point should be randomly in the wild area. But I I think it should be a more suitable place for their actions, because the forest where we were born is very suitable for alien actions."

The forest they are in is relatively dark, and the existence of a large number of trees is also convenient for the alien to hide and attack.But this occasion is also very suitable for the actions of the Predator.

Li Tianyu's mind was a bit confused. He estimated that it would take some time before the Predator officially started to act, because after joining the game, he would definitely check the situation first, find out the details of the map and the distribution of NPCs, and other details before launching operations, so he A little absent-minded at the moment.

However, at this moment, Zheng Nanxing suddenly pointed to the screen and said, "Brother Tianyu, you are a Predator!"

"What?" Li Tianyu woke up suddenly, and quickly turned his attention to the screen. Sure enough, he saw the two human beings below were lifted into mid-air by something transparent through their chests from behind, blood splattered everywhere.

"Damn, why did you act so quickly?" Li Tianyu frowned and said to himself, then began to adjust the drone's perspective and switch to the side of the three aliens they sent out.He originally thought that the Predator would go looking for the aliens, but that didn't seem to be the case. The three aliens they sent were ignored, and they were happily running around the town looking for prey.

So, Li Tianyu cut the camera back to the small town again.

"Tianyu, here." Shen Yan tugged at his sleeve, then pointed to a corner of the screen.

Li Tianyu quickly zoomed in on the screen, and he could see that although there were no creatures displayed on the screen, he could see some unnatural fluctuations when he looked carefully, which was obviously the Predator's stealth ability.

The Predator's invisibility is not perfect, and he can't see it at all when he is not moving, but as long as he starts to move, he can see the faint outline around him, and he can use this to determine their approximate location.

Judging from the fluctuating direction of movement, it seemed to be the two policemen sitting in the police car ahead.At this moment, the two police officers were sitting in the police car on night duty, discussing their daytime work while drinking coffee, they did not expect the danger to approach at all.After all, they are NPCs, and they don't understand the abilities of Predator like players do. Of course, even if they know them, they have no resistance.

The next ending can be imagined. The two predators suddenly appeared when they came to the side of the police car. They reached out and pulled the door from the police car abruptly. It was pulled out together with the spine.The two policemen were killed instantly without even uttering a cry.And seeing this, Li Tianyu also understood.

"The purpose of these guys is to upgrade quickly..." Li Tianyu frowned and muttered, "Do you still remember? Predators can use alien and human spines to upgrade their equipment. Collecting human spines is definitely not alien So easy to use, but the first level is definitely the easiest to upgrade."

"Then can't we let them go?" Shen Yan smiled: "Anyway, we are also going to destroy human beings?"

Li Tianyu thought about it, and felt that although Shen Yan's words were correct, there seemed to be something wrong. If the Alien and the Predator teamed up to wipe out the human race first, who would win in the end?Is it the Predator whose equipment has been upgraded to the top level, or the Alien whose number has expanded to hundreds?In fact, it is hard to say, the Predator is strong in "quality", while the Alien is strong in "quantity".

The game is still in its early stages. Since the Predator has no intention of capturing the aliens, there is no need for them to fight against the Predator. Why not take advantage of this opportunity to steal development and continue to expand the number of aliens.only……

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu seemed hesitant. In fact, this kind of behavior of the Predator made him feel very uneasy. He felt in his heart that the Predator should not be allowed to slaughter human beings like this, but it was unreasonable and groundless.

However, he feels that since the game is set as a three-party lineup, it must not be for them to quickly kill one of them in the early stage and then form a two-party one-on-one situation.After all, human beings are undoubtedly at an absolute disadvantage in the battle against aliens and predators. The two sides easily wiped out the human forces at the beginning. Isn't this setting a stupid model?
Why set up a human force?Directly set the Alien and Predator forces, and human beings are simply used as a tool for the Alien and Predator to upgrade?Isn't it completely redundant to have a human force now?

"No, we can't let the Predator wantonly massacre human beings." Li Tianyu shook his head and said, "I have no actual reason to prove it, but I just think it's a bit wrong to do so, and it doesn't conform to the setting of this game mode."

"Then do as you say." Shen Yan looked at Li Tianyu, "What do you think we should do now, then give the order, and then we will carry out what you said."

"Then..." Li Tianyu thought for a while, and continued: "The aliens who are capturing humans continue, let the three aliens as bait deal with the Predator, catch them if they can catch them, and kill them if they can't. Take this opportunity to see the difference in combat power between the Alien and the Predator. I don’t know if it’s the same as in the movie..."

In the movie, one Predator can deal with three or four aliens, but it also depends on the environment and the equipment on the Predator.That's why Li Tianyu planned to use this battle to see the combat effectiveness of the Predator before deciding on the next step.These three aliens were originally meant to be bait, and he didn't intend to let them come back alive.

After receiving the order, the alien searched for the two predators.

Although humans will be assassinated by the Predator, the aliens will not.The Predator's invisibility is only visual invisibility, but the Alien doesn't even have eyes at all, and relies on pheromone to track the enemy, so the Alien can quickly find the Predator.However, the corresponding predators can also easily find the aliens. Their masks have heat induction, which can detect the aliens in the dark.

"We're getting in touch..." Li Tianyu's expression became serious, while Liu Zihao clenched his fists beside him: "Come on, Wangcai, Ah Fu, Chang Wei! Although you are here to be bait, I believe you can do it." arrive!"

"It even has a name..." Li Tianyu complained in disbelief.

The target of the two predators at the moment was a few security guards who were on duty in a factory, and the three aliens sneaked into the factory before them.

"Who!? Who's there?" Seemingly feeling some threat, the security guard with the flashlight suddenly turned around in the corridor, raised the flashlight to take a picture, but saw nothing.He didn't know that he was already surrounded by two kinds of hunters, Alien and Predator.However, even if the security guard didn't know what a Predator was, he was aware of the anomaly.

Probably seeing the unnatural spectral fluctuations when the Predator moved, he squinted his eyes and used the flashlight to carefully illuminate the position of the Predator, but he didn't notice a sharp tail hanging down from the ceiling behind him.

The Predator didn't show up either. After all, human beings are just one of their prey.

The next moment, a black shadow flickered, and the strange-shaped tail instantly penetrated the security guard's chest.

"Uh..." The security guard looked at the alien tail protruding from his chest in astonishment, let out weak moans, and was lifted into the air by the alien.The alien hung down from the ceiling, staring at the security guard with bared teeth. The next moment, it popped out the inner nest teeth in its mouth and smashed the security guard's head to pieces.

Immediately, the alien fell from the ceiling and looked at the Predator in front of him.

The Predator also released his invisibility, shook his right hand and stabbed the blade out of the armguard.

"Hey, there is a chance..." Li Tianyu glanced at the Predator, and immediately raised his eyebrows.

The equipment of the Predator is not comprehensive. In the movie, the standard equipment of the Predator is a laser gun on the shoulder, a retractable blade on the arm, and a boomerang that can be thrown and retracted automatically, but now the Predator’s equipment is only That retractable blade is just that.And it looks like the retractable blade can't even be ejected.

If it was a Predator of this level, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to deal with three aliens.

The Predator let out a muffled growl, and then rushed towards the Alien, and the Alien also lay down on the ground, and launched a sprint towards the Predator, the two monsters passed by each other, and the Predator quickly lowered his head to dodge He grabbed the alien's tail, then swung the blade in his hand to cut off the alien's tail, and the alien let out a sharp scream.

But the xenomorph is also a very intelligent creature. It swung its tail and sprayed the Predator with acidic blood.

The Predator leaped back four or five meters with a quick leap, and his speed was completely different from the concept in the movie.This feeling... Li Tianyu recalled playing an arcade game of Alien vs. Predator when he was a child. The Predator in it had this feeling. He was extremely fast, agile, and much stronger than ordinary humans.

After leaping back, the Predator took out a mechanical ball from his pocket, four crescent blades stabbed out from the edge of the mechanical ball, and then the Predator threw the boomerang towards the alien.

The alien avoided it sideways, bared its teeth at the Predator, then jumped up, lying on the ceiling and quickly left.

The Predator raised his hand to catch the boomerang that flew back, but at this time another alien had slowly approached the Predator from the top of his head, aiming his mouth at the Predator silently, the inner nest tooth ejected violently.

However, Inner Fang didn't break the Predator's head like a watermelon.

The moment the inner fang was ejected, the Predator turned around and grabbed the inner fang ejected from the alien's mouth, then yanked it violently, pulling out the inner fang forcefully, and waved his hand again Cut off the alien's head with a single knife.

The alien's lifeless body slumped to the ground, while the Predator lightly leaped back to get some distance away, avoiding the blood splashed by the alien.The yellow-green blood quickly corroded a pit on the ground.And the third alien also took the opportunity to join the battlefield, hanging from the ceiling, its sharp tail piercing the Predator's chest.

The first alien that escaped before jumped up from behind and attacked the Predator together.

The Predator unhurriedly swung his knife and knocked off the tail of the first alien, then raised his foot to kick the injured alien behind him away, then turned around and swung his blade across the chest of the alien, stabbing this one. The alien then threw the boomerang in his hand, and the alien behind him was cut into two pieces by it.

In the end, the Predator swung his knife handsomely, staggered past the last alien figure, and shook off the dirt on the knife.The alien staggered and took two steps, then fell to the ground, his body scattered into pieces all over the ground.

This terrible strength gap simply swept across the battlefield.

"Damn, isn't this too fucking strong?" Li Tianyu couldn't help complaining, "There is no resistance."

This is the most basic Predator, and the equipment has not been upgraded. There is only a return target and a blade that cannot be fired. There is no laser gun and blade projection, and you can easily hit three...

Although the alien is not an advantage in terms of terrain, it is not a disadvantage either.Facing the Predator, the weakness of the aliens is revealed: their attack methods are too monotonous, once the assassination fails, there is almost no need to fight in frontal battles.

The only way to attack the enemy is the tail. Although the attack method of Nechaoya is powerful, it needs to be hit at a very close distance. It can also be used when dealing with humans and assassinations, which is really embarrassing.

Once the tail is cut off by the Predator, then an alien is basically abolished.

"Wang..." At this moment, Liu Zihao's lips twitched, and then he began to howl, "Wang Cai! Ah Fu! Chang Wei! No—!"

"Oh, shut up, you're making too much noise!" Shen Yan frowned and asked, "They all look the same, can you tell who they are? You're so stupid! Let's see what other Predators are doing now. What are you doing!"

(End of this chapter)

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