Chapter 411 BioShock
The heavy rain turned out to be a disaster as Li Tianyu expected. Not to mention that the visibility was further deteriorated due to the heavy rain, the poisonous mist was not soluble in water, causing the poisonous mist to be affected by the heavy rain and strong wind and spread to the upper floors.This means that the survivors outside will have a smaller chance of survival, which makes Li Tianyu a little worried.

Although there are now fifty survivors, completing the mission in this way has already earned a lot of money, but who knows if there will be casualties among the survivors in the main storyline later?The supporting characters in the Resident Evil series have never had a good end.

Therefore, for the time being, Li Tianyu gave the last DNA sample of the tyrant to Dr. Wang for research. If it goes well, the main mission ends, and it would be good to get 5000 GP points directly.

And if there are more main lines after this main line task, it is also a wise move to advance the process of the main line task earlier.Taking advantage of the fact that it is inconvenient to go out due to the rain these days, Li Tianyu can just stay in the camp and wait for Dr. Wang's results.

Because the supplies in the camp are extremely sufficient, enough for 50 of them to last for a week, so no one is showing any panic at the moment.And the supplies outside are there without anyone robbing them. Although it is raining heavily, there are still some people who plan ahead every day and would rather go out in the rain to collect some to ensure daily consumption.

These days, all I have to do is wait for Dr. Wang’s research results to come out.

During the waiting time, Li Tianyu kept company with Shen Yan, played games with Liu Zihao, and chatted with the little girl, which passed quite quickly.Dr. Wang's research took two full days this time, but the results are worth celebrating.

"The anti-virus agent is already in the process of being produced!" Dr. Wang said excitedly, "I showed the research report to the army. At present, the army has agreed to send people to take samples after I develop the anti-virus agent. If you bring After going back and verifying that it works, they will send a helicopter to rescue us."

"Then, what do you need to research anti-venom? How long will it take?" Li Tianyu asked immediately.

What the doctor gave them was the main mission. Judging from what the doctor said, the main mission was obviously not over yet.Dr. Wang pondered for a while and said: "It should take three days to develop an anti-venom that can be used for experiments. But if there are more samples, the production process can be accelerated. Maybe it can be done in one and a half days." Done."

Li Tianyu thought for a while, hesitating whether to go out and collect more samples.

It is not difficult for him to kill the tyrant to take samples, but the rainy day now has some influence on his actions.The player's Superman attribute is calculated from the "concept", not the real Superman.

Although players can smash a building with one punch in reality, this is set from a physical level, and the player's own fists are not as hard as steel.In other words, they have no resistance to physiological phenomena such as cold, heat and hunger, but their abilities and characteristics will be recalculated when attacking and defending.

If we use games as an example, the difference between these players and ordinary people is that they have their own separate damage calculation formulas when attacking and defending, but other aspects are the same as ordinary people.So if Li Tianyu went out to fight in the rain, he would also feel cold, and then he would catch a cold, which would lead to a decline in his combat effectiveness, which was also his concern.

"There is no difference between three days and a day and a half, let's forget it." Shen Yan frowned and persuaded, "Anyway, our time is not so tight now, there is no need to rush for a day or two."

"I think what Yan'er said makes sense." Liu Zihao also echoed, "There are still more than ten days, so I don't want to take this risk for a few days. If there are other main tasks in the future, now I am sick because of a cold. It is not a wise choice to weaken one's own combat power. It is better to wait in the hospital, anyway, the supplies are very sufficient now."

There is plenty of food in the hospital now, and water purifiers have been installed. Domestic water is not a problem, not to mention it is still raining. The roof of the hospital collects a lot of rainwater with pots and jars.Although the rainwater cannot be used for drinking, it is absolutely no problem to settle it and use it for bathing. There is also enough food now, so it will be no problem to last until the end of the rainy season.

Although the real reason behind it is indeed human laziness and not wanting to go out in the rain, there is nothing wrong with this choice rationally, so Li Tianyu nodded in agreement.Three days is just three days.

Therefore, they continued to stay in the hospital for the next three days. Only a few survivors would go out to collect some chicken and water every day.The radio is also now looping, awaiting a response from other survivors.

Li Tianyu actually quite likes this kind of home life, he can lie on the bed with his arms around Shen Yan and talk to her about love.

"Hey, Yan'er, you said how much dowry is appropriate for us to get married?" Li Tianyu asked.

"It doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter if you don't give it. Anyway, I may not be able to give you a dowry. Besides, we might have to elope. If my family doesn't agree, I will run to you in the future. Let's go live at home." Shen Yan lay in his arms and played with her mobile phone and said, "What's your budget? I don't think my family will be satisfied..."

"Of course I will give as much as I can." Li Tianyu replied, "After all, such a good wife..."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you? Take the gift and get divorced and run away?" Shen Yan turned her head and smiled playfully.

"That's what I earn..." Li Tianyu teased.

Shen Yan's wide and beautiful eyes pinched his waist, pinching his body into elements.Only then did Li Tianyu seriously say: "I'm just kidding, I don't think you would do this, I believe you. What's more..."

"What's more?" Shen Yan interjected, and Li Tianyu scratched her nose, "You are such a cute girl, you don't need to find me if you really want to cheat a bride price. On your terms, find someone who is richer than me to take advantage of you." It's not difficult, why do you have to come to trick me? So it can be concluded from this that you and I must be true love."

"You still have brains..." Shen Yan sat on his chest and smiled in satisfaction.

Three days later, the research on the anti-toxin was officially completed, and nothing went wrong as Li Tianyu was worried about.They also contacted the military after the anti-toxin research was completed and began to discuss the details of submitting samples.

"Tomorrow at noon, we will send a helicopter to your side to take samples. You prepare the anti-virus and anti-virus research materials. But we can't take any of you away until we confirm that the anti-virus is indeed effective. "The contact person on the military side said coldly, "After confirming that the anti-virus agent can work, we will send someone to pick you up."

Things went so smoothly, which made Li Tianyu a little uneasy, but before telling the other party's location, Li Tianyu stopped the little nurse using the radio: "Wait, don't tell them the address of the hospital, be careful. Don't you think their request is strange? If it’s just to test the anti-virus, wouldn’t it be good to take away the anti-virus? Why do we need to study the data?”

"You mean..." Liu Zihao raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that these people..."

"I think they just want to study the data, and they don't want to save us at all. So we have to use this research data as a bargaining chip, and we can't just hand it over to them." Li Tianyu said, and picked up the walkie-talkie, "Here I."

After taking the walkie-talkie, Li Tianyu cleared his throat and asked, "Hey, can you hear me?"

After the other party responded, Li Tianyu said simply: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock at noon, I will give you two copies of the anti-virus agent. I believe it should be enough for biological experiments. As for the research materials... When the rescue plane arrives , I will bring it with me. If you agree, see you at twelve o'clock tomorrow, if you disagree..."

Speaking of this, Li Tianyu smiled: "You must not be the only ones paying attention to this city, right? Maybe there are other people interested in this anti-poison? So... the answer is yes?"

It was quiet there for a long time and there was no response. The little nurse asked worriedly, "Could it be that they refused?"

"Impossible, don't worry." Li Tianyu shook his head, "You have to know that this attack was clearly a biological weapon manufactured by humans, so you should understand the meaning of this anti-venom without me telling you, right? Leaving aside the political significance Not to mention, the military use is enough to attract many countries. It is no problem to send a few helicopters to rescue us."

Sure enough, after about 10 minutes, they finally gave a reply: "We agree."

"Then tomorrow at noon..." Li Tianyu said, looking around, then pointed to the tall building a few blocks away from them outside the window, and asked the little nurse: "What is that building? "

"City library." The little nurse replied, so Li Tianyu continued: "Tomorrow at twelve o'clock at noon, see you at the top of the city library. We will hand over the anti-virus agent to you. After you confirm that it is effective, we will send a helicopter to rescue it. Arrive When the time comes, we will bring the anti-virus research data with us, we have reached a safe place, and the research data is yours, so it’s okay, right?”

"That's it." After the other party finished speaking, they cut off contact, "See you at noon tomorrow."

"It's Brother Tianyu after all, you're really thoughtful." Zheng Nanxing pursed his lips and smiled.

"It's just a little precaution." Li Tianyu pressed Zheng Nanxing's head and said earnestly: "When you get into society, you will understand that people's hearts are more sinister than you can imagine. Compared with the bullying in school, the intrigues in society are more horrible."

"I'm not afraid. Brother Tianyu will protect me. She is your little sister." Zheng Nanxing said disapprovingly.

"Well...that's what I said." Li Tianyu smiled wryly, but these words actually made him a little guilty: After returning to reality, if he didn't have this superpower, how would he protect his wife, sister and friends?He's just an otaku...

So, at noon the next day, Li Tianyu took the antidote to the roof of the city library.

This place is not particularly far from the hospital. The little zombies on the road have been cleared by them before, so he can go back and forth directly by flashing without worrying about attracting monsters.Although there are hundreds of zombies inside the library, they do not pose a threat. After all, there are not many resources to collect in the library. Cleaning up the zombies inside the library is just a waste of time and energy.

"11:30..." Li Tianyu murmured to himself, holding an umbrella in one hand and holding the suitcase containing the anti-venom in the other, while Shen Yan, Zheng Nanxing and Liu Zihao were waiting nearby to avoid any accidents.

However, even though the time has not yet come, two helicopters have already appeared in the distance and are rushing towards them.Seeing this, Li Tianyu was actually a little curious: Why two helicopters?
Logically speaking, there is no rescue mission this time, just to take a sample of the anti-virus agent, one helicopter is enough, why send two helicopters?At that time Li Tianyu became a little vigilant.

He opened his heart network and sensed it. Excluding the pilot, there were seven other people on each helicopter, adding up to 16 people in total. What was the purpose of sending so many people here?
The most important thing is that the other party came a little early, and it is not yet time to hand over.

It wasn't until he got close that Liu Zihao replied, "Hey, brother Tianyu, something is wrong. Those people..."

Before the words were spoken, the helicopter flew over their heads without stopping, but six people jumped out of each helicopter, and the parachute opened above their heads. Under each parachute was a fully armed special soldier, bulletproof Clothes, grenades, flashbangs, rifles, pistols, and gas masks are all available.

"Heh..." Li Tianyu sneered in his heart at the time, and understood what was going on. It was obvious that someone wanted to destroy the anti-virus agent before the army came, so these people probably put this Virus man.

And from the background of Resident Evil, it must be someone from the "Umbrella" company.

It's just that these special forces may be very powerful to ordinary people, but to players like them...

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu smiled disdainfully.However, two of the special forces had already released their parachutes, and they were actually more than 30 meters away from the roof before they landed.

"Boom!", the two special soldiers landed in front of them, their tall stature reminded Li Tianyu of a tyrant.Being able to land from such a high place without being injured is definitely not an ordinary human being, but a biochemical weapon.

As soon as the two special forces landed, they rolled up on the spot, picked up the guns in their hands, and fired a howitzer towards Li Tianyu.Li Tianyu dodged with a flash, and then threw a thunder gun back.

The thunder gun hit the special soldier's chest and knocked him off the roof, but more special soldiers had already landed on the roof of the building near them, and the battle was imminent.

(End of this chapter)

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