Chapter 499

Although the game of this round has come to an end, Li Tianyu's thoughts can't be diverted from that guy Fujikawa Shuichi.If things really went as he expected, there might be a trap in this game. If they were not careful, the final winner might instead plunge them into an endless abyss.

This feeling is like Inuyasha's four-soul jade. If you don't make the right wish, you will be swallowed by the four-soul jade.

So, is it possible that there was another round of games before this game, and Shuichi Fujikawa survived the previous games?
This idea shocked Li Tianyu into a cold sweat, but it can perfectly explain all the doubts about Fujikawa Shuichi, such as why he is so confident and proficient in his own style of play, and even dared to start the game with only two abilities, and why he Why does it seem to know that this game will have a second week in advance...

Of course, these are just speculations, and he has no evidence to prove it.

"Husband!" Shen Yan pinched him dissatisfied at this time, bringing him back to his senses, "Are you still in a daze? We are already boarding the boat, and we will hand in the task right away? There are less than 10 minutes left Don't you want to say something?"

"Oh..." Li Tianyu was stunned, and then glanced at Mira. Mira was full of confidence. Although she tried to plot against them before but failed, now she is not worried that they will abandon her.

This is also normal. After all, Li Tianyu and the others have reached this point, they must bring Mira with them. After all, one more person going out is considered one more quota.

For example, if Mira goes out with fourteen people, then the top ten will be safe, but if only twelve people go out, then only the top eight will be safe, so the more people who go out, the safer.

However, this also made Li Tianyu feel a little more at ease. Mira's self-confidence means that her points should be more in the Japanese server and Korean server, so she dared to leave the six people in the national server and go out alone.

It can also be seen from her words that she came out of the lasso of mantra before that her points are indeed not as many as theirs. If this is the case, their position in the top eight should be very stable.

"Let's go, start it." Li Tianyu looked at the time, there were still 2 minutes left, and nodded.

Therefore, Liu Zihao put the yacht operating manual in his hand on the bridge of the yacht.

Soon, a button prompt appeared from the bridge, and Liu Zihao reached out to touch it, and the yacht started, and it drove forward slowly, leaving the smoky city behind behind.

"I was scared to death just now, I thought it was the third mission that popped up." Zheng Nanxing said nervously while clutching his chest, Zhang Wenxin also had a shocked expression: "Me too... it turned out that it was Go button."

"Well, the fight was thrilling in the front, but when I finally escaped, it was calm." Liu Zihao rested his elbows on the railing of the yacht and sighed with a contented look on his face.However, as soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise came from behind. Majin Buu's Qigong wave reduced the last area behind them to ashes, and a strong impact hit them.

The impact caused a violent tsunami, and a wave rushed towards them from the direction of the port.

"Hey, can't you?" Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows, and then quickly shouted: "Hey! Isn't this game over yet!? Who of you go and block this wave by yourself!"

But everyone on the scene, Li Tianyu himself, Xia Ning, Zhang Wenxin, and Nana are all fruit-capable people, and half of the eight people on the yacht can't swim.Seeing this, Zheng Nanxing quickly flew outside, intending to stop the wave, but after the wave approached, they discovered that the wave caused by the explosion was much higher than they had imagined.

The last thing Li Tianyu remembers is when the yacht was engulfed by the monstrous waves and the situation where the sea water poured in from the window.In his heart, the only thing he was thinking was that if he spent so much effort and was finally eliminated because of such an accident, then he must die with regret.Fortunately, after a period of darkness passed, he regained consciousness.

The first reaction was the touch on his face, and he couldn't help but reach out and touch it.He quietly opened his eyes and took a look, then saw Shen Yan.

At this moment, Shen Yan hugged him and pillowed him on her chest, while holding the phone in her hands and playing with it.

"It's really dishonest, you start groping as soon as you wake up." Shen Yan said expressionlessly.

"This amount... To be honest, I didn't expect it." Li Tianyu smiled awkwardly.Shen Yan rolled his eyes at him: "Why? We've been together so many times, you don't know how important it is?"

"Isn't that what attracted attention to your legs in the past?" Li Tianyu said shyly.

"I told you that I have big breasts, but I just can't see them. This is the weight of a C cup. Do you understand?" Shen Yan replied with some pride. Li Tianyu responded, then sat up abruptly, and looked around After walking around, I found that he was actually at his own home, so it seemed that the game should have ended, and no one else knew, at least he and Shen Yan were not eliminated.

"What's the final result!?" Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yan and asked, "Which people were eliminated."

Shen Yanwei couldn't help laughing, and changed her raised beautiful legs to the other side. She was only wearing a loose T-shirt and casual shorts at the moment, so this gesture looked particularly attractive: "You capable people, you are really Oh... how long did it take to fall into the sea, and I just caught you up before you all lost consciousness, it only took 2 minutes?"

"Isn't this a setting? I can't help it." Li Tianyu frowned, then looked at his clothes, and smelled the smell on his body, feeling as if he had taken a shower and changed clothes, but these are all It happened when he was unconscious, so Shen Yan should have done it for him...

"Hey, that's not right." Li Tianyu was a little puzzled, "I slept for more than ten hours?"

"You're exhausted." Shen Yan put down her phone and touched his cheek with a bit of distress, "We barely had any rest during the 48 hours of our escape. We took a nap for a few hours in the middle, and our nerves were always in a state of tension. .Besides, you fought the toughest battles, and we are actually just doing odd jobs according to your orders."

With that said, Shen Yan hugged his head and let him lie on her chest again.

"That's it..." Li Tianyu felt the softness and said to himself, and then asked: "The result?"

Shen Yan then explained the general situation to him. Fifteen players escaped in the end, only Ba Song was trapped in the game and did not go out. He didn't have enough points, but he still spent a thousand points to escape, hoping to try his luck.

But he didn't have that luck. After going out, his points were at the bottom, and there was no suspense.

The other three people at the bottom are Park Zhongming, Mira and Yuxi.

"Mila was eliminated? I thought her points..." Li Tianyu was a little surprised.

"She thought that her points were higher than everyone else's, but she didn't expect that after going out, she would not only calculate her belongings, but also convert the unconsumed food, water and combat props purchased from the store into points. "Shen Yan explained, "However, the scores of the latter few are actually very small."

After calculating the final ranking, the top four are Liu Zihao, Shen Yan, Ye Tiancheng, and Zheng Nanxing, but No.5 is Fujikawa Shuichi, probably because he finally found some more valuable props such as LEDX, and then returned to normal Escaping greatly improved his ranking, and even jumped ahead of Li Tianyu to No.5.

But Li Tianyu believed that Fujikawa Hideichi should have found a VIP ticket before, but he did not sell it on his body, so he rejected the VIP ticket Nana gave him.The No.6 to No.11 are Li Tianyu, Lin Muxue, Zhang Wenxin, Kai, Xia Ning and Nana respectively, and the bottom four are Yuxi, Park Zhongming, Mira and Kim Jae-hwan.

Therefore, in this round, including Bassong who did not escape, a total of five people were eliminated.

Listening to Shen Yan's explanation, Li Tianyu was actually a little surprised in his heart. In his opinion, it was a little surprising that Nana's score ranked ahead of Youxi.Of course, this is also related to the fact that the props purchased by the system are included in the final settlement of points.

It is possible that Nana found a lot of food and water on the road, leaving behind a lot of props she bought from the store, so her final settlement points surpassed Yuxi.Of course, from Li Tianyu's point of view, Youxi looks very shrewd, she has tried her best, but her own abilities are not bright, so it is only natural that she should be eliminated.

Nana, like him, chose a very traditional and mainstream ability combination, that is, the ice in the ice of several major elements, wind, fire, thunder, lightning, but she did not find out her own style of play like him, but always used the ability itself. skills.

The only killer weapon, Moko Botmo, is just a means of time pause, not a killer move. Even if she encounters an enemy with high physique, even if she attacks with all her strength during the time pause, she may not be able to kill the opponent.

Not to mention those players who still have the ability to recover, they can also recover after being hit by her attack, and this ability is a big move that can only be used once a day. Once it is used and the battle cannot be ended, it is basically declared over.This makes her have no good ways to play when facing the enemy, and the effect of her skills is easy to guess, and it is normal for her to be eliminated.

If she, like Li Tianyu, retains some core skills and uses custom skills to create her own unique style of play, she may pose a greater threat on the battlefield.However, after all, she can't escape the ice attribute attack, which makes it easy for hostile players to target her. For example, Shen Yan, a set of Sea God's Armor is enough to defeat her to death.

As for the others... Except for the points of Mira and Nana, which surprised her, everything else was basically within his expectations, including the fact that Xia Ning's points ranked lower.

Because Xia Ning had low points before, in order to act with them after the game started, he had to wait for them to unlock the action before starting, so that he did not make up the points like other players who acted first.

So, thinking about it now, Li Tianyu is still a bit scared. If Kim Jae-hwan did not leave the emergency escape point in the end, fourteen people escaped, and then something happened, Xia Ning's points might fall to the bottom four and be eliminated .

"Oh, I'm really tired from beating this time." Li Tianyu put his arms around Shen Yan's waist, feeling the soft touch from her body and said.

"You also have to think about it, so it's very tiring to take eight people into the next round every time." Shen Yan touched the back of his head and muttered, "Sometimes, I think you have to let go , Don’t carry everything on yourself, how much pressure is there. When each of us participates in this game, we are already mentally prepared.”

"No, you don't understand..." Li Tianyu shook his head, now that he began to doubt Fujikawa Shuichi, he cared a little about what Fujikawa Shuichi said before.

Could there be any mystery in this?Or, this guy... Li Tianyu thought to himself a little anxiously.

"Okay, the game is over. Don't think too much if eight people have survived." Shen Yan said, lifting her legs and wrapping her around his waist, her whole body clinging to him, "In that It’s not very convenient in the scene, so we haven’t been intimate for a long time. Let’s vent today? I’ll give you permission to choose a uniform.”

"Hey, by the way, speaking of this, did you help me take a bath?" Li Tianyu asked with a frown.

"That's right, it's nothing difficult, my sister is Wonder Woman anyway, with tens of tons of arm strength, it's no big deal to give my man a bath." Shen Yan smiled disapprovingly, while kissing his face lightly to tease her. Looking at him, "Come on, have a special chance today? My family has been waiting for you..."

"Also, what about game rewards? Are there any?" Li Tianyu continued to ask, and Shen Yan squinted her eyes and gave him a menacing look, "Did you do it on purpose?! I'm not attractive or something? I don't care."

"One size is one size, let's deal with that matter first." Li Tianyu said, going to the bedside to get his mobile phone.

"Bah, stinky straight man!" Shen Yan scolded him, turned her back to him and fell silent.

Li Tianyu hurried over, put his arms around Shen Yan's slender waist and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding you... Come on baby, you don't know, I've been holding back inside for a long time, I'm going to eat until I'm full today .”

"Hmph... You don't have a straight man until the terminal stage of cancer." Shen Yan turned her head and glared at him, "If you really dare to grab your phone to watch game rewards, I'll tell you, you'll sleep on the sofa tonight!"

"Then can I order a nurse's uniform?" Li Tianyu teased, kissing her face lightly.

"Heh... man." Shen Yan smiled, but still said softly: "Changing clothes..."

(End of this chapter)

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