Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 29 Clear thinking

Chapter 29 Clear thinking
"Help? Didn't it last until 30 days?" Zheng Nanxing asked in surprise.

"How is it possible, the more the delay, the more residents will die, think about it carefully." Li Tianyu raised his index finger and explained, "In the original work, it was because of the delay that only a few people survived in the end. Is it? If we had tried to find a way to ask for help earlier, those vampires would have chosen to retreat in fear of their identities being exposed, right? Wouldn’t it be possible for a few more people to survive?”

"That's because the protagonists are just ordinary people, they can't fight vampires." Shen Yan frowned.

"We are weakened here. We are basically ordinary people. If we are besieged by too many vampires, we will definitely be killed." Li Tianyu replied, "The key is to make good use of the surviving residents here, they are also one of the game props .”

Zheng Nanxing couldn't bear to ask with a bitter face: "You mean, when the time comes, we will use the residents here as bait to attract the attention of vampires, and then repair the generator here? How cruel..."

"This is how the game works." Li Tianyu shrugged, "You can see from just now, right? Those ordinary people are actually used to delay the progress of those vampires. If you hesitate, you can save the vampires. The residents of the town will die too? So, hurry up and arrange for other residents in the town to evacuate."

The three of them acted separately, taking advantage of the opportunity of the vampire massacre in the other half of the town, distributed a limited number of ultraviolet lamps to those residents, and then informed them to hide in relatively hidden places such as their attic or basement.After the residents have hid, set up traps such as hunting traps outside.

Of course, these traps could not eliminate the vampires, they were only used as alarms to alert the civilians hiding in attics and basements.After reminding the residents of the other half of the town to evacuate, Li Tianyu, Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan also found an attic to hide, and observed the situation outside through the window.

"What are these vampires doing?" Zheng Nanxing asked looking at the vampires wandering outside.

"First do a general sweep to catch those prey that are easier to find, and then slowly search for the hidden prey." Li Tianyu explained, "The blizzard is so big and it is this extreme night state. There is no way for the residents to escape, so they are not in a hurry."

Shen Yan sighed: "Oh, at any rate, there is already a guarantee. It's thanks to you for deducing the game mechanism."

That's right, now they can see a status bar about the current game on the top of their screen, one of which is 20/120/47, where "20" is green, "120" is yellow, and "47" is red.

And this "47" is still increasing. Li Tianyu estimates that 120 is the number of residents in the town, the red ones are the number of dead residents, and the green ones are the number of residents who are already safe.

In other words, the number of refugees they rescued was already 20 by default.This is because of the "safe house" they prepared in that villa before. There are enough materials and defensive supplies in the air-raid shelter under the villa, enough for the twenty people to stay below until the end of the polar night, so the twenty An individual is considered to have survived from the moment he enters the safe house.

At this time, if you want to get the reward as soon as possible, let the vampire kill all the other residents.

However, Li Tianyu felt that the speed at which these vampires searched and survived was actually slower, and he had a faster way to end this mission.In fact, as long as the outside world asks for help, this mission should be over.

For external rescue, three steps are generally required. The first is to go to the power plant outside the town to repair the generator, the second is to return to the police station to repair the radio, and the third is to use the radio to rescue outside.

However, Li Tianyu and the three of them alone cannot accomplish these tasks, because these tasks must be completed by the residents of the town, and their roles are more like players operating a group of game soldiers.

Li Tianyu speculates that the three of them should be able to protect the residents of these towns to a certain extent, but they are just delaying them for a while. The main thing players can do is to command. Even if delaying time, the most effective way is not relying on players Stay by yourself, but use those ordinary people as bait.

"But, how do we contact other people?" Zheng Nanxing asked puzzled, "Those vampires are outside."

"Of course it was our players who contacted us." Li Tianyu replied, "We are obviously faster, and the vampires are less interested in us. Vampires are constantly patrolling the town, and we can find gaps between their patrols."

Shen Yan looked at her status bar worriedly: "However, with their continuous patrolling, the number of residents in the town is also decreasing. Basically, it will decrease by one every 10 minutes. It's not good if it continues like this."

"It should be divided into several stages. After all, there are still many people in the beginning, and the reduction is relatively fast, but it will slow down after it arrives." Li Tianyu replied, "Don't worry, after their patrol is over, We'll go and notify the others."

After speaking, Li Tianyu came to the window and said, "Do you still remember where the residents of the town are generally hiding?"

Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan shook their heads together, and the veins on Li Tianyu's forehead twitched: "You two bastards..." Then he sighed: "Then we can only act together later, I originally wanted to act separately, one at a time Notifications are in place."

However, it is not to blame Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan for not being able to remember, after all, neither of them knew about his plan.Li Tianyu himself had memorized the locations of several key people in the town in advance, namely the town electrician, the town sheriff, and the driver of the snowplow.These three people are very important in this mission. Everyone else can die but the three of them can't.

"Okay, it's almost time to act." Li Tianyu said with a sigh of relief after seeing the group of vampires go away.

"Little brother, I'll follow you." Zheng Nanxing got up immediately and said, Li Tianyu smiled dryly: "You don't know what to do anyway, right? Then follow me, just follow my orders."

After speaking, Li Tianyu took the lead in opening the door of the attic, and then walked down the stairs.

Carefully hiding the door of the attic, Li Tianyu led Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing to the street. At this moment, the heavy snow was still going on outside, but Li Tianyu remembered the hiding places of the three people very clearly.

"Listen well, here's the plan, let's go to the electrician's hideout first." Li Tianyu pointed to a grocery store not far away from them, and then pointed to the other two buildings, "After that, the sheriff and the shovel The driver of the snowmobile, the priority of these three people is that the electrician is greater than the sheriff than the driver. The driver can abandon it. The electrician can also abandon it after repairing the generator. The sheriff can only abandon it after going to the police station to send a distress signal. I also I will find some extra people to accompany me, and those people will be used as bait."

"Although it's a bit cruel...but I understand." Shen Yan nodded and said, Zheng Nanxing sighed with admiration on his face: "My little brother's thinking is so clear... so powerful."

"Let's go." Li Tianyu was too lazy to talk to her, and took the lead in rushing into the dark night outside.

(End of this chapter)

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