Chapter 463 Variables
After returning to the wilderness outside Area Five with Shen Yan and Liu Zihao from the Rainbow Bridge, the first thing Li Tianyu did was to contact other players to confirm the current situation.During the three days they were away, he was still a little worried that the foreign server players would take action, but fortunately, this did not happen.

This was expected by Li Tianyu, because the situation in the other areas is relatively complicated. Except for Area [-] and Area [-], most of the players in other areas are players in the same server. It is difficult for Japanese and Korean players to take action.

Lin Muxue and Zheng Nanxing, who were relatively weak in strength, were also protected because of this.What's more, in this kind of scene, if Lin Muxue didn't want to be found, no one could find her.

On the other hand, the Japanese server and the Korean server, first of all, the players on the Japanese server and the Korean server are on different servers. Although the players on the national server are their common enemy, they are not partners with each other. The relationship of "neither enemy nor ally" makes them Fighting on their own to restrict their actions makes it difficult for them to make troubles outside like Li Tianyu and Shen Yan.

Of course, as the saying goes "the enemy of the enemy is a friend", it stands to reason that the eight players in the national server are their common enemy, and it may be better to fight together.But Li Tianyu chose his target very wisely. He targeted the four people with the lowest points, that is, Park Zhongming, Ba Song, Kai and Kim Jae-hwan.

Taking a closer look at all the players on the Korean server and the Japanese server, except Mira's score is far ahead, everyone else's points are in the middle and lower reaches.So at this time they are very clear about Li Tianyu's plan, which is to continue to suppress players with low scores and keep them in the bottom four. This is the easiest and smartest way.

That being the case, in the current situation, the top priority for players whose points are not counted is to quickly get more points to move their ranking as high as possible, so as not to lose to Bassoon in the next round The situation of the four, Park Zhongming, Kim Jae-hwan and Kai, has become a soft persimmon that everyone wants to squeeze.

It is precisely because of this that Li Tianyu speculates that players on the Japanese server will remain on the sidelines and continue to earn points regardless of their teammates.The relationship between the four people in the Japanese server is also the same. They are in a team of two or two, which is different from a team of eight.This is a disadvantage, but of course it is also an advantage.

The benefits of fewer people and fewer people, the benefits of more people and more people.If there are fewer people, worry about your own points, and you don’t have to worry about the situation of others; if there are too many people, you can hug together to keep warm, but you have to consider everyone’s points, otherwise, once the internal points are unbalanced, some people may be eliminated The risk is that the situation could get completely out of control.

In addition to the player relationship, there is another point that restricts the actions of foreign server players, that is, their ability matching does not have a more effective means of movement, unlike Li Tianyu who can quickly move around in various areas to make trouble with other players, so Whether it is due to active personal wishes or passive conditional restrictions, all they can do is to take care of themselves and stay out of their own business.

And Li Tianyu's plan is indeed only aimed at the four people with low scores. It is a very stupid behavior to set himself up as a public enemy, because only four people will be eliminated in this competition. In this case, there is no need to set up eight enemies for yourself In this competition, his opponents are only the four people with the lowest points, that's all.

In this way, it is believed that when he acts in area [-], Yuxi, who is in the same area as Basong, should choose to stand by when Basong is attacked instead of obstructing him.

However, Li Tianyu did not immediately go to the area where Ba Song was located.It has been three days since he has had any contact with the outside world. Before taking action, he needs to consider the next action variables. By the way, he will count everyone's points so far, and then decide what to do next, and when the task scene will end this time. A class of details.

This feeling of controlling the overall situation put Li Tianyu in a good mood, and everything went smoothly.

On the one hand, the players of the Japanese server and the Korean server have different hearts, and on the other hand, there are people like Kai and Fujikawa Shuichi who don’t like to use their brains. This gives him the opportunity to be the "controller" of the entire game, and let him control the overall situation Master the rhythm, he will take the initiative to attack, while Japanese and Korean players can only choose to respond passively. This is the advantage of their large number.

Of course, Li Tianyu is also very vigilant. Although they are completely active at the moment, this is entirely because their points rank relatively high. Once some of them face the danger of being eliminated, maybe everyone will not be so aggressive. Listen to his command, but began to act independently.It's like playing chess, every move after that has to be considered.

Therefore, Li Tianyu took Shen Yan and Liu Zihao back to area four, and joined Zheng Nanxing and Ye Tiancheng.In this way, the five of them can huddle together to keep warm and avoid attacks from outsiders, and there is also a neutral zone for them to rest.

The heroes and villains in area four are Spider-Man and Venom, and they are not particularly aggressive types. It is the most appropriate place to adjust the status statistics and prepare for the next move.

Li Tianyu first asked about everyone's current points situation. Except for Liu Zihao who got 420 points, Li Tianyu and Shen Yan respectively robbed 190 points and 170 points from the previous attacks on Kim Jae-hwan and Park Zhongming.

The other national server players are currently maintaining a balance of power. Everyone controls their own mission progress so that the other party can get points similar to their own.Therefore, Zheng Nanxing currently has 270 points, Ye Tiancheng has 250 points, Lin Muxue has 240 points, Zhang Wenxin has 220 points, only Xia Ning, because they are in the same area as Fujikawa Shuichi, the competition between them is fierce, so Xia Ning's points are only 190 points.

In summary, Li Tianyu discovered some details.The situation of earning points still depends on the scene. For example, in the area where Spider-Man is located, there are additional ways to earn points because there are many various branch lines.

But everyone's points are around 230 points on average, which is still far away from Liu Zihao's 420 points, but most of the tasks have already come to an end.This shows a situation, that is, the reward of the final mission will be particularly high.

In fact, this mechanism makes it more difficult for them to average points. One side will always get more than 100 points more than the other side, which will also lead to a new round of changes in the ranking, which makes Li Tianyu a little disturbed.

Another point that makes him uneasy is that the main quests in most areas have come to an end. When the main quests in all enemy areas are over, the current "peaceful situation" may change.

Now everyone is very honest because they haven’t finished the main task, and if the main task is done and they are free, they will naturally use other people’s point ideas, and then they will know who is the wolf and who is the sheep. It's a collie.

"Oh, I'm so tired." Shen Yan sighed, and sat down on the yoga mat behind, "I'm so tired, seeing Sol being so upright and being kicked out of Asgard, I feel sorry for him not worth……"

Speaking of this, Shen Yan glared at Liu Zihao: "It's all your fault, you can't grab the power from Thunder God."

"They chose first, what can I do?" Liu Zihao said innocently, "Let's think about what to do next."

"Of course, continue to go to the area three times to grab Basong's points." Li Tianyu replied, "After we kill him, I guess everyone's main task will be done, and then... it will be time for chaos ah."

"That's right, when everyone's main storyline is finished, there must be some people who are thinking about it?" Liu Zihao scratched his ears and sighed.Li Tianyu pointed at him: "You go to the area and help Xia Ning to win his main task, and Yan'er and I go to area [-] to kill Basong. If there is no accident, Youxi should take the main task while we are dealing with Basong. Finish the task and get her points."

"Is this okay? Your points and Yan'er's points..." Liu Zihao asked with some concern.

"It doesn't matter." Shen Yan replied bluntly, "Whoever gave Basong's points this time, after returning to the area, give him the reward of the main task, so that the points will be balanced."

"Well... okay." Liu Zihao nodded, then turned to Li Tianyu and raised his brows, smiling a little wretchedly: "Brother Tianyu, why don't you send me there? Although I can fly over by myself, your flash is faster Well."

Li Tianyu thought about it but didn't refuse, sent Liu Zihao there with a flash, and then came back.

At this moment, only he and Shen Yan were left alone. He was still thinking about what variables would be included in the next plan and what adjustments would be made at that time, but Shen Yan was already a little ready to make a move.

"Tianyu, are you hungry? Shall we go out to eat something?" Shen Yan raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"You just want to go out and play?" Li Tianyu glared at her, and Shen Yan curled her lips: "I can't help it, I can't go to other places outside, I want to look around in the game anyway... Would you like to Never mind."

"Let's go?" Li Tianyu stood up, took Shen Yan's hand and walked out. Shen Yan immediately leaned up to hold his arm, and smiled triumphantly: "Aren't you more important than going out for a trip?" Do you like staying at home?"

"But your girlfriend still has to accompany you. You can't just think about yourself, right?" Li Tianyu sighed and said.

"Forget it, I didn't hurt you for nothing..." Shen Yan pinched his face and teased, "Those maids and nurses are worth wearing."

"You're obviously very happy..." Li Tianyu murmured in a low voice, but he didn't let Shen Yan hear his words.

The task of another scene is over. If it goes well, everything will develop according to his expectations.However, after everyone's main quests were completed, the situation would become completely unknown. At that time, he had to complete the main quests in Area [-] where they were located as soon as possible, so as to end the scene quests in time to stop losses in an emergency.

Moreover, apart from these, there is another thing that disturbs him the most, which is the "loser's compensation" mechanism.

It seems that in this round of the game, in order to give the players with the lowest points a chance to come back, there is a loser compensation mechanism that allows them to choose the map first. This is the biggest variable in the subsequent games.

It is precisely because of this that Li Tianyu must let their team members score as many points as possible in this round.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu has a little headache. This is probably the shortcoming of the eight-person group. Everyone's points must be considered to ensure that everyone can advance.But in fact, his own ability is more suitable for solo action. If he doesn't need to worry about other people, he can play like an assassin, making troubles, killing people and robbing points, and running away after the robbery. No one can catch up anyway.

"Oh." Li Tianyu sighed secretly, at this moment Shen Yan suddenly called him: "Husband!"

Li Tianyu turned his head, Shen Yan pursed his lips and kissed him, then stuffed a piece of fruit into his mouth, it was sour and sweet, but it didn't look like a strawberry.

"Is it delicious? It's raspberry, very fresh, isn't it?" Shen Yan said happily, seeing her carefree appearance, Li Tianyu also became a little envious, so he couldn't help but sighed with a smile: "You Why can you be so carefree? Don’t you worry about the future? Don’t worry about other people’s scores? Don’t worry about whether you will be eliminated later?”

"Don't worry, with you, right?" Shen Yan said with a cheerful smile, "What's more, if you are going to be eliminated tomorrow, then you should live a happier life today, right? Taking ten thousand steps back, even if It doesn't matter if I'm really eliminated, anyway, my marriage with you has basically been settled, after I'm eliminated, I will at most become a puppet without a soul, and you can still marry me and have children."

After saying that, Shen Yan closed her eyes and teased: "That's right, treat me like your inflatable doll, anyway, the puppet will still give birth to a child after pregnancy, right?"

"Be careful what you say, a girl..." Li Tianyu reprimanded her by poking her face a little bit dumbfounded.

"Hmph, my mother has such a character, I won't pretend to be with you today." Shen Yanjiao snorted, and then she couldn't help laughing, she held Li Tianyu's face, "I believe in you, I know you will be good Plan. After I am eliminated, you will work hard to revive me. It is precisely because I know this that I can be so at ease. It is all thanks to you, husband~"

Li Tianyu's bones were shattered when he called her husband at the end, he put his arms around Shen Yan's shoulder and snorted: "Stop doing this, hurry up and eat, after eating, go back and have a baby."

"Then do you want to eat the sandwich from last time? I asked about the location of Nanxing's store. It's not far from here. Didn't you like it last time?" Shen Yan asked as she handed over the ice cream in her hand.

"Okay, then eat the sandwich first, and then eat you." Li Tianyu nodded and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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