387 Resident Evil
After the decision was made, Li Tianyu informed the other seven members of the team about the next combination of personnel.After all, Ye Tiancheng and Zhang Wenxin are filling the vacancy in Xia Ning's team. The four of them are a team. Because of the existence of bond skills, the four of Li Tianyu must make them act together as much as possible.

Therefore, this conclusion is acceptable to both teams, and the next step is to decide to join the scene.

"Humph." Liu Zihao and Zheng Nanxing were sitting on the sofa at Li Tianyu's house, their faces sparkling and they smiled obscenely.

"What are you doing, it's so disgusting..." Li Tianyu gave the two of them a disgusted look.

"Brother Tianyu! You are not like this!" Liu Zihao said angrily, "If you have a girlfriend, you will forget about your brother!"

"I used to be like this too, okay?" Li Tianyu rolled his eyes angrily, and now Shen Yan snuggled up to him obediently, and handed him a piece of potato chips.

"That's not it!" Zheng Nanxing muttered aggrievedly: "Brother Tianyu was exposed to both rain and dew before!"

"Okay, okay, stop gossiping, let's talk about the mission." Li Tianyu didn't want to continue arguing with them, so he brought the topic down to business, "We need to save more GP now, and finish the two rounds of missions this week. After that, it is estimated that we can get seven or eight hundred GPs, and with the GPs we have now, there will be about two thousand, and we need to prepare for the next knockout round."

"Those four players in South Korea are also very powerful." Zheng Nanxing complained, pouted, "That saint fighter is so good at me, his attack frequency is too fast and beyond my calculation speed, so I can only rely on the automatic shield Come on defense."

"I haven't seen it before. You should encounter it during the knockout round, right?" Li Tianyu said a little worriedly, "Anyway, let's choose a mission with a higher reward first. I picked it out with Yan'er last night and decided to go to this scene .”

As he spoke, Li Tianyu pointed to a mission map on his mobile phone: Resident Evil, the mission requirement was "Escape before the city is destroyed by a nuclear bomb".The basic reward is 500GP and random artifact-level items to unlock.

However, the rewards of tasks are often related to the difficulty. The basic reward of this task is as high as 500 GP. It must be that either the task is very difficult or the task process is particularly lengthy.

Li Tianyu hopes it is the latter, and the fault tolerance is relatively high if the time is longer, but considering that the task is to let them escape before the city is destroyed by the nuclear bomb, it must be the former, which means that the difficulty of this map is relatively high.

He analyzed this point with Shen Yan and the others, and then reminded: "The task is relatively difficult, everyone, please be serious, OK? The reason for the two-dimensional invasion last time was because your attitude was too impetuous, and you felt that you are amazing in the second week. Failure."

"Yeah." Shen Yan smiled and nodded, Zheng Nanxing and Liu Zihao also responded, and then the four of them chose to join the game. There are still two hours before the official start of the game. Take advantage of this time to adjust your mentality .

"Tianyu." At this time, Shen Yan came up and put his arms around his arm, "Is there anything else to prepare?"

"It shouldn't be necessary." Li Tianyu shook his head, "Since this task is to escape, the process will definitely not be too long."

"Then do you want to have some intimacy after we get in?" Shen Yan winked mischievously, "We may not have the chance after we get in."

"Do you seem to be getting more and more clingy recently?" Li Tianyu asked with interest.

"Because his heart is already yours." Shen Yan smiled shyly, and then added: "Of course, his body is yours too..."

With a smile on his face, Li Tianyu stretched out his index finger and poked lightly on her forehead.

Two hours passed quickly, and it was almost time for the mission to start.

"I know, it might be tiring to play two consecutive games after just finishing the Two-dimensional Invasion..." Li Tianyu was about to say something to comfort his exhausted teammates, but Liu Zihao interrupted him excitedly: " Not tired at all!"

"That's right! I haven't played games with Brother Tianyu for a long time. I'm so excited!" Zheng Nanxing also clenched his pink fist and said with sparkling eyes. Nodded: "Okay. Then everyone get ready, we will enter the scene soon..."

The countdown ended, and the surroundings became pitch black, and they came to the preparation room.

Then, the darkness dissipated, the surroundings gradually brightened, and Li Tianyu and Liu Zihao appeared inside the scene.

"This place..." Li Tianyu looked around, and found that the four of them were at a table by the window in a restaurant, Shen Yan was sitting next to him, Liu Zihao and Zheng Nanxing were sitting opposite him, everything around them was normal.

"It looks like it started before the tide of corpses broke out?" Shen Yan said in surprise.

"It just so happens that I'm still a little hungry..." Liu Zihao resignedly grabbed a scone on the plate in front of him and took a bite, then pressed the frame of his glasses: "Jarvis, call up the map of this city."

Then, Liu Zihao took out his mobile phone from his pocket and placed it in front of them. A 3D image emerged from the mobile phone.

"Wow, that person's mobile phone looks so advanced. Could it be the iPhone 15?" The person at the next table pointed to them.From what can be seen with the naked eye, it can be seen that this city is a Chinese city, but like the previous Fate scene, it is only a fictional city and does not exist in reality, and it has no connection with the original plot of Resident Evil.

Li Tianyu reckoned that this mission should be the same as before, an independent scene using the setting of Resident Evil. The plot may not be similar to the original Resident Evil, but the setting of the monsters is the same.

"Then let's wait until the incident begins." Zheng Nanxing said, grabbing the hamburger in front of him and preparing to take a bite. However, at this moment, a fighter jet flew over the city above his head, and a red light spot shot from the fighter jet. up and down.

At that time, Li Tianyu was startled and thought it was a nuclear bomb dropped, but then he thought that it should be impossible, since he just entered the mission scene and dropped a nuclear bomb, what a fart?

Sure enough, after the missile fell from a distance, it did not explode. Instead, a circle of blue smoke spread from the street in front of the city. This scene looked very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

"Isn't this unfolding a scene in Resident Evil 6?" Shen Yan asked curiously.

"Resident Evil 6? Wasn't the earth already occupied by zombies at that time?" Liu Zihao was a little puzzled.

"It's a game." Shen Yan said unhappily, "In the game Resident Evil 6, there is a chapter where biochemical weapons are dropped in a city, which is the same as the current development. I just don't know what's going on behind it. "

"Ah, I remembered!" Liu Zihao suddenly realized that the smoke had already drifted outside the store, and the noisy city instantly became quiet. It felt as if everyone had fallen asleep in the blue mist.

The people in the store survived because the glass and the door were closed, but the people in the store came to the window curiously to look at the situation outside. At this time, a waiter planned to open the door and go out to see the situation.Li Tianyu stood up quickly, and a flash came to him, reached out and pressed the doorknob, and said sternly: "Don't open the door! Do you know what this smoke is!?"

"This..." The waiter was stunned for a moment, then looked outside the door: "But, someone..."

Li Tianyu glanced in the direction he was looking at, but just turned his head, a bloody and ferocious zombie rushed up and hit the door, which made him tremble in fright, and took a step back quickly. There was a burst of exclamation.

The impact made a crack in the glass of the door, and immediately there was a commotion in the street, and there seemed to be a muffled growl everywhere.People in the car will be fine. As long as the concentration of the smoke is not too high, they will not be infected.

However, more and more zombies rushed towards the restaurant. They slammed on the glass frantically, cracks appeared on the doors and windows, and it seemed that they would not last long.

"Go upstairs!" Li Tianyu made a decisive decision and shouted to everyone in the store, "As long as we don't inhale the smoke, we won't be infected. Everyone, go upstairs and block the door. Hurry up! This place won't last any longer!"

When Li Tianyu yelled, everyone finally came to their senses, and the clerk greeted the people in the store to move upstairs.

"Come over and help me block the doors and windows, hurry up!" Li Tianyu frowned and urged, although doing so could not prevent the poisonous fog from entering, but at least it could slow down the speed of the zombies breaking in, allowing them to stay on the second floor for a long time a little.

Liu Zihao, Shen Yan, and Zheng Nanxing immediately started to act. With the encouragement of the four of them, several other strong young men came to help.Everyone worked together to overturn the table and sofa, and block them horizontally in front of the windows and doors, so that it would not be so easy for the zombies to break in and delay them for a while.

However, at this time, a car suddenly swayed and crashed from the outside.Li Tianyu secretly screamed that something was wrong at that time, quickly put down the table in his hand, pulled the two NPCs beside him and fell backwards. "Boom!" There was a loud noise, the sound of glass shattering, and the strong shock wave caused people around to fly backwards. Li Tianyu and the others were not injured, but...

The blue smoke floated in from the outside, but fortunately, because it spread outside for a while, the concentration is not particularly high now, so after entering the store, the smoke is also very thin so that they will not be infected immediately.

"Go upstairs!" Li Tianyu urged, and the people on the first floor of the store had almost left, so Li Tianyu directly grabbed the hands of Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing beside him. Grabbing Shen Yan's shoulders, Li Tianyu used flash in the next moment, and brought the three of them to the second floor.

Most of the NPCs successfully reached the second floor because the passage was not blocked. However, two people were knocked down by zombies crawling in from the window and were unable to go upstairs. Heart-rending screams came from downstairs. came.

"They're hopeless." Li Tianyu frowned and turned to Liu Zihao, "Seal the stairs."

Liu Zihao nodded, then changed into Iron Man's suit, raised his hand and blocked the entrance to the second floor with nanomaterials.The tide of corpses swarming up below disappeared behind the nanomaterials.At this moment, the scene became a little quieter. Li Tianyu came to the window to look at the situation outside, and suddenly became a little worried.

This piece of blue smog diffuses in about one-third of the urban area. The smog in this one-third of the city is relatively dense, but the outer smog is thinner, so that it will not cause infection after inhalation.However, infected people can still infect others through biting, so now the infection is spreading rapidly in this unknown city.

Li Tianyu understood why this mission was more difficult. Compared with before, the way of infection this time was this kind of poisonous mist.If it's just ordinary zombies, if they can't bite players like them, they won't be able to infect them, but this time it's different, before they leave this area, they may also be infected as players.

After being bitten, it is not immediately contagious, but there is a period of incubation period, and it can be recovered through serum before it officially becomes a zombie.But if you inhale these smokes in large quantities, you will be directly infected and turn into a dead body.

"What should we do now?" Now, people in the restaurant are very scared, hugging together in despair, whispering, confused about the situation, and don't know what to do.And Liu Zihao and the other three calmed down their emotions.

Li Tianyu stood up, looked around, and found the store manager in the crowd. This is a young girl in her 20s and close to [-]s, not much older than the part-time waiters in the store.Li Tianyu asked her in a low voice: "Is there food and water on this floor now?"

"There is enough food and water. As long as this place is not breached, we can live here for a week." The store manager nodded confidently, "Rescue will definitely arrive at that time."

"There will be no rescue." Li Tianyu said with a smile, "With such a large degree of infection, in order to control the spread of the infection, the military will definitely send bombers to destroy the city. We must find a way to escape before then. For two days, keep an eye on the radio. Before the bombing, the military should confirm that there are no survivors who can be rescued."

"Then... shall we?" The store manager asked timidly, Li Tianyu looked outside and said: "In short, let's wait for a while, wait for everyone's emotions to stabilize, and then find a way to escape from here."

At this moment, Shen Yan came over from the side and whispered: "Tianyu, everyone is very scared, you should find a way."

"Me? I'm not sure if I can do it?" Li Tianyu frowned, and Shen Yan smiled: "It's definitely possible, go quickly."

Li Tianyu rolled his eyes, then cleared his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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