Chapter 330
Insufficient armed domineering, so Li Tianyu can only blast out this thunder ahead of time.After Lei Ying hit Zhang Wenxin, it spread quickly, and the thunder and lightning raged wildly inside Lei Ying.Li Tianyu fell to the ground out of breath, exhausting his physical strength and armed domineering aura.Probably because in the last quarter of the game, he didn't choose to return to full state.

There is no specific numerical value for the potential factor of physical strength, and it can only be felt by oneself.But I feel that this kind of thing is not accurate, just like when running, I feel that my breathing has returned to normal and my physical strength is very abundant, but in fact, when I start running again, I lose my strength after a while. Physical strength is not so easy to grasp. of.

Li Tianyu consumed more physical energy than he imagined in the last game, and now he is starting to feel tired.

Of course, it wasn't just because his physical strength wasn't fully recovered, Zhang Wenxin's abilities were troublesome. Forcing him to run around looking for opportunities also wasted a lot of his physical strength.

But what he didn't expect was that just after he landed on the ground, Zhang Wenxin broke out from Lei Ying!To be precise, her fist broke out from Lei Ying, and two huge arms hit him head-on.

Fortunately, knowledgeable domineering helped him foresee the blow, giving him a chance to dodge it, and he didn't completely take the blow from the front, but the blow still hit his arm, causing him to flip and fly out.

"Hmm..." Li Tianyu gritted his teeth, his face flushed with pain.Because he didn't have armed domineering, he took down the opponent's attack only by his attributes. The difference in strength of more than 20 points is very obvious. If it is an ordinary person's physique, he may be directly beaten into a pulp, but he can be regarded as super powerful anyway. Ability, not to be killed by this blow, but his arm is really painful.

There was a swelling sensation in the arm, a pain in the marrow of the bone.Li Tianyu rolled twice to regain his stability, and stared at Lei Ying in front of him with his hands covered. The black lightning began to dissipate slowly, leaving a huge crater in the ruins of the abandoned Titan star.And Zhang Wenxin stood in the crater, covering her shoulders with a painful face, but looked at him unwillingly.

"Tsk, this girl looks so weak, but she's tough..." Li Tianyu thought to himself a little surprised, but in terms of injuries, Zhang Wenxin was more seriously injured, she was already covered in ragged clothes and scars.

"Wu Shuang donut..." Zhang Wenxin read in a low voice, two glutinous rice balls floated up behind her and turned into Wu Shuang donut, then she pointed her hand at Li Tianyu: "Juli Rice Cake..."

Wushuang Donut turned into two huge arms and hit Li Tianyu, Li Tianyu hurriedly opened the distance with a shave.

After Li Tianyu dodged, he tried his best to raise his arm and took out the meat tonic to heal his arm, but his hand hurt on the one hand, and on the other hand, Zhang Wenxin kept chasing him.Li Tianyu suddenly screamed that it was not good: I am afraid it will be over if this continues.Now the only skills he can use are Lanjiao and Shave, which don't require hands.

However, these skills have no way to threaten Zhang Wenxin.On the other hand, Zhang Wenxin, although her injuries were serious, did not affect her use of skills, and she was also very domineering, so it would be very bad for Li Tianyu if she dragged on like this.

"What should I do..." Li Tianyu murmured anxiously to himself, the only way now is to use Lei Yi to distance himself, and then use the flesh tonic to heal his injuries, and then come back to deal with Zhang Wenxin.

It is actually a bit risky to do so, because Zhang Wenxin may go to support other people during the time when Lei Yi is away, but there is no way to do it.If this procrastination continues, not only will Li Tianyu not be able to help his teammates, but he may also involve himself in it.He has a heart, and even if he uses Thunder Shift to open the distance, he can quickly lock the enemy's position after returning.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu was ready to take action, but just as he opened his heart net, Zhang Wenxin fell to the ground.

At that time, Li Tianyu was stunned for a while: This is not a trap, is it?But Zhang Wenxin didn't move for a while. Not only that, but the Wushuang donut behind her also disappeared. It seemed that she was too seriously injured to continue fighting.

Li Tianyu is actually a little hesitant. The safest way now is to test it from a long-range attack. If the opponent is really unable to move, simply kill him.But he still didn't do it in the end, not because he couldn't bear it, but because he had a little respect for this girl, so he wanted to make sure whether Zhang Wenxin was really injured or a trap.

If it's a trap, he has the arrogance to react ahead of time, and if it's a real injury...

To be able to drag such a seriously injured body until he falls down, this kind of willpower is admirable.Not to mention others, Li Tianyu lost his fighting spirit just because his hands hurt like this now, and he just wanted to get out of the battle to heal his injuries.

Coming to Zhang Wenxin, Zhang Wenxin looked very weak at this moment, it was difficult to even open her eyes, and the parts of her body that were burned by lightning had been scorched.

"It's not easy..." Li Tianyu sighed secretly, but Zhang Wenxin was still lying on the ground, looking at him with half-closed eyes, still trying to breathe, although it was a bit difficult.This situation made Li Tianyu respect this girl in awe.

"Ah..." Li Tianyu closed his eyes a little bit unbearably, "Let me help you end the pain."

With that said, Li Tianyu pointed his hanging arm at Zhang Wenxin, and comforted him in a low voice: "It will be fine soon."

Then Li Tianyu used the finger of death, and black lightning flashed across Zhang Wenxin's body. She lay on the ground and twitched, and then it turned into light and slowly dissipated. It should have consumed the resurrection stone and returned to the safe area.

Even if there is a resurrection stone, the pain of not being able to die will continue, just like Zhang Wenxin.The same is true for Li Tianyu, if he doesn't try to recover, his arm will continue to hurt.

Therefore, Li Tianyu sat down on the side, endured the severe pain with all his strength, reached out and took out the flesh tonic from his bosom, and stabbed it on his arm.At that time, his arm swelled for a while, as if it was inflated by an unevenly inflated balloon, and then the bruise disappeared quickly, and his arm returned to its original shape. Li Tianyu felt the pain on his arm disappeared instantly.

"Okay, the next battle..." Li Tianyu opened his heart network to perceive it, but his perception range was empty.

After all, Titan is a planet, and the entire planet is their battlefield. The enemy can stretch the battlefield thousands of miles away, and it is not so easy for him to find it.But in fact, what Li Tianyu is most worried about now is actually Zheng Nanxing.

Zheng Nanxing was pulled into the inherent barrier, and even if he wanted to support him, he couldn't.

"Let's go and see other people first..." Li Tianyu sighed secretly. Although other people are not within his range of perception, they will not go far. After all, their ability is limited, and it is impossible to go far in this time. too far.

However, just as Li Tianyu was about to leave, there was a loud noise behind him, and then the space was forcibly torn apart, a black hurricane came out from it, and Zheng Nanxing with a blank expression appeared in front of him.But after seeing Li Tianyu, Zheng Nanxing's empty eyes suddenly recovered, she opened her arms and rushed towards Li Tianyu: "Brother Tianyu!"

The moment Li Tianyu hugged Zheng Nanxing, the black wings behind her also disappeared.

"Did you... win? Where's Ye Tiancheng?" Li Tianyu asked in disbelief.

"I don't appeared here when I regained my senses." Zheng Nanxing said aggrievedly.

"It should have won... Infinity Sword System is an inherent enchantment. If the time is not up, the user must have been killed." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, then laughed, and patted Zheng Nanxing The brain said: "I thought you were easy to bully, and pulled you into the inherent barrier, but in the end, you suffered a lot, right?"

In fact, Zheng Nanxing's "runaway" is a bit similar to Zhang Yun's runaway. It doesn't distinguish between the enemy and the enemy. It is effective for teammates and enemies at the same time. If Zheng Nanxing is forced to run away outside, it may be that whoever dies and who lives will still say no Yes, but Ye Tiancheng felt that Zheng Nanxing was a bully, so he dragged her into the inherent barrier, so that her rampage would not affect others.

Maybe it was because Ye Tiancheng felt that he was capable of dealing with Zheng Nanxing's rampage, or maybe he was careless, but in the end, Ye Tiancheng was killed by Zheng Nanxing in turn.However, Zheng Nanxing's berserk has the same side effects as Zhang Yun's Renzhuli. After using it, Zheng Nanxing has no calculation power, and even the original vector control ability cannot be used.

In other words, the current Zheng Nanxing is useless and has no way to continue fighting.But this result was already a surprise. Zheng Nanxing, who was the most worrying person at first, killed the most troublesome enemy.

"You find a place to hide." Li Tianyu reminded Zheng Nanxing: "I will go to other places to support."

Although Li Tianyu's physical strength is not much, but after he went to support, he played two against one, and he didn't need much strength.

Therefore, Li Tianyu held back his tiredness, and then rushed towards the direction where Hu Jianfeng and Shen Yan were fighting before. Although he didn't perceive the exact location of these two people, he could deduce that there were black flames burning everywhere along the way.

Li Tianyu was a little worried. Shen Yan didn't have a resurrection stone, and Hu Jianfeng's ability was very dangerous. The ten-fist sword was sure to kill with one blow. Once he was scratched, he would be sealed, so he had to go to support Shen Yan first.

All the way along the flames of Amaterasu to find the past, and soon he sensed the enemy within the perception range of his heart network.

"Swallow!" Li Tianyu saw that slender figure, surrounded by the armor of the sky wheel, which was particularly charming.

And Hu Jianfeng, who was fighting with her, is now surrounded by Susano, in a miserable state.

Hu Jianfeng's eyes were bleeding, his expression was decadent, and he seemed to be very exhausted, but this time, Shen Yan looked calm and had plenty of physical strength, obviously playing very easily.In fact, this is the normal situation. Hu Jianfeng's ability cannot fight the war of attrition, but Shen Yan's war talent allows her to deal with the enemy's attack with the minimum consumption.

And the most important point is that other people's injuries can be recovered with resurrection stones and some potions, but Kaleidoscope Sharingan cannot.If you use it too many times, your vision will continue to decline. This is irreversible until you get the Eternal Kaleidoscope, even if you die with the resurrection stone and start over.

Therefore, procrastinating with Hu Jianfeng not only has an advantage in this battle, but also helps in subsequent battles.

"Tianyu?" Shen Yan was a little surprised, and then waved to him to drive away: "I don't need your help, go to Zihao's side quickly! I saw one of his battle suits fall near me earlier, I guess the situation Not good!"

"Let's settle this first." Li Tianyu snorted coldly, and turned to Hu Jianfeng who was far away.

"It's you again..." Hu Jianfeng covered his eyes, as if he couldn't see Li Tianyu's face clearly.

"We seem to be very destined, right?" Li Tianyu said with a smile, "From the beginning to now... I don't know after so many experiences, is the so-called justice in your heart still the same as it was at the beginning? Or has it drifted with the crowd like everyone else? "

"I don't seek justice anymore...I want to kill you and avenge Afan." Hu Jianfeng said through gritted teeth, Li Tianyu was a little puzzled: "Are you talking fart? I didn't kill her, she wasn't on Was she killed by a human player in the last battle? I remember Ye Tiancheng killed her, why don't you go find him?"

"It was you who knocked down her resurrection stone!" Hu Jianfeng roared at Li Tianyu, "If it wasn't you, how could she have died?! Ye Tiancheng has already apologized to me, saying that he didn't know that Afan didn't have a resurrection stone, so he sent it down You killed me, but have never felt guilty for what you did! You are the big villain!"

"Can this fucking be blamed on me? Don't go find the person who killed her, but blame the person who shot her resurrection stone." Li Tianyu sneered, "Is this probably called incompetence and rage? After all, isn't it because of you?" It's the same force as Ye Tiancheng, do you want to join hands with him to kill me first and then find a way to deal with him? It's ridiculous to talk about so many reasons, you are still deceiving yourself as always. "

As he spoke, Li Tianyu's face darkened: "There is a word used to describe a person like you...a hypocrite."

"Stop... shut up!" Hu Jianfeng seemed to be going crazy, but the reason why he was angry was because Li Tianyu had said everything right, so he had no way to refute it, so he could only end it by attacking: "Bachiqiong Shuriken!"

The moment the Bachiqiong shuriken flew towards Li Tianyu, Shen Yan also took the initiative to meet it, bumping the guardian silver bracelets together, a dazzling light came, and a circle of light spread, blocking the Bachiqiong shuriken progress.Li Tianyu saw the opportunity and attached positive charges to the eight-foot shuriken, and then attached negative charges to Susanoo.

"Thunder flash!" Li Tianyu clasped his hands and blasted out a thunderbolt, together with Shen Yan, he pushed the Bachiqiong shuriken back with all his strength!
(End of this chapter)

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