Chapter 307 Opportunity
It has been a week since we entered this mission scene. The main conflict between the three forces is currently between the Predator and the human side.Two days later, the players on the Predator side finally understood that the aliens were not preparing any conspiracy in secret, but that they had no remaining energy.It was probably discovered from the usual frequency of alien movements.

It is precisely because of this that the Predator forces are preparing to start a decisive battle with human players, killing all humans, even if they cannot kill players, they must kill all NPCs, so they have launched attacks on human forces for two consecutive nights.

And their method is also very simple and rude. All the players dispatch to deal with the survivors on one side, and then let the strengthened lone wolf deal with the survivors on the other side alone, killing as many as they can, and retreating when they encounter danger.

In just two nights, the human side lost 50 people, and now the number has been reduced to less than 100.In contrast to the players, neither side has a plan to fight to the death.

This is also the expected situation. The resurrection stones of the players on the Predator side have all been consumed. Unless they are forced into a desperate situation, they will definitely not fight the enemy to the death, but continue to consume the opponent's number.

"I think that if this continues, the human race will soon die out." Li Tianyu looked at the battle situation on the screen and said, "Whether it is the death of players or the death of ordinary people, their number will continue to shrink."

"Then if all human beings are dead, can we win?" Shen Yan sat next to him and asked while painting her nails. Li Tianyu shrugged, "Let's see how they consume each other. If they consume each other intensely, maybe still have a chance."

But to be honest, he felt that it would be difficult for them to beat the Predator if all humans died. After all, the enhanced Iron Blood was too strong. Maybe only the player and the Alien Queen could fight it, but the Alien Queen could not be taken out to fight.

The best result is that the two sides fight until the end is almost dead, let them take advantage of it, but Li Tianyu thinks this kind of thing is not realistic, the enemy is not stupid, seeing the situation is not good, they will definitely retreat to preserve their strength.

"Oh." Shen Yan sighed and muttered: "I hate this mode so much. It would be great if it was the previous group competition. I could show off my skills... It's so tiring to rely on clever tricks now."

The aggrieved look of Shen Yan wringing her fingers looked very cute, Li Tianyu couldn't help touching the top of her head, the hair was very soft.Shen Yan immediately turned her head to stare at him, Li Tianyu was startled, worried that he had crossed the line, but Shen Yan pouted and muttered: "Do you treat me like a child?"

"I just think you look cute just now..." Li Tianyu said a little cautiously.

Shen Yan gave him a sideways look, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Tianyu, you are so cute. You obviously used to have such a cold attitude and ignored me, but now you start chasing me and suddenly become a little innocent."

Li Tianyu's face became hot, and he became angry from embarrassment: "Oh, I'm so annoying..."

Shen Yan pursed her lips and smiled, and wanted to say something, but suddenly her expression changed, she looked at the screen and said, "Tianyu, look!"

Li Tianyu looked at the screen. It was actually daytime. According to the past rules, humans should collect food during the day, but today humans did not do this, but shifted their positions.

Judging from the direction of their movement, it seems that they want to gather people from two places together.Because of the battle in the previous two days, more than half of the humans in the school and the police station were killed or injured, and now there are only about [-] people left, so it is only natural that they gather together.

However, in addition to these eighty people, there was another eight-member team that marched into the forest alone.

"These people don't want to attack us, do they?" Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

This eight-person team is indeed an elite. Each of them is fully armed and physically strong. They should be trained soldiers, but even so, only eight people want to fight against the alien in their maze?
In this complex and dark terrain, the biggest threat of aliens is sneak attack. Stealth and assassination are very deadly to the enemy. To avoid this situation, you can only rely on the number of people. Kill the aliens who will sneak attack in the future.The eight-person team is not so much used to deal with aliens, but more like...

"Is this to hunt the Predator?" Li Tianyu frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Hey!? Just rely on eight people?" Shen Yan asked in amazement, "I think I will be beaten violently by that enhanced iron blood!"

"I think so too..." Li Tianyu said thoughtfully, "Let's see what they plan to do."

In Li Tianyu's view, there will be an inevitable battle in the future, and human beings should decide to fight to the death with the Predator.If this continues to consume human beings, they will die soon, and it is impossible for the eight players who only rely on human beings to fight against other forces.

However, it is not just NPCs in a battle, players will also follow suit.After the players on the human side sent out the eight-person team, they separated four people and led another team to start the operation, and the other four stayed at the police station to watch the house and guard the remaining humans.

Soon, the eight-person team entered the jungle and settled in the jungle, as if they were going camping.

"What's the matter? I thought they knew the Predator's spaceship was parked there..." Li Tianyu frowned.

But what he didn't expect was that these eight people just stationed in the jungle attracted the Predator.

Although it is not clear from the screen, Li Tianyu's heart network can sense that several creatures are outflanking the jungle, and at this time, the only ones who dare to go to the forest are the Predator.

"Could it be because the predator's hunter blood was aroused?" Shen Yan asked tentatively, "Predator likes to hunt powerful prey, isn't it the same for several Predator-related works? They will also Capture prey from other planets and put it on other planets for hunting. Should it be said that sometimes these predators are more like hunters than warriors?"

"It makes sense..." Li Tianyu nodded and continued to cooperate with his heart network and bee drone to check the battle situation.

After the eight-person team entered the jungle, it was difficult for the bee drones to keep up with their movements. After all, the number of bee drones was limited.But it looks like the team is splitting up in teams of two, and has prepared a lot of traps in the jungle to fight the Predator.The weakness of the Predator is actually more obvious, and that is their perception.

Without a mask, the Predator's sensory abilities are similar to those of a human, but with a mask on it is affected by temperature.Soon, smoke started to rise everywhere in the jungle. It should be those eight soldiers who lit a fire in the jungle.

An inexperienced Predator was confused by the illusion caused by the fire, and fired a charged cannon, thus revealing his position.But after firing the cannon, it realized that it was not a human being, but a ignited tree stump, but it looked more like a human being.But at this moment, a wooden stake fell from the sky and swept towards the Predator.

The Predator dexterously flipped back and landed on the ground. The four special forces immediately got up from the mud beside him, raised their guns and fired at the Predator.These predators are not fortified with iron blood, their defense is all based on armor, but the armor is not covered all over, some parts will be exposed, and being shot at these places will affect their actions.

Moreover, the blood of the Predator is fluorescent green, like a mark, and once injured, the invisibility ability is useless.

Three soldiers carried out firepower suppression, while the remaining soldier descended from the sky, holding a spear made of an alien tail in his hand, and stabbed the Predator's back forcefully.

The Predator uttered a sharp scream, then fell to the ground, and several soldiers immediately stepped forward with cold weapons and stabbed them violently.The unexpected ending is that human beings have an absolute advantage, and the Predator is defeated instead.

"This is really interesting..." Li Tianyu thought with great interest: Although human beings are fragile, they also have advantages, that is, they have the ability to learn, but in contrast to the Predator, the intelligence reflected in related works is really not high.

It is nothing more than those kinds of traps, using injured companions to lure the enemy to come to rescue and then making traps to catch them all. This is the case in all Predator works, nothing special.

In fact, he thinks this is very unscientific. Why is the IQ of a civilization that can produce such high-tech weapons so much lower than that of humans?But there's no point in entangled with these, now it depends on what the Predator forces are going to do in the next battle.

The battle continued, and the loss of two Predators at once was a little unbearable. After all, they had only six Predators left, and now they lost two members. Except for the strengthened Predator Lone Wolf, there were only three ordinary Predators left. .

So, they finally decided to send a lone wolf to fight these eight people, and the player led the three ordinary predators to the town to fight the remaining humans.Li Tianyu estimated that this was to improve the combat experience of the Predator. Only when the combat experience has improved the Predator can he change from a novice to a warrior of the level of a lone wolf.

But those four players led a part of humans to block the eight players of the Predator forces and the three Predators fought with them, and the other four human players who were guarding the town also rushed over.

The battle on both sides is going on, and it can't be seen from the perspective of the bee drone. Li Tianyu can only rely on the heart network to cooperate with a few shots to speculate what happened.The strengthened iron blood clashed with the eight special forces. The enhanced iron blood had an absolute advantage in the first place, killed two special forces in the blink of an eye, and continued to hunt the remaining five special forces.

The five special forces began to flee in the jungle, fighting for their lives while fighting with the enhanced iron blood, but the gap in strength was too great, their attacks could not hurt the enhanced iron blood at all, it seemed that they were trying to delay time.

Therefore, Li Tianyu turned his attention to the players.Zhang Yun led the eight players from the human side to fight the eight players from the Predator, and it was a [-]-[-] split. This is actually a bit unreasonable, after all, humans have the debuff of increased damage.But the iron-blooded players consumed too many resurrection stones, and they were too timid to step forward.

The fact that the human players couldn't die was also a reason, which made Zhang Yun and the others fight so bravely that they went up to exchange lives with the iron-blooded players.The so-called meeting on a narrow road means that the brave wins, and as humans fight harder and harder, the players of the Predator will naturally retreat steadily, which leads to the separation of the sixteen players' battlefield and the NPC's battlefield.

The group of humans led by Zhang Yun fought against the remaining three Predator, but the Predator did not gain a clear advantage. Although humans were being killed all the time, one Predator soon fell.

"It looks like humans have won here, so in the end, we should rely on strengthening the iron blood to fight against humans..." Li Tianyu sighed and said, and then suddenly felt happy: "Hey, in this case, we have a chance!"

According to this situation, if the fight ends in the end, there will only be one strengthened Iron Blood Warrior and some players left on the side of the Predator. Unless the Predator immediately retreats now, the situation is settled.But Zhang Yun and the others played very smartly. After all, with the support of Zhou Ya's Flying Thunder God Technique, even if the opponent had players like Chen Xu and Zhao Feng with high speed and time stop, it would be difficult to get rid of them. Players on the fighter side don't let them retreat and fight to the end.

So the battle continued like this, and soon the group of players brought by Zhang Yun and the others died, but the Predator was also killed, leaving only the last two.

As for the remaining side, just as Li Tianyu guessed, the enhanced iron-blooded victory was complete, and the eight special forces could only delay time. It was too difficult for humans to defeat an enemy of the enhanced iron-blooded level. Unless it's a plot kill.

Shen Yan told him that in the movie, if it wasn't for strengthening Iron Blood, he would never be killed if he was careless. Strengthening Iron Blood had several chances to kill the protagonist, but he was dragged by the "protagonist halo" forcibly, and finally there was a plot kill.But in this case, it is impossible for human NPCs to survive without the aura of the protagonist.

In the end, Zhang Yun and other players chose to retreat, because all the people they brought were dead, and only four players were killed. The remaining four were killed and returned to the town to enter the resurrection period.

However, the death of the four of them will also consume forty people to resurrect them, which means...

"Sure enough!" Li Tianyu was overjoyed: "All human beings are dead! Except for the players, there are only a dozen people left!"

"But there are only three predators left." Shen Yan sat up straight and said in surprise, "Then, doesn't this mean that we..."

"Yes!" Li Tianyu nodded happily: "From the current situation, we have a chance to come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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