Chapter 50

In fact, after throwing away those players, Li Tianyu knew in his heart that those players should be in danger.The number of orcs is refreshed according to the number of all their players, and there is a systematic balance. The strength of orcs should be at a level that has a chance to kill players. It will definitely not be a mowing game mode when practicing skills.

Although it might be cruel to do so, Li Tianyu has no choice. He has encountered this situation many times in the past.In the past, he served as the team leader in games such as WOW and Jiansan, and had such conflicts with many team members.

The reason is very simple, someone in the group made a mistake and the group was destroyed.As the conductor, Li Tianyu naturally wanted to scold him, but the members of the troupe are also human beings, they think we are all equal in playing games, why can you scold me?
This back and forth will naturally turn into scolding and quarreling, which will lead to conflicts.Of course, Li Tianyu felt that there was nothing wrong with the other party's idea. He could only say that people have different ideas. Some people play games just for fun. Just be happy.

In fact, neither side is at fault. As Li Tianyu is the conductor, it is natural for someone to scold someone for making a mistake, and it is normal for the player to play the game in a relaxed and happy way. To put it bluntly, the ideas are different.So when dealing with this kind of problem, the easiest way is to shoot and separate.Different ways do not seek each other, and like-minded people pursue the same goal, and they will naturally make the same efforts.Therefore, Li Tianyu is here to "snap up and break up" with them.

However, he is not the only one who has this idea.The other small group of four couldn't help cursing after they walked away.

"Those people, are they really mentally ill? I don't know where the sense of superiority comes from. They made a mistake and dare to spray us in reverse." A player with small eyes and slightly fat said angrily.

"Really, I'm so confident when I make a mistake, so what if we make a mistake?" Another person echoed.

Li Tianyu shook his head slightly to Shen Yan and the others, signaling them not to speak for now.

Now, NPCs like Gandalf and Frodo are running full speed ahead, and they'll have to keep up with them for the time being.Gandalf and others are advancing on horseback at a very fast speed, but players can only advance by their own abilities.For players like Li Tianyu and Shen Yan, they are currently just running to keep up, and everyone is very cautious, not blindly exposing their abilities.

Only Zheng Nanxing, because of her "weak" physique, let Liu Zihao fly in the air with her on his back.

"It's only at this time that I feel that Liu Zihao's ability is really good." Li Tianyu sighed and said to himself, "Don't worry about the issue of exposure of ability, because it can be seen at a glance, and there is no way to hide it if you want to."

"But the specific function of his battle suit is still unclear." Shen Yan smiled from the side, and glanced forward, at this moment, the mountains in front of him had already been vaguely whitened.After they continued to run for about half an hour, they finally came to the depths of the mountains, where there was already a world of ice and snow, as if they had suddenly entered another scene.

Li Tianyu reckoned that this should be the Misty Mountains that Gandalf mentioned earlier, but in terms of the plot, they couldn't advance too far here. After walking for a while, they would be obstructed by the betrayed white-robed mage Saruman. The avalanche forced them to turn back and advance from the underground mines of Moria.

"Those strong orcs did not catch up." Gandalf looked back and said, then got off the horse and began to lead the horse forward. "Hold on! We must take advantage of the time those six warriors bought for us to move forward as quickly as possible!"

In this mission, they are only in charge of serving as the bodyguards of these NPCs, so they have no right to make decisions, and they can follow what the NPCs say.So everyone continued to follow in silence.

However, although it is in a world of ice and snow, the player has the ability to adapt and does not feel cold.

"Are you okay? Obviously there is a negative impact of being weak, can you keep up with your physical strength?" At this time, Li Tianyu turned to Zheng Nanxing and asked.Zheng Nanxing grinned and shook his head: "I'm not tired, because my vector control can bounce back part of the reaction force I receive, so you can understand that I can control gravity, which means I can fly. "

"Why do you want me to carry you when you can fly by yourself?" Liu Zihao frowned and asked.

"Because it's relatively easy for you to fly. I have to complete a series of QTEs to fly, and I can't maintain it for a long time." Zheng Nanxing grumbled.

Li Tianyu actually doesn't like this type of girl very much. Since she snatched his mobile phone in the scene before, her behavior has not left him with any good impression.

If he didn't want to be an enemy of Zheng Nanxing's ability, Li Tianyu would never agree to team up with this girl.

However, this girl's "vector control" ability is really an uncertain factor. If it is used well, it will be very powerful, but if it is not used well, it will be useless. Therefore, Li Tianyu plans to observe her for a while before making a decision.So he didn't say anything, and continued to follow behind the NPC.The snow was lightly falling at present, but the snow under their feet still slowed their progress.

Fortunately, the strong orcs in the rear did not continue to chase. Li Tianyu guessed that it was just a "110" mechanism, which is commonly known as a patrol monster, which is equivalent to an alarm. Attack for the target, other players will not be targeted by these monsters as long as they don't engage in aggro-generating interactions.

This kind of setting exists in the team copies of many MMORPGs headed by World of Warcraft, and it is precisely because of this that Li Tianyu decided to immediately leave the small group of six people.In this way, the monster's hatred is only on those six people. Even if those six people are all wiped out, they will not come to trouble them in the end.In addition, the scene has obviously changed now, and they should be safe.

The progress was slow through the heavy snow, and as they advanced it grew darker and a very strong blizzard began to fall.

"The vision is so bad!" Li Tianyu stepped forward with one foot deep and one foot shallow, and the strong wind blew the snowflakes on his face, causing bursts of stinging pain. The dark sky and the strong snowstorm made him It is almost impossible to see the players one meter away.

"Don't worry, I can see clearly, I'll walk ahead!" Liu Zihao replied, and then flew to the front, the eyes of the suit shone with a strange light, it should be a mixture of special night vision and thermal imaging functions .

At this moment, the progress of other players is also very slow, and the protagonist and other NPCs have to lead the horse and carry the luggage, so the speed is even slower.Li Tianyu didn't know how long they had been advancing, basically there was no fighting on the way, they were just hurrying.

After about another half an hour, they advanced on a narrow path on the mountainside. The road was just enough for them to advance one by one. The left side was the mountain wall, and the right side was the cliff. The snow did not reach their knees.

The wind made them stagger, and Li Tianyu was a little worried that he would be accidentally blown off the cliff.However, the abilities of the players on the scene have not been balanced, even if he falls, he still has a way to come up.

But at this moment Legolas the Elven Prince suddenly shouted: "There is an evil voice resounding in the air!"

Li Tianyu was stunned for a moment, before he recovered, Gandalf roared: "It's Saruman!"

The next moment, a distant voice echoed in midair, and the snow above his head began to slide down.

"Be careful, it's a plot, it's about to avalanche!" Liu Zihao reminded at this time.

As soon as the words fell, heavy snow mixed with boulders fell from the sky. The vision was so poor that Li Tianyu was hit by a boulder before he could see clearly, and his body turned into lightning and dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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