Chapter 39 Four-person Squad
Zheng Nanxing finally discovered the existence of the lasso of mantra, but at this time they already knew what they should know, so Shen Yan gave Li Tianyu a smirk and put away the lasso of mantra.On the other hand, Zheng Nanxing stared at Shen Yan with a grievance on his face.Seeing this, Li Tianyu cleared his throat and changed the subject: "So, you failed the last mission?"

"That's right." Zheng Nanxing turned to Li Tianyu, "The four of us were inside last time, and we couldn't beat those vampires. Awesome, why do you have such a clear mind and know what to do?"

"Just think according to the requirements of the system." Li Tianyu said absently, holding his chin.

In fact, Li Tianyu has always felt that he has no talent in playing games. He neither has a particularly fast reaction nor a particularly good operation, and even his consciousness is only average.Occasionally there may be a little genius, but most of the time he is just an ordinary player, and he has never been among the top group of people in any game.

However, Li Tianyu also has what he is good at, which is to speculate on the thoughts of game designers.

Every scene, every design, and every model of every game has its purpose, whether it is a stand-alone game or an online game, and each game has its unique mechanism and system.

What Li Tianyu is good at is not playing games, but exploring the ideas of game designers, how game designers want them to play this game.Of course, this kind of talent was useless in the past, after all, those games in reality did not have such a high degree of freedom, but now this Smash Bros. is different.

The degree of freedom in this Brawl is too high. There are many ways to complete tasks, but there is only one way that is the easiest and the most rewarding, and that is the way required by the system.Of course, players do not need to follow the system and use brute force to win, but the difficulty will be much higher, which is suitable for players whose strength is higher than the task level.

However, for now, if the level of the task is equal to the player's ability level, it should be completed according to the system requirements. The difficulty will be much lower, and the score will be higher, and the reward will naturally be better.

"I didn't expect to find a treasure. Hold on to the boss's thigh." Shen Yan put her arm on Li Tianyu's shoulder and teased.

"You! You must take me with you next time, do you hear me!" Liu Zihao pointed at Li Tianyu and said angrily, "Otherwise I won't make you a suit in the future! If you want a suit, just take me to get it. your GP to change it."

"You group of people, how can you do it with the idea of ​​bastards..." Li Tianyu said to himself in distress, holding his chin.

Of course, although their ideas are all bastards' ideas, in fact, in the game, no one can do nothing.For example, in the Eve Night Thirty scene, although Shen Yan and Zheng Nanxing did very little, it would be impossible without them.When they finally went to the police station for help, it was the two of them who led the remaining survivors to seek help.

Without the two of them, the vampire would have killed all the survivors, causing the call for help to fail.

So it turns out that this game is difficult to complete alone, and requires one or two teammates who follow the command.

And these three people seem to be obedient now, and they do have some brains, and there is no harm in forming an alliance.

"Then let's form a team of four people." Li Tianyu thought for a while and replied, "Most of the scene tasks are done by four people together. Four people are just right. But I have agreed in advance that the current four people are enough. There is no need for more people to join for the time being, I think you can all agree on this, right? After all, the extra five people may not have a place during the scene mission."

Shen Yan and the others nodded, and Li Tianyu sighed and said, "That's it, join the group first, and then go back to rest and prepare. There are only a dozen hours before the next main task."

This mission has also taken seven or eight hours, and Li Tianyu is a little tired now.After all, he completed the last BOSS battle alone. At this moment, his mind was still a little dazed, as if he had been in a dream. The final scene of cutting off the BOSS's head with Lan Kou was still faintly emerging in his mind. , he needs to give himself a break.

"Okay, let's take a good rest and get ready for the first main mission." Zheng Nanxing said cheerfully, "We will be teammates from now on, please take care of us. Let's hug the boss's thigh tightly together, hehe. "

"What, this child is quite cute." Liu Zihao said, looking at Zheng Nanxing with interest.

"Go away, I'm not interested in muscular men." Zheng Nanxing snorted coquettishly, and turned his face away.

Li Tianyu didn't want to talk to them either, he was very tired now, so they each returned to their homes with the returned bone fragments.Li Tianyu thought that he might not be able to take care of his job, so he might as well ask for leave for a week.

After returning home, Li Tianyu quickly took a shower, then lay down on the bed, ready to have a good sleep.He opened the game app and looked at it. At present, there are still about ten hours before the first round of the main task, and it will start at around seven o'clock tomorrow morning, which should be enough for him to fully rest.

Li Tianyu was not in a hurry to sleep. He first opened the game app and bought a vampire's blood in the store system. Although he didn't know when it would be used, he was always prepared.The strategic use of this item is still very strong, not only can it be used for the final battle of trapped beasts, but it can also be used as poison to assassinate the enemy.

After finishing these, Li Tianyu browsed the other props and felt that there was nothing useful, so he planned to save the GP for later.At present, there are already 1050GP, and if you save more than 3000, you can buy artifacts.

"Well... let's rest." Li Tianyu muttered to himself, but at this time he saw the skill in the reward skill column in his quest column, and was tangled for a while: He actually wanted to complete the task before the first main quest started. Unlocking the skill bar, after all, this thing has really improved a lot, especially when playing against players.

If he shouted "2000 million volt Thunderbird" directly when fighting with the player, the opponent must immediately understand that he is a devil fruit capable user, and then use Hailoushi to deal with him.However, if his custom skills are modified into other forms, the enemy will not be sure of the source of his abilities, and it will not be easy to restrain him according to his abilities. It's just...

Now, Li Tianyu is really tired and needs some time to rest, and no matter how long it takes after entering this mission, it will definitely take ten hours in the outside world, and the main mission will start immediately after he comes out.

However, Li Tianyu had an idea at this time: no matter how long he spent in the mission scene, the outside world only counts as ten hours... So what if he slept for ten hours in the mission scene before completing the mission?
"It's worth a try..." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, "At worst, if you fail, you'll have to wait for the next mission to be refreshed, but if you succeed, you will have a big advantage in the first main mission... This risk is worth taking. .”

(End of this chapter)

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