Infinite Two-dimensional Smash Bros.

Chapter 415 The Last Step

Chapter 415 The Last Step

"Doctor Wang!" The little nurse rushed forward excitedly, but at this moment, Dr. Wang's injuries are too serious to be saved.What's more, Li Tianyu won't save him either. The plot of this NPC ends here. After researching the anti-virus agent, now that the anti-virus agent is in Li Tianyu's hands, he has no more use.

The only disadvantage is that there is no way to continue to produce anti-toxins. Survivors who have used anti-toxins before are still immune to the poisonous fog, but NPCs after that will not.However, the biggest problem now is...

"When did that mole infiltrate just now? Who is she?" Li Tianyu frowned and turned to the little nurse, "Did you notice when she came in? Or was she here from the beginning? "

The little nurse shook her head: "I'm sure, she wasn't there yesterday. If she had been here all the time, I would definitely know her, because I count the number of people in the hospital every day, so I know everyone."

"Then how do you think she got in?" Li Tianyu asked immediately.

"This morning..." the little nurse thought for a while and replied, "A team we went out to collect supplies said when they came back that they had been attacked, and several people were injured in the process of fighting zombies. After returning, I Immediately went to bandage the wounds of the wounded. I think it must have been sneaked in at that time, because many other people here don’t know each other.”

Li Tianyu fell into deep thought, and then turned to Liu Zihao: "Zihao, do you still have that detector from before? The one used to track BioShock?"

"Yes, but it's been cleaned up before..." Liu Zihao said, and took out the detector from before, but now there was a red dot flashing on it, indicating that there was still a BioShock outside.

"How could this happen!?" Liu Zihao asked in disbelief, "Could it be that I missed it last time?! Impossible, I counted them all, and there are eight people. I have solved them all, and no one will slip through the net. !"

"Then there is only one possibility." Li Tianyu replied, "It is the new agents who will join in later... This will be very troublesome. Agents will continue to join in, which will endanger the safety of the survivors. It's my fault. We also plan to further expand the number of existing NPCs after we find weapons. From this point of view, we can only continue to advance the main plot."

There is no doubt that the emergence of this plot means that the main mission should be taken a step further.

"Find a way to contact the military and hand over the research information on anti-venom agents to them." Li Tianyu replied, "If this delay continues, more and more NPCs will die. We must start the escape mission immediately and kill all the current NPCs. Take it out."

Shen Yan nodded: "I'm going to tell the people in charge of the radio now, let them find a way to contact the military. Then what should we do before the military responds?"

"The current supplies are sufficient, so stay at home." Li Tianyu replied, "If it's really not possible, let Zihao go out to collect supplies, and we stay in the survivor base to prevent these BioShock soldiers from stealing the house."

So, the next step is to deal with the aftermath.They arranged for Dr. Wang's body, Liu Zihao repaired the broken window with nano-robots, and everything temporarily returned to the original point.The passing of Dr. Wang did not change their lives.

The military's response came faster than expected, but the response was not good news.The military said that now the Umbrella Company is secretly obstructing them, which prevents them from sending enough helicopters into the city.Even if they are sent out, they will be threatened by the umbrella company and will be attacked on the way, so it is still not a situation where rescue can start.

However, the military also gave them a solution, which was to let the four players escape from the city with research materials and some survivors.The purpose of Umbrella Corporation is the research data of this anti-toxin, so those bioshock soldiers will definitely follow their steps, instead of continuing to endanger the survivors in the hospital.

At the same time, the military sent helicopters to rescue the survivors in the hospital, so that they would not be obstructed halfway, and both groups of people could be rescued from the city at the same time.As far as the plan is concerned, it is still doing very well.

The only loophole is how the four of them escaped from the city with so many survivors.

The military then gave them an escape route. After the incident broke out, the military arranged an escape route. After escaping to the outskirts of the city, there will be a relatively safe route that allows them to escape smoothly. The military will Arrange for someone to meet them there.However, how to escape from the heavily infected area in the city to the outskirts of the city, they have to figure out their own way.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Li Tianyu simply nodded and said, "We'll see you then."

Now that the main task has been advanced to this point, it is natural to have to bite the bullet.

What's more, Li Tianyu thinks this task is not difficult.Because they now have enough weapons and armed forces, it is not so difficult to escape from this city, and there are players besides NPCs.

However, who to keep and who to take on the road to escape is the biggest problem now.

"In this way, those who are injured should stay here and wait for rescue. After all, it is inconvenient to move." Li Tianyu replied, "If you are in good health, take a dozen people to flee the city with us in a car. We are together Gather outside the city."

Of course, Li Tianyu's thoughts are like this, but not every NPC agrees with him.

"Stay here and wait for rescue? What if rescue never arrives? What if they try to shake us?" one NPC asked, while another NPC had the opposite opinion: "It's too dangerous to go out now, the city There are tens of millions of zombies here, we simply don't have that many bullets to deal with them!"

Li Tianyu was silent for a while, and asked back: "Then what do you think should be done? Hmm? Don't stay, don't leave, let's all commit suicide together!? Okay? Come! I'll give you a shot first! Then I'll give you another shot , I will give myself a shot at the end! Okay?! Why is it so difficult to serve! I am not satisfied with leaving or staying, you can do it, come and tell me what to do!?"

Li Tianyu became more and more annoyed as he talked about it, causing the surrounding NPCs to retreat in fright.But it is true that no one can refute him. In the current situation, it is safest not to know what to do, no matter which plan is dangerous.

"Isn't it good for everyone to volunteer?" Shen Yan spread her hands helplessly, "Leave if you want to go, and stay if you want to stay."

"I don't think so..." Liu Zihao shook his head ponderingly at this moment, "I feel that there are two mission points. This side also requires players to stay behind. These two scenes, one is an escape mission and the other is a guard mission. Remember the game Left [-] Dead? You always end up with a wave of corpses to get rescued, and I think it’s the same here.”

Li Tianyu was stunned and suddenly said: "Hey, I think it makes sense. Maybe players need to stay here? After all, it is unreasonable to leave so many survivors here and let fate. Even if it is just a precaution, we will Two players should be left here to guard these survivors. This way, even if there is no fighting here, you can escape when the helicopter comes."

"It makes sense." Shen Yan nodded, then tilted her head and looked at him innocently: "Then... how to divide into teams?"

"I think..." Liu Zihao raised his hand: "Brother Tianyu should stay here. If there is a task similar to defense, a large number of zombies gather together. Only Brother Tianyu can quickly clean up those zombies."

"Then I'll stay with Brother Tianyu, I'm useless outside." Zheng Nanxing immediately raised his hand and said, Liu Zihao nodded: "Sister Yanzi and I will go outside and escort these NPCs out. I have the Iron Legion In, outside, it is still relatively strong. In this case, both parties should be able to accept it."

Sure enough, the NPCs also supported their approach, thinking that it was the lowest risk.And the NPC's reaction made Li Tianyu more convinced that this kind of cooking should be the correct way.So, the next step is to start the action.

Because going out with Liu Zihao and Shen Yan had to face a large number of zombies, and those who stayed in the hospital were basically old, weak, sick and disabled, so weapons and equipment were reserved for the escaped survivors.Li Tianyu, Zheng Nanxing, and the little nurse stayed in the hospital together, waiting for the helicopter to come to rescue them.Of course, the research materials should be handed over to Liu Zihao and the others.

"Yan'er, you know what I'm going to say." Before leaving, Li Tianyu grabbed Shen Yan's shoulder and said seriously.

"I don't know." Shen Yan said with a mischievous smile, "What do you want to say? Say it quickly."

"Pay attention to safety, and notify me immediately if you encounter any danger that cannot be solved." Li Tianyu said seriously, "My flash can rush over to support you. Your side is the main event, you should know, right?"

The missions of Shen Yan and Liu Zihao are the most important. Only when their missions are successful can Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing be rescued.Therefore, Li Tianyu would not hesitate to give up the twenty or so survivors on the hospital side to support Shen Yan's mission at a critical moment.He has the ability to flash, so he can quickly lead Zheng Nanxing and the two of them over there.

But it was impossible for him to bring so many survivors with him, even if he could bring them, he would encounter battles outside, and these old, weak, sick and disabled could not survive outside.

"I know, don't worry." Shen Yan wrinkled her nose and smiled at him, "This is the final stage of this mission."

"Yes, after more than half a month of hard work, how much GP you can get depends on this last step." Li Tianyu nodded.

"It was agreed before, after going out this time, I will go to see my parents." Shen Yan said with a smile, her beautiful eyes wide open.

"Bah, bah, don't say it at this time, it will be a falg!" Li Tianyu frowned and said dissatisfiedly, Shen Yan pouted and muttered: "It's just to meet your parents, it's not a marriage, what kind of falg is this..."

"Leave silently at this time, any 'we will go to XXX after this matter is over' is a falg!" Li Tianyu reprimanded, but Shen Yan held his face, kissed him forcefully and said with a smile: "I'm leaving."

"Remember, notify me immediately if you encounter any danger." Li Tianyu solemnly warned, "Definitely!"

"Definitely." Shen Yan smiled and nodded, "I like the moment when my dear hero comes on stage the most."

"Brother Tianyu..." Liu Zihao winked obscenely at Li Tianyu, not knowing what he was going to do, but before he could do anything, Shen Yan grabbed him by the collar and dragged him out, "Don't waste time, hurry up!" Let's go. After I go out, I have to meet my future in-laws, don't waste my time here..."

"But the time in the mission is fixed. Even if we delay it for a year, it will still be ten hours after we go out..." Liu Zihao retorted while struggling unwillingly, but Shen Yan had already dragged him into the elevator.

So, only Li Tianyu and Zheng Nanxing were left in the hospital, as well as a group of old and weak women and children.

"Brother Tianyu... Are you really going to take Sister Yanzi to meet the parents?" Zheng Nanxing muttered dissatisfiedly, "Don't you think it's too soon? Wait for another two years, and you can get acquainted. When I grow up, I can let my uncle and aunt decide which one is more suitable to be your daughter-in-law, Sister Yanzi or I."

"I'll be 30 in two more years." Li Tianyu poked Zheng Nanxing's forehead angrily and said, "So far, Yan'er is the best girl I've ever met, and she's also so beautiful …What else can I be picky about? When it’s time to do it, I do it. When I meet the right girl, I have to take her down decisively and take her home to meet my parents.”

"Then I will go with you at that time!" Zheng Nanxing said loudly dissatisfied, "I want my uncle and aunt to compare, is it better for me or Sister Yanzi!"

"Okay, it's up to you..." Li Tianyu didn't bother to refuse her. He still knew his parents very well. They wanted him to get married immediately, so choosing between Zheng Nanxing and Shen Yan was equivalent to waiting for two years or getting married immediately. If they choose, then they will definitely choose to get married in place immediately, there is no need to think about it...

However, just as he was chatting with Zheng Nanxing, there was a commotion outside.

The commotion was a little weird, as if the whole city suddenly came alive.So Li Tianyu came to the window and looked outside. The thick poisonous fog still blocked their sight, making it difficult to see what was happening outside.

So Li Tianyu opened his heart network to perceive it, and he was shocked at that time.

"Not good... Zombies in the whole city are gathering towards us!" Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing and said.

"No way!? Why is this happening?" Zheng Nanxing asked in disbelief.

"BioShock must have done something, who knows?" Li Tianyu hurried out as he said, "Anyway, tell everyone to go to the top floor and be ready to evacuate at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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