Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 390 Can't Miss One

Chapter 390 Can't Miss One

"Where did the phone say it?" Li Tianyu immediately asked, snatched the phone from the person and looked at it. There was indeed a text message from the operator on it, instructing all residents of the city to evacuate outside the city, in places where there is no poisonous smog. There will be military rescue.But in this text message, it only reminds those people who are in the poisonous fog to stay indoors and not to come into contact with the poisonous fog.

"It means that we can only wait to die here?" the proprietress of the restaurant asked desperately.

"No!" The newly joined man with small eyes and flat head quickly denied, "The government will not abandon us! We just need to wait here for a few days, and after the poisonous fog clears, the government will send soldiers to rescue us , definitely!"

"Don't think about it." Li Tianyu smiled, "Do you think the government will let this poisonous fog disperse?"

"You, what do you mean!? Tell me clearly!" Small eyes pointed at Li Tianyu and asked angrily. A girl with a ponytail in the restaurant before explained: "We intercepted a message from the military before, saying that it was 48 hours later. , in order to prevent the spread of the poisonous smog, the city will be sterilized with nuclear weapons..."

"No, it's impossible!" The small-eyed, flat-headed man shook his head again and again, and said angrily, "You are lying to me! The government can't do this! It's against humanity! My daughter and wife...are they still alive?" In this city!"

"You can stay with them, this is your freedom, but we have to leave." Shen Yan said lightly.

"Tsk!" Li Tianyu frowned and pinched Shen Yan's face, reprimanded: "How can you say that?" Shen Yan stared at him with a threatening expression with widened beautiful eyes, Li Tianyu lowered his voice and continued. Said: "This is 100GP. We are about to participate in the knockout round. Even 100GP is very precious, and no NPC can give up."

"Okay then..." Shen Yan muttered, "You just come and communicate, I'll be obedient."

"Think about it," Li Tianyu turned to the small eyes and flat head, "If your wife and daughter have already escaped, and you stay here to die, wouldn't it be worth the loss? And if they die in this city..."

"Impossible! They won't die!" The flat-headed uncle said excitedly, and Li Tianyu said patiently: "I just said, if they unfortunately die here, you also need you to take care of their funeral. You don't Do you think so? To put it another way, even if the government really sends people to rescue, it won't affect your escape alive? It's just a matter of sequence, right?"

After such persuasion, the flat-headed uncle suddenly fell silent, and he nodded after a while: "That's right!"

"I always feel that Brother Tianyu is so scary..." Liu Zihao whispered to Zheng Nanxing, Zheng Nanxing nodded repeatedly: "I always feel that Brother Tianyu will become very rational when he wants to achieve a certain goal, and nothing can affect him ..."

"This is his advantage, don't you think?" Shen Yan said proudly. At this moment, other NPCs also agreed to escape from the central area of ​​the city with them, so the question now is: how to escape .

They are now isolated in this building. Although they are safe, they have no way to go to other places.Although players can use their abilities to pass, Li Tianyu has to judge their next moving point in advance based on the resources here to ensure that they can walk on the escape route arranged by the system.

On the one hand, there are resources provided by the system, on the other hand, it can further expand the team of survivors and get more GP.

"Then, what should we do now? We finally came here, but it turned out to be hopeless." The young proprietress frowned, and Li Tianyu looked around and said, "Let's let everyone have a rest first, it's not too early now Everyone is tired. Is there food in this place? Staff cafeteria or vending machine or something?"

"There's a vending machine at the corner over there." A guy with glasses said, pointing to the corridor in front of them.

Li Tianyu stood up, walked forward along the corridor, and saw two vending machines at the corner, one sold some snacks, and the other sold drinks.Without saying a word, Li Tianyu smashed the glass of the vending machine with his fist.

Then, he took the food and water back with two other NPCs. The people at the scene sat down and ate together. Everyone looked very tired.And Li Tianyu and the others had just entered the scene, so they were still very energetic at the moment, and they discussed the next escape route while eating.

"Ask the NPC later to see what useful information they can provide." Li Tianyu said while eating MM chocolate beans.

"Hey, isn't Resident Evil a zombie-fighting game?" Liu Zihao scratched his head and said inexplicably, "But why are we running around all the time? It's really annoying...Obviously I still have some weapons here."

"It's not time to fight zombies yet," Li Tianyu replied, "From a process perspective, this should still be the prologue. What's more, the traditional Resident Evil is originally an escape-type horror game, not an action game that lets you fight zombies. "

"But, to be honest, I just like the zombie-fighting style of Resident Evil 6, isn't it cool?" Liu Zihao lowered his voice and said, Li Tianyu rolled his eyes: "I don't deny it...but in fact, Resident Evil 6 attracts me the most The most important thing is the way of narration, telling a complete story from the three perspectives of the three protagonists..."

But at this moment, Zheng Nanxing was talking to Shen Yan about something else: "Where are you and Brother Tianyu?"

"What step?" Shen Yan covered her mouth with a smirk, deliberately annoyed Zheng Nanxing: "I have been living with Tianyu for a few weeks, what stage do you think we have developed? I have done everything I can do, I can play I've played all the games, what do you think?"

"! Impossible! Your breasts are so small!" Zheng Nanxing was so angry that he was about to cry, and Shen Yan smiled maliciously and said, "Are you sure? I just don't wear a corset type bra, Actually, I also have a C cup, so I can do whatever I need to do, okay?"

"So, so what? Mine is still bigger!" Zheng Nanxing was angry and aggrieved.

"What are you two talking about?" Li Tianyu frowned, "Be serious, let's finish this task quickly."

"Brother Tianyu!" Zheng Nanxing complained, "Sister Yanzi bullied me!"

"Okay, okay." Li Tianyu touched her head helplessly, while Shen Yan stuck out her tongue beside her.

Regarding the survivor of the previous mutation, Li Tianyu suspected that it was arranged by the system to demonstrate the effect of the virus to them, but after that he wanted to minimize NPC infection as much as possible.After all, standing here is not as simple as an NPC, but a 100GP that can move.

Li Tianyu counted the NPCs on the scene, and there are seventeen of them now.

So he turned to the NPC who was eating, and asked, "Then, what do you think? We can't stay here all the time, can we? Is there a way for us to leave this building?"

"Isn't it just the sewer?" The restaurant proprietress frowned and said, "I don't want to go back there again, the smell is really bad, and it makes me feel dizzy and chest tight, it's terrible..."

"There should be poisonous mist in the sewer, but it's relatively thin." Zheng Nanxing replied at this time, "So after a long time down here, if you inhale too much poisonous mist, you will be infected. But, didn't someone get bitten before? ?”

Having said this, everyone turned their attention to the girl who was bitten by her infected boyfriend.

"I, I didn't feel uncomfortable!" The girl quickly defended herself.

"This virus is quite special, it won't be infected through blood." Liu Zihao explained at this time, "I asked Jarvis to analyze the sample of the virus just now. Its ability to survive in the air, its genetic sequence has been modified so that it cannot be transmitted through bodily fluids."

"So, she won't be in danger of infection?" Li Tianyu asked tentatively.

"Yes, but this wound still needs to be bandaged." Liu Zihao looked down at the wound on the girl's arm and said.

At this time, Brother Glasses suddenly said: "That... there is a hook lock on the roof of our building."

"What's the meaning of the hook lock?" Shen Yan asked curiously, and the glasses brother pointed to the roof, "There is a hook lock connected to the roof of the opposite building, and it was hung on it to display banners and balloons during the celebration. Decorative. I was thinking maybe we could slide through that hook lock into the building across the way?"

"Good idea, little brother!" Li Tianyu patted his shoulder vigorously and said.

"No, I dare not!" At this time, the proprietress of the restaurant quickly shook her head and said, "I have a fear of heights!"

"It's okay." Li Tianyu replied, "I'll just take you to teleport there."

"Is it teleportation like before? How did you do it?" This time everyone began to pursue Li Tianyu's previous ability. Li Tianyu said simply and directly: "Actually, the four of us are mutants with special functions. Get you out of this city, so that's all for now. Are you all resting?"

The people at the scene nodded, so Li Tianyu pointed to the top of his head and said, "Let's go, let's go upstairs and have a look."

Everyone came to the top of the building, and the blue poisonous mist still hasn't dissipated, but from here it can be seen that the infection has spread.Outside the range of the poisonous fog, there are still a large number of infected people wandering around.

Liu Zihao's analysis is that these zombies cannot be spread through biting, which means that these infected people were infected by inhaling poisonous mist.Even if the poisonous mist is already very thin, it will still be infected after a long time.

Based on this, Li Tianyu began to think about future plans.There is no doubt that their best way to escape is to avoid the poisonous fog, that is to say, to find a helicopter, but there is definitely no way for seventeen people to sit on a helicopter.

Therefore, most people should still leave the city by ground vehicles.And to do this, they must have some protective measures to allow them to inhale as little poisonous mist as possible.Thinking of this, Li Tianyu already had a plan.

"Do you know where the biggest hospital in this city is?" Li Tianyu turned to the crowd and asked.

The people at the scene looked at each other, and then they all looked at the building next door to them, which was connected to the commercial center.

"Where is the hospital?" Li Tianyu asked in surprise, and then he couldn't help but say hello: "In this way, all the clues are connected together. There is no problem with my guess, and I roughly know the next route."

"An idea?" Shen Yan asked curiously.

Li Tianyu nodded and pointed to the hospital next door: "Let's go to the hospital first. There should be helicopters in the hospital. If possible, we can send some people out first, and then we can find some chemical protective clothing from the hospital. There are chemical protective clothing." Now, it can prevent us from inhaling most of the poisonous mist, so that we can stay in this poisonous mist for a longer time..."

"But there are still those monsters!" The flat-headed uncle pointed down and said, "Those monsters can eat people! And there are thousands of them! Even if we have chemical protective suits, how can we survive among those monsters?"

"Then let's find a car and find a way to get out of the crowded area." Li Tianyu replied, "The plan is tentatively like this. We will know the specific details when we go to the hospital. Let's go, let's hold hands with each other."

After everyone at the scene held hands with each other, Li Tianyu turned on the enhanced thunder armor and used flash, went to the roof of the hospital next door, and then immediately released the enhanced thunder armor.

"Tianyu, how much domineering do you have left? You've been consuming it, and you haven't responded seriously?" Shen Yan asked a little worried at this time, Li Tianyu shook his head: "It's still halfway there, it's okay."

However, he knew that he should actually save some use, because they haven't experienced too many battles so far. After finding the chemical defense suits, they may encounter battles. It is safer to save the domineering until then.

At this moment, there was a sudden "Wow, wow!" sound above their heads, and then a large group of Ya Qun flew up from the poisonous fog below, and rushed towards them aggressively.Li Tianyu quickly opened an electromagnetic shield to protect everyone.

If Li Tianyu hadn't directly flashed over, I'm afraid they would have been attacked when they slid over with the hook lock.

"Quick, get in!" Li Tianyu urged, stretching out his hand and pulling open the door of the roof to let the NPC in.The moment the door was opened, a black shadow rushed out and rushed towards the proprietress of the nearest restaurant.

At this moment, because he just came here and closed the thunder armor, he didn't open the heart network, so he didn't know the internal state of the hospital. Fortunately, the domineering power of knowledge and knowledge is still effective, so he foresaw this attack, and he rushed to the restaurant proprietress before the zombie pounced on him. The fist knocked the zombie's head away.The proprietress of the restaurant was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and shivered.

"Zihao, go ahead and clear the road first! I'll be behind!" Li Tianyu gritted his teeth and said, "There must be an NPC today!"

(End of this chapter)

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