Chapter 305 Truce Period

The advantages accumulated at the beginning of the game are now gone, and what Li Tianyu and the others can do now is to passively defend and wait for the enemy to find them.During this period, Li Tianyu planned to hide in the same place with Shen Yan and the queen, and then set up as many traps as possible in this underground maze, so that the aliens could dig the route as complicated as possible.

Li Tianyu's plan is that they guard the queen and defend, no matter whether the enemy can find them or not, they will not take the initiative to attack. In the current situation, if they take the initiative to attack, they will just give away the alien for nothing and lose faster.

Therefore, Li Tianyu called Xia Ning and the eight together.

"Listen well, we don't need to leave here now, so the maze outside can be as complicated as it can be dug." Li Tianyu explained to the people in front of him, "Then, we will let the aliens spread all over the maze. A large number of facehugger eggs, as long as the enemy dares to come over, the alien can pose a great threat to them in this environment, and maybe a few can be caught and brought back to parasitize."

The eggs of facehuggers have a setting that they will hatch only when disturbed. If they are in a quiet state, they will always maintain the shape of eggs, which is perfect for making traps.

Of course, Li Tianyu knew that it was impossible to re-develop the scale of the alien by this method, at most it would reduce the speed of casualties of the alien, but this was the only feasible solution at present.Guarding the queen and fighting slowly, maybe some miraculous reversal will happen in the end.After all, the Predator and the human side are not friends, and there will be conflicts between the two sides.

"So, does that mean we have to stay here until they take the initiative to attack us?" Xia Ning frowned and asked.

"Basically that's what it means." Li Tianyu sat down on the sofa, "Anyway, I don't care, my highest record is staying at home for a month when I was in college, and only throwing garbage and getting takeout when I go out. I don't believe they can stay at home." pass me."

"Everyone is a nerd, what are you talking about?" Lin Muxue couldn't help teasing.

"However, what if the human race is wiped out by the Predator, or the Predator is wiped out by the human race? Our military strength is fixed and cannot increase." Chang Jingwen asked worriedly.

"Then we can only bite the bullet and fight?" Liu Zihao shrugged: "After all, they are exhausted fighting, and their number can't be increased."

"In short, that's it. Now we have no advantage and can only choose passive defense. But to put it another way, our strength is different from the other two sides. There is a way to abstain without dying." Li Tianyu sighed and said: "It is impossible , we handed over the queen, let them kill the queen and our mission failed, we don’t need to be killed by them, and we don’t need to lose personnel.”

"Did you focus on this from the beginning?" Liu Zihao asked curiously, and Li Tianyu nodded: "Of course? You see, there is no 'failure' option in the mission requirements of the iron-blooded forces and human forces. In other words, they must fight each other." The mission is not over until the last moment. This can be regarded as the escape route I found from the beginning."

"Hmph, not promising. I thought about the retreat of failure at the beginning of the game." Shi Chao frowned and said.

"Don't say that, Tianyu also doesn't want anyone in the team to die." Shen Yan felt a little bit apologetic for Li Tianyu.

"Yeah, it's because we didn't have the advantage." Xia Ning sighed and said helplessly, "Li Tianyu hit the enemy's four resurrection stones all by himself, so why complain? If you want to complain, complain about your lack of strength All in all, I think this plan is good, let's wait here and set up traps."

Li Tianyu reckoned that the enemy would not come to the door in a short time, because it was not that easy to find the alien queen, so they could rest here for a while.He intends to use this time to reflect on the failure of the last battle, and what kind of tactics he should use next to win the game, although in his heart he feels that the mission this time is already hanging in the balance...

Judging from the current development, the chances of victory will be human forces.After the human forces dragged to the late stage, with the support of tactics and equipment, no matter whether they were fighting aliens or predators, they would not be at a disadvantage. If they want to win them, they can only rely on this maze.This labyrinth does not pose much threat to the Predator, it is mainly used to restrain humans.

In a place with such a complex terrain, it is impossible for human beings to gather together as before, and they can only disperse.

However, as far as the human mission is concerned, they can't win without the aliens being immortal, so it depends on the next game.

Liu Zihao was rich and powerful, and took out a three-story universal capsule room. The eight of them lived in this universal capsule room, which was just right and relatively comfortable.Moreover, after the mission of the rest of my life on a deserted island last time, everyone has already taken precautions.

This universal capsule room has plenty of entertainment facilities, food and drinks, and Liu Zihao also uses the universal capsule to store a lot of food and water, not to mention that the system itself will provide them with food, so there is no need to worry about these.

The problem now is the feeding of the alien. Alien’s feeding is carried out by the inner nest teeth, so in the related works of the alien, the alien will use the inner nest teeth to "whip the corpse" constantly, but it is not whipping the corpse. , but the alien is eating.

There are still a large number of corpses in the town, and there are animals in the forest. I believe that it is no problem for these aliens to support themselves.

It just so happens that the aliens can also lead the enemy to this place by eating, and then it depends on who is more patient.

Li Tianyu divided the eight people into four groups. Each time two people were responsible for monitoring the situation on the bee drone to keep an eye on the enemy's movements, and the others could just entertain themselves.The aliens will place facehuggers throughout this subterranean labyrinth.

"Well, it would be great if I could catch a Predator and create a Predator Alien." When the first shift was on duty, Zheng Nanxing leaned on Li Tianyu's shoulder and sighed, "Brother Tianyu, you said we have a chance to see Is it an iron-blooded alien?"

"I don't know." Li Tianyu carefully observed the situation everywhere on the screen, and replied absently.

Since the First World War yesterday, it is now night again.The Predator forces have been holding back so far, which is inevitable. After all, their player forces were completely defeated in the first battle yesterday. If Li Tianyu led the Alien Party to wipe out the Iron-Blood forces with all their strength today, the Predator would undoubtedly be defeated.

However, Li Tianyu would not do this. Although this could indeed defeat the Predator, they would not be able to win against the humans in the end. They just became tool people to benefit the human forces.

"In short, let's stay determined to the end." Li Tianyu sighed, and then looked at the time. It is currently nine o'clock in the evening, and the town is still very quiet, and there is no sign of conflict.On the other hand, the human side is still vigilantly guarding the school and the police station, two places with wide combat areas, and has no plans to attack.

Only occasionally, a small number of aliens rushed across the street, dragging some human corpses back to the dark place to eat.

Fortunately, the aliens don't eat much, and now the number of aliens has been reduced a lot, so they don't need much food.What's more, aliens don't necessarily have to feed on humans, and animals in the forest can also be used as food for aliens.

As for the Predator side, he doesn't know how long it will consume. Maybe the Predator will also have supplies from their planets, but the humans definitely don't.Human food must be obtained from the town itself, so people in the town will collect some food in the town during the day, and then gather in the shelter at night.

Li Tianyu believes that the human side can't last long, after all, those NPCs are just ordinary people.

Soon, when the time was up, it was the turn of the next shift to continue on duty, while Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing went back to the room to rest.Life here is actually the same as outside. There is water and electricity, and you can use Jarvis's wireless network.

"After I came out in the scene of the rest of my life on a deserted island last time, I upgraded Jarvis's ability to make it a terminal server that can connect to the outside network. After all, even if it is a game scene, there is a network inside. In this way, it can be connected to the network of the game scene, and then we can connect to the external network through it." Liu Zihao said proudly.

"I always feel a bit like going out to sleep with a club in a Japanese manga..." Li Tianyu smiled wryly.

If the current situation is not too disadvantageous, he might still find it quite interesting.But now he has no time to worry about these things, what he should think about now is how to win the next battle.

"Tianyu, do you want to have supper?" Shen Yan came up with some pizzas at this time.

"Isn't the system only serving three meals a day?" Li Tianyu asked puzzled.

"But it provides eight coconut bento seeds each time, we don't have to finish them." Shen Yan smiled, and handed a plate of pizza to him: "We have three girls, we don't eat that much. "

"But our five big men eat as much as eight of us." Li Tianyu said with a dry smile. Shen Yan took a bite of the pizza and stretched the cheese, "Don't worry, Xia Ning has been eating since the last time I was on a deserted island. After the mission, he prepared hundreds of all-purpose capsules filled with meat, all of which were bacon, ham and other meats, which he couldn’t finish by himself.”

"That's okay too..." Li Tianyu swallowed his saliva, lured by the cheese pulled out from the corner of Shen Yan's mouth, and couldn't help but grabbed a piece of pizza and took a bite, then frowned and sighed intoxicated: "The cheese is so good... "

"Chicken with bacon." Shen Yan pursed her lips and smiled, putting the pizza box beside him, "Here, eat more."

After supper, it's almost time to rest.Li Tianyu's duty time has also passed, so he can go to bed early.He slept until he woke up the next morning, which happened to be his and Zheng Nanxing's duty time again.

The bed in the universal capsule is very comfortable, except for the situation where the alien queen laying eggs outside the window is a little bit intrusive, everything is perfect, and there are various game consoles and the Internet.But Li Tianyu returned to the time when he spent the rest of his life on the deserted island in his dream. Everyone sat by the campfire, chatted on a bed made of simple hay, took care of the campfire and waited for the dawn.

However, when he was woken up by the alarm clock, he opened his eyes and saw the white ceiling again.

"Oh..." Li Tianyu rubbed his eyes and sighed secretly. He guessed that the time on the desert island should be the happiest time for him. Running back and forth.

Li Tianyu got up an hour earlier, washed up and received the coconut bento seeds sent by the system for breakfast, then planted a breakfast and brought it to the monitor, and watched it while eating.

The town was very quiet at the moment. No one woke him up last night, which meant that the whole night was uneventful.And because it was dawn, people in the town came out of the shelter one after another and began to collect food in the town.

Li Tianyu noticed that these NPCs were more or less sluggish. They must not have had a good night's rest. This is inevitable. Although they humans currently have the upper hand, they are still the ones that are more likely to be attacked.

The Alien and Predator will not be troubled by this factor, so the most unfavorable thing in the stalemate is the human side.Then humans will definitely start the battle first. As for whether to go to the Predator or the alien first, it is another matter.

"Brother Tianyu..." After Li Tianyu sat in front of the screen and watched it for half an hour, Zheng Nanxing came out of the room rubbing his eyes, his clothes drooping obliquely revealing half of his fragrant shoulders, and he looked at him tiredly: " Why do you wake up so early..."

"Just in case." Li Tianyu said while drinking soy milk, "Go wash up, breakfast is here."

"Oh..." Zheng Nanxing responded, and then went into the bathroom.

Li Tianyu looked at the screen and sighed: "Oh, it looks like today is a safe day."

While thinking about it, he turned on the heart network to sense it, but he could only perceive the position of the human beings, but not the base of the Predator.He figured it was either because the Predator's spaceship was far away, or because the Predator's spaceship could shield his mind web.

But just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly noticed a small commotion on the screen.

A few humans who were collecting food in the coffee shop seemed to find something and screamed, but from the perspective of the bee drone, it was not an alien.The aliens don't move during the day, and during the day they all hide and rest obediently in various parts of this underground labyrinth.So it looks like the Predator is on the move.

That's good news, as neither aliens nor humans are currently interested in them.In other words, the two forces did not consider taking the initiative to attack the alien, but were waiting for the alien to attack.So it looks like there will be a long period of truce.

(End of this chapter)

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